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using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
// Pokemon Crystal Headbutt tree encounters by trainer id, based on mechanics described in
/// <summary> Indicates the Availability of the Headbutt Tree </summary>
public enum TreeEncounterAvailable
/// <summary> Encounter is possible a reachable tree </summary>
/// <summary> Encounter is only possible a tree reachable only with walk-through walls cheats </summary>
/// <summary> Encounter is not possible in any tree </summary>
/// <summary> Coordinate / Index Relationship for a Headbutt Tree </summary>
internal sealed class TreeCoordinates
internal int X { get; }
internal int Y { get; }
internal int Index => ((X*Y) + X+Y) / 5 % 10;
public TreeCoordinates(int x, int y)
X = x;
Y = y;
/// <summary> Trees on a given map </summary>
public sealed class TreesArea
private const int PivotCount = 10;
private static readonly int[][] TrainerModerateTreeIndex = GenerateTrainersTreeIndex();
private static int[][] GenerateTrainersTreeIndex()
// A tree have a low encounter or moderate encounter base on the TID Pivot Index (TID % 10)
// Calculate for every Trainer Pivot Index the 5 tree index for low encounters
int[][] TrainersIndex = new int[PivotCount][];
for (int i = 0; i < PivotCount; i++)
int[] ModerateEncounterTreeIndex = new int[5];
for (int j = 0; j <= 4; j++)
ModerateEncounterTreeIndex[j] = (i + j) % PivotCount;
TrainersIndex[i] = ModerateEncounterTreeIndex.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
return TrainersIndex;
internal static TreesArea[] GetArray(byte[][] entries) => entries.Select(z => new TreesArea(z)).ToArray();
public int Location { get; private set; }
private TreeEncounterAvailable[] TrainerModerateEncounterTree { get; set; }
private TreeEncounterAvailable[] TrainerLowEncounterTree { get; set; }
private int[] ValidTreeIndex { get; set; }
private int[] InvalidTreeIndex { get; set; }
private TreeCoordinates[] ValidTrees { get; set; }
private TreeCoordinates[] InvalidTrees { get; set; }
public TreeEncounterAvailable[] GetTrees(SlotType t) => t == SlotType.Headbutt
? TrainerModerateEncounterTree
: TrainerLowEncounterTree;
private TreesArea(byte[] entry)
private void ReadAreaRawData(byte[] entry)
// Coordinates of trees for every are obtained with the program G2Map
// ValidTrees are those accessible by the player
Location = entry[0];
ValidTrees = new TreeCoordinates[entry[1]];
var ofs = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < ValidTrees.Length; i++, ofs += 2)
ValidTrees[i] = new TreeCoordinates(entry[ofs], entry[ofs + 1]);
// Invalid tress are trees that the player can not reach without cheating devices, like a tree beyond other trees
InvalidTrees = new TreeCoordinates[entry[ofs]];
for (int i = 0; i < InvalidTrees.Length; i++, ofs += 2)
InvalidTrees[i] = new TreeCoordinates(entry[ofs], entry[ofs + 1]);
private void GenerateAreaTreeIndex()
// For legality purposes, only the tree index is needed.
// Group the trees data by their index; trees that share indexes are indistinguishable from one another
ValidTreeIndex = ValidTrees.Select(t => t.Index).Distinct().OrderBy(i => i).ToArray();
InvalidTreeIndex = InvalidTrees.Select(t => t.Index).Distinct().OrderBy(i => i).Except(ValidTreeIndex).ToArray();
private void GenerateAreaTrainerEncounters()
// Check for every trainer pivot index if there are trees with moderate encounter and low encounter available in the area
TrainerModerateEncounterTree = new TreeEncounterAvailable[PivotCount];
TrainerLowEncounterTree = new TreeEncounterAvailable[PivotCount];
for (int i = 0; i < PivotCount; i++)
var TrainerModerateTrees = TrainerModerateTreeIndex[i];
TrainerModerateEncounterTree[i] = GetAvailableModerate(TrainerModerateTrees);
TrainerLowEncounterTree[i] = GetAvailableLow(TrainerModerateTrees);
private TreeEncounterAvailable GetAvailableModerate(int[] moderate)
if (ValidTreeIndex.Any(moderate.Contains))
return TreeEncounterAvailable.ValidTree;
if (InvalidTreeIndex.Any(moderate.Contains))
return TreeEncounterAvailable.InvalidTree;
return TreeEncounterAvailable.Impossible;
private TreeEncounterAvailable GetAvailableLow(int[] moderate)
if (ValidTreeIndex.Except(moderate).Any())
return TreeEncounterAvailable.ValidTree;
if (InvalidTreeIndex.Except(moderate).Any())
return TreeEncounterAvailable.InvalidTree;
return TreeEncounterAvailable.Impossible;
private void DumpLocation()
string loc = GameInfo.GetStrings("en").metGSC_00000[Location];
System.Console.WriteLine($"Location: {loc}");
foreach (var tree in ValidTrees)
System.Console.WriteLine($"{tree.Index} @ ({tree.X:D2},{tree.Y:D2})");
foreach (var tree in InvalidTrees)
System.Console.WriteLine($"{tree.Index} @ ({tree.X:D2},{tree.Y:D2})");