2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
using PKHeX.Core;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
namespace PKHeX.WinForms
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
public partial class SAV_MysteryGiftDB : Form
public SAV_MysteryGiftDB(Main f1)
m_parent = f1;
// Preset Filters to only show PKM available for loaded save
CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex = 3; // <=
PKXBOXES = new[]
bpkx1, bpkx2, bpkx3, bpkx4, bpkx5, bpkx6,
bpkx7, bpkx8, bpkx9, bpkx10,bpkx11,bpkx12,
// Enable Scrolling when hovered over
PAN_Box.MouseHover += (sender, args) =>
if (ActiveForm == this)
foreach (var slot in PKXBOXES)
slot.MouseEnter += (sender, args) =>
if (ActiveForm == this)
// Enable Click
slot.MouseClick += (sender, args) =>
if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
clickView(sender, args);
Counter = L_Count.Text;
Viewed = L_Viewed.Text;
L_Viewed.Text = ""; // invis for now
ContextMenuStrip mnu = new ContextMenuStrip();
ToolStripMenuItem mnuView = new ToolStripMenuItem("View");
// Assign event handlers
mnuView.Click += clickView;
// Add to main context menu
mnu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { mnuView });
// Assign to datagridview
foreach (PictureBox p in PKXBOXES)
p.ContextMenuStrip = mnu;
// Load Data
RawDB = new List<MysteryGift>();
2016-11-13 09:37:28 -08:00
2016-09-06 17:19:30 -07:00
if (Directory.Exists(DatabasePath))
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(DatabasePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);
if (!MysteryGift.getIsMysteryGift(fi.Length)) continue;
var mg = MysteryGift.getMysteryGift(File.ReadAllBytes(file), fi.Extension);
if (mg != null)
RawDB = new List<MysteryGift>(RawDB.Where(mg => !mg.IsItem && mg.IsPokémon && mg.Species > 0).Distinct().OrderBy(mg => mg.Species));
foreach (var mg in RawDB)
mg.GiftUsed = false;
Menu_SearchSettings.DropDown.Closing += (sender, e) =>
if (e.CloseReason == ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked)
e.Cancel = true;
2016-09-17 22:31:47 -07:00
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
private readonly Main m_parent;
private readonly PictureBox[] PKXBOXES;
2016-11-13 13:11:53 -08:00
private readonly string DatabasePath = Main.MGDatabasePath;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
private List<MysteryGift> Results;
private readonly List<MysteryGift> RawDB;
private int slotSelected = -1; // = null;
private Image slotColor;
private const int RES_MAX = 66;
private const int RES_MIN = 6;
private readonly string Counter;
private readonly string Viewed;
2016-11-17 09:12:17 -08:00
private const int MAXFORMAT = 7;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
// Important Events
private void clickView(object sender, EventArgs e)
sender = ((sender as ToolStripItem)?.Owner as ContextMenuStrip)?.SourceControl ?? sender as PictureBox;
int index = Array.IndexOf(PKXBOXES, sender);
var dataArr = Results.Skip(SCR_Box.Value * RES_MIN).Take(RES_MAX).ToArray();
if (index >= dataArr.Length)
m_parent.populateFields(dataArr[index].convertToPKM(Main.SAV), false);
slotSelected = index + SCR_Box.Value * RES_MIN;
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
slotColor = Core.Properties.Resources.slotView;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
L_Viewed.Text = string.Format(Viewed, dataArr[index].FileName);
private void populateComboBoxes()
// Set the Text
CB_HeldItem.DisplayMember =
CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text";
// Set the Value
CB_HeldItem.ValueMember =
CB_Species.ValueMember = "Value";
var Any = new ComboItem {Text = "Any", Value = -1};
2016-10-29 15:41:55 -07:00
var DS_Species = new List<ComboItem>(GameInfo.SpeciesDataSource);
2016-09-17 22:31:47 -07:00
var filteredSpecies = DS_Species.Where(spec => RawDB.Any(mg => mg.Species == spec.Value)).ToList();
filteredSpecies.Insert(0, Any);
CB_Species.DataSource = filteredSpecies;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
2016-10-29 15:41:55 -07:00
var DS_Item = new List<ComboItem>(GameInfo.ItemDataSource);
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
DS_Item.Insert(0, Any); CB_HeldItem.DataSource = DS_Item;
// Set the Move ComboBoxes too..
2016-10-29 15:41:55 -07:00
var DS_Move = new List<ComboItem>(GameInfo.MoveDataSource);
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
DS_Move.RemoveAt(0); DS_Move.Insert(0, Any);
foreach (ComboBox cb in new[] { CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4 })
cb.DisplayMember = "Text"; cb.ValueMember = "Value";
cb.DataSource = new BindingSource(DS_Move, null);
// Trigger a Reset
resetFilters(null, null);
private void resetFilters(object sender, EventArgs e)
CHK_Shiny.Checked = CHK_IsEgg.Checked = true;
CHK_Shiny.CheckState = CHK_IsEgg.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_Move1.SelectedIndex = CB_Move2.SelectedIndex = CB_Move3.SelectedIndex = CB_Move4.SelectedIndex = 0;
if (sender != null)
// IO Usage
private void openDB(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Directory.Exists(DatabasePath))
Process.Start("explorer.exe", DatabasePath);
private void Menu_Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Results == null || Results.Count == 0)
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
{ WinFormsUtil.Alert("No results to export."); return; }
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Export to a folder?"))
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (DialogResult.OK != fbd.ShowDialog())
string path = fbd.SelectedPath;
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) // just in case...
foreach (var gift in Results)
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(path, Util.CleanFileName(gift.FileName)), gift.Data);
// View Updates
private void B_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Populate Search Query Result
IEnumerable<MysteryGift> res = RawDB;
int format = MAXFORMAT + 1 - CB_Format.SelectedIndex;
switch (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex)
case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;
case 1: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format >= format); break;
case 2: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format == format); break;
case 3: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format <= format); break;
// Primary Searchables
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species);
int item = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_HeldItem);
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
if (species != -1) res = res.Where(pk => pk.Species == species);
if (item != -1) res = res.Where(pk => pk.HeldItem == item);
// Secondary Searchables
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
int move1 = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move1);
int move2 = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move2);
int move3 = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move3);
int move4 = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Move4);
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
if (move1 != -1) res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move1));
if (move2 != -1) res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move2));
if (move3 != -1) res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move3));
if (move4 != -1) res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move4));
if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsShiny);
if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsShiny);
if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsEgg);
if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsEgg);
slotSelected = -1; // reset the slot last viewed
if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Any(line => line.Length > 0))
var raw =
.Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
.Where(line => new[] { '!', '=' }.Contains(line[0]));
var filters = (from line in raw
let eval = line[0] == '='
let split = line.Substring(1).Split('=')
where split.Length == 2 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(split[0])
select new BatchEditor.StringInstruction { PropertyName = split[0], PropertyValue = split[1], Evaluator = eval }).ToArray();
if (filters.Any(z => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(z.PropertyValue)))
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
{ WinFormsUtil.Error("Empty Filter Value detected."); return; }
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
res = res.Where(gift => // Compare across all filters
foreach (var cmd in filters)
2016-09-30 15:12:58 -07:00
if (!gift.GetType().HasPropertyAll(cmd.PropertyName))
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
return false;
try { if (ReflectUtil.GetValueEquals(gift, cmd.PropertyName, cmd.PropertyValue) == cmd.Evaluator) continue; }
catch { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to compare {cmd.PropertyName} to {cmd.PropertyValue}."); }
return false;
return true;
var results = res.ToArray();
if (results.Length == 0)
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
WinFormsUtil.Alert("No results found!");
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
setResults(new List<MysteryGift>(results)); // updates Count Label as well.
private void updateScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e)
if (e.OldValue != e.NewValue)
private void setResults(List<MysteryGift> res)
Results = new List<MysteryGift>(res);
SCR_Box.Maximum = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)Results.Count / RES_MIN);
if (SCR_Box.Maximum > 0) SCR_Box.Maximum -= 1;
SCR_Box.Value = 0;
L_Count.Text = string.Format(Counter, Results.Count);
private void FillPKXBoxes(int start)
if (Results == null)
2016-09-04 11:02:27 -07:00
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
for (int i = 0; i < RES_MAX; i++)
PKXBOXES[i].Image = null;
2016-09-04 11:02:27 -07:00
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
var data = Results.Skip(start * RES_MIN).Take(RES_MAX).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
2017-01-11 22:28:35 -08:00
PKXBOXES[i].Image = data[i].Sprite();
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
for (int i = data.Length; i < RES_MAX; i++)
PKXBOXES[i].Image = null;
for (int i = 0; i < RES_MAX; i++)
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
PKXBOXES[i].BackgroundImage = Core.Properties.Resources.slotTrans;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
if (slotSelected != -1 && slotSelected >= RES_MIN * start && slotSelected < RES_MIN * start + RES_MAX)
2017-01-07 23:54:09 -08:00
PKXBOXES[slotSelected - start * RES_MIN].BackgroundImage = slotColor ?? Core.Properties.Resources.slotView;
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00
private void Menu_SearchAdvanced_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Menu_SearchAdvanced.Checked)
{ Size = MinimumSize; RTB_Instructions.Clear(); }
else Size = MaximumSize;
private void Menu_Exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
if (!PAN_Box.RectangleToScreen(PAN_Box.ClientRectangle).Contains(MousePosition))
int oldval = SCR_Box.Value;
int newval = oldval + (e.Delta < 0 ? 1 : -1);
if (newval >= SCR_Box.Minimum && SCR_Box.Maximum >= newval)
FillPKXBoxes(SCR_Box.Value = newval);
private void changeFormatFilter(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex == 0)
CB_Format.Visible = false; // !any
CB_Format.SelectedIndex = 0;
CB_Format.Visible = true;
2016-09-04 18:17:13 -07:00
int index = MAXFORMAT - Main.SAV.Generation + 1;
CB_Format.SelectedIndex = index < CB_Format.Items.Count ? index : 0; // SAV generation (offset by 1 for "Any")
2016-09-04 10:38:53 -07:00