
620 lines
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using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Generation 5 Encounters
/// </summary>
public static class Encounters5
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsB = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("b", "51"), B);
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsW = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("w", "51"), W);
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsB2 = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("b2", "52"), B2);
internal static readonly EncounterArea5[] SlotsW2 = EncounterArea5.GetAreas(Get("w2", "52"), W2);
Offload EncounterSlot loading logic to reduce complexity (#2980) * Rework gen1 slot loading Slot templates are precomputed from ROM data and just loaded straight in, with tight coupling to the encounter area (grouped by slot types). * Revise fuzzy met check for underleveled wild evos Example: Level 23 poliwhirl in RBY as a level 50 poliwhirl, will assume the chain is 25-50 for poliwhirl (as poliwag evolves at 25). Instead of revising the origin chain, just ignore the evo min level in the comparison. Previous commit fixed it for gen1. * Rework gen2-4 slot loading Gen4 not finished, Type Encounter data and some edge encounters not recognizing yet... * Add feebas slots for old/good encounters * Begin moving properties Great news! Gen5-7 need to be de-dumbed like Gen1-4. Then I can remove the bang (!) on the Area accessor and ensure that it's never null! * Split off XD pokespot slot encounter table type * Set area in constructor * Deduplicate g3 roaming encounters * Deduplicate xd encounter locations (rebattle) Only difference is met location; no need to create 500 extra encounter objects. A simple contains check is ok (rarely in gen3 format). * Make all slots have a readonly reference to their parent area * Minor clean * Remove "Safari" slot type flag Can be determined via other means (generation-location), allows us to reduce the size of SlotType member to a byte Output of slot binaries didn't preserve the Safari flag anyway. * Update SlotType.cs * Handle type encounters correctly * Merge safari area into regular xy area * Merge dexnav accessor logic * fix some logic so that tests pass again rearrange g5 dw init to be done outside of static constructor (initializer instead) PIDGenerator: friend safari slots now generate with required flawless IV count * Add cianwood tentacool gift encounter * Remove unnecessary abstractions Fake area just returned a slot; since Slots have a non-null reference to the area, we can just return the slot and use the API to grab a list of possible slots for the chain. Increase restrictiveness of location/type get-set operations * Minor tweaks, pass parameters DexNav observed state isn't necessary to use, only need to see if it's possible to dexnav. Now that we have metadata for slots, we can. * Remove unused legality tables
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
private static byte[][] Get(string resource, string ident) => BinLinker.Unpack(Util.GetBinaryResource($"encounter_{resource}.pkl"), ident);
static Encounters5()
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_BW, TradeBW);
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_B2W2_Regular, TradeB2W2);
#region Dream Radar Tables
private static readonly EncounterStatic5DR[] Encounter_DreamRadar =
new(079, 0), // Slowpoke
new(120, 0), // Staryu
new(137, 0), // Porygon
new(163, 0), // Hoothoot
new(174, 0), // Igglybuff
new(175, 0), // Togepi
new(213, 0), // Shuckle
new(238, 0), // Smoochum
new(249, 0), // Lugia (SoulSilver cart)
new(250, 0), // Ho-Oh (HeartGold cart)
new(280, 0), // Ralts
new(333, 0), // Swablu
new(374, 0), // Beldum
new(425, 0), // Drifloon
new(436, 0), // Bronzor
new(442, 0), // Spiritomb
new(447, 0), // Riolu
new(479, 0, 0), // Rotom (no HA)
new(483, 0), // Dialga (Diamond cart)
new(484, 0), // Palkia (Pearl cart)
new(487, 0), // Giratina (Platinum cart)
new(517, 0), // Munna
new(561, 0), // Sigilyph
new(641, 1), // Therian Tornadus
new(642, 1), // Therian Thundurus
new(645, 1), // Therian Landorus
#region DreamWorld Encounter
public static readonly EncounterStatic5[] DreamWorld_Common = DreamWorldEntry.GetArray(Gen5, new DreamWorldEntry[]
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Pleasant Forest
new(019, 10, 098, 382, 231), // Rattata
new(043, 10, 230, 298, 202), // Oddish
new(069, 10, 022, 235, 402), // Bellsprout
new(077, 10, 033, 037, 257), // Ponyta
new(083, 10, 210, 355, 348), // Farfetch'd
new(084, 10, 045, 175, 355), // Doduo
new(102, 10, 140, 235, 202), // Exeggcute
new(108, 10, 122, 214, 431), // Lickitung
new(114, 10, 079, 073, 402), // Tangela
new(115, 10, 252, 068, 409), // Kangaskhan
new(161, 10, 010, 203, 343), // Sentret
new(179, 10, 084, 115, 351), // Mareep
new(191, 10, 072, 230, 414), // Sunkern
new(234, 10, 033, 050, 285), // Stantler
new(261, 10, 336, 305, 399), // Poochyena
new(283, 10, 145, 056, 202), // Surskit
new(399, 10, 033, 401, 290), // Bidoof
new(403, 10, 268, 393, 400), // Shinx
new(431, 10, 252, 372, 290), // Glameow
new(054, 10, 346, 227, 362), // Psyduck
new(058, 10, 044, 034, 203), // Growlithe
new(123, 10, 098, 226, 366), // Scyther
new(128, 10, 099, 231, 431), // Tauros
new(183, 10, 111, 453, 008), // Marill
new(185, 10, 175, 205, 272), // Sudowoodo
new(203, 10, 093, 243, 285), // Girafarig
new(241, 10, 111, 174, 231), // Miltank
new(263, 10, 033, 271, 387), // Zigzagoon
new(427, 10, 193, 252, 409), // Buneary
new(037, 10, 046, 257, 399), // Vulpix
new(060, 10, 095, 054, 214), // Poliwag
new(177, 10, 101, 297, 202), // Natu
new(239, 10, 084, 238, 393), // Elekid
new(300, 10, 193, 321, 445), // Skitty
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Windswept Sky
new(016, 10, 016, 211, 290), // Pidgey
new(021, 10, 064, 185, 211), // Spearow
new(041, 10, 048, 095, 162), // Zubat
new(142, 10, 044, 372, 446), // Aerodactyl
new(165, 10, 004, 450, 009), // Ledyba
new(187, 10, 235, 227, 340), // Hoppip
new(193, 10, 098, 364, 202), // Yanma
new(198, 10, 064, 109, 355), // Murkrow
new(207, 10, 028, 364, 366), // Gligar
new(225, 10, 217, 420, 264), // Delibird
new(276, 10, 064, 203, 413), // Taillow
new(397, 14, 017, 297, 366), // Staravia
new(227, 10, 064, 065, 355), // Skarmory
new(357, 10, 016, 073, 318), // Tropius
// Sparkling Sea
new(086, 10, 029, 333, 214), // Seel
new(090, 10, 110, 112, 196), // Shellder
new(116, 10, 145, 190, 362), // Horsea
new(118, 10, 064, 060, 352), // Goldeen
new(129, 10, 150, 175, 340), // Magikarp
new(138, 10, 044, 330, 196), // Omanyte
new(140, 10, 071, 175, 446), // Kabuto
new(170, 10, 086, 133, 351), // Chinchou
new(194, 10, 055, 034, 401), // Wooper
new(211, 10, 040, 453, 290), // Qwilfish
new(223, 10, 199, 350, 362), // Remoraid
new(226, 10, 048, 243, 314), // Mantine
new(320, 10, 055, 214, 340), // Wailmer
new(339, 10, 189, 214, 209), // Barboach
new(366, 10, 250, 445, 392), // Clamperl
new(369, 10, 055, 214, 414), // Relicanth
new(370, 10, 204, 300, 196), // Luvdisc
new(418, 10, 346, 163, 352), // Buizel
new(456, 10, 213, 186, 352), // Finneon
new(072, 10, 048, 367, 202), // Tentacool
new(318, 10, 044, 037, 399), // Carvanha
new(341, 10, 106, 232, 283), // Corphish
new(345, 10, 051, 243, 202), // Lileep
new(347, 10, 010, 446, 440), // Anorith
new(349, 10, 150, 445, 243), // Feebas
new(131, 10, 109, 032, 196), // Lapras
new(147, 10, 086, 352, 225), // Dratini
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Spooky Manor
new(092, 10, 095, 050, 482), // Gastly
new(096, 10, 095, 427, 409), // Drowzee
new(122, 10, 112, 298, 285), // Mr. Mime
new(167, 10, 040, 527, 450), // Spinarak
new(200, 10, 149, 194, 517), // Misdreavus
new(228, 10, 336, 364, 399), // Houndour
new(325, 10, 149, 285, 278), // Spoink
new(353, 10, 101, 194, 220), // Shuppet
new(355, 10, 050, 220, 271), // Duskull
new(358, 10, 035, 095, 304), // Chimecho
new(434, 10, 103, 492, 389), // Stunky
new(209, 10, 204, 370, 038), // Snubbull
new(235, 10, 166, 445, 214), // Smeargle
new(313, 10, 148, 271, 366), // Volbeat
new(314, 10, 204, 313, 366), // Illumise
new(063, 10, 100, 285, 356), // Abra
// Rugged Mountain
new(066, 10, 067, 418, 270), // Machop
new(081, 10, 319, 278, 356), // Magnemite
new(109, 10, 123, 399, 482), // Koffing
new(218, 10, 052, 517, 257), // Slugma
new(246, 10, 044, 399, 446), // Larvitar
new(324, 10, 052, 090, 446), // Torkoal
new(328, 10, 044, 324, 202), // Trapinch
new(331, 10, 071, 298, 009), // Cacnea
new(412, 10, 182, 450, 173), // Burmy
new(449, 10, 044, 254, 276), // Hippopotas
new(240, 10, 052, 009, 257), // Magby
new(322, 10, 052, 034, 257), // Numel
new(359, 10, 364, 224, 276), // Absol
new(453, 10, 040, 409, 441), // Croagunk
new(236, 10, 252, 364, 183), // Tyrogue
new(371, 10, 044, 349, 200), // Bagon
// Icy Cave
new(027, 10, 028, 068, 162), // Sandshrew
new(074, 10, 111, 446, 431), // Geodude
new(095, 10, 020, 446, 431), // Onix
new(100, 10, 268, 324, 363), // Voltorb
new(104, 10, 125, 195, 067), // Cubone
new(293, 10, 253, 283, 428), // Whismur
new(304, 10, 106, 283, 457), // Aron
new(337, 10, 093, 414, 236), // Lunatone
new(338, 10, 093, 428, 234), // Solrock
new(343, 10, 229, 356, 428), // Baltoy
new(459, 10, 075, 419, 202), // Snover
new(050, 10, 028, 251, 446), // Diglett
new(215, 10, 269, 008, 067), // Sneasel
new(361, 10, 181, 311, 352), // Snorunt
new(220, 10, 316, 246, 333), // Swinub
new(443, 10, 082, 200, 203), // Gible
// Dream Park
new(046, 10, 078, 440, 235), // Paras
new(204, 10, 120, 390, 356), // Pineco
new(265, 10, 040, 450, 173), // Wurmple
new(273, 10, 074, 331, 492), // Seedot
new(287, 10, 281, 400, 389), // Slakoth
new(290, 10, 141, 203, 400), // Nincada
new(311, 10, 086, 435, 324), // Plusle
new(312, 10, 086, 435, 324), // Minun
new(316, 10, 139, 151, 202), // Gulpin
new(352, 10, 185, 285, 513), // Kecleon
new(401, 10, 522, 283, 253), // Kricketot
new(420, 10, 073, 505, 331), // Cherubi
new(455, 10, 044, 476, 380), // Carnivine
new(023, 10, 040, 251, 399), // Ekans
new(175, 10, 118, 381, 253), // Togepi
new(190, 10, 010, 252, 007), // Aipom
new(285, 10, 078, 331, 264), // Shroomish
new(315, 10, 074, 079, 129), // Roselia
new(113, 10, 045, 068, 270), // Chansey
new(127, 10, 011, 370, 382), // Pinsir
new(133, 10, 028, 204, 129), // Eevee
new(143, 10, 133, 007, 278), // Snorlax
new(214, 10, 030, 175, 264), // Heracross
// Pokémon Café Forest
new(061, 25, 240, 114, 352), // Poliwhirl
new(133, 10, 270, 204, 129), // Eevee
new(235, 10, 166, 445, 214), // Smeargle
new(412, 10, 182, 450, 173), // Burmy
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// PGL
new(212, 10, 211, Gender: 0), // Scizor
new(445, 48, Gender: 0), // Garchomp
new(149, 55, 245, Gender: 0), // Dragonite
new(248, 55, 069, Gender: 0), // Tyranitar
new(376, 45, 038, Gender: 2), // Metagross
public static readonly EncounterStatic5[] DreamWorld_BW = DreamWorldEntry.GetArray(BW, new DreamWorldEntry[]
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Pleasant Forest
new(029, 10, 010, 389, 162), // Nidoran♀
new(032, 10, 064, 068, 162), // Nidoran♂
new(174, 10, 047, 313, 270), // Igglybuff
new(187, 10, 235, 270, 331), // Hoppip
new(270, 10, 071, 073, 352), // Lotad
new(276, 10, 064, 119, 366), // Taillow
new(309, 10, 086, 423, 324), // Electrike
new(351, 10, 052, 466, 352), // Castform
new(417, 10, 098, 343, 351), // Pachirisu
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Windswept Sky
new(012, 10, 093, 355, 314), // Butterfree
new(163, 10, 193, 101, 278), // Hoothoot
new(278, 10, 055, 239, 351), // Wingull
new(333, 10, 064, 297, 355), // Swablu
new(425, 10, 107, 095, 285), // Drifloon
new(441, 10, 119, 417, 272), // Chatot
// Sparkling Sea
new(079, 10, 281, 335, 362), // Slowpoke
new(098, 10, 011, 133, 290), // Krabby
new(119, 33, 352, 214, 203), // Seaking
new(120, 10, 055, 278, 196), // Staryu
new(222, 10, 145, 109, 446), // Corsola
new(422, 10, 189, 281, 290, Form: 0), // Shellos-West
new(422, 10, 189, 281, 290, Form: 1), // Shellos-East
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Spooky Manor
new(202, 15, 243, 204, 227), // Wobbuffet
new(238, 10, 186, 445, 285), // Smoochum
new(303, 10, 313, 424, 008), // Mawile
new(307, 10, 096, 409, 203), // Meditite
new(436, 10, 095, 285, 356), // Bronzor
new(052, 10, 010, 095, 290), // Meowth
new(479, 10, 086, 351, 324), // Rotom
new(280, 10, 093, 194, 270), // Ralts
new(302, 10, 193, 389, 180), // Sableye
new(442, 10, 180, 220, 196), // Spiritomb
// Rugged Mountain
new(056, 10, 067, 179, 009), // Mankey
new(111, 10, 030, 068, 038), // Rhyhorn
new(231, 10, 175, 484, 402), // Phanpy
new(451, 10, 044, 097, 401), // Skorupi
new(216, 10, 313, 242, 264), // Teddiursa
new(296, 10, 292, 270, 008), // Makuhita
new(327, 10, 383, 252, 276), // Spinda
new(374, 10, 036, 428, 442), // Beldum
new(447, 10, 203, 418, 264), // Riolu
// Icy Cave
new(173, 10, 227, 312, 214), // Cleffa
new(213, 10, 227, 270, 504), // Shuckle
new(299, 10, 033, 446, 246), // Nosepass
new(363, 10, 181, 090, 401), // Spheal
new(408, 10, 029, 442, 007), // Cranidos
new(206, 10, 111, 277, 446), // Dunsparce
new(410, 10, 182, 068, 090), // Shieldon
// Dream Park
new(048, 10, 050, 226, 285), // Venonat
new(088, 10, 139, 114, 425), // Grimer
new(415, 10, 016, 366, 314), // Combee
new(015, 10, 031, 314, 210), // Beedrill
new(335, 10, 098, 458, 067), // Zangoose
new(336, 10, 044, 034, 401), // Seviper
// PGL
new(134, 10, Gender: 0), // Vaporeon
new(135, 10, Gender: 0), // Jolteon
new(136, 10, Gender: 0), // Flareon
new(196, 10, Gender: 0), // Espeon
new(197, 10, Gender: 0), // Umbreon
new(470, 10, Gender: 0), // Leafeon
new(471, 10, Gender: 0), // Glaceon
new(001, 10, Gender: 0), // Bulbasaur
new(004, 10, Gender: 0), // Charmander
new(007, 10, Gender: 0), // Squirtle
new(453, 10, Gender: 0), // Croagunk
new(387, 10, Gender: 0), // Turtwig
new(390, 10, Gender: 0), // Chimchar
new(393, 10, Gender: 0), // Piplup
new(493, 100), // Arceus
new(252, 10, Gender: 0), // Treecko
new(255, 10, Gender: 0), // Torchic
new(258, 10, Gender: 0), // Mudkip
new(468, 10, 217, Gender: 0), // Togekiss
new(473, 34, Gender: 0), // Mamoswine
new(137, 10), // Porygon
new(384, 50), // Rayquaza
new(354, 37, 538, Gender: 1), // Banette
new(453, 10, 398, Gender: 0), // Croagunk
new(334, 35, 206, Gender: 0), // Altaria
new(242, 10), // Blissey
new(448, 10, 418, Gender: 0), // Lucario
new(189, 27, 206, Gender: 0), // Jumpluff
public static readonly EncounterStatic5[] DreamWorld_B2W2 = DreamWorldEntry.GetArray(B2W2, new DreamWorldEntry[]
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Pleasant Forest
new(535, 10, 496, 414, 352), // Tympole
new(546, 10, 073, 227, 388), // Cottonee
new(548, 10, 079, 204, 230), // Petilil
new(588, 10, 203, 224, 450), // Karrablast
new(616, 10, 051, 226, 227), // Shelmet
new(545, 30, 342, 390, 276), // Scolipede
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Windswept Sky
new(519, 10, 016, 095, 234), // Pidove
new(561, 10, 095, 500, 257), // Sigilyph
new(580, 10, 432, 362, 382), // Ducklett
new(587, 10, 098, 403, 204), // Emolga
// Sparkling Sea
new(550, 10, 029, 097, 428, Form: 0), // Basculin-Red
new(550, 10, 029, 097, 428, Form: 1), // Basculin-Blue
new(594, 10, 392, 243, 220), // Alomomola
new(618, 10, 189, 174, 281), // Stunfisk
new(564, 10, 205, 175, 334), // Tirtouga
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Spooky Manor
new(605, 10, 377, 112, 417), // Elgyem
new(624, 10, 210, 427, 389), // Pawniard
new(596, 36, 486, 050, 228), // Galvantula
new(578, 32, 105, 286, 271), // Duosion
new(622, 10, 205, 007, 009), // Golett
// Rugged Mountain
new(631, 10, 510, 257, 202), // Heatmor
new(632, 10, 210, 203, 422), // Durant
new(556, 10, 042, 073, 191), // Maractus
new(558, 34, 157, 068, 400), // Crustle
new(553, 40, 242, 068, 212), // Krookodile
// Icy Cave
new(529, 10, 229, 319, 431), // Drilbur
new(621, 10, 044, 424, 389), // Druddigon
new(525, 25, 479, 174, 484), // Boldore
new(583, 35, 429, 420, 286), // Vanillish
new(600, 38, 451, 356, 393), // Klang
new(610, 10, 082, 068, 400), // Axew
// Dream Park
new(531, 10, 270, 227, 281), // Audino
new(538, 10, 020, 008, 276), // Throh
new(539, 10, 249, 009, 530), // Sawk
new(559, 10, 067, 252, 409), // Scraggy
new(533, 25, 067, 183, 409), // Gurdurr
// PGL
new(575, 32, 243, Gender: 0), // Gothorita
new(025, 10, 029, Gender: 0), // Pikachu
new(511, 10, 437, Gender: 0), // Pansage
new(513, 10, 257, Gender: 0), // Pansear
new(515, 10, 056, Gender: 0), // Panpour
new(387, 10, 254, Gender: 0), // Turtwig
new(390, 10, 252, Gender: 0), // Chimchar
new(393, 10, 297, Gender: 0), // Piplup
new(575, 32, 286, Gender: 0), // Gothorita
#region Static Encounter/Gift Tables
private static readonly EncounterStatic5[] Encounter_BW =
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Starters @ Nuvema Town
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 495, Level = 05, Location = 004 }, // Snivy
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 498, Level = 05, Location = 004 }, // Tepig
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 501, Level = 05, Location = 004 }, // Oshawott
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Fossils @ Nacrene City
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Omanyte
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Kabuto
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Aerodactyl
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Lileep
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Anorith
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Cranidos
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Shieldon
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 564, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Tirtouga
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 566, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Archen
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Gift
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 511, Level = 10, Location = 032 }, // Pansage @ Dreamyard
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 513, Level = 10, Location = 032 }, // Pansear
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 515, Level = 10, Location = 032 }, // Panpour
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 129, Level = 05, Location = 068 }, // Magikarp @ Marvelous Bridge
new(BW) { Gift = true, Species = 636, Level = 01, EggLocation = 60003 }, // Larvesta Egg from Treasure Hunter
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Stationary
new(BW) { Species = 518, Level = 50, Location = 032, Ability = 4 }, // Musharna @ Dreamyard Friday Only
new(BW) { Species = 590, Level = 20, Location = 019, }, // Foongus @ Route 6
new(BW) { Species = 590, Level = 30, Location = 023, }, // Foongus @ Route 10
new(BW) { Species = 591, Level = 40, Location = 023, }, // Amoonguss @ Route 10
new(BW) { Species = 555, Level = 35, Location = 034, Ability = 4 }, // HA Darmanitan @ Desert Resort
new(BW) { Species = 637, Level = 70, Location = 035, }, // Volcarona @ Relic Castle
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Stationary Legendary
new(BW) { Species = 638, Level = 42, Location = 074, }, // Cobalion @ Guidance Chamber
new(BW) { Species = 639, Level = 42, Location = 073, }, // Terrakion @ Trial Chamber
new(BW) { Species = 640, Level = 42, Location = 055, }, // Virizion @ Rumination Field
new(B ) { Species = 643, Level = 50, Location = 045, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Reshiram @ N's Castle
new(B ) { Species = 643, Level = 50, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Reshiram @ Dragonspiral Tower
new( W) { Species = 644, Level = 50, Location = 045, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Zekrom @ N's Castle
new( W) { Species = 644, Level = 50, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Zekrom @ Dragonspiral Tower
new(BW) { Species = 645, Level = 70, Location = 070, }, // Landorus @ Abundant Shrine
new(BW) { Species = 646, Level = 75, Location = 061, }, // Kyurem @ Giant Chasm
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Event
new(BW) { Species = 494, Level = 15, Location = 062, Shiny = Shiny.Never}, // Victini @ Liberty Garden
new(BW) { Species = 570, Level = 10, Location = 008, Shiny = Shiny.Never, Gender = 0, }, // Zorua @ Castelia City
new(BW) { Species = 571, Level = 25, Location = 072, Shiny = Shiny.Never, Gender = 1, }, // Zoroark @ Lostlorn Forest
// Roamer
new(B ) { Roaming = true, Species = 641, Level = 40, Location = 25, }, // Tornadus
new( W) { Roaming = true, Species = 642, Level = 40, Location = 25, }, // Thundurus
private static readonly EncounterStatic5[] Encounter_B2W2_Regular =
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Starters @ Aspertia City
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 495, Level = 05, Location = 117 }, // Snivy
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 498, Level = 05, Location = 117 }, // Tepig
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 501, Level = 05, Location = 117 }, // Oshawott
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Fossils @ Nacrene City
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 138, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Omanyte
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 140, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Kabuto
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Aerodactyl
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 345, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Lileep
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 347, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Anorith
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 408, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Cranidos
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 410, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Shieldon
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 564, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Tirtouga
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 566, Level = 25, Location = 007 }, // Archen
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Gift
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Level = 10, Location = 008, Ability = 4, }, // HA Eevee @ Castelia City
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = 4, Form = 0, }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = 4, Form = 1, }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = 4, Form = 2, }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 585, Level = 30, Location = 019, Ability = 4, Form = 3, }, // HA Deerling @ Route 6
new(B2 ) { Gift = true, Species = 443, Level = 01, Location = 122, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Gender = 0, }, // Shiny Gible @ Floccesy Town
new( W2) { Gift = true, Species = 147, Level = 01, Location = 122, Shiny = Shiny.Always, Gender = 0, }, // Shiny Dratini @ Floccesy Town
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 129, Level = 05, Location = 068,} , // Magikarp @ Marvelous Bridge
new(B2W2) { Gift = true, Species = 440, Level = 01, EggLocation = 60003 }, // Happiny Egg from PKMN Breeder
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Stationary
new(B2W2) { Species = 590, Level = 29, Location = 019, }, // Foongus @ Route 6
new(B2W2) { Species = 591, Level = 43, Location = 024, }, // Amoonguss @ Route 11
new(B2W2) { Species = 591, Level = 47, Location = 127, }, // Amoonguss @ Route 22
new(B2W2) { Species = 591, Level = 56, Location = 128, }, // Amoonguss @ Route 23
new(B2 ) { Species = 593, Level = 40, Location = 071, Ability = 4, Gender = 0, }, // HA Jellicent @ Undella Bay Mon Only
new( W2) { Species = 593, Level = 40, Location = 071, Ability = 4, Gender = 1, }, // HA Jellicent @ Undella Bay Thurs Only
new(B2W2) { Species = 593, Level = 40, Location = 071, }, // HA Jellicent @ Undella Bay EncounterSlot collision
new( W2) { Species = 628, Level = 25, Location = 017, Ability = 4, Gender = 0, }, // HA Braviary @ Route 4 Mon Only
new(B2 ) { Species = 630, Level = 25, Location = 017, Ability = 4, Gender = 1, }, // HA Mandibuzz @ Route 4 Thurs Only
new(B2W2) { Species = 637, Level = 35, Location = 035, }, // Volcarona @ Relic Castle
new(B2W2) { Species = 637, Level = 65, Location = 035, }, // Volcarona @ Relic Castle
new(B2W2) { Species = 558, Level = 42, Location = 141, }, // Crustle @ Seaside Cave
new(B2W2) { Species = 612, Level = 60, Location = 147, Shiny = Shiny.Always}, // Haxorus @ Nature Preserve
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Stationary Legendary
new(B2W2) { Species = 377, Level = 65, Location = 150, }, // Regirock @ Rock Peak Chamber
new(B2W2) { Species = 378, Level = 65, Location = 151, }, // Regice @ Iceberg Chamber
new(B2W2) { Species = 379, Level = 65, Location = 152, }, // Registeel @ Iron Chamber
new( W2) { Species = 380, Level = 68, Location = 032, }, // Latias @ Dreamyard
new(B2 ) { Species = 381, Level = 68, Location = 032, }, // Latios @ Dreamyard
new(B2W2) { Species = 480, Level = 65, Location = 007, }, // Uxie @ Nacrene City
new(B2W2) { Species = 481, Level = 65, Location = 056, }, // Mesprit @ Celestial Tower
new(B2W2) { Species = 482, Level = 65, Location = 128, }, // Azelf @ Route 23
new(B2W2) { Species = 485, Level = 68, Location = 132, }, // Heatran @ Reversal Mountain
new(B2W2) { Species = 486, Level = 68, Location = 038, }, // Regigigas @ Twist Mountain
new(B2W2) { Species = 488, Level = 68, Location = 068, }, // Cresselia @ Marvelous Bridge
new(B2W2) { Species = 638, Level = 45, Location = 026, }, // Cobalion @ Route 13
new(B2W2) { Species = 638, Level = 65, Location = 026, }, // Cobalion @ Route 13
new(B2W2) { Species = 639, Level = 45, Location = 127, }, // Terrakion @ Route 22
new(B2W2) { Species = 639, Level = 65, Location = 127, }, // Terrakion @ Route 22
new(B2W2) { Species = 640, Level = 45, Location = 024, }, // Virizion @ Route 11
new(B2W2) { Species = 640, Level = 65, Location = 024, }, // Virizion @ Route 11
new( W2) { Species = 643, Level = 70, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Reshiram @ Dragonspiral Tower
new(B2 ) { Species = 644, Level = 70, Location = 039, Shiny = Shiny.Never }, // Zekrom @ Dragonspiral Tower
new(B2W2) { Species = 646, Level = 70, Location = 061, Form = 0 }, // Kyurem @ Giant Chasm
private static readonly EncounterStatic5N[] Encounter_B2W2_N =
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// N's Pokemon
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 509, Level = 07, Location = 015, Ability = 2, Nature = Nature.Timid }, // Purloin @ Route 2
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 519, Level = 13, Location = 033, Ability = 2, Nature = Nature.Sassy }, // Pidove @ Pinwheel Forest
new(0xFF00003F) { Species = 532, Level = 13, Location = 033, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Rash }, // Timburr @ Pinwheel Forest
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 535, Level = 13, Location = 033, Ability = 2, Nature = Nature.Modest }, // Tympole @ Pinwheel Forest
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 527, Level = 55, Location = 053, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Timid }, // Woobat @ Wellspring Cave
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 551, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = 2, Nature = Nature.Docile }, // Sandile @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 554, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Naive }, // Darumaka @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 555, Level = 35, Location = 034, Ability = 4, Nature = Nature.Calm }, // Darmanitan @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 559, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Lax }, // Scraggy @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 561, Level = 22, Location = 034, Ability = 2, Nature = Nature.Gentle }, // Sigilyph @ Desert Resort
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 525, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Naive }, // Boldore @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF01007F) { Species = 595, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = 2, Nature = Nature.Docile }, // Joltik @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF00007F) { Species = 597, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Bashful }, // Ferroseed @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF000000) { Species = 599, Level = 28, Location = 037, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Rash }, // Klink @ Chargestone Cave
new(0xFF00001F) { Species = 570, Level = 25, Location = 010, Ability = 1, Nature = Nature.Hasty, Gift = true } // N's Zorua @ Driftveil City
private static readonly EncounterStatic5[] Encounter_B2W2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(Encounter_B2W2_Regular, Encounter_B2W2_N, Encounter_DreamRadar);
#region Trade Tables
internal static readonly EncounterTrade5PID[] TradeGift_BW =
new(B , 0x64000000) { Species = 548, Level = 15, Ability = 1, TID = 39922, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,20,31,20}, Nature = Nature.Modest, }, // Petilil
new( W, 0x6400007E) { Species = 546, Level = 15, Ability = 1, TID = 39922, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,20,31,20}, Nature = Nature.Modest, }, // Cottonee
new(B , 0x9400007F) { Species = 550, Level = 25, Ability = 1, TID = 27646, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,31,20,20,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Adamant, Form = 0, }, // Basculin-Red
new( W, 0x9400007F) { Species = 550, Level = 25, Ability = 1, TID = 27646, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,31,20,20,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Adamant, Form = 1, }, // Basculin-Blue
new(BW, 0xD400007F) { Species = 587, Level = 30, Ability = 1, TID = 11195, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,20,31,20,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Lax, }, // Emolga
new(BW, 0x2A000000) { Species = 479, Level = 60, Ability = 1, TID = 54673, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 2, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,20,20,31}, Nature = Nature.Gentle, }, // Rotom
new(BW, 0x6200001F) { Species = 446, Level = 60, Ability = 2, TID = 40217, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {31,20,20,20,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Serious, }, // Munchlax
internal static readonly EncounterTrade5[] TradeGift_B2W2_Regular =
new(B2 ) { Species = 548, Level = 20, Ability = 2, TID = 65217, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,20,31,20}, Nature = Nature.Timid, }, // Petilil
new( W2) { Species = 546, Level = 20, Ability = 1, TID = 05720, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,20,31,20}, Nature = Nature.Modest, }, // Cottonee
new(B2W2) { Species = 526, Level = 35, Ability = 1, TID = 11195, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,31,20,20,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Adamant, IsNicknamed = false }, // Gigalith
new(B2W2) { Species = 465, Level = 45, Ability = 1, TID = 27658, SID = 00001, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {31,20,20,20,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Hardy, }, // Tangrowth
new(B2W2) { Species = 479, Level = 60, Ability = 1, TID = 54673, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, Gender = 2, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,20,20,31}, Nature = Nature.Calm, }, // Rotom
new(B2W2) { Species = 424, Level = 40, Ability = 2, TID = 17074, SID = 00001, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,31,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Jolly, }, // Ambipom
new(B2W2) { Species = 065, Level = 40, Ability = 1, TID = 17074, SID = 00001, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, IVs = new[] {20,20,20,31,20,20}, Nature = Nature.Timid, }, // Alakazam
internal const int YancyTID = 10303;
internal const int CurtisTID = 54118;
private static readonly string[] TradeOT_B2W2_F = { string.Empty, "ルリ", "Yancy", "Brenda", "Lilì", "Sabine", string.Empty, "Belinda", "루리" };
private static readonly string[] TradeOT_B2W2_M = { string.Empty, "テツ", "Curtis", "Julien", "Dadi", "Markus", string.Empty, "Julián", "철권" };
2018-09-14 22:37:47 -07:00
private static readonly EncounterTrade5[] TradeGift_B2W2_YancyCurtis =
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Player is Male
new(B2W2) { Species = 052, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Meowth
new(B2W2) { Species = 202, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Wobbuffet
new(B2W2) { Species = 280, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Ralts
new(B2W2) { Species = 410, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Shieldon
new(B2W2) { Species = 111, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Rhyhorn
new(B2W2) { Species = 422, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, Form = 0, }, // Shellos-West
new(B2W2) { Species = 303, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Mawile
new(B2W2) { Species = 442, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Spiritomb
new(B2W2) { Species = 143, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Snorlax
new(B2W2) { Species = 216, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Teddiursa
new(B2W2) { Species = 327, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Spinda
new(B2W2) { Species = 175, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 10303, SID = 00000, OTGender = 1, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_F, }, // Togepi
2019-06-25 13:55:35 -04:00
// Player is Female
new(B2W2) { Species = 056, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Mankey
new(B2W2) { Species = 202, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Wobbuffet
new(B2W2) { Species = 280, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Ralts
new(B2W2) { Species = 408, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Cranidos
new(B2W2) { Species = 111, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Rhyhorn
new(B2W2) { Species = 422, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, Form = 1, }, // Shellos-East
new(B2W2) { Species = 302, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Sableye
new(B2W2) { Species = 442, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Spiritomb
new(B2W2) { Species = 143, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Snorlax
new(B2W2) { Species = 231, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Phanpy
new(B2W2) { Species = 327, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Spinda
new(B2W2) { Species = 175, Level = 50, Ability = 4, TID = 54118, SID = 00000, OTGender = 0, TrainerNames = TradeOT_B2W2_M, }, // Togepi
2018-09-14 22:37:47 -07:00
private const string tradeBW = "tradebw";
private const string tradeB2W2 = "tradeb2w2";
private static readonly string[][] TradeBW = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeBW);
private static readonly string[][] TradeB2W2 = Util.GetLanguageStrings8(tradeB2W2);
2018-09-14 22:37:47 -07:00
internal static readonly EncounterTrade5[] TradeGift_B2W2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(TradeGift_B2W2_Regular, TradeGift_B2W2_YancyCurtis);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticB = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_BW, B), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_BW);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticW = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_BW, W), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_BW);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticB2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_B2W2, B2), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_B2W2);
internal static readonly EncounterStatic5[] StaticW2 = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(GetEncounters(Encounter_B2W2, W2), DreamWorld_Common, DreamWorld_B2W2);