2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
using System.Linq;
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
2019-09-12 23:20:52 -07:00
namespace PKHeX.Core
2020-12-10 20:42:30 -08:00
/// <inheritdoc cref="EncounterArea" />
2019-09-12 23:20:52 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="GameVersion.GO"/> encounter area for <see cref="GameVersion.GG"/>
/// </summary>
2021-01-01 10:55:33 -08:00
public sealed record EncounterArea7g : EncounterArea, ISpeciesForm
2019-09-12 23:20:52 -07:00
2020-11-16 21:17:45 -08:00
/// <summary> Species for the area </summary>
/// <remarks> Due to how the encounter data is packaged by PKHeX, each species-form is grouped together. </remarks>
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
public int Species { get; }
2020-11-16 21:17:45 -08:00
/// <summary> Form of the Species </summary>
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
public int Form { get; }
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
public readonly EncounterSlot7GO[] Slots;
2020-08-30 11:08:21 -07:00
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
protected override IReadOnlyList<EncounterSlot> Raw => Slots;
private EncounterArea7g(int species, int form, EncounterSlot7GO[] slots) : base(GameVersion.GO)
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
Species = species;
Form = form;
2020-11-18 21:34:40 -08:00
Location = Locations.GO7;
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
Slots = slots;
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
2020-11-14 12:55:30 -08:00
internal static EncounterArea7g[] GetArea(byte[][] data)
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
2020-11-14 12:55:30 -08:00
var areas = new EncounterArea7g[data.Length];
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
for (int i = 0; i < areas.Length; i++)
2020-11-14 12:55:30 -08:00
areas[i] = GetArea(data[i]);
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
return areas;
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
private const int entrySize = (2 * sizeof(int)) + 2;
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
private static EncounterArea7g GetArea(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
var sf = ReadUInt16LittleEndian(data);
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
int species = sf & 0x7FF;
int form = sf >> 11;
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
var result = new EncounterSlot7GO[(data.Length - 2) / entrySize];
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
var area = new EncounterArea7g(species, form, result);
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
var offset = (i * entrySize) + 2;
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
var entry = data.Slice(offset, entrySize);
result[i] = ReadSlot(entry, area, species, form);
2020-11-12 20:41:01 -08:00
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
return area;
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
private static EncounterSlot7GO ReadSlot(ReadOnlySpan<byte> entry, EncounterArea7g area, int species, int form)
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
int start = ReadInt32LittleEndian(entry);
int end = ReadInt32LittleEndian(entry[4..]);
var sg = entry[8];
2021-01-26 13:35:57 -05:00
var shiny = (Shiny)(sg & 0x3F);
2021-01-16 18:29:27 -08:00
var gender = (Gender)(sg >> 6);
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
var type = (PogoType)entry[9];
2021-01-16 18:29:27 -08:00
return new EncounterSlot7GO(area, species, form, start, end, shiny, gender, type);
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
2020-08-21 16:35:49 -07:00
public override IEnumerable<EncounterSlot> GetMatchingSlots(PKM pkm, IReadOnlyList<EvoCriteria> chain)
2019-09-12 23:20:52 -07:00
2021-02-05 14:20:43 -08:00
// Find the first chain that has slots defined.
// Since it is possible to evolve before transferring, we only need the highest evolution species possible.
// PoGoEncTool has already extrapolated the evolutions to separate encounters!
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
var sf = chain.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Species == Species && z.Form == Form);
if (sf == null)
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
yield break;
2020-08-21 16:35:49 -07:00
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
var stamp = EncounterSlotGO.GetTimeStamp(pkm.Met_Year + 2000, pkm.Met_Month, pkm.Met_Day);
var met = Math.Max(sf.MinLevel, pkm.Met_Level);
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
EncounterSlot7GO? deferredIV = null;
2021-02-05 14:20:43 -08:00
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
foreach (var slot in Slots)
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
if (!slot.IsLevelWithinRange(met))
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
//if (!slot.IsBallValid(ball)) -- can have any of the in-game balls due to re-capture
// continue;
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
if (!slot.Shiny.IsValid(pkm))
2021-01-16 18:29:27 -08:00
//if (slot.Gender != Gender.Random && (int) slot.Gender != pkm.Gender)
// continue;
2020-11-16 15:32:22 -08:00
if (!slot.IsWithinStartEnd(stamp))
2020-11-16 21:17:45 -08:00
2021-02-05 17:25:38 -08:00
if (!slot.GetIVsValid(pkm))
2021-02-05 14:20:43 -08:00
deferredIV ??= slot;
2020-11-14 12:51:24 -08:00
yield return slot;
2019-09-12 23:20:52 -07:00
2021-02-05 14:20:43 -08:00
if (deferredIV != null)
yield return deferredIV;
2019-09-12 23:20:52 -07:00
2020-11-10 22:10:53 -08:00