Add WB7 and legality detection logic

Derived from WC7 with minor alterations (dynamic OT/Nickname which is
stored in the Full data). Since the 0x108 is not stored in the save
file, just keep the full data around.
This commit is contained in:
Kurt 2018-11-21 12:24:41 -08:00
parent 0cc82edc48
commit 58080f36c9
6 changed files with 608 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
public static WC7[] MGDB_G7 { get; private set; } = Array.Empty<WC7>();
/// <summary>Event Database for Generation 7 <see cref="GameVersion.GG"/></summary>
public static WC7[] MGDB_G7GG { get; private set; } = Array.Empty<WC7>();
public static WB7[] MGDB_G7GG { get; private set; } = Array.Empty<WB7>();
/// <summary>Indicates if the databases are initialized.</summary>
public static bool Initialized => MGDB_G3.Length != 0;
@ -52,9 +52,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
GetData(wc7full, WC7.SizeFull).Select(d => new WC7(d))
.Concat(GetData(wc7bin, WC7.Size).Select(d => new WC7(d))));
private static HashSet<WC7> GetWC7DBGG(byte[] wc7bin, byte[] wc7full) => new HashSet<WC7>(
GetData(wc7full, WC7.SizeFull).Select(d => new WC7(d))
.Concat(GetData(wc7bin, WC7.Size).Select(d => new WC7(d))));
private static HashSet<WB7> GetWB7DB(byte[] wc7full) => new HashSet<WB7>(GetData(wc7full, WB7.SizeFull).Select(d => new WB7(d)));
public static void RefreshMGDB(params string[] paths)
@ -62,6 +60,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
var g5 = GetPGFDB(Util.GetBinaryResource("pgf.pkl"));
var g6 = GetWC6DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wc6.pkl"), Util.GetBinaryResource("wc6full.pkl"));
var g7 = GetWC7DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wc7.pkl"), Util.GetBinaryResource("wc7full.pkl"));
var b7 = GetWB7DB(Util.GetBinaryResource("wb7full.pkl"));
foreach (var path in paths.Where(Directory.Exists))
@ -78,6 +77,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
case PGF pgf: g5.Add(pgf); continue;
case WC6 wc6: g6.Add(wc6); continue;
case WC7 wc7: g7.Add(wc7); continue;
case WB7 wb7: b7.Add(wb7); continue;
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
MGDB_G5 = g5.ToArray();
MGDB_G6 = g6.ToArray();
MGDB_G7 = g7.ToArray();
MGDB_G7GG = Array.Empty<WC7>();
MGDB_G7GG = b7.ToArray();
public static IEnumerable<MysteryGift> GetAllEvents(bool sorted = true)
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
}.SelectMany(z => z);
regular = regular.Where(mg => !mg.IsItem && mg.IsPokémon && mg.Species > 0);
var result = MGDB_G3.Concat(regular);

View file

@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
case 4: return GetMatchingPCD(pkm, MGDB_G4);
case 5: return GetMatchingPGF(pkm, MGDB_G5);
case 6: return GetMatchingWC6(pkm, MGDB_G6);
case 7: return pkm.GG ? GetMatchingWC7(pkm, MGDB_G7GG) : GetMatchingWC7(pkm, MGDB_G7);
case 7:
return pkm.GG
? (IEnumerable<MysteryGift>) GetMatchingWB7(pkm, MGDB_G7GG)
: GetMatchingWC7(pkm, MGDB_G7);
default: return Enumerable.Empty<MysteryGift>();
@ -41,7 +44,8 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
case 4: return MGDB_G4;
case 5: return MGDB_G5;
case 6: return MGDB_G6;
case 7: return pkm.GG ? MGDB_G7GG : MGDB_G7;
case 7:
return pkm.GG ? (IEnumerable<MysteryGift>) MGDB_G7GG : MGDB_G7;
default: return Enumerable.Empty<MysteryGift>();
@ -133,6 +137,22 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
yield return z;
private static IEnumerable<WB7> GetMatchingWB7(PKM pkm, IEnumerable<WB7> DB)
var vs = EvolutionChain.GetValidPreEvolutions(pkm);
var enumerable = DB.Where(wc => vs.Any(dl => dl.Species == wc.Species));
foreach (var wc in enumerable)
if (!GetIsMatchWB7(pkm, wc, vs))
if (wc.PIDType == 0 && pkm.PID != wc.PID)
yield return wc;
private static IEnumerable<WC7> GetMatchingWC7(PKM pkm, IEnumerable<WC7> DB)
var deferred = new List<WC7>();
@ -363,6 +383,59 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
return true;
private static bool GetIsMatchWB7(PKM pkm, WB7 wc, IEnumerable<DexLevel> vs)
if (pkm.Egg_Location == 0) // Not Egg
if (wc.OTGender != 3)
if (wc.SID != pkm.SID) return false;
if (wc.TID != pkm.TID) return false;
if (wc.OTGender != pkm.OT_Gender) return false;
var OT = wc.GetOT(pkm.Language);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OT) && OT != pkm.OT_Name) return false;
if (wc.OriginGame != 0 && wc.OriginGame != pkm.Version) return false;
if (wc.EncryptionConstant != 0 && wc.EncryptionConstant != pkm.EncryptionConstant) return false;
if (wc.Form != pkm.AltForm && vs.All(dl => !IsFormChangeable(pkm, dl.Species)))
return false;
if (wc.IsEgg)
if (wc.EggLocation != pkm.Egg_Location) // traded
if (pkm.Egg_Location != 30002)
return false;
else if (wc.PIDType == 0 && pkm.IsShiny)
return false; // can't be traded away for unshiny
if (pkm.IsEgg && !pkm.IsNative)
return false;
if (!wc.PIDType.IsValid(pkm)) return false;
if (wc.EggLocation != pkm.Egg_Location) return false;
if (wc.MetLocation != pkm.Met_Location) return false;
if (wc.MetLevel != pkm.Met_Level) return false;
if (wc.Ball != pkm.Ball) return false;
if (wc.OTGender < 3 && wc.OTGender != pkm.OT_Gender) return false;
if (wc.Nature != -1 && wc.Nature != pkm.Nature) return false;
if (wc.Gender != 3 && wc.Gender != pkm.Gender) return false;
if (pkm is IAwakened s && s.IsAwakeningBelow(wc))
return false;
return true;
private static bool GetIsMatchWC7(PKM pkm, WC7 wc, IEnumerable<DexLevel> vs)
if (pkm.Egg_Location == 0) // Not Egg

View file

@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generation 7 Mystery Gift Template File
/// </summary>
public sealed class WB7 : MysteryGift, IRibbonSetEvent3, IRibbonSetEvent4, ILangNick, IAwakened
public const int Size = 0x108;
public const int SizeFull = 0x310;
private const int CardStart = SizeFull - Size;
public override int Format => 7;
public WB7() : this(new byte[SizeFull]) { }
public WB7(byte[] data) => Data = data;
public byte RestrictVersion { get => Data[0]; set => Data[0] = value; }
public bool CanBeReceivedByVersion(int v)
if (v < (int)GameVersion.GP || v > (int)GameVersion.GE)
return false;
if (RestrictVersion == 0)
return true; // no data
var bitIndex = v - (int)GameVersion.SN;
var bit = 1 << bitIndex;
return (RestrictVersion & bit) != 0;
// General Card Properties
public override int CardID
get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0);
public override string CardTitle
// Max len 36 char, followed by null terminator
get => Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, CardStart + 2, 72));
set => Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value.PadRight(36, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 2);
private uint RawDate
get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, CardStart + 0x4C);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x4C);
private uint Year
get => (RawDate / 10000) + 2000;
set => RawDate = ((value - 2000) * 10000) + (RawDate % 10000);
private uint Month
get => RawDate % 10000 / 100;
set => RawDate = ((Year - 2000) * 10000) + (value * 100) + (RawDate % 100);
private uint Day
get => RawDate % 100;
set => RawDate = ((Year - 2000) * 10000) + (Month * 100) + value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the date of the card.
/// </summary>
public DateTime? Date
// Check to see if date is valid
if (!Util.IsDateValid(Year, Month, Day))
return null;
return new DateTime((int)Year, (int)Month, (int)Day);
if (value.HasValue)
// Only update the properties if a value is provided.
Year = (ushort)value.Value.Year;
Month = (byte)value.Value.Month;
Day = (byte)value.Value.Day;
// Clear the Met Date.
// If code tries to access MetDate again, null will be returned.
Year = 0;
Month = 0;
Day = 0;
public int CardLocation { get => Data[CardStart + 0x50]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x50] = (byte)value; }
public int CardType { get => Data[CardStart + 0x51]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x51] = (byte)value; }
public byte CardFlags { get => Data[CardStart + 0x52]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x52] = value; }
public bool GiftRepeatable { get => (CardFlags & 1) == 0; set => CardFlags = (byte)((CardFlags & ~1) | (value ? 0 : 1)); }
public override bool GiftUsed { get => (CardFlags & 2) == 2; set => CardFlags = (byte)((CardFlags & ~2) | (value ? 2 : 0)); }
public bool GiftOncePerDay { get => (CardFlags & 4) == 4; set => CardFlags = (byte)((CardFlags & ~4) | (value ? 4 : 0)); }
public bool MultiObtain { get => Data[CardStart + 0x53] == 1; set => Data[CardStart + 0x53] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
// BP Properties
public override bool IsBP { get => CardType == 3; set { if (value) CardType = 3; } }
public override int BP { get => ItemID; set => ItemID = value; }
// Bean (Mame) Properties
public override bool IsBean { get => CardType == 2; set { if (value) CardType = 2; } }
public override int Bean { get => ItemID; set => ItemID = value; }
// Item Properties
public override bool IsItem { get => CardType == 1; set { if (value) CardType = 1; } }
public override int ItemID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x68); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x68); }
public int GetItem(int index) => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x68 + (0x4 * index));
public void SetItem(int index, ushort item) => BitConverter.GetBytes(item).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x68 + (4 * index));
public int GetQuantity(int index) => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x6A + (0x4 * index));
public void SetQuantity(int index, ushort quantity) => BitConverter.GetBytes(quantity).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x6A + (4 * index));
public override int Quantity
get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x6A);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x6A);
// Pokémon Properties
public override bool IsPokémon { get => CardType == 0; set { if (value) CardType = 0; } }
public override bool IsShiny => PIDType == Shiny.Always;
public override int TID
get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x68);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x68);
public override int SID {
get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x6A);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x6A);
public int OriginGame
get => Data[CardStart + 0x6C];
set => Data[CardStart + 0x6C] = (byte)value;
public uint EncryptionConstant {
get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, CardStart + 0x70);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x70);
public override int Ball
get => Data[CardStart + 0x76];
set => Data[CardStart + 0x76] = (byte)value; }
public override int HeldItem
get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x78);
set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x78);
public int Move1 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x7A); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x7A); }
public int Move2 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x7C); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x7C); }
public int Move3 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x7E); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x7E); }
public int Move4 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x80); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x80); }
public override int Species { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0x82); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x82); }
public override int Form { get => Data[CardStart + 0x84]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x84] = (byte)value; }
// public int Language { get => Data[CardStart + 0x85]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x85] = (byte)value; }
// public string Nickname
// {
// get => Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, CardStart + 0x86, 0x1A));
// set => Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value.PadRight(12 + 1, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0x86);
// }
public int Nature { get => (sbyte)Data[CardStart + 0xA0]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xA0] = (byte)value; }
public override int Gender { get => Data[CardStart + 0xA1]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xA1] = (byte)value; }
public override int AbilityType { get => Data[CardStart + 0xA2]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xA2] = (byte)value; }
public Shiny PIDType { get => (Shiny)Data[CardStart + 0xA3]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xA3] = (byte)value; }
public override int EggLocation { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xA4); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xA4); }
public int MetLocation { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xA6); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xA6); }
public int MetLevel { get => Data[CardStart + 0xA8]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xA8] = (byte)value; }
public int AV_HP { get => Data[CardStart + 0xA9]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xA9] = (byte)value; }
public int AV_ATK { get => Data[CardStart + 0xAA]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xAA] = (byte)value; }
public int AV_DEF { get => Data[CardStart + 0xAB]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xAB] = (byte)value; }
public int AV_SPE { get => Data[CardStart + 0xAC]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xAC] = (byte)value; }
public int AV_SPA { get => Data[CardStart + 0xAD]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xAD] = (byte)value; }
public int AV_SPD { get => Data[CardStart + 0xAE]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xAE] = (byte)value; }
public int IV_HP { get => Data[CardStart + 0xAF]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xAF] = (byte)value; }
public int IV_ATK { get => Data[CardStart + 0xB0]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xB0] = (byte)value; }
public int IV_DEF { get => Data[CardStart + 0xB1]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xB1] = (byte)value; }
public int IV_SPE { get => Data[CardStart + 0xB2]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xB2] = (byte)value; }
public int IV_SPA { get => Data[CardStart + 0xB3]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xB3] = (byte)value; }
public int IV_SPD { get => Data[CardStart + 0xB4]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xB4] = (byte)value; }
public int OTGender { get => Data[CardStart + 0xB5]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xB5] = (byte)value; }
// public override string OT_Name
// {
// get => Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, CardStart + 0xB6, 0x1A));
// set => Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value.PadRight(value.Length + 1, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xB6);
// }
public override int Level { get => Data[CardStart + 0xD0]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xD0] = (byte)value; }
public override bool IsEgg { get => Data[CardStart + 0xD1] == 1; set => Data[CardStart + 0xD1] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public ushort AdditionalItem { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xD2); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xD2); }
public uint PID { get => BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data, 0xD4); set => BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(Data, 0xD4); }
public int RelearnMove1 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xD8); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xD8); }
public int RelearnMove2 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xDA); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xDA); }
public int RelearnMove3 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xDC); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xDC); }
public int RelearnMove4 { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xDE); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xDE); }
public int OT_Intensity { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE0]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE0] = (byte)value; }
public int OT_Memory { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE1]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE1] = (byte)value; }
public int OT_TextVar { get => BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, CardStart + 0xE2); set => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value).CopyTo(Data, CardStart + 0xE2); }
public int OT_Feeling { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE4]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE4] = (byte)value; }
public int EV_HP { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE5]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE5] = (byte)value; }
public int EV_ATK { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE6]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE6] = (byte)value; }
public int EV_DEF { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE7]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE7] = (byte)value; }
public int EV_SPE { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE8]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE8] = (byte)value; }
public int EV_SPA { get => Data[CardStart + 0xE9]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xE9] = (byte)value; }
public int EV_SPD { get => Data[CardStart + 0xEA]; set => Data[CardStart + 0xEA] = (byte)value; }
private byte RIB0 { get => Data[CardStart + 0x74]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x74] = value; }
private byte RIB1 { get => Data[CardStart + 0x75]; set => Data[CardStart + 0x75] = value; }
public bool RibbonChampionBattle { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 0)) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionRegional { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 1)) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 2)) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonCountry { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 3)) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonNational { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 4)) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonEarth { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 5)) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonWorld { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 6)) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonEvent { get => (RIB0 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB0 = (byte)((RIB0 & ~(1 << 7)) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonChampionWorld { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 0)) == 1 << 0; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 0)) | (value ? 1 << 0 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonBirthday { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 1)) == 1 << 1; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 1)) | (value ? 1 << 1 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonSpecial { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 2)) == 1 << 2; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 2)) | (value ? 1 << 2 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonSouvenir { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 3)) == 1 << 3; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 3)) | (value ? 1 << 3 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonWishing { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 4)) == 1 << 4; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 4)) | (value ? 1 << 4 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonClassic { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 5)) == 1 << 5; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 5)) | (value ? 1 << 5 : 0)); }
public bool RibbonPremier { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 6)) == 1 << 6; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 6)) | (value ? 1 << 6 : 0)); }
public bool RIB1_7 { get => (RIB1 & (1 << 7)) == 1 << 7; set => RIB1 = (byte)((RIB1 & ~(1 << 7)) | (value ? 1 << 7 : 0)); }
// Meta Accessible Properties
public override int[] IVs
get => new[] { IV_HP, IV_ATK, IV_DEF, IV_SPE, IV_SPA, IV_SPD };
if (value?.Length != 6) return;
IV_HP = value[0]; IV_ATK = value[1]; IV_DEF = value[2];
IV_SPE = value[3]; IV_SPA = value[4]; IV_SPD = value[5];
public int[] EVs
get => new[] { EV_HP, EV_ATK, EV_DEF, EV_SPE, EV_SPA, EV_SPD };
if (value?.Length != 6) return;
EV_HP = value[0]; EV_ATK = value[1]; EV_DEF = value[2];
EV_SPE = value[3]; EV_SPA = value[4]; EV_SPD = value[5];
public bool GetIsNicknamed(int language) => Data[GetNicknameOffset(language)] != 0;
private int GetLanguageIndex(int language)
var lang = (LanguageID) language;
if (lang < LanguageID.Japanese || lang == LanguageID.UNUSED_6)
return (int) LanguageID.English; // fallback
return lang < LanguageID.UNUSED_6 ? language - 1 : language - 2;
public override int Location { get => MetLocation; set => MetLocation = (ushort)value; }
public override int[] Moves
get => new[] { Move1, Move2, Move3, Move4 };
if (value.Length > 0) Move1 = value[0];
if (value.Length > 1) Move2 = value[1];
if (value.Length > 2) Move3 = value[2];
if (value.Length > 3) Move4 = value[3];
public override int[] RelearnMoves
get => new[] { RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2, RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4 };
if (value.Length > 0) RelearnMove1 = value[0];
if (value.Length > 1) RelearnMove2 = value[1];
if (value.Length > 2) RelearnMove3 = value[2];
if (value.Length > 3) RelearnMove4 = value[3];
public override string OT_Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Nickname => string.Empty;
public bool IsNicknamed => false;
public int Language => 2;
public string GetNickname(int language) => Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, GetNicknameOffset(language), 0x1A));
public void SetNickname(int language, string value) => Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value.PadRight(0x1A / 2, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, GetNicknameOffset(language));
public string GetOT(int language) => Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Data, GetOTOffset(language), 0x1A));
public void SetOT(int language, string value) => Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value.PadRight(0x1A / 2, '\0')).CopyTo(Data, GetOTOffset(language));
private int GetNicknameOffset(int language)
int index = GetLanguageIndex(language);
return 0x04 + (index * 0x1A);
private int GetOTOffset(int language)
int index = GetLanguageIndex(language);
return 0xEE + (index * 0x1A);
public override PKM ConvertToPKM(ITrainerInfo SAV)
if (!IsPokémon)
return null;
int currentLevel = Level > 0 ? Level : Util.Rand.Next(100) + 1;
int metLevel = MetLevel > 0 ? MetLevel : currentLevel;
var pi = PersonalTable.USUM.GetFormeEntry(Species, Form);
var OT = GetOT(SAV.Language);
var pk = new PB7
Species = Species,
HeldItem = HeldItem,
Met_Level = metLevel,
Nature = Nature != -1 ? Nature : Util.Rand.Next(25),
Gender = Gender != 3 ? Gender : pi.RandomGender,
AltForm = Form,
EncryptionConstant = EncryptionConstant != 0 ? EncryptionConstant : Util.Rand32(),
Version = OriginGame != 0 ? OriginGame : SAV.Game,
Language = SAV.Language,
Ball = Ball,
Country = SAV.Country,
Region = SAV.SubRegion,
ConsoleRegion = SAV.ConsoleRegion,
Move1 = Move1, Move2 = Move2, Move3 = Move3, Move4 = Move4,
RelearnMove1 = RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2 = RelearnMove2,
RelearnMove3 = RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4 = RelearnMove4,
Met_Location = MetLocation,
Egg_Location = EggLocation,
OT_Name = OT.Length > 0 ? OT : SAV.OT,
OT_Gender = OTGender != 3 ? OTGender % 2 : SAV.Gender,
HT_Name = OT_Name.Length > 0 ? SAV.OT : string.Empty,
HT_Gender = OT_Name.Length > 0 ? SAV.Gender : 0,
CurrentHandler = OT_Name.Length > 0 ? 1 : 0,
EXP = PKX.GetEXP(currentLevel, Species),
// Ribbons
RibbonCountry = RibbonCountry,
RibbonNational = RibbonNational,
RibbonEarth = RibbonEarth,
RibbonWorld = RibbonWorld,
RibbonClassic = RibbonClassic,
RibbonPremier = RibbonPremier,
RibbonEvent = RibbonEvent,
RibbonBirthday = RibbonBirthday,
RibbonSpecial = RibbonSpecial,
RibbonSouvenir = RibbonSouvenir,
RibbonWishing = RibbonWishing,
RibbonChampionBattle = RibbonChampionBattle,
RibbonChampionRegional = RibbonChampionRegional,
RibbonChampionNational = RibbonChampionNational,
RibbonChampionWorld = RibbonChampionWorld,
OT_Friendship = pi.BaseFriendship,
OT_Intensity = OT_Intensity,
OT_Memory = OT_Memory,
OT_TextVar = OT_TextVar,
OT_Feeling = OT_Feeling,
FatefulEncounter = true,
EVs = EVs,
if ((SAV.Generation > Format && OriginGame == 0) || !CanBeReceivedByVersion(pk.Version))
// give random valid game
do { pk.Version = (int)GameVersion.SN + Util.Rand.Next(4); }
while (!CanBeReceivedByVersion(pk.Version));
if (OTGender == 3)
pk.MetDate = Date ?? DateTime.Now;
pk.IsNicknamed = GetIsNicknamed(pk.Language);
pk.Nickname = pk.IsNicknamed ? GetNickname(pk.Language) : PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(Species, pk.Language, Format);
int[] finalIVs = new int[6];
var ivflag = Array.Find(IVs, iv => (byte)(iv - 0xFC) < 3);
if (ivflag == 0) // Random IVs
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
finalIVs[i] = IVs[i] > 31 ? Util.Rand.Next(pk.MaxIV + 1) : IVs[i];
else // 1/2/3 perfect IVs
int IVCount = ivflag - 0xFB;
do { finalIVs[Util.Rand.Next(6)] = 31; }
while (finalIVs.Count(r => r == 31) < IVCount);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
finalIVs[i] = finalIVs[i] == 31 ? pk.MaxIV : Util.Rand.Next(pk.MaxIV + 1);
pk.IVs = finalIVs;
int av = 0;
switch (AbilityType)
case 00: // 0 - 0
case 01: // 1 - 1
case 02: // 2 - H
av = AbilityType;
case 03: // 0/1
case 04: // 0/1/H
av = Util.Rand.Next(AbilityType - 1);
pk.Ability = pi.Abilities[av];
pk.AbilityNumber = 1 << av;
switch (PIDType)
case Shiny.FixedValue: // Specified
pk.PID = PID;
case Shiny.Random: // Random
pk.PID = Util.Rand32();
case Shiny.Always: // Random Shiny
pk.PID = Util.Rand32();
pk.PID = (uint)(((pk.TID ^ pk.SID ^ (pk.PID & 0xFFFF)) << 16) | (pk.PID & 0xFFFF));
case Shiny.Never: // Random Nonshiny
pk.PID = Util.Rand32();
if (pk.IsShiny) pk.PID ^= 0x10000000;
if (IsEgg)
pk.IsEgg = true;
pk.EggMetDate = Date;
pk.Nickname = PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(0, pk.Language, Format);
pk.IsNicknamed = true;
pk.CurrentFriendship = pk.IsEgg ? pi.HatchCycles : pi.BaseFriendship;
pk.HeightScalar = Util.Rand.Next(0x100);
pk.WeightScalar = Util.Rand.Next(0x100);
pk.ResetCalculatedValues(); // cp & dimensions
return pk;

View file

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
<None Remove="Resources\byte\wc6full.pkl" />
<None Remove="Resources\byte\wc7.pkl" />
<None Remove="Resources\byte\wc7full.pkl" />
<None Remove="Resources\byte\wb7full.pkl" />
<None Remove="Resources\text\de\lang_de.txt" />
<None Remove="Resources\text\de\LegalityCheckStrings_de.txt" />
<None Remove="Resources\text\de\MessageStrings_en.txt" />
@ -847,6 +848,7 @@
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\byte\wc6full.pkl" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\byte\wc7.pkl" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\byte\wc7full.pkl" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\byte\wb7full.pkl" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\text\de\lang_de.txt" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\text\de\LegalityCheckStrings_de.txt" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\text\de\MessageStrings_de.txt" />

View file

@ -114,5 +114,24 @@ namespace PKHeX.Core
a.SetAV(i, 200);
public static bool IsAwakeningBelow(this IAwakened current, IAwakened initial) => !current.IsAwakeningAboveOrEqual(initial);
public static bool IsAwakeningAboveOrEqual(this IAwakened current, IAwakened initial)
if (current.AV_HP < initial.AV_HP)
return false;
if (current.AV_ATK < initial.AV_ATK)
return false;
if (current.AV_DEF < initial.AV_DEF)
return false;
if (current.AV_SPA < initial.AV_SPA)
return false;
if (current.AV_SPD < initial.AV_SPD)
return false;
if (current.AV_SPE < initial.AV_SPE)
return false;
return true;

Binary file not shown.