2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
using System;
using System.Drawing;
2016-01-30 23:03:43 -08:00
using System.Linq;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace PKHeX
public partial class SAV_HallOfFame : Form
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
public SAV_HallOfFame()
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
Util.TranslateInterface(this, Main.curlanguage);
2016-06-19 21:22:43 -07:00
Array.Copy(SAV.Data, SAV.HoF, data, 0, data.Length); //Copy HoF section of save into Data
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
editor_spec = new object[]{
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2015-01-31 15:59:23 -08:00
LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex = 0;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
NUP_PartyIndex_ValueChanged(null, null);
2015-01-31 10:35:50 -08:00
try { TB_Nickname.Font = PKX.getPKXFont(11); }
catch (Exception e) { Util.Alert("Font loading failed...", e.ToString()); }
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
editing = true;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2015-11-20 22:11:25 -08:00
private bool editing;
2016-06-19 21:22:43 -07:00
private readonly SAV6 SAV = new SAV6(Main.SAV.Data);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2016-01-17 13:27:24 -08:00
private readonly string[] gendersymbols = Main.gendersymbols;
private readonly byte[] data = new byte[0x1B40];
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2016-01-17 13:27:24 -08:00
private readonly object[] editor_spec;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
private void Setup()
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
#region Species
CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Species.ValueMember = "Value";
2016-06-20 19:07:40 -07:00
CB_Species.DataSource = Util.getCBList(Main.specieslist.Skip(1).Take(SAV.MaxSpeciesID).ToArray(), null);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
#region Moves
CB_Move1.DisplayMember = CB_Move2.DisplayMember = CB_Move3.DisplayMember = CB_Move4.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Move1.ValueMember = CB_Move2.ValueMember = CB_Move3.ValueMember = CB_Move4.ValueMember = "Value";
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
CB_Move1.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.MoveDataSource, null);
CB_Move2.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.MoveDataSource, null);
CB_Move3.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.MoveDataSource, null);
CB_Move4.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.MoveDataSource, null);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
#region Items
CB_HeldItem.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_HeldItem.ValueMember = "Value";
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
CB_HeldItem.DataSource = new BindingSource(Main.ItemDataSource, null);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
private void B_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
private void B_Close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2016-06-19 21:22:43 -07:00
Array.Copy(data, 0, Main.SAV.Data, SAV.HoF, data.Length);
2015-10-24 16:33:44 -07:00
Main.SAV.Edited = true;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
private void displayEntry(object sender, EventArgs e)
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
editing = false;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
RTB.Font = new Font("Courier New", 8);
RTB.LanguageOption = RichTextBoxLanguageOptions.DualFont;
2015-01-31 15:59:23 -08:00
int index = LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
int offset = index * 0x1B4;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
uint vnd = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x1B0);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
uint vn = vnd & 0xFF;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
TB_VN.Text = vn.ToString("000");
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
string s = "Entry #" + vn + Environment.NewLine;
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
uint date = vnd >> 14 & 0x1FFFF;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
uint year = (date & 0xFF) + 2000;
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
uint month = date >> 8 & 0xF;
uint day = date >> 12;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
if (day == 0)
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
s += "No records in this slot.";
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
foreach (object t in editor_spec)
((Control)t).Enabled = false;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
editing = false;
NUP_PartyIndex_ValueChanged(sender, e);
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
goto end;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
foreach (object t in editor_spec)
((Control)t).Enabled = true;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
s += "Date: " + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
CAL_MetDate.Value = new DateTime((int)year, (int)month, (int)day);
int moncount = 0;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
int species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x00);
int helditem = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x02);
int move1 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x04);
int move2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x06);
int move3 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x08);
int move4 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x0A);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
int TID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x10);
int SID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x12);
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
uint slgf = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x14);
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
// uint form = slgf & 0x1F;
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
uint gender = slgf >> 5 & 3; // 0 M; 1 F; 2 G
uint level = slgf >> 7 & 0x7F;
uint shiny = slgf >> 14 & 0x1;
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
// uint unkn = slgf >> 15;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
string nickname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offset + 0x18, 22));
string OTname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offset + 0x30, 22));
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
if (species == 0)
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:52:49 -08:00
string genderstr=gendersymbols[gender];
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
string shinystr = shiny == 1 ? "Yes" : "No";
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
s += "Name: " + nickname;
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
s += " (" + Main.specieslist[species] + " - " + genderstr + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
s += "Level: " + level + Environment.NewLine;
2014-12-10 22:50:40 -08:00
s += "Shiny: " + shinystr + Environment.NewLine;
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
s += "Held Item: " + Main.itemlist[helditem] + Environment.NewLine;
s += "Move 1: " + Main.movelist[move1] + Environment.NewLine;
s += "Move 2: " + Main.movelist[move2] + Environment.NewLine;
s += "Move 3: " + Main.movelist[move3] + Environment.NewLine;
s += "Move 4: " + Main.movelist[move4] + Environment.NewLine;
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
s += "OT: " + OTname + " (" + TID + "/" + SID + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
2014-12-10 22:50:40 -08:00
s += Environment.NewLine;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
offset += 0x48;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
if (sender != null)
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
NUP_PartyIndex.Maximum = moncount == 0 ? 1 : moncount;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
NUP_PartyIndex.Value = 1;
NUP_PartyIndex_ValueChanged(sender, e);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
else editing = true;
RTB.Text = s;
RTB.Font = new Font("Courier New", 8);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
private void NUP_PartyIndex_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
editing = false;
2015-01-31 15:59:23 -08:00
int index = LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
int offset = index * 0x1B4 + (Convert.ToInt32(NUP_PartyIndex.Value)-1) * 0x48;
2014-12-15 18:13:46 -08:00
if (offset < 0) return;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
int species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x00);
CB_Species.SelectedValue = species;
int item = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x02);
CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = item;
int move1 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x04);
int move2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x06);
int move3 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x08);
int move4 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x0A);
CB_Move1.SelectedValue = move1;
CB_Move2.SelectedValue = move2;
CB_Move3.SelectedValue = move3;
CB_Move4.SelectedValue = move4;
uint EC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0xC);
TB_EC.Text = EC.ToString("X8");
TB_TID.Text = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x10).ToString("00000");
TB_SID.Text = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, offset + 0x12).ToString("00000");
TB_Nickname.Text = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offset + 0x18, 22));
TB_OT.Text = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offset + 0x30, 22));
uint slgf = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x14);
uint form = slgf & 0x1F;
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
uint gender = slgf >> 5 & 3; // 0 M; 1 F; 2 G
uint level = slgf >> 7 & 0x7F;
uint shiny = slgf >> 14 & 0x1;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
uint nick = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data,offset+0x16);
CHK_Shiny.Checked = shiny == 1;
TB_Level.Text = level.ToString("000");
CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = nick == 1;
2016-06-29 22:58:02 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = (int)form;
updateNickname(sender, e);
2015-04-29 17:23:23 -07:00
bpkx.Image = PKX.getSprite(species, (int)form, (int)gender, item, false, shiny == 1);
editing = true;
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
private void Write_Entry(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!editing)
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
return; //Don't do writing until loaded
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
byte[] StringBuffer = new byte[22]; //Mimic in-game behavior of not clearing strings. It's awful, but accuracy > good.
string[] text_writes = new string[6 * 2]; //2 strings per mon, 6 mons
2015-01-31 15:59:23 -08:00
int index = LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
int offset = index * 0x1B4;
for (int i = 0; i < text_writes.Length; i++)
string nickname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offset + 0x18, 22));
string OTname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, offset + 0x30, 22));
text_writes[i] = nickname;
text_writes[i] = OTname;
offset += 0x48;
2016-01-05 18:16:58 -08:00
int partymember = Convert.ToInt32(NUP_PartyIndex.Value) - 1;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
text_writes[partymember * 2] = TB_Nickname.Text;
text_writes[partymember * 2 + 1] = TB_OT.Text;
offset = index * 0x1B4 + partymember * 0x48;
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Species.SelectedValue)), 0, data, offset + 0x00, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue)), 0, data, offset + 0x02, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move1.SelectedValue)), 0, data, offset + 0x04, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move2.SelectedValue)), 0, data, offset + 0x06, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move3.SelectedValue)), 0, data, offset + 0x08, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move4.SelectedValue)), 0, data, offset + 0x0A, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(TB_EC.Text,16)), 0, data, offset + 0x0C, 4);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(TB_TID.Text)), 0, data, offset + 0x010, 2);
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(TB_SID.Text)), 0, data, offset + 0x012, 2);
#region Write Strings
int ofs = index * 0x1B4;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Array.Copy(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text_writes[i * 2]), StringBuffer, text_writes[i*2].Length*2);
int pos = text_writes[i * 2].Length * 2;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
if (pos<StringBuffer.Length)
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
StringBuffer[pos] = 0;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
Array.Copy(StringBuffer, 0, data, ofs + 0x18, 22);
Array.Copy(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text_writes[i * 2 + 1]), StringBuffer, text_writes[i * 2 + 1].Length * 2);
pos = text_writes[i * 2 + 1].Length * 2;
if (pos < StringBuffer.Length)
StringBuffer[pos] = 0;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
Array.Copy(StringBuffer, 0, data, ofs + 0x30, 22);
ofs += 0x48;
uint rawslgf = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x14);
uint slgf = 0;
slgf |= (uint)(CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F);
slgf |= (uint)((PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) & 0x3) << 5);
slgf |= (uint)((Convert.ToUInt16(TB_Level.Text) & 0x7F) << 7);
if (CHK_Shiny.Checked)
slgf |= 1 << 14;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2016-01-17 17:07:19 -08:00
slgf |= rawslgf & 0x8000;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(slgf), 0, data, offset + 0x014, 2);
uint nick = 0;
if (CHK_Nicknamed.Checked)
nick = 1;
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nick), 0, data, offset + 0x016, 2);
offset = index * 0x1B4;
uint vnd = 0;
uint date = 0;
2016-01-17 17:07:19 -08:00
vnd |= Convert.ToUInt32(TB_VN.Text) & 0xFF;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
date |= (uint)((CAL_MetDate.Value.Year - 2000) & 0xFF);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
date |= (uint)((CAL_MetDate.Value.Month & 0xF) << 8);
date |= (uint)((CAL_MetDate.Value.Day & 0x1F) << 12);
2016-01-17 17:07:19 -08:00
vnd |= (date & 0x1FFFF) << 14;
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
//Fix for top bit
uint rawvnd = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x1B0);
2016-01-17 17:07:19 -08:00
vnd |= rawvnd & 0x80000000;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(vnd), 0, data, offset + 0x1B0, 4);
2016-01-17 17:07:19 -08:00
bpkx.Image = PKX.getSprite(Util.getIndex(CB_Species), CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F, PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text), Util.getIndex(CB_HeldItem), false, CHK_Shiny.Checked);
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
displayEntry(null, null); // refresh text view
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
private void Validate_TextBoxes()
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
TB_Level.Text = Math.Min(Util.ToInt32(TB_Level.Text), 100).ToString();
TB_VN.Text = Math.Min(Util.ToInt32(TB_VN.Text), 255).ToString();
TB_TID.Text = Math.Min(Util.ToInt32(TB_TID.Text), 65535).ToString();
TB_SID.Text = Math.Min(Util.ToInt32(TB_SID.Text), 65535).ToString();
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
private void updateNickname(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!CHK_Nicknamed.Checked)
// Fetch Current Species and set it as Nickname Text
int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
if (species == 0 || species > 721)
TB_Nickname.Text = "";
// get language
2015-09-20 20:34:09 -07:00
string l = Main.curlanguage;
2016-03-14 17:54:30 -07:00
TB_Nickname.Text = Util.getStringList("species", l)[species];
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
TB_Nickname.ReadOnly = !CHK_Nicknamed.Checked;
Write_Entry(null, null);
2016-06-29 22:58:02 -07:00
private void setForms()
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
2016-07-17 22:39:18 -07:00
bool hasForms = PersonalTable.AO[species].HasFormes || new[] { 664, 665, 414 }.Contains(species);
2016-06-29 22:58:02 -07:00
CB_Form.Enabled = CB_Form.Visible = hasForms;
CB_Form.DisplayMember = "Text";
CB_Form.ValueMember = "Value";
CB_Form.DataSource = PKX.getFormList(species, Main.types, Main.forms, Main.gendersymbols).ToList();
private void updateSpecies(object sender, EventArgs e)
2014-12-08 19:52:49 -08:00
updateNickname(null, null);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
private void updateShiny(object sender, EventArgs e)
2014-12-08 21:36:30 -08:00
if (!editing)
return; //Don't do writing until loaded
2016-01-17 17:07:19 -08:00
bpkx.Image = PKX.getSprite(Util.getIndex(CB_Species), CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F, PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text), Util.getIndex(CB_HeldItem), false, CHK_Shiny.Checked);
2015-04-29 17:23:23 -07:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
Write_Entry(null, null);
private void updateGender(object sender, EventArgs e)
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
// Get Gender Threshold
int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
2015-11-25 22:20:09 -08:00
int gt = PKX.Personal[species].Gender;
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-11 22:36:39 -08:00
if (gt == 255)
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[2];
else if (gt == 254)
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[1];
else if (gt == 0)
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[0];
if (gt == 255 || gt == 0 || gt == 254) // Single gender/genderless abort
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
if (gt < 256) // If not a single gender(less) species:
2015-03-10 18:44:51 -07:00
Label_Gender.Text = PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text) == 0 ? gendersymbols[1] : gendersymbols[0];
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
if (PKX.getGender(CB_Form.Text) == 0 && Label_Gender.Text != gendersymbols[0])
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = 1;
else if (PKX.getGender(CB_Form.Text) == 1 && Label_Gender.Text != gendersymbols[1])
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = 0;
if (species == 668)
CB_Form.SelectedIndex = PKX.getGender(Label_Gender.Text);
Write_Entry(null, null);
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
private void setGenderLabel(int gender)
if (gender == 0)
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[0]; // Male
else if (gender == 1)
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[1]; // Female
Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[2]; // Genderless
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
Write_Entry(null, null);
2014-12-08 17:51:49 -08:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
private void B_CopyText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2015-03-11 21:44:12 -07:00
2014-12-08 19:06:55 -08:00
2015-01-31 10:35:50 -08:00
private void B_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2015-01-31 15:59:23 -08:00
if (LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex < 1) { Util.Alert("Cannot delete your first Hall of Fame Clear entry."); return; }
int index = LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex;
2016-01-17 13:27:24 -08:00
if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Delete Entry {index} from your records?")
2015-03-11 21:44:12 -07:00
!= DialogResult.Yes) return;
int offset = index * 0x1B4;
if (index != 15) Array.Copy(data, offset + 0x1B4, data, offset, 0x1B4 * (15 - index));
// Ensure Last Entry is Cleared
Array.Copy(new byte[0x1B4], 0, data, 0x1B4 * 15, 0x1B4);
displayEntry(LB_DataEntry, null);
2015-01-31 10:35:50 -08:00
private void changeNickname(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
2016-07-17 13:06:52 -04:00
TextBox tb = !(sender is TextBox) ? TB_Nickname : (TextBox) sender;
2015-01-31 10:35:50 -08:00
// Special Character Form
2016-01-30 23:03:43 -08:00
if (ModifierKeys != Keys.Control)
if (Application.OpenForms.Cast<Form>().Any(form => form.Name == typeof(f2_Text).Name))
{ Util.Alert("Window is already open."); return; }
new f2_Text(tb).Show();
2015-01-31 10:35:50 -08:00
2014-06-28 14:22:05 -07:00