2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
public sealed class SAV2Stadium : SaveFile, ILangDeviantSave
protected override string BAKText => $"{OT} ({Version})";
public override string Filter => "SAV File|*.sav|All Files|*.*";
public override string Extension => ".sav";
public int SaveRevision => Japanese ? 0 : 1;
public string SaveRevisionString => Japanese ? "J" : "U";
public bool Japanese { get; }
public bool Korean => false;
public override PersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.C;
public override int MaxEV => ushort.MaxValue;
public override IReadOnlyList<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_GSC;
public override GameVersion Version { get; protected set; } = GameVersion.Stadium2;
public override SaveFile Clone() => new SAV1Stadium((byte[])Data.Clone(), Japanese);
public override string ChecksumInfo => ChecksumsValid ? "Checksum valid." : "Checksum invalid";
public override int Generation => 2;
public override string GetString(byte[] data, int offset, int length) => StringConverter12.GetString1(data, offset, length, Japanese);
public override byte[] SetString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0)
if (PadToSize == 0)
PadToSize = maxLength + 1;
return StringConverter12.SetString1(value, maxLength, Japanese, PadToSize, PadWith);
private const int StringLength = 12;
public override int OTLength => StringLength;
public override int NickLength => StringLength;
public override int BoxCount => Japanese ? 9 : 14;
public override int BoxSlotCount => Japanese ? 30 : 20;
public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_2;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_2;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_2;
public override int MaxBallID => 0; // unused
public override int MaxGameID => 99; // unused
public override int MaxMoney => 999999;
public override int MaxCoins => 9999;
public override int GetPartyOffset(int slot) => -1;
private readonly bool IsPairSwapped;
protected override byte[] GetFinalData()
var result = base.GetFinalData();
if (IsPairSwapped)
BigEndian.SwapBytes32(result = (byte[])result.Clone());
return result;
public override bool ChecksumsValid => GetBoxChecksumsValid();
protected override void SetChecksums() => SetBoxChecksums();
private bool GetBoxChecksumsValid()
for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++)
var boxOfs = GetBoxOffset(i) - ListHeaderSizeBox;
var size = BoxSize - 2;
var chk = Checksums.CheckSum16(Data, boxOfs, size);
var actual = BigEndian.ToUInt16(Data, boxOfs + size);
if (chk != actual)
return false;
return true;
private void SetBoxChecksums()
for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++)
var boxOfs = GetBoxOffset(i) - ListHeaderSizeBox;
var size = BoxSize - 2;
var chk = Checksums.CheckSum16(Data, boxOfs, size);
BigEndian.GetBytes(chk).CopyTo(Data, boxOfs + size);
public override Type PKMType => typeof(SK2);
protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) => new SK2(data, Japanese);
protected override byte[] DecryptPKM(byte[] data) => data;
public override PKM BlankPKM => new SK2(Japanese);
private const int SIZE_SK2 = PokeCrypto.SIZE_2STADIUM; // 60
protected override int SIZE_STORED => SIZE_SK2;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => SIZE_SK2;
public SAV2Stadium(byte[] data) : this(data, IsJapanese(data)) { }
public SAV2Stadium(byte[] data, bool japanese) : base(data)
var swap = StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentSwap(data, TeamSize, MAGIC_POKE);
if (swap)
IsPairSwapped = true;
Japanese = japanese;
Box = BoxStart;
public SAV2Stadium(bool japanese = false) : base(SaveUtil.SIZE_G1STAD)
Japanese = japanese;
Box = BoxStart;
private const int ListHeaderSizeTeam = 0x10;
private const int ListHeaderSizeBox = 0x20;
private const int ListFooterSize = 6; // POKE + 2byte checksum
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private const int TeamCount = 60;
private const int TeamCountType = 10;
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private const int TeamSize = ListHeaderSizeTeam + (SIZE_SK2 * 6) + 2 + ListFooterSize; // 0x180
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public static int GetTeamOffset(Stadium2TeamType type, int team)
if ((uint)team >= TeamCountType)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
var index = (TeamCountType * (int)type) + team;
return GetTeamOffset(index);
public static int GetTeamOffset(int team)
if (team < 40)
return 0 + (team * TeamSize);
// Teams 41-60 are in a separate chunk
return 0x4000 + ((team - 40) * TeamSize);
public static string GetTeamName(int team) => $"{(Stadium2TeamType)(team / TeamCountType)} {(team % 10) + 1}";
public BattleTeam<SK2>[] GetRegisteredTeams()
var result = new BattleTeam<SK2>[TeamCount];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = GetTeam(i);
return result;
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public BattleTeam<SK2> GetTeam(int team)
if ((uint)team >= TeamCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
var name = GetTeamName(team);
var members = new SK2[6];
var ofs = GetTeamOffset(team);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
2020-10-03 10:53:35 -07:00
var rel = ofs + ListHeaderSizeTeam + (i * SIZE_STORED);
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members[i] = (SK2)GetStoredSlot(Data, rel);
return new BattleTeam<SK2>(name, members);
private int BoxSize => Japanese ? BoxSizeJ : BoxSizeU;
private const int BoxSizeJ = ListHeaderSizeBox + (SIZE_SK2 * 30) + 2 + ListFooterSize; // 0x730
private const int BoxSizeU = ListHeaderSizeBox + (SIZE_SK2 * 20) + 2 + ListFooterSize; // 0x4D8
// Box 1 is stored separately from the remainder of the boxes.
private const int BoxStart = 0x5E00; // Box 1
private const int BoxContinue = 0x8000; // Box 2+
public override int GetBoxOffset(int box)
if (box == 0)
return BoxStart + ListHeaderSizeBox;
return BoxContinue + ListHeaderSizeBox + ((box - 1) * BoxSize);
public override string GetBoxName(int box) => $"Box {box + 1}";
public override void SetBoxName(int box, string value) { }
private const uint MAGIC_POKE = 0x30763350; // P3v0
public static bool IsStadium(byte[] data)
if (data.Length != SaveUtil.SIZE_G1STAD)
return false;
return StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentEither(data, TeamSize, MAGIC_POKE);
// Check Box 1's footer magic.
private static bool IsJapanese(byte[] data) => StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentAbsolute(data, BoxStart + BoxSizeJ - ListFooterSize, MAGIC_POKE);
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public enum Stadium2TeamType
AnythingGoes = 0,
LittleCup = 1,
PokéCup = 2,
PrimeCup = 3,
GymLeaderCastle = 4,
VsRival = 5,
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00