2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
using static System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives;
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Pokémon Stadium 2 (Pokémon Stadium GS in Japan)
/// </summary>
public sealed class SAV2Stadium : SAV_STADIUM
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public override int SaveRevision => Japanese ? 0 : 1;
public override string SaveRevisionString => Japanese ? "J" : "U";
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
Refactoring: Move Source (Legality) (#3560)
Rewrites a good amount of legality APIs pertaining to:
* Legal moves that can be learned
* Evolution chains & cross-generation paths
* Memory validation with forgotten moves
In generation 8, there are 3 separate contexts an entity can exist in: SW/SH, BD/SP, and LA. Not every entity can cross between them, and not every entity from generation 7 can exist in generation 8 (Gogoat, etc). By creating class models representing the restrictions to cross each boundary, we are able to better track and validate data.
The old implementation of validating moves was greedy: it would iterate for all generations and evolutions, and build a full list of every move that can be learned, storing it on the heap. Now, we check one game group at a time to see if the entity can learn a move that hasn't yet been validated. End result is an algorithm that requires 0 allocation, and a smaller/quicker search space.
The old implementation of storing move parses was inefficient; for each move that was parsed, a new object is created and adjusted depending on the parse. Now, move parse results are `struct` and store the move parse contiguously in memory. End result is faster parsing and 0 memory allocation.
* `PersonalTable` objects have been improved with new API methods to check if a species+form can exist in the game.
* `IEncounterTemplate` objects have been improved to indicate the `EntityContext` they originate in (similar to `Generation`).
* Some APIs have been extended to accept `Span<T>` instead of Array/IEnumerable
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public override IPersonalTable Personal => PersonalTable.C;
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public override int MaxEV => ushort.MaxValue;
public override IReadOnlyList<ushort> HeldItems => Legal.HeldItems_GSC;
public override GameVersion Version { get; protected set; } = GameVersion.Stadium2;
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protected override SaveFile CloneInternal() => new SAV2Stadium((byte[])Data.Clone(), Japanese);
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public override int Generation => 2;
public override EntityContext Context => EntityContext.Gen2;
private const int StringLength = 12;
public override int OTLength => StringLength;
public override int NickLength => StringLength;
public override int BoxCount => Japanese ? 9 : 14;
public override int BoxSlotCount => Japanese ? 30 : 20;
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public override int MaxMoveID => Legal.MaxMoveID_2;
public override int MaxSpeciesID => Legal.MaxSpeciesID_2;
public override int MaxAbilityID => Legal.MaxAbilityID_2;
public override int MaxItemID => Legal.MaxItemID_2;
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public override Type PKMType => typeof(SK2);
public override PKM BlankPKM => new SK2(Japanese);
protected override PKM GetPKM(byte[] data) => new SK2(data, Japanese);
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private const int SIZE_SK2 = PokeCrypto.SIZE_2STADIUM; // 60
protected override int SIZE_STORED => SIZE_SK2;
protected override int SIZE_PARTY => SIZE_SK2;
2020-10-04 09:23:16 -07:00
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private const int ListHeaderSizeTeam = 0x10;
private const int ListHeaderSizeBox = 0x20;
private const int ListFooterSize = 6; // POKE + 2byte checksum
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protected override int TeamCount => 60;
private const int TeamCountType = 10;
private const int TeamSize = ListHeaderSizeTeam + (SIZE_SK2 * 6) + 2 + ListFooterSize; // 0x180
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private int BoxSize => Japanese ? BoxSizeJ : BoxSizeU;
private const int BoxSizeJ = ListHeaderSizeBox + (SIZE_SK2 * 30) + 2 + ListFooterSize; // 0x730
private const int BoxSizeU = ListHeaderSizeBox + (SIZE_SK2 * 20) + 2 + ListFooterSize; // 0x4D8
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// Box 1 is stored separately from the remainder of the boxes.
private const int BoxStart = 0x5E00; // Box 1
private const int BoxContinue = 0x8000; // Box 2+
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private const uint MAGIC_FOOTER = 0x30763350; // P3v0
2020-10-04 09:23:16 -07:00
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public SAV2Stadium(byte[] data) : this(data, IsStadiumJ(data)) { }
2020-10-04 09:23:16 -07:00
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public SAV2Stadium(byte[] data, bool japanese) : base(data, japanese, GetIsSwap(data, japanese))
Box = BoxStart;
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public SAV2Stadium(bool japanese = false) : base(japanese, SaveUtil.SIZE_G2STAD)
Box = BoxStart;
protected override bool GetIsBoxChecksumValid(int box)
var boxOfs = GetBoxOffset(box) - ListHeaderSizeBox;
var size = BoxSize - 2;
var chk = Checksums.CheckSum16(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(Data, boxOfs, size));
var actual = ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(boxOfs + size));
return chk == actual;
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protected override void SetBoxMetadata(int box)
var bdata = GetBoxOffset(box);
// Set box count
int count = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < BoxSlotCount; s++)
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var rel = bdata + (SIZE_STORED * s);
if (Data[rel] != 0) // Species present
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var boxOfs = bdata - ListHeaderSizeBox;
if (Data[boxOfs] == 0)
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Data[boxOfs] = 1;
Data[boxOfs + 1] = (byte)count;
Data[boxOfs + 4] = StringConverter12.G1TerminatorCode;
StringConverter12.SetString(Data.AsSpan(boxOfs + 0x10, 4), "1234".AsSpan(), 4, Japanese, StringConverterOption.None);
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2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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Data[boxOfs + 1] = (byte)count;
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2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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protected override void SetBoxChecksum(int box)
var boxOfs = GetBoxOffset(box) - ListHeaderSizeBox;
var size = BoxSize - 2;
var chk = Checksums.CheckSum16(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(Data, boxOfs, size));
WriteUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(boxOfs + size), chk);
2020-10-03 10:53:35 -07:00
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public static int GetTeamOffset(Stadium2TeamType type, int team)
if ((uint)team >= TeamCountType)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
2020-10-03 10:53:35 -07:00
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var index = (TeamCountType * (int)type) + team;
return GetTeamOffset(index);
2020-10-03 10:53:35 -07:00
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public static int GetTeamOffset(int team)
if (team < 40)
return 0 + (team * TeamSize);
// Teams 41-60 are in a separate chunk
return 0x4000 + ((team - 40) * TeamSize);
2020-10-03 10:53:35 -07:00
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public string GetTeamName(int team)
var name = $"{((Stadium2TeamType) (team / TeamCountType)).ToString().Replace('_', ' ')} {(team % 10) + 1}";
var ofs = GetTeamOffset(team);
var str = GetString(ofs + 4, 7);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
return name;
var id = ReadUInt16BigEndian(Data.AsSpan(ofs + 2));
return $"{name} [{id:D5}:{str}]";
2020-10-05 08:29:17 -07:00
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public override string GetBoxName(int box)
var ofs = GetBoxOffset(box) - 0x10;
var str = GetString(ofs, 0x10);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
return $"Box {box + 1}";
return str;
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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public override SlotGroup GetTeam(int team)
if ((uint)team >= TeamCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(team));
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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var name = GetTeamName(team);
var members = new SK2[6];
var ofs = GetTeamOffset(team);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
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var rel = ofs + ListHeaderSizeTeam + (i * SIZE_STORED);
members[i] = (SK2)GetStoredSlot(Data, rel);
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return new SlotGroup(name, members);
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public override int GetBoxOffset(int box)
if (box == 0)
return BoxStart + ListHeaderSizeBox;
return BoxContinue + ListHeaderSizeBox + ((box - 1) * BoxSize);
2022-05-15 14:05:10 -07:00
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public static bool IsStadium(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
if (data.Length is not (SaveUtil.SIZE_G2STAD or SaveUtil.SIZE_G2STADF))
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return false;
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if (IsStadiumJ(data) || IsStadiumU(data))
return true;
return StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentEither(data, TeamSize, MAGIC_FOOTER, 1) != StadiumSaveType.None;
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2020-10-03 10:53:35 -07:00
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// Check Box 1's footer magic.
private static bool IsStadiumJ(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentAbsolute(data, BoxStart + BoxSizeJ - ListFooterSize, MAGIC_FOOTER) != StadiumSaveType.None;
private static bool IsStadiumU(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) => StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentAbsolute(data, BoxStart + BoxSizeU - ListFooterSize, MAGIC_FOOTER) != StadiumSaveType.None;
private static bool GetIsSwap(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, bool japanese)
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var teamSwap = StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentSwap(data, TeamSize, MAGIC_FOOTER, 1);
if (teamSwap)
return true;
var boxSwap = StadiumUtil.IsMagicPresentSwap(data[BoxStart..], japanese ? BoxSizeJ : BoxSizeU, MAGIC_FOOTER, 1);
if (boxSwap)
return true;
return false;
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public enum Stadium2TeamType
Anything_Goes = 0,
Little_Cup = 1,
Poke_Cup = 2,
Prime_Cup = 3,
GymLeader_Castle = 4,
Vs_Rival = 5,