Add a slew of extra legality checks for gen7

Mostly bank related (unobtainable) and hidden ability availability
(against my best judgement) to mimic online checks.

Closes #529
This commit is contained in:
Kurt 2016-12-01 18:48:38 -08:00
parent b8b5b36903
commit 7fdb967ca7
3 changed files with 717 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ namespace PKHeX
default: return;
if (pkm.Format == 7) // Temp G7 Bank Checks
Valid = Parsed = Parse.Any();
if (Parsed)

View file

@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ namespace PKHeX
public class CheckResult
@ -713,6 +714,12 @@ namespace PKHeX
if (Legal.Ban_NoHidden7.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Hidden Ability not available.", CheckIdentifier.Ability);
@ -927,6 +934,15 @@ namespace PKHeX
private void verifyEggBallGen7()
var Lineage = Legal.getLineage(pkm).ToArray();
if (722 <= pkm.Species && pkm.Species <= 730) // G7 Starters
if (pkm.Ball == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, "Ball possible.", CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Only Poké Ball possible.", CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (pkm.Ball == 0x05) // Safari Ball
if (Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Inherit_Safari.Contains(e)))
@ -1503,6 +1519,49 @@ namespace PKHeX
private void verifyG7PreBank()
// Checks only performed before Bank is released
if (pkm.GenNumber < 7)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "No official transfer method is possible prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
var Lineage = Legal.getLineage(pkm).ToArray();
if (Lineage.Any(e => Legal.Fossils.Contains(e))) // Only Poké Ball possible on Fossils
if (pkm.Ball == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Valid, "Ball possible.", CheckIdentifier.Ball);
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Only Poké Ball possible.", CheckIdentifier.Ball);
if (pkm.Species == 235) // Smeargle
if (pkm.Moves.Any(move => Legal.Bank_Sketch7.Contains(move)))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Sketched move not possible prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
int baseSpecies = Legal.getBaseSpecies(pkm, lvl: 100);
var info = Legal.Bank_Egg7.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Species == baseSpecies && entry.Form == 0 || entry.Form == pkm.AltForm); // Grimer form edge case
if (info != null)
if (pkm.RelearnMoves.Any(move => info.Relearn.Contains(move))) // not yet possible before bank
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Egg move not possible prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
if (Legal.Bank_NotAvailable7.Contains(baseSpecies))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Species not obtainable prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
if (Legal.EvolveToAlolanForms.Contains(pkm.Species))
if (pkm.AltForm != 1)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Form not obtainable prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
if (pkm.AbilityNumber == 4)
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Ability not obtainable prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
if (Legal.Bank_NoHidden7.Contains(pkm.Species))
AddLine(Severity.Invalid, "Ability not obtainable prior to Bank Release.", CheckIdentifier.Special);
private CheckResult[] verifyMoves()

View file

@ -319,6 +319,11 @@ namespace PKHeX
088, // Grimer
089, // Muk
internal static readonly int[] EvolveToAlolanForms = new[]
103, // Exeggutor
105, // Marowak
internal static readonly int[] PastGenAlolanNatives =
010, 011, 012, 019, 020, 021, 022, 025, 026, 027, 028, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 046, 047, 050,
@ -484,5 +489,654 @@ namespace PKHeX
01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 40, 15, 20, 30, 20, 15, 15, 20, 10, 15, 15, 10, 05, 10, 10, 20, 15, 10, 15, 15, 15, 05, 15, 20, 20, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01,
01, 01, 01, 05, 05, 10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 10, 05, 05, 20, 10, 10, 10, 01
internal static readonly int[] Ban_NoHidden7 =
// Summon only other Pokemon
765, // Oranguru
766, // Passimian
// SOS slots have 0 call rate
767, // Wimpod
768, // Golisopod
// No Encounter
722, // Rowlet
723, // Dartrix
724, // Decidueye
725, // Litten
726, // Torracat
727, // Incineroar
728, // Popplio
729, // Brionne
730, // Primarina
774, // Minior
#region Pre-Bank Illegality
internal static readonly int[] Bank_NoHidden7 =
// Gifts
137, // Porygon
233, // Porygon2
474, // Porygon-Z
546, // Cottonee
547, // Whimsicott
627, // Rufflet
628, // Braviary
// No SOS slots
142, // Aerodactyl
408, // Cranidos
409, // Rampardos
410, // Shieldon
411, // Bastiodon
564, // Tirtouga
565, // Carracosta
566, // Archen
567, // Archeops
internal static readonly int[] Bank_NotAvailable7 = // Unobtainable Species
001, // Bulbasaur
002, // Ivysaur
003, // Venusaur
004, // Charmander
005, // Charmeleon
006, // Charizard
007, // Squirtle
008, // Wartortle
009, // Blastoise
013, // Weedle
014, // Kakuna
015, // Beedrill
016, // Pidgey
017, // Pidgeotto
018, // Pidgeot
023, // Ekans
024, // Arbok
026, // Raichu
029, // Nidoran♀
030, // Nidorina
031, // Nidoqueen
032, // Nidoran♂
033, // Nidorino
034, // Nidoking
043, // Oddish
044, // Gloom
045, // Vileplume
048, // Venonat
049, // Venomoth
077, // Ponyta
078, // Rapidash
083, // Farfetch'd
084, // Doduo
085, // Dodrio
086, // Seel
087, // Dewgong
095, // Onix
098, // Krabby
099, // Kingler
100, // Voltorb
101, // Electrode
103, // Exeggutor
105, // Marowak
106, // Hitmonlee
107, // Hitmonchan
108, // Lickitung
109, // Koffing
110, // Weezing
114, // Tangela
122, // Mr. Mime
124, // Jynx
138, // Omanyte
139, // Omastar
140, // Kabuto
141, // Kabutops
144, // Articuno
145, // Zapdos
146, // Moltres
150, // Mewtwo
151, // Mew
161, // Sentret
162, // Furret
163, // Hoothoot
164, // Noctowl
177, // Natu
178, // Xatu
179, // Mareep
180, // Flaaffy
181, // Ampharos
182, // Bellossom
187, // Hoppip
188, // Skiploom
189, // Jumpluff
190, // Aipom
191, // Sunkern
192, // Sunflora
193, // Yanma
194, // Wooper
195, // Quagsire
201, // Unown
202, // Wobbuffet
203, // Girafarig
204, // Pineco
205, // Forretress
206, // Dunsparce
207, // Gligar
208, // Steelix
211, // Qwilfish
213, // Shuckle
214, // Heracross
216, // Teddiursa
217, // Ursaring
218, // Slugma
219, // Magcargo
223, // Remoraid
224, // Octillery
226, // Mantine
228, // Houndour
229, // Houndoom
231, // Phanpy
232, // Donphan
234, // Stantler
236, // Tyrogue
237, // Hitmontop
238, // Smoochum
243, // Raikou
244, // Entei
245, // Suicune
246, // Larvitar
247, // Pupitar
248, // Tyranitar
249, // Lugia
250, // Ho-Oh
251, // Celebi
252, // Treecko
253, // Grovyle
254, // Sceptile
255, // Torchic
256, // Combusken
257, // Blaziken
258, // Mudkip
259, // Marshtomp
260, // Swampert
261, // Poochyena
262, // Mightyena
263, // Zigzagoon
264, // Linoone
265, // Wurmple
266, // Silcoon
267, // Beautifly
268, // Cascoon
269, // Dustox
270, // Lotad
271, // Lombre
272, // Ludicolo
273, // Seedot
274, // Nuzleaf
275, // Shiftry
276, // Taillow
277, // Swellow
280, // Ralts
281, // Kirlia
282, // Gardevoir
285, // Shroomish
286, // Breloom
290, // Nincada
291, // Ninjask
292, // Shedinja
293, // Whismur
294, // Loudred
295, // Exploud
300, // Skitty
301, // Delcatty
303, // Mawile
304, // Aron
305, // Lairon
306, // Aggron
307, // Meditite
308, // Medicham
309, // Electrike
310, // Manectric
311, // Plusle
312, // Minun
313, // Volbeat
314, // Illumise
316, // Gulpin
317, // Swalot
322, // Numel
323, // Camerupt
325, // Spoink
326, // Grumpig
331, // Cacnea
332, // Cacturne
333, // Swablu
334, // Altaria
335, // Zangoose
336, // Seviper
337, // Lunatone
338, // Solrock
341, // Corphish
342, // Crawdaunt
343, // Baltoy
344, // Claydol
345, // Lileep
346, // Cradily
347, // Anorith
348, // Armaldo
352, // Kecleon
353, // Shuppet
354, // Banette
355, // Duskull
356, // Dusclops
357, // Tropius
358, // Chimecho
360, // Wynaut
366, // Clamperl
367, // Huntail
368, // Gorebyss
377, // Regirock
378, // Regice
379, // Registeel
380, // Latias
381, // Latios
382, // Kyogre
383, // Groudon
384, // Rayquaza
385, // Jirachi
386, // Deoxys
387, // Turtwig
388, // Grotle
389, // Torterra
390, // Chimchar
391, // Monferno
392, // Infernape
393, // Piplup
394, // Prinplup
395, // Empoleon
399, // Bidoof
400, // Bibarel
401, // Kricketot
402, // Kricketune
412, // Burmy
413, // Wormadam
414, // Mothim
415, // Combee
416, // Vespiquen
417, // Pachirisu
418, // Buizel
419, // Floatzel
420, // Cherubi
421, // Cherrim
424, // Ambipom
427, // Buneary
428, // Lopunny
431, // Glameow
432, // Purugly
433, // Chingling
434, // Stunky
435, // Skuntank
436, // Bronzor
437, // Bronzong
439, // Mime Jr.
441, // Chatot
442, // Spiritomb
449, // Hippopotas
450, // Hippowdon
451, // Skorupi
452, // Drapion
453, // Croagunk
454, // Toxicroak
455, // Carnivine
458, // Mantyke
459, // Snover
460, // Abomasnow
463, // Lickilicky
465, // Tangrowth
469, // Yanmega
472, // Gliscor
475, // Gallade
477, // Dusknoir
479, // Rotom
480, // Uxie
481, // Mesprit
482, // Azelf
483, // Dialga
484, // Palkia
485, // Heatran
486, // Regigigas
487, // Giratina
488, // Cresselia
489, // Phione
490, // Manaphy
491, // Darkrai
492, // Shaymin
493, // Arceus
494, // Victini
504, // Patrat
505, // Watchog
509, // Purrloin
510, // Liepard
511, // Pansage
512, // Simisage
513, // Pansear
514, // Simisear
515, // Panpour
516, // Simipour
517, // Munna
518, // Musharna
519, // Pidove
520, // Tranquill
521, // Unfezant
522, // Blitzle
523, // Zebstrika
527, // Woobat
528, // Swoobat
529, // Drilbur
530, // Excadrill
531, // Audino
535, // Tympole
536, // Palpitoad
537, // Seismitoad
538, // Throh
539, // Sawk
550, // Basculin
554, // Darumaka
555, // Darmanitan
556, // Maractus
557, // Dwebble
558, // Crustle
559, // Scraggy
560, // Scrafty
561, // Sigilyph
562, // Yamask
563, // Cofagrigus
570, // Zorua
571, // Zoroark
572, // Minccino
573, // Cinccino
580, // Ducklett
581, // Swanna
585, // Deerling
586, // Sawsbuck
588, // Karrablast
589, // Escavalier
590, // Foongus
591, // Amoonguss
592, // Frillish
593, // Jellicent
595, // Joltik
596, // Galvantula
597, // Ferroseed
598, // Ferrothorn
605, // Elgyem
606, // Beheeyem
613, // Cubchoo
614, // Beartic
615, // Cryogonal
616, // Shelmet
617, // Accelgor
618, // Stunfisk
619, // Mienfoo
620, // Mienshao
621, // Druddigon
622, // Golett
623, // Golurk
624, // Pawniard
625, // Bisharp
626, // Bouffalant
631, // Heatmor
632, // Durant
636, // Larvesta
637, // Volcarona
638, // Cobalion
639, // Terrakion
640, // Virizion
641, // Tornadus
642, // Thundurus
643, // Reshiram
644, // Zekrom
645, // Landorus
646, // Kyurem
647, // Keldeo
648, // Meloetta
649, // Genesect
650, // Chespin
651, // Quilladin
652, // Chesnaught
653, // Fennekin
654, // Braixen
655, // Delphox
656, // Froakie
657, // Frogadier
658, // Greninja
659, // Bunnelby
660, // Diggersby
664, // Scatterbug
665, // Spewpa
666, // Vivillon
667, // Litleo
668, // Pyroar
669, // Flabébé
670, // Floette
671, // Florges
672, // Skiddo
673, // Gogoat
676, // Furfrou
677, // Espurr
678, // Meowstic
682, // Spritzee
683, // Aromatisse
684, // Swirlix
685, // Slurpuff
686, // Inkay
687, // Malamar
688, // Binacle
689, // Barbaracle
690, // Skrelp
691, // Dragalge
692, // Clauncher
693, // Clawitzer
694, // Helioptile
695, // Heliolisk
696, // Tyrunt
697, // Tyrantrum
698, // Amaura
699, // Aurorus
701, // Hawlucha
702, // Dedenne
710, // Pumpkaboo
711, // Gourgeist
712, // Bergmite
713, // Avalugg
714, // Noibat
715, // Noivern
716, // Xerneas
717, // Yveltal
719, // Diancie
720, // Hoopa
721, // Volcanion
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] Bank_Egg7 = // Unobtainable Egg Moves
// Regular
new EncounterStatic { Species = 722, Relearn = new[] {466,174}}, // Rowlet: Ominous Wind, Curse
new EncounterStatic { Species = 731, Relearn = new[] {586,253}}, // Pikipek: Boomburst, Uproar
new EncounterStatic { Species = 165, Relearn = new[] {227,282,264,409,146}}, // Ledyba: Encore, Knock Off, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Dizzy Punch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 167, Relearn = new[] {50,324,527}}, // Spinarak: Disable, Signal Beam, Electroweb
new EncounterStatic { Species = 736, Relearn = new[] {527}}, // Grubbin: Electroweb
new EncounterStatic { Species = 185, Relearn = new[] {328,174,203}}, // Sudowoodo: Sand Tomb, Curse, Endure
new EncounterStatic { Species = 440, Relearn = new[] {426,68,69}}, // Happiny: Mud Bomb, Counter, Seismic Toss
new EncounterStatic { Species = 143, Relearn = new[] {120,495,18,204,562}}, // Snorlax: Self-Destruct, After You, Whirlwind, Charm, Belch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 446, Relearn = new[] {120,495,18,204,562}}, // Munchlax: Self-Destruct, After You, Whirlwind, Charm, Belch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 079, Relearn = new[] {562}}, // Slowpoke: Belch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 278, Relearn = new[] {282}}, // Wingull: Knock Off
new EncounterStatic { Species = 063, Relearn = new[] {112,379,385,285,8,375}}, // Abra: Barrier, Power Trick, Guard Swap, Skill Swap, Ice Punch, Psycho Shift
new EncounterStatic { Species = 088, Relearn = new[] {184}}, // Grimer: Scary Face
new EncounterStatic { Species = 088, Form = 1, Relearn = new[] {184,228,372}}, // Grimer1: Scary Face, Pursuit, Assurance
new EncounterStatic { Species = 096, Relearn = new[] {112,274,385,290,285,8}}, // Drowzee: Barrier, Assist, Guard Swap, Secret Power, Skill Swap, Ice Punch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 296, Relearn = new[] {270}}, // Makuhita: Helping Hand
new EncounterStatic { Species = 739, Relearn = new[] {276}}, // Crabrawler: Superpower
new EncounterStatic { Species = 092, Relearn = new[] {114,184,513,9,8,7}}, // Gastly: Haze, Scary Face, Reflect Type, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 425, Relearn = new[] {366,432,114}}, // Drifloon: Tailwind, Defog, Haze
new EncounterStatic { Species = 200, Relearn = new[] {382,417}}, // Misdreavus: Me First, Nasty Plot
new EncounterStatic { Species = 041, Relearn = new[] {599,202,428,95,174}}, // Zubat: Venom Drench, Giga Drain, Zen Headbutt, Hypnosis, Curse
new EncounterStatic { Species = 021, Relearn = new[] {161}}, // Spearow: Tri Attack
new EncounterStatic { Species = 629, Relearn = new[] {282,313}}, // Vullaby: Knock Off, Fake Tears
new EncounterStatic { Species = 742, Relearn = new[] {285}}, // Cutiefly: Skill Swap
new EncounterStatic { Species = 548, Relearn = new[] {361,117}}, // Petilil: Healing Wish, Bide
new EncounterStatic { Species = 546, Relearn = new[] {262,251,415,445}}, // Cottonee: Memento, Beat Up, Switcheroo, Captivate
new EncounterStatic { Species = 054, Relearn = new[] {290}}, // Psyduck: Secret Power
new EncounterStatic { Species = 066, Relearn = new[] {27,8,379}}, // Machop: Rolling Kick, Ice Punch, Power Trick
new EncounterStatic { Species = 524, Relearn = new[] {222,174}}, // Roggenrola: Magnitude, Curse
new EncounterStatic { Species = 302, Relearn = new[] {236,445,368,286}}, // Sableye: Moonlight, Captivate, Metal Burst, Imprison
new EncounterStatic { Species = 327, Relearn = new[] {274,375}}, // Spinda: Assist, Psycho Shift
new EncounterStatic { Species = 072, Relearn = new[] {229,114,282,367,330,321}},// Tentacool: Rapid Spin, Haze, Knock Off, Acupressure, Muddy Water, Tickle
new EncounterStatic { Species = 456, Relearn = new[] {62,60}}, // Finneon: Aurora Beam, Psybeam
new EncounterStatic { Species = 370, Relearn = new[] {494}}, // Luvdisc: Entrainment
new EncounterStatic { Species = 222, Relearn = new[] {275,267,293}}, // Corsola: Ingrain, Nature Power, Camoflage
new EncounterStatic { Species = 090, Relearn = new[] {41,341,229,36}}, // Shellder: Twineedle, Mud Shot, Rapid Spin, Take Down
new EncounterStatic { Species = 371, Relearn = new[] {111}}, // Bagon: Defense Curl
new EncounterStatic { Species = 174, Relearn = new[] {445,386,581,505,343} }, // Igglybuff: Captivate, Punishment, Misty Terrain, Heal Pulse, Covet
new EncounterStatic { Species = 283, Relearn = new[] {471}}, // Surskit: Power Split
new EncounterStatic { Species = 751, Relearn = new[] {471}}, // Dewpider: Power Split
new EncounterStatic { Species = 753, Relearn = new[] {432}}, // Fomantis: Defog
new EncounterStatic { Species = 755, Relearn = new[] {133}}, // Morelull: Amnesia
new EncounterStatic { Species = 046, Relearn = new[] {563,68}}, // Paras: Rototiller, Counter
new EncounterStatic { Species = 060, Relearn = new[] {283}}, // Poliwag: Endeavor
new EncounterStatic { Species = 118, Relearn = new[] {114,60}}, // Goldeen: Haze, Psybeam
new EncounterStatic { Species = 661, Relearn = new[] {289}}, // Fletchling: Snatch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 757, Relearn = new[] {562,282,289,252}}, // Salandit: Belch, Knock Off, Snatch, Fake Out
new EncounterStatic { Species = 104, Relearn = new[] {24,197}}, // Cubone: Double Kick, Detect
new EncounterStatic { Species = 115, Relearn = new[] {264,253,509}}, // Kangaskhan: Focus Punch, Uproar, Circle Throw
new EncounterStatic { Species = 126, Relearn = new[] {562,384,231,394,183,112,5}},// Magmar: Belch, Power Swap, Iron Tail, Flare Blitz, Mach Punch, Barrier, Mega Punch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 761, Relearn = new[] {364,367}}, // Bounsweet: Feint, Acupressure
new EncounterStatic { Species = 764, Relearn = new[] {495,381,133}}, // Comfey: After You, Lucky Chant, Amnesia
new EncounterStatic { Species = 127, Relearn = new[] {382}}, // Pinsir: Me First
new EncounterStatic { Species = 704, Relearn = new[] {151,174,342,68}}, // Goomy: Acid Armor, Curse, Poison Tail, Counter
new EncounterStatic { Species = 351, Relearn = new[] {513,385}}, // Castform: Reflect Type, Guard Swap
new EncounterStatic { Species = 769, Relearn = new[] {246}}, // Sandygast: Ancient Power
new EncounterStatic { Species = 408, Relearn = new[] {18,21}}, // Cranidos: Whirlwind, Slam
new EncounterStatic { Species = 410, Relearn = new[] {469,446}}, // Shieldon: Wide Guard, Stealth Rock
new EncounterStatic { Species = 566, Relearn = new[] {282,415,502}}, // Archen: Knock Off, Switcheroo, Ally Switch
new EncounterStatic { Species = 564, Relearn = new[] {282,385}}, // Tirtouga: Knock Off, Guard Swap
new EncounterStatic { Species = 170, Relearn = new[] {60,351}}, // Chinchou: Psybeam, Shock Wave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 568, Relearn = new[] {114,174}}, // Trubbish: Haze, Curse
new EncounterStatic { Species = 227, Relearn = new[] {203,446,385,174} }, // Skarmory: Endure, Stealth Rock, Guard Swap, Curse
new EncounterStatic { Species = 173, Relearn = new[] {505,581,343,150}}, // Cleffa: Heal Pulse, Misty Terrain, Covet, Splash
new EncounterStatic { Species = 776, Relearn = new[] {469,279,83}}, // Turtonator: Wide Guard, Revenge, Fire Spin
new EncounterStatic { Species = 239, Relearn = new[] {8,27,112}}, // Elekid: Ice Punch, Rolling Kick, Barrier
new EncounterStatic { Species = 074, Relearn = new[] {203,103,431,264,174}}, // Geodude: Endure, Screech, Rock Climb, Focus Punch, Curse
new EncounterStatic { Species = 444, Relearn = new[] {232}}, // Gabite: Metal Claw
new EncounterStatic { Species = 707, Relearn = new[] {415}}, // Klefki: Switcheroo
new EncounterStatic { Species = 780, Relearn = new[] {583,13}}, // Drampa: Play Rough, Razor Wind
new EncounterStatic { Species = 361, Relearn = new[] {415,506}}, // Snorunt: Switcheroo, Hex
new EncounterStatic { Species = 215, Relearn = new[] {274}}, // Sneasel: Assist
new EncounterStatic { Species = 037, Relearn = new[] {541,290}}, // Vulpix: Tail Slap, Secret Power
new EncounterStatic { Species = 582, Relearn = new[] {352,363}}, // Vanillite: Water Pulse, Natural Gift
new EncounterStatic { Species = 422, Relearn = new[] {124}}, // Shellos: Sludge
new EncounterStatic { Species = 131, Relearn = new[] {419}}, // Lapras: Avalanche
new EncounterStatic { Species = 102, Relearn = new[] {335,285,384,381,267,246}},// Exeggcute: Block, Skill Swap, Power Swap, Lucky Chant, Nature Power, Ancient Power
new EncounterStatic { Species = 123, Relearn = new[] {211,501,432,179,68}}, // Scyther: Steel Wing, Quick Guard, Defog, Reversal, Counter
new EncounterStatic { Species = 198, Relearn = new[] {375,260,195}}, // Murkrow: Psycho Shift, Flatter, Perish Song
new EncounterStatic { Species = 447, Relearn = new[] {299}}, // Riolu: Blaze Kick
new EncounterStatic { Species = 147, Relearn = new[] {245}}, // Dratini: Extreme Speed
new EncounterStatic { Species = 142, Relearn = new[] {174}}, // Aerodactyl: Curse
// Island Scan
new EncounterStatic {Species = 69, Relearn = new[] {562, 438, 499}}, // Bellsprout: Belch, Power Whip, Clear Smog
// Totodile: Fake Tears, Flatter
new EncounterStatic {Species = 158, Relearn = new[] {313, 260}},
// Marill: Camouflage, Copycat
new EncounterStatic {Species = 183, Relearn = new[] {293, 383}},
// Azurill: Camouflage, Copycat
new EncounterStatic {Species = 298, Relearn = new[] {293, 383}},
// Horsea: Razor Wind, Octazooka
new EncounterStatic {Species = 116, Relearn = new[] {13, 190}},
// Budew: Mind Reader
new EncounterStatic {Species = 406, Relearn = new[] {170}},
// Roselia: Mind Reader
new EncounterStatic {Species = 315, Relearn = new[] {170}},
// Starly: Revenge, Detect
new EncounterStatic {Species = 396, Relearn = new[] {279, 197}},
// Togepi: Psycho Shift, Morning Sun, Secret Power, Extrasensory
new EncounterStatic {Species = 175, Relearn = new[] {375, 234, 290, 326}},
// Solosis: Trick, Secret Power, Helping Hand
new EncounterStatic {Species = 577, Relearn = new[] {271, 290, 270}},
// Litwick: Heat Wave, Haze, Endure, Captivate, Power Split
new EncounterStatic {Species = 607, Relearn = new[] {257, 114, 203, 445, 471}},
// Venipede: Take Down
new EncounterStatic {Species = 543, Relearn = new[] {36}},
// Timburr: Mach Punch
new EncounterStatic {Species = 532, Relearn = new[] {183}},
// Gothita: Mirror Coat, Captivate
new EncounterStatic {Species = 574, Relearn = new[] {243, 445}},
// Sewaddle: Mind Reader, Camouflage
new EncounterStatic {Species = 540, Relearn = new[] {170, 293}},
// Deino: Astonish, Earth Power
new EncounterStatic {Species = 633, Relearn = new[] {310, 414}},
internal static readonly int[] Bank_Sketch7 = // Unobtainable Sketch Moves prior to Bank making moves available.
367, // Acupressure
177, // Aeroblast
274, // Assist
454, // Attack Order
299, // Blaze Kick
551, // Blue Flare
550, // Bolt Strike
464, // Dark Void
455, // Defend Order
591, // Diamond Storm
353, // Doom Desire
582, // Electrify
552, // Fiery Dance
560, // Flying Press
559, // Fusion Bolt
558, // Fusion Flare
601, // Geomancy
549, // Glaciate
543, // Head Charge
456, // Heal Order
607, // Hold Hands
593, // Hyperspace Hole
621, // Hyperspace Fury
617, // Light of Ruin
461, // Lunar Dance
295, // Luster Purge
463, // Magma Storm
296, // Mist Ball
302, // Needle Arm
613, // Oblivion Wing
190, // Octazooka
618, // Origin Pulse
570, // Parabolic Charge
600, // Powder
619, // Precipice Blades
354, // Psycho Boost
375, // Psycho Shift
540, // Psystrike
547, // Relic Song
459, // Roar of Time
027, // Rolling Kick
221, // Sacred Fire
545, // Searing Shot
290, // Secret Power
548, // Secret Sword
465, // Seed Flare
467, // Shadow Force
493, // Simple Beam
460, // Spacial Rend
592, // Steam Eruption
541, // Tail Slap
546, // Techno Blast
576, // Topsy-Turvy
567, // Trick-or-Treat
557, // V-create