diff --git a/Misc/PKX.cs b/Misc/PKX.cs
index 254c0956d..a798c9181 100644
--- a/Misc/PKX.cs
+++ b/Misc/PKX.cs
@@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ namespace PKHeX
ekx = shuffleArray(ekx, sv);
uint seed = pv;
// Encrypt Blocks with RNG Seed
for (int i = 8; i < 232; i += 2)
BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(ekx, i) ^ (LCRNG(ref seed) >> 16))).CopyTo(ekx, i);
@@ -572,6 +573,77 @@ namespace PKHeX
return pid;
+ // Past Gen Manipulation
+ internal static byte[] shuffleG4Array(byte[] data, uint sv)
+ {
+ byte[] sdata = new byte[PK4.SIZE_PARTY];
+ Array.Copy(data, sdata, 8); // Copy unshuffled bytes
+ // Shuffle Away!
+ for (int block = 0; block < 4; block++)
+ Array.Copy(data, 8 + 32 * blockPosition[block][sv], sdata, 8 + 32 * block, 32);
+ // Fill the Battle Stats back
+ if (data.Length > 136)
+ Array.Copy(data, 136, sdata, 136, 100);
+ return sdata;
+ }
+ internal static byte[] decryptG4Array(byte[] ekm, uint seed = 0x10000)
+ {
+ byte[] pkm = (byte[])ekm.Clone();
+ uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, 0);
+ uint sv = (((pv & 0x3E000) >> 0xD) % 24);
+ seed = seed > 0xFFFF ? pv : seed;
+ // Decrypt Blocks with RNG Seed
+ for (int i = 8; i < 136; i += 2)
+ BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkm, i) ^ (LCRNG(ref seed) >> 16))).CopyTo(pkm, i);
+ // Deshuffle
+ pkm = shuffleG4Array(pkm, sv);
+ // Decrypt the Party Stats
+ seed = pv;
+ if (pkm.Length <= 136) return pkm;
+ for (int i = 136; i < 236; i += 2)
+ BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkm, i) ^ (LCRNG(ref seed) >> 16))).CopyTo(pkm, i);
+ return pkm;
+ }
+ internal static byte[] encryptG4Array(byte[] pkm, uint seed = 0x10000)
+ {
+ // Shuffle
+ uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, 0);
+ uint sv = (((pv & 0x3E000) >> 0xD) % 24);
+ byte[] ekm = (byte[])pkm.Clone();
+ // If I unshuffle 11 times, the 12th (decryption) will always decrypt to ABCD.
+ // 2 x 3 x 4 = 12 (possible unshuffle loops -> total iterations)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
+ ekm = shuffleArray(ekm, sv);
+ seed = seed > 0xFFFF ? pv : seed;
+ // Encrypt Blocks with RNG Seed
+ for (int i = 8; i < 136; i += 2)
+ BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(ekm, i) ^ (LCRNG(ref seed) >> 16))).CopyTo(ekm, i);
+ // If no party stats, return.
+ if (ekm.Length <= 136) return ekm;
+ // Encrypt the Party Stats
+ seed = pv;
+ for (int i = 136; i < 236; i += 2)
+ BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(ekm, i) ^ (LCRNG(ref seed) >> 16))).CopyTo(ekm, i);
+ // Done
+ return ekm;
+ }
// SAV Manipulation
/// Calculates the CRC16-CCITT checksum over an input byte array.
/// Input byte array