
198 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PKHeX.Core
/// <summary>
/// Encounter Slot found in <see cref="GameVersion.BDSP"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <inheritdoc cref="EncounterSlot"/>
public sealed record EncounterSlot8b : EncounterSlot
public override int Generation => 8;
public bool IsUnderground => Area.Location is (>= 508 and <= 617);
public bool IsMarsh => Area.Location is (>= 219 and <= 224);
public readonly bool IsBCAT;
public EncounterSlot8b(EncounterArea area, int species, int form, int min, int max, bool isBCAT = false) : base(area, species, form, min, max)
protected override void SetFormatSpecificData(PKM pk)
if (IsUnderground)
if (GetBaseEggMove(out int move1))
pk.RelearnMove1 = move1;
else if (IsMarsh)
pk.Ball = (int)Ball.Safari;
public bool CanBeUndergroundMove(int move)
var et = PersonalTable.BDSP;
var sf = (PersonalInfoBDSP)et.GetFormEntry(Species, Form);
var species = sf.HatchSpecies;
if (IsBCAT && IgnoreEggMoves.TryGetValue(species, out var exclude) && Array.IndexOf(exclude, move) != -1)
return false;
var baseEgg = Legal.EggMovesBDSP[species].Moves;
if (baseEgg.Length == 0)
return move == 0;
return Array.IndexOf(baseEgg, move) >= 0;
public bool GetBaseEggMove(out int move)
var et = PersonalTable.BDSP;
var sf = (PersonalInfoBDSP)et.GetFormEntry(Species, Form);
var species = sf.HatchSpecies;
int[] Exclude = IgnoreEggMoves.TryGetValue(species, out var exclude) ? exclude : Array.Empty<int>();
var baseEgg = Legal.EggMovesBDSP[species].Moves;
if (baseEgg.Length == 0)
move = 0;
return false;
// Official method creates a new List<ushort>() with all the egg moves, removes all ignored, then picks a random index.
// We'll just loop instead to not allocate, and because it's a >50% chance the move won't be ignored, thus faster.
var rnd = Util.Rand;
while (true)
var index = rnd.Next(baseEgg.Length);
move = baseEgg[index];
2021-11-26 16:50:30 -08:00
if (!IsBCAT || Array.IndexOf(Exclude, move) == -1)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Unreferenced in v1.0, so all egg moves are possible for ROM encounters.
/// Since the Underground supports BCAT distributions, we will keep this around on the off chance they do utilize that method of distribution.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<int, int[]> IgnoreEggMoves = new()
{004, new[] {394}}, // Charmander
{016, new[] {403}}, // Pidgey
{019, new[] {044}}, // Rattata
{027, new[] {229}}, // Sandshrew
{037, new[] {180,050,326}}, // Vulpix
{050, new[] {310}}, // Diglett
{056, new[] {370}}, // Mankey
{058, new[] {242,336,394}}, // Growlithe
{060, new[] {061,341}}, // Poliwag
{066, new[] {282}}, // Machop
{077, new[] {172}}, // Ponyta
{079, new[] {428}}, // Slowpoke
{083, new[] {348}}, // Farfetch<63>d
{084, new[] {098,283}}, // Doduo
{086, new[] {227}}, // Seel
{098, new[] {175,021}}, // Krabby
{102, new[] {235}}, // Exeggcute
{108, new[] {187}}, // Lickitung
{109, new[] {194}}, // Koffing
{113, new[] {270}}, // Chansey
{114, new[] {072}}, // Tangela
{115, new[] {023,116}}, // Kangaskhan
{116, new[] {225}}, // Horsea
{122, new[] {102,298}}, // Mr. Mime
{127, new[] {450,276}}, // Pinsir
{133, new[] {204,343}}, // Eevee
{140, new[] {341}}, // Kabuto
{143, new[] {122,562}}, // Snorlax
{147, new[] {349,407}}, // Dratini
{152, new[] {267,312,034}}, // Chikorita
{155, new[] {098,038}}, // Cyndaquil
{158, new[] {242,037,056}}, // Totodile
{161, new[] {179}}, // Sentret
{170, new[] {175}}, // Chinchou
{173, new[] {150}}, // Cleffa
{179, new[] {036,268}}, // Mareep
{183, new[] {276}}, // Marill
{187, new[] {388}}, // Hoppip
{190, new[] {103,097}}, // Aipom
{191, new[] {073,275}}, // Sunkern
{198, new[] {017,372}}, // Murkrow
{200, new[] {180}}, // Misdreavus
{204, new[] {038}}, // Pineco
{206, new[] {246}}, // Dunsparce
{209, new[] {242,423,424,422}}, // Snubbull
{214, new[] {224}}, // Heracross
{216, new[] {313}}, // Teddiursa
{218, new[] {414}}, // Slugma
{220, new[] {036}}, // Swinub
{222, new[] {392}}, // Corsola
{223, new[] {062}}, // Remoraid
{226, new[] {056,469}}, // Mantine
{227, new[] {065,413}}, // Skarmory
{228, new[] {251,424}}, // Houndour
{234, new[] {428}}, // Stantler
{236, new[] {270}}, // Tyrogue
{238, new[] {008}}, // Smoochum
{252, new[] {283,437}}, // Treecko
{255, new[] {179,297}}, // Torchic
{261, new[] {281,389,583}}, // Poochyena
{270, new[] {175,055}}, // Lotad
{276, new[] {413}}, // Taillow
{278, new[] {054,097}}, // Wingull
{283, new[] {453}}, // Surskit
{285, new[] {388,402}}, // Shroomish
{296, new[] {197}}, // Makuhita
{298, new[] {021}}, // Azurill
{299, new[] {335}}, // Nosepass
{300, new[] {252}}, // Skitty
{302, new[] {212}}, // Sableye
{303, new[] {389}}, // Mawile
{304, new[] {442}}, // Aron
{309, new[] {435,422}}, // Electrike
{311, new[] {435,204}}, // Plusle
{312, new[] {435,313}}, // Minun
{313, new[] {227}}, // Volbeat
{314, new[] {227}}, // Illumise
{315, new[] {235}}, // Roselia
{316, new[] {220,441}}, // Gulpin
{320, new[] {034}}, // Wailmer
{322, new[] {281}}, // Numel
{324, new[] {284,499}}, // Torkoal
{325, new[] {428}}, // Spoink
{328, new[] {414}}, // Trapinch
{336, new[] {400}}, // Seviper
{339, new[] {330}}, // Barboach
{341, new[] {283,282}}, // Corphish
{345, new[] {072}}, // Lileep
{352, new[] {050,492}}, // Kecleon
{353, new[] {425,566}}, // Shuppet
{357, new[] {437,235,349,692}}, // Tropius
{359, new[] {389,195}}, // Absol
{363, new[] {205}}, // Spheal
{369, new[] {401}}, // Relicanth
{370, new[] {392}}, // Luvdisc
{387, new[] {074}}, // Turtwig
{390, new[] {612}}, // Chimchar
{393, new[] {056}}, // Piplup
{399, new[] {111,205}}, // Bidoof
{408, new[] {043}}, // Cranidos
{417, new[] {608}}, // Pachirisu
{418, new[] {401}}, // Buizel
{422, new[] {262}}, // Shellos
{425, new[] {194,366}}, // Drifloon
{439, new[] {102,298}}, // Mime Jr.
{442, new[] {425}}, // Spiritomb
{443, new[] {225,328}}, // Gible
{446, new[] {122}}, // Munchlax
{449, new[] {303,328}}, // Hippopotas
{451, new[] {400}}, // Skorupi
{456, new[] {175}}, // Finneon
{458, new[] {056,469}}, // Mantyke
{459, new[] {054}}, // Snover