2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public class GameStrings : IBasicStrings
// PKM Info
public readonly string[] specieslist, movelist, itemlist, abilitylist, types, natures, forms,
memories, genloc, trainingbags, trainingstage, characteristics,
encountertypelist, gamelanguages, balllist, gamelist, pokeblocks, ribbons;
private readonly string[] g4items, g3coloitems, g3xditems, g3items, g2items, g1items;
// Met Locations
public readonly string[] metGSC_00000, metRSEFRLG_00000, metCXD_00000;
public readonly string[] metHGSS_00000, metHGSS_02000, metHGSS_03000;
public readonly string[] metBW2_00000, metBW2_30000, metBW2_40000, metBW2_60000;
public readonly string[] metXY_00000, metXY_30000, metXY_40000, metXY_60000;
public readonly string[] metSM_00000, metSM_30000, metSM_40000, metSM_60000;
// Misc
public readonly string[] wallpapernames, puffs;
public readonly string eggname;
private readonly string lang;
public string EggName => eggname;
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
public IReadOnlyList<string> Species => specieslist;
public IReadOnlyList<string> Item => itemlist;
public IReadOnlyList<string> Move => movelist;
public IReadOnlyList<string> Ability => abilitylist;
public IReadOnlyList<string> Types => types;
public IReadOnlyList<string> Natures => natures;
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
private string[] Get(string ident) => GameInfo.GetStrings(ident, lang);
public GameStrings(string l)
lang = l;
ribbons = Get("ribbons");
// Past Generation strings
g3items = Get("ItemsG3");
// XD and Colosseum
g3coloitems = (string[])g3items.Clone();
string[] tmp = Get("ItemsG3Colosseum");
Array.Resize(ref g3coloitems, 500 + tmp.Length);
for (int i = g3items.Length; i < g3coloitems.Length; i++)
g3coloitems[i] = $"UNUSED {i}";
tmp.CopyTo(g3coloitems, g3coloitems.Length - tmp.Length);
g3xditems = (string[])g3items.Clone();
string[] tmp2 = Get("ItemsG3XD");
Array.Resize(ref g3xditems, 500 + tmp2.Length);
for (int i = g3items.Length; i < g3xditems.Length; i++)
g3xditems[i] = $"UNUSED {i}";
tmp2.CopyTo(g3xditems, g3xditems.Length - tmp2.Length);
g2items = Get("ItemsG2");
g1items = Get("ItemsG1");
metRSEFRLG_00000 = Get("rsefrlg_00000");
metGSC_00000 = Get("gsc_00000");
metCXD_00000 = Get("cxd_00000");
// Sanitize a little
var metSanitize = (string[])metCXD_00000.Clone();
for (int i = 0; i < metSanitize.Length; i++)
if (metCXD_00000.Count(r => r == metSanitize[i]) > 1)
metSanitize[i] += $" [{i:000}]";
metCXD_00000 = metSanitize;
// Current Generation strings
natures = Util.GetNaturesList(l);
types = Get("types");
abilitylist = Get("abilities");
movelist = Get("moves");
string[] ps = { "P", "S" }; // Distinguish Physical/Special
for (int i = 622; i < 658; i++)
movelist[i] += $" ({ps[i % 2]})";
itemlist = Get("items");
characteristics = Get("character");
specieslist = Get("species");
wallpapernames = Get("wallpaper");
encountertypelist = Get("encountertype");
gamelist = Get("games");
gamelanguages = Util.GetNulledStringArray(Util.GetStringList("languages"));
balllist = new string[Legal.Items_Ball.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < balllist.Length; i++)
balllist[i] = itemlist[Legal.Items_Ball[i]];
pokeblocks = Get("pokeblock");
forms = Get("forms");
memories = Get("memories");
genloc = Get("genloc");
trainingbags = Get("trainingbag");
trainingstage = Get("supertraining");
puffs = Get("puff");
Array.Resize(ref puffs, puffs.Length + 1);
Array.Copy(puffs, 0, puffs, 1, puffs.Length - 1);
eggname = specieslist[0];
metHGSS_00000 = Get("hgss_00000");
metHGSS_02000 = Get("hgss_02000");
metHGSS_03000 = Get("hgss_03000");
metBW2_00000 = Get("bw2_00000");
metBW2_30000 = Get("bw2_30000");
metBW2_40000 = Get("bw2_40000");
metBW2_60000 = Get("bw2_60000");
metXY_00000 = Get("xy_00000");
metXY_30000 = Get("xy_30000");
metXY_40000 = Get("xy_40000");
metXY_60000 = Get("xy_60000");
metSM_00000 = Get("sm_00000");
metSM_30000 = Get("sm_30000");
metSM_40000 = Get("sm_40000");
metSM_60000 = Get("sm_60000");
g4items = (string[])itemlist.Clone();
Get("mail4").CopyTo(g4items, 137);
private const string NPC = "NPC";
private void Sanitize()
// Replace the Egg Name with ---; egg name already stored to eggname
specieslist[0] = "---";
// Fix (None) tags
var none = $"({itemlist[0]})";
abilitylist[0] = itemlist[0] = movelist[0] = metXY_00000[0] = metBW2_00000[0] = metHGSS_00000[0] = metCXD_00000[0] = puffs[0] = none;
private void SanitizeItemNames()
// Fix Item Names (Duplicate entries)
var HM06 = itemlist[425];
var HM0 = HM06.Substring(0, HM06.Length - 1); // language ambiguous!
itemlist[426] = $"{HM0}7 (G4)";
itemlist[427] = $"{HM0}8 (G4)";
itemlist[456] += " (HG/SS)"; // S.S. Ticket
itemlist[736] += " (OR/AS)"; // S.S. Ticket
itemlist[463] += " (DPPt)"; // Storage Key
itemlist[734] += " (OR/AS)"; // Storage Key
itemlist[478] += " (HG/SS)"; // Basement Key
itemlist[478] += " (OR/AS)"; // Basement Key
itemlist[621] += " (M)"; // Xtransceiver
itemlist[626] += " (F)"; // Xtransceiver
itemlist[629] += " (2)"; // DNA Splicers
itemlist[637] += " (2)"; // Dropped Item
itemlist[707] += " (2)"; // Travel Trunk
itemlist[713] += " (2)"; // Alt Bike
itemlist[714] += " (2)"; // Holo Caster
itemlist[729] += " (1)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[740] += " (2)"; // Contest Costume
itemlist[751] += " (2)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[771] += " (3)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[772] += " (4)"; // Meteorite
itemlist[842] += " (SM)"; // Fishing Rod
itemlist[945] += " (2)"; // Used Solarizer
itemlist[946] += " (2)"; // Used Lunarizer
// Append Z-Crystal flagging
foreach (var i in Legal.Pouch_ZCrystal_USUM)
itemlist[i] += " [Z]";
2018-06-06 00:02:19 +00:00
for (int i = 12; i <= 29; i++) // Differentiate DNA Samples
g3coloitems[500 + i] += $" ({i - 11:00})";
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
private void SanitizeMetLocations()
// Fix up some of the Location strings to make them more descriptive
private void SanitizeMetG5BW()
metHGSS_02000[1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metHGSS_02000[2] += $" ({eggname})"; // Egg From Link Trade
metBW2_00000[36] = $"{metBW2_00000[84]}/{metBW2_00000[36]}"; // Cold Storage in BW = PWT in BW2
metBW2_00000[40] += "(B/W)"; // Victory Road in BW
metBW2_00000[134] += "(B2/W2)"; // Victory Road in B2W2
// BW2 Entries from 76 to 105 are for Entralink in BW
for (int i = 76; i < 106; i++)
metBW2_00000[i] += "●";
// Collision between 40002 (legal) and 00002 (illegal) "Faraway place"
if (metBW2_00000[2] == metBW2_40000[2 - 1])
metBW2_00000[2] += " (2)";
// Localize the Poketransfer to the language (30001)
metBW2_30000[1 - 1] = GameInfo.GetTransporterName(lang); // Default to English
metBW2_30000[2 - 1] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metBW2_30000[3 - 1] += $" ({eggname})"; // Link Trade (Egg)
// Zorua/Zoroark events
metBW2_30000[10 - 1] = $"{specieslist[251]} ({specieslist[570]} 1)"; // Celebi's Zorua Event
metBW2_30000[11 - 1] = $"{specieslist[251]} ({specieslist[570]} 2)"; // Celebi's Zorua Event
metBW2_30000[12 - 1] = $"{specieslist[571]} (1)"; // Zoroark
metBW2_30000[13 - 1] = $"{specieslist[571]} (2)"; // Zoroark
metBW2_60000[3 - 1] += $" ({eggname})"; // Egg Treasure Hunter/Breeder, whatever...
private void SanitizeMetG6XY()
metXY_00000[104] += " (X/Y)"; // Victory Road
metXY_00000[106] += " (X/Y)"; // Pokémon League
metXY_00000[202] += " (OR/AS)"; // Pokémon League
metXY_00000[298] += " (OR/AS)"; // Victory Road
metXY_30000[0] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metXY_30000[1] += $" ({eggname})"; // Egg From Link Trade
private void SanitizeMetG7SM()
// Sun/Moon duplicates -- elaborate!
var metSM_00000_good = (string[])metSM_00000.Clone();
for (int i = 0; i < metSM_00000.Length; i += 2)
var nextLoc = metSM_00000[i + 1];
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextLoc) && nextLoc[0] != '[')
metSM_00000_good[i] += $" ({nextLoc})";
if (i > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metSM_00000_good[i]) && metSM_00000_good.Take(i - 1).Contains(metSM_00000_good[i]))
metSM_00000_good[i] += $" ({metSM_00000_good.Take(i - 1).Count(s => s == metSM_00000_good[i]) + 1})";
Array.Copy(metSM_00000, 194, metSM_00000_good, 194, 4); // Restore Island Names (unused)
metSM_00000_good.CopyTo(metSM_00000, 0);
metSM_30000[0] += $" ({NPC})"; // Anything from an NPC
metSM_30000[1] += $" ({eggname})"; // Egg From Link Trade
for (int i = 2; i <= 5; i++) // distinguish first set of regions (unused) from second (used)
metSM_30000[i] += " (-)";
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
public IReadOnlyList<string> GetItemStrings(int generation, GameVersion game = GameVersion.Any)
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
switch (generation)
case 0: return new string[0];
case 1: return g1items;
case 2: return g2items;
case 3: return GetItemStrings3(game);
case 4: return g4items; // mail names changed 4->5
default: return itemlist;
private string[] GetItemStrings3(GameVersion game)
switch (game)
case GameVersion.COLO:
return g3coloitems;
case GameVersion.XD:
return g3xditems;
if (Legal.EReaderBerryIsEnigma)
return g3items;
var g3itemsEBerry = (string[])g3items.Clone();
g3itemsEBerry[175] = Legal.EReaderBerryDisplayName;
return g3itemsEBerry;
// DataSource providing
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> ItemDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> SpeciesDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> BallDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> NatureDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> AbilityDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> VersionDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> LegalMoveDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> HaXMoveDataSource { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MoveDataSource { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen2 { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen3 { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen3CXD { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen4 { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen5 { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen6 { get; set; }
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> MetGen7 { get; set; }
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2018-05-19 17:04:07 +00:00
public MemoryStrings Memories { get; private set; }
2018-05-19 15:30:36 +00:00
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
private void InitializeDataSources()
int[] ball_nums = { 007, 576, 013, 492, 497, 014, 495, 493, 496, 494, 011, 498, 008, 006, 012, 015, 009, 005, 499, 010, 001, 016, 851 };
int[] ball_vals = { 007, 025, 013, 017, 022, 014, 020, 018, 021, 019, 011, 023, 008, 006, 012, 015, 009, 005, 024, 010, 001, 016, 026 };
BallDataSource = Util.GetVariedCBListBall(itemlist, ball_nums, ball_vals);
SpeciesDataSource = Util.GetCBList(specieslist, null);
NatureDataSource = Util.GetCBList(natures, null);
AbilityDataSource = Util.GetCBList(abilitylist, null);
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
VersionDataSource = GetVersionList();
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
HaXMoveDataSource = Util.GetCBList(movelist, null);
MoveDataSource = LegalMoveDataSource = HaXMoveDataSource.Where(m => !Legal.Z_Moves.Contains(m.Value)).ToList();
2018-05-19 15:30:36 +00:00
2018-05-19 17:04:07 +00:00
Memories = new MemoryStrings(this);
2018-05-19 15:30:36 +00:00
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
private IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> GetVersionList()
var ver = Util.GetCBList(gamelist,
Legal.Games_7usum, Legal.Games_7sm,
Legal.Games_6oras, Legal.Games_6xy,
Legal.Games_5, Legal.Games_4, Legal.Games_4e, Legal.Games_4r,
Legal.Games_3, Legal.Games_3e, Legal.Games_3r, Legal.Games_3s);
ver.AddRange(Util.GetCBList(gamelist, Legal.Games_7vc1).OrderBy(g => g.Value)); // stuff to end unsorted
ver.AddRange(Util.GetCBList(gamelist, Legal.Games_7vc2).OrderBy(g => g.Value)); // stuff to end unsorted
ver.AddRange(Util.GetCBList(gamelist, Legal.Games_7go).OrderBy(g => g.Value)); // stuff to end unsorted
return ver;
2018-05-19 15:30:36 +00:00
private void InitializeMetSources()
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
// Gen 2
var met_list = Util.GetCBList(metGSC_00000, Enumerable.Range(0, 0x5F).ToArray());
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metGSC_00000, 00000, new[] { 0x7E, 0x7F });
MetGen2 = met_list;
// Gen 3
var met_list = Util.GetCBList(metRSEFRLG_00000, Enumerable.Range(0, 213).ToArray());
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metRSEFRLG_00000, 00000, new[] { 253, 254, 255 });
MetGen3 = met_list;
MetGen3CXD = Util.GetCBList(metCXD_00000, Enumerable.Range(0, metCXD_00000.Length).ToArray()).Where(c => c.Text.Length > 0).ToList();
// Gen 4
var met_list = Util.GetCBList(metHGSS_00000, new[] { 0 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metHGSS_02000, 2000, new[] { 2000 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metHGSS_02000, 2000, new[] { 2002 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metHGSS_03000, 3000, new[] { 3001 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metHGSS_00000, 0000, Legal.Met_HGSS_0);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metHGSS_02000, 2000, Legal.Met_HGSS_2);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metHGSS_03000, 3000, Legal.Met_HGSS_3);
MetGen4 = met_list;
// Gen 5
var met_list = Util.GetCBList(metBW2_00000, new[] { 0 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metBW2_60000, 60001, new[] { 60002 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metBW2_30000, 30001, new[] { 30003 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metBW2_00000, 00000, Legal.Met_BW2_0);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metBW2_30000, 30001, Legal.Met_BW2_3);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metBW2_40000, 40001, Legal.Met_BW2_4);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metBW2_60000, 60001, Legal.Met_BW2_6);
MetGen5 = met_list;
// Gen 6
var met_list = Util.GetCBList(metXY_00000, new[] { 0 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metXY_60000, 60001, new[] { 60002 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metXY_30000, 30001, new[] { 30002 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metXY_00000, 00000, Legal.Met_XY_0);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metXY_30000, 30001, Legal.Met_XY_3);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metXY_40000, 40001, Legal.Met_XY_4);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metXY_60000, 60001, Legal.Met_XY_6);
MetGen6 = met_list;
// Gen 7
var met_list = Util.GetCBList(metSM_00000, new[] { 0 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metSM_60000, 60001, new[] { 60002 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metSM_30000, 30001, new[] { 30002 });
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metSM_00000, 00000, Legal.Met_SM_0);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metSM_30000, 30001, Legal.Met_SM_3);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metSM_40000, 40001, Legal.Met_SM_4);
met_list = Util.GetOffsetCBList(met_list, metSM_60000, 60001, Legal.Met_SM_6);
MetGen7 = met_list;
2018-05-19 15:30:36 +00:00
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
public void SetItemDataSource(GameVersion game, int generation, int MaxItemID, IEnumerable<ushort> allowed = null, bool HaX = false)
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
var items = GetItemStrings(generation, game);
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
ItemDataSource = Util.GetCBList(items, (allowed == null || HaX ? Enumerable.Range(0, MaxItemID) : allowed.Select(i => (int)i)).ToArray());
2018-06-30 16:59:48 +00:00
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> GetLocationList(GameVersion Version, int SaveFormat, bool egg)
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00
if (SaveFormat == 2)
return MetGen2;
if (egg && Version < GameVersion.W && SaveFormat >= 5)
return MetGen4;
switch (Version)
case GameVersion.CXD:
if (SaveFormat == 3)
return MetGen3CXD;
case GameVersion.R:
case GameVersion.S:
if (SaveFormat == 3)
return MetGen3.OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value <= 87).ToList(); // Ferry
case GameVersion.E:
if (SaveFormat == 3)
return MetGen3.OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value <= 87 || (loc.Value >= 196 && loc.Value <= 212)).ToList(); // Trainer Hill
case GameVersion.FR:
case GameVersion.LG:
if (SaveFormat == 3)
return MetGen3.OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value > 87 && loc.Value < 197).ToList(); // Celadon Dept.
case GameVersion.D:
case GameVersion.P:
if (SaveFormat == 4 || (SaveFormat >= 5 && egg))
return MetGen4.Take(4).Concat(MetGen4.Skip(4).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value <= 111)).ToList(); // Battle Park
case GameVersion.Pt:
if (SaveFormat == 4 || (SaveFormat >= 5 && egg))
return MetGen4.Take(4).Concat(MetGen4.Skip(4).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value <= 125)).ToList(); // Rock Peak Ruins
case GameVersion.HG:
case GameVersion.SS:
if (SaveFormat == 4 || (SaveFormat >= 5 && egg))
return MetGen4.Take(4).Concat(MetGen4.Skip(4).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value > 125 && loc.Value < 234)).ToList(); // Celadon Dept.
case GameVersion.B:
case GameVersion.W:
return MetGen5;
case GameVersion.B2:
case GameVersion.W2:
return MetGen5.Take(3).Concat(MetGen5.Skip(3).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value <= 116)).ToList(); // Abyssal Ruins
case GameVersion.X:
case GameVersion.Y:
return MetGen6.Take(3).Concat(MetGen6.Skip(3).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value <= 168)).ToList(); // Unknown Dungeon
case GameVersion.OR:
case GameVersion.AS:
return MetGen6.Take(3).Concat(MetGen6.Skip(3).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value > 168 && loc.Value <= 354)).ToList(); // Secret Base
case GameVersion.SN:
case GameVersion.MN:
return MetGen7.Take(3).Concat(MetGen7.Skip(3).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value < 200)).ToList(); // Outer Cape
case GameVersion.US:
case GameVersion.UM:
case GameVersion.GO:
case GameVersion.RD:
case GameVersion.BU:
case GameVersion.GN:
case GameVersion.YW:
case GameVersion.GD:
case GameVersion.SV:
case GameVersion.C:
return MetGen7.Take(3).Concat(MetGen7.Skip(3).OrderByDescending(loc => loc.Value < 234)).ToList(); // Dividing Peak Tunnel
// Currently on a future game, return corresponding list for generation
if (Version <= GameVersion.CXD && SaveFormat == 4)
return MetGen4.Where(loc => loc.Value == Legal.Transfer3) // Pal Park to front
.Concat(MetGen4.Skip(4).Where(loc => loc.Value != Legal.Transfer3)).ToList();
if (Version < GameVersion.X && SaveFormat >= 5) // PokéTransfer to front
return MetGen5.Where(loc => loc.Value == Legal.Transfer4)
.Concat(MetGen5.Skip(3).Where(loc => loc.Value != Legal.Transfer4)).ToList();
return MetGen6;
2018-07-07 00:37:07 +00:00
private static readonly IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> LanguageList = Util.GetUnsortedCBList("languages");
public static IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> LanguageDataSource(int gen)
var languages = LanguageList.ToList();
if (gen == 3)
languages.RemoveAll(l => l.Value >= (int)LanguageID.Korean);
else if (gen < 7)
languages.RemoveAll(l => l.Value > (int)LanguageID.Korean);
return languages;
private static readonly string[] abilIdentifier = { " (1)", " (2)", " (H)" };
public IReadOnlyList<ComboItem> GetAbilityDataSource(IEnumerable<int> abils)
return abils.Select(GetItem).ToList();
ComboItem GetItem(int ability, int index) => new ComboItem
Value = ability,
Text = GameInfo.Strings.abilitylist[ability] + abilIdentifier[index]
2018-05-19 04:35:57 +00:00