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using static PKHeX.Core.EncounterUtil;
2019-11-15 17:34:18 -08:00
using static PKHeX.Core.Shiny;
using static PKHeX.Core.GameVersion;
using static PKHeX.Core.AreaWeather8;
using static PKHeX.Core.AbilityPermission;
using static PKHeX.Core.Encounters8Nest;
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Generation 8 Encounters
/// </summary>
internal static class Encounters8
private static readonly EncounterArea8[] SlotsSW_Symbol = EncounterArea8.GetAreas(Get("sw_symbol", "sw"), SW, true);
private static readonly EncounterArea8[] SlotsSH_Symbol = EncounterArea8.GetAreas(Get("sh_symbol", "sh"), SH, true);
private static readonly EncounterArea8[] SlotsSW_Hidden = EncounterArea8.GetAreas(Get("sw_hidden", "sw"), SW);
private static readonly EncounterArea8[] SlotsSH_Hidden = EncounterArea8.GetAreas(Get("sh_hidden", "sh"), SH);
Offload EncounterSlot loading logic to reduce complexity (#2980) * Rework gen1 slot loading Slot templates are precomputed from ROM data and just loaded straight in, with tight coupling to the encounter area (grouped by slot types). * Revise fuzzy met check for underleveled wild evos Example: Level 23 poliwhirl in RBY as a level 50 poliwhirl, will assume the chain is 25-50 for poliwhirl (as poliwag evolves at 25). Instead of revising the origin chain, just ignore the evo min level in the comparison. Previous commit fixed it for gen1. * Rework gen2-4 slot loading Gen4 not finished, Type Encounter data and some edge encounters not recognizing yet... * Add feebas slots for old/good encounters * Begin moving properties Great news! Gen5-7 need to be de-dumbed like Gen1-4. Then I can remove the bang (!) on the Area accessor and ensure that it's never null! * Split off XD pokespot slot encounter table type * Set area in constructor * Deduplicate g3 roaming encounters * Deduplicate xd encounter locations (rebattle) Only difference is met location; no need to create 500 extra encounter objects. A simple contains check is ok (rarely in gen3 format). * Make all slots have a readonly reference to their parent area * Minor clean * Remove "Safari" slot type flag Can be determined via other means (generation-location), allows us to reduce the size of SlotType member to a byte Output of slot binaries didn't preserve the Safari flag anyway. * Update SlotType.cs * Handle type encounters correctly * Merge safari area into regular xy area * Merge dexnav accessor logic * fix some logic so that tests pass again rearrange g5 dw init to be done outside of static constructor (initializer instead) PIDGenerator: friend safari slots now generate with required flawless IV count * Add cianwood tentacool gift encounter * Remove unnecessary abstractions Fake area just returned a slot; since Slots have a non-null reference to the area, we can just return the slot and use the API to grab a list of possible slots for the chain. Increase restrictiveness of location/type get-set operations * Minor tweaks, pass parameters DexNav observed state isn't necessary to use, only need to see if it's possible to dexnav. Now that we have metadata for slots, we can. * Remove unused legality tables
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
internal static readonly EncounterArea8[] SlotsSW = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(SlotsSW_Symbol, SlotsSW_Hidden);
internal static readonly EncounterArea8[] SlotsSH = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(SlotsSH_Symbol, SlotsSH_Hidden);
static Encounters8()
foreach (var t in TradeGift_R1)
t.TrainerNames = TradeOT_R1;
MarkEncounterTradeStrings(TradeGift_SWSH, TradeSWSH);
private static readonly EncounterStatic8[] Encounter_SWSH =
// gifts
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 810, Shiny = Never, Level = 05, Location = 006 }, // Grookey
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 813, Shiny = Never, Level = 05, Location = 006 }, // Scorbunny
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 816, Shiny = Never, Level = 05, Location = 006 }, // Sobble
2019-11-15 17:34:18 -08:00
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 772, Shiny = Never, Level = 50, Location = 158, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Type: Null
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 848, Shiny = Never, Level = 01, Location = 040, IVs = new[]{-1,31,-1,-1,31,-1}, Ball = 11 }, // Toxel, Attack flawless
2019-11-15 17:34:18 -08:00
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 880, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Level = 10, Location = 068 }, // Dracozolt @ Route 6
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 881, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Level = 10, Location = 068 }, // Arctozolt @ Route 6
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 882, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Level = 10, Location = 068 }, // Dracovish @ Route 6
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 883, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Level = 10, Location = 068 }, // Arctovish @ Route 6
2019-11-15 17:34:18 -08:00
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 004, Shiny = Never, Level = 05, Location = 006, FlawlessIVCount = 3, CanGigantamax = true, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Charmander
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 025, Shiny = Never, Level = 10, Location = 156, FlawlessIVCount = 6, CanGigantamax = true }, // Pikachu
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 133, Shiny = Never, Level = 10, Location = 156, FlawlessIVCount = 6, CanGigantamax = true }, // Eevee
2019-11-15 17:34:18 -08:00
// DLC gifts
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 001, Level = 05, Location = 196, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, FlawlessIVCount = 3, CanGigantamax = true }, // Bulbasaur
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 007, Level = 05, Location = 196, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, FlawlessIVCount = 3, CanGigantamax = true }, // Squirtle
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 137, Level = 25, Location = 196, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Porygon
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 891, Level = 10, Location = 196, Shiny = Never, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Kubfu
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 079, Level = 10, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Slowpoke
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 722, Level = 05, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Rowlet
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 725, Level = 05, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Litten
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 728, Level = 05, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Popplio
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 026, Level = 30, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Raichu-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 027, Level = 05, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Sandshrew-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 037, Level = 05, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Vulpix-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 052, Level = 05, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Meowth-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 103, Level = 30, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Exeggutor-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 105, Level = 30, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Marowak-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 050, Level = 20, Location = 164, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyHidden, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Jolly, FlawlessIVCount = 6, Form = 01 }, // Diglett-1
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 789, Level = 05, Location = 206, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Cosmog
new(SWSH) { Gift = true, Species = 803, Level = 20, Location = 244, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Ball = 26 }, // Poipole
// Technically a gift, but copies ball from Calyrex.
new(SWSH) { Species = 896, Level = 75, Location = 220, ScriptedNoMarks = true, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Relearn = new[] {556,0,0,0} }, // Glastrier
new(SWSH) { Species = 897, Level = 75, Location = 220, ScriptedNoMarks = true, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Relearn = new[] {247,0,0,0} }, // Spectrier
#region Static Part 1
// encounters
new(SW ) { Species = 888, Level = 70, Location = 66, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {533,014,442,242}, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Zacian
new( SH) { Species = 889, Level = 70, Location = 66, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {163,242,442,334}, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Zamazenta
new(SWSH) { Species = 890, Level = 60, Location = 66, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {440,406,053,744}, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Eternatus-1 (reverts to form 0)
// Motostoke Stadium Static Encounters
new(SWSH) { Species = 037, Level = 24, Location = 24, ScriptedNoMarks = true }, // Vulpix at Motostoke Stadium
//new( SH) { Species = 058, Level = 24, Location = 24, ScriptedNoMarks = true }, // Growlithe at Motostoke Stadium (both versions have Vulpix)
new(SWSH) { Species = 607, Level = 25, Location = 24, ScriptedNoMarks = true }, // Litwick at Motostoke Stadium
new(SWSH) { Species = 850, Level = 25, Location = 24, ScriptedNoMarks = true, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Sizzlipede at Motostoke Stadium
2019-11-18 22:48:03 -08:00
new(SWSH) { Species = 618, Level = 25, Location = 054, Moves = new[] {389,319,279,341}, Form = 01, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Stunfisk in Galar Mine No. 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 618, Level = 48, Location = 008, Moves = new[] {779,330,340,334}, Form = 01 }, // Stunfisk in the Slumbering Weald
new(SWSH) { Species = 527, Level = 16, Location = 030, Moves = new[] {000,000,000,000} }, // Woobat in Galar Mine
new(SWSH) { Species = 838, Level = 18, Location = 030, Moves = new[] {488,397,229,033} }, // Carkol in Galar Mine
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 24, Location = 054, Moves = new[] {317,029,055,044} }, // Drednaw in Galar Mine No. 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 423, Level = 50, Location = 054, Moves = new[] {240,414,330,246}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Form = 01 }, // Gastrodon in Galar Mine No. 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 859, Level = 31, Location = 076, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {259,389,207,372} }, // Impidimp in Glimwood Tangle
new(SWSH) { Species = 860, Level = 38, Location = 076, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {793,399,259,389} }, // Morgrem in Glimwood Tangle
new(SWSH) { Species = 835, Level = 08, Location = 018, Moves = new[] {039,033,609,000} }, // Yamper on Route 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 50, Location = 018, Moves = new[] {710,746,068,317}, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Drednaw on Route 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 833, Level = 08, Location = 018, Moves = new[] {044,055,000,000} }, // Chewtle on Route 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 131, Level = 55, Location = 018, Moves = new[] {056,240,058,034}, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Lapras on Route 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 862, Level = 50, Location = 018, Moves = new[] {269,068,792,184} }, // Obstagoon on Route 2
new(SWSH) { Species = 822, Level = 18, Location = 028, Moves = new[] {681,468,031,365}, Shiny = Never }, // Corvisquire on Route 3
new(SWSH) { Species = 050, Level = 17, Location = 032, Moves = new[] {523,189,310,045} }, // Diglett on Route 4
new(SWSH) { Species = 830, Level = 22, Location = 040, Moves = new[] {178,496,075,047} }, // Eldegoss on Route 5
new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 40, Location = 086, Moves = new[] {404,350,446,157} }, // Crustle on Route 8
new(SWSH) { Species = 870, Level = 40, Location = 086, Moves = new[] {748,660,179,203} }, // Falinks on Route 8
new(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 55, Location = 090, Moves = new[] {573,329,104,182}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Weather = Snowing }, // Glalie on Route 9
new(SWSH) { Species = 853, Level = 50, Location = 092, Moves = new[] {753,576,276,179}, Weather = Snowing }, // Grapploct on Route 9 (in Circhester Bay)
//new(SWSH) { Species = 822, Level = 35, Location = -1, Moves = new[] {065,184,269,365} }, // Corvisquire
new(SWSH) { Species = 614, Level = 55, Location = 106, Moves = new[] {276,059,156,329}, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Beartic on Route 10
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 55, Location = 106, Moves = new[] {008,059,452,275}, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Abomasnow on Route 10
new(SWSH) { Species = 342, Level = 50, Location = 034, Moves = new[] {242,014,534,400}, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Crawdaunt in the town of Turffield
#region Static Part 2
// Some of these may be crossover cases. For now, just log the locations they can show up in and re-categorize later.
new(SWSH) { Species = 095, Level = 26, Location = 122, Weather = All }, // Onix in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 291, Level = 15, Location = 122, Weather = All }, // Ninjask in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 660, Level = 15, Location = 122, Weather = All }, // Diggersby in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 832, Level = 65, Location = 122, Weather = All }, // Dubwool in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 416, Level = 26, Location = 122 }, // Vespiquen in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 675, Level = 32, Location = 122, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Pangoro in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 315, Level = 15, Location = 122, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun | Snowing | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Roselia in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 750, Level = 31, Location = 122, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Mudsdale in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 310, Level = 26, Location = 122, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Manectric in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 025, Level = 15, Location = 122, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Pikachu in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 660, Level = 26, Location = 122, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm}, // Diggersby in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 281, Level = 26, Location = 122, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Kirlia in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 282, Level = 32, Location = 122, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Gardevoir in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 439, Level = 15, Location = 122, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Mime Jr. in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 221, Level = 33, Location = 122, Weather = Icy }, // Piloswine in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 221, Level = 33, Location = 122, Weather = Icy }, // Piloswine in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 34, Location = 122, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Crustle in the Rolling Fields
new(SWSH) { Species = 093, Level = 31, Location = 122, Weather = Stormy }, // Haunter in the Rolling Fields
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {122, 128, 138}, Weather = Stormy }, // Pelipper in the Rolling Fields, North Lake Miloch, East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 760, Level = 34, Location = 124, Weather = All }, // Bewear in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 826, Level = 65, Location = 124, Weather = All }, // Orbeetle in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 045, Level = 36, Location = 124, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Vileplume in the Dappled Grove
new(SW ) { Species = 275, Level = 34, Location = 124, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Shiftry in the Dappled Grove
new( SH) { Species = 272, Level = 34, Location = 124, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Ludicolo in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 675, Level = 32, Location = 124, Weather = Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Pangoro in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 36, Location = 124, Weather = Stormy }, // Seismitoad in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 583, Level = 36, Location = 124, Weather = Icy }, // Vanillish in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 344, Level = 36, Location = 124, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Claydol in the Dappled Grove
new(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 34, Location = 126, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Snowing }, // Drifblim at Watchtower Ruins
new(SWSH) { Species = 823, Level = 65, Location = 126, Weather = All }, // Corviknight at Watchtower Ruins
new(SWSH) { Species = 093, Level = 34, Location = 126, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Snowstorm | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Haunter at Watchtower Ruins
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 356, Level = 40, Locations = new[] {126, 130}, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Dusclops at Watchtower Ruins, West Lake Axewell
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 40, Locations = new[] {126, 130}, Weather = Icy }, // Glalie at Watchtower Ruins, West Lake Axewell
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 623, Level = 40, Locations = new[] {126, 130}, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Golurk at Watchtower Ruins, West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 569, Level = 36, Location = 128, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy }, // Garbodor at East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 119, Level = 46, Location = 128, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Seaking at East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 46, Location = 128, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Pelipper at East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 110, Level = 65, Location = 128, Form = 01, Weather = All }, // Weezing at East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 221, Level = 36, Location = 128, Weather = Icy }, // Piloswine at East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 750, Level = 36, Location = 128, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Mudsdale at East Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 36, Location = 128, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Bronzong at East Lake Axewell
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 091, Level = 46, Locations = new[] {128, 130}, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Cloyster at East/West Lake Axewell
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 584, Level = 47, Locations = new[] {128, 130, 134, 138, 142}, Weather = Icy }, // Vanilluxe at North/East/South/West Lake Miloch/Axewell, Bridge Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 130, Level = 56, Locations = new[] {128, 130, 142, 146}, Weather = All }, // Gyarados in East/West Lake Axewell, Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 178, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {128, 138}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Xatu at East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 593, Level = 46, Locations = new[] {128, 138, 154}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Jellicent at East Lake Axewell, North Lake Miloch, Lake of Outrage
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 171, Level = 46, Locations = new[] {128, 154}, Weather = Normal | Thunderstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Lanturn at East Lake Axewell, the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 195, Level = 15, Location = 130, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Quagsire at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 099, Level = 28, Location = 130 }, // Kingler at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 660, Level = 15, Location = 130, Weather = Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Diggersby at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 65, Location = 130, Weather = All }, // Drednaw at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 28, Location = 130, Weather = Stormy }, // Pelipper at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 536, Level = 28, Location = 130, Weather = Overcast | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Palpitoad at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 660, Level = 28, Location = 130, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Diggersby at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 853, Level = 56, Location = 130, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Grapploct at West Lake Axewell
new(SWSH) { Species = 593, Level = 46, Location = 130, Weather = Overcast | Raining | Heavy_Fog }, // Jellicent at West Lake Axewell
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 119, Level = 46, Locations = new[] {130, 142}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Sandstorm }, // Seaking at West Lake Axewell, Bridge Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 131, Level = 56, Locations = new[] {130, 134, 138, 154}, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Lapras at North/East/South Lake Miloch/Axewell, the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 612, Level = 60, Location = 132, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Haxorus on Axews Eye
new(SWSH) { Species = 845, Level = 65, Location = 132, Weather = All }, // Cramorant on Axews Eye
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 60, Location = 132, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Seismitoad on Axews Eye
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 60, Location = 132, Weather = Icy }, // Abomasnow on Axews Eye
new(SWSH) { Species = 067, Level = 26, Location = 134, Weather = All }, // Machoke at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 828, Level = 65, Location = 134, Weather = All }, // Thievul at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 119, Level = 46, Location = 134, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Sandstorm }, // Seaking at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 435, Level = 34, Location = 134, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Skuntank at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 099, Level = 31, Location = 134, Weather = Normal | Thunderstorm }, // Kingler at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 342, Level = 31, Location = 134, Weather = Normal | Thunderstorm }, // Crawdaunt at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 171, Level = 46, Location = 134, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Lanturn at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 224, Level = 46, Location = 134, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Octillery at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 340, Level = 46, Location = 134, Weather = Normal | Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Whiscash at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 536, Level = 34, Location = 134, Weather = Stormy }, // Palpitoad at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 34, Location = 134, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Crustle at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 067, Level = 31, Location = 134, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Machoke at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 31, Location = 134, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Drifblim at South Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 596, Level = 46, Location = 134, Weather = All }, // Galvantula at South Lake Miloch
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 46, Locations = new[] {134, 138}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Snowstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Drifblim at North/South Lake Miloch
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 130, Level = 60, Locations = new[] {134, 138, 154 }, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Gyarados at North/South Lake Miloch, the Lake of Outrage
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 593, Level = 46, Locations = new[] {134, 142}, Weather = Raining | Heavy_Fog }, // Jellicent at South Lake Miloch, Bridge Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 350, Level = 60, Locations = new[] {134, 154}, Gender = 0, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Milotic at South Lake Miloch, the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 208, Level = 50, Location = 136, Weather = All }, // Steelix near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 738, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Vikavolt near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 112, Level = 46, Location = 136 }, // Rhydon near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 625, Level = 52, Location = 136, Weather = All }, // Bisharp near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 884, Level = 65, Location = 136, Weather = All }, // Duraludon near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Bronzong near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Icy }, // Abomasnow near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 750, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Mudsdale near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 623, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Golurk near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 356, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Dusclops near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 518, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Musharna near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Icy }, // Glalie near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 596, Level = 46, Location = 136, Weather = Raining }, // Galvantula near the Giants Seat
new(SWSH) { Species = 823, Level = 50, Location = 138, Weather = All }, // Corviknight at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 510, Level = 28, Location = 138, Weather = All }, // Liepard at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 119, Level = 46, Location = 138, Weather = Stormy | Sandstorm }, // Seaking at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 448, Level = 36, Location = 138 }, // Lucario at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 340, Level = 46, Location = 138, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Whiscash at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 836, Level = 65, Location = 138, Weather = All }, // Boltund at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 36, Location = 138, Weather = Overcast | Thunderstorm }, // Seismitoad at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 435, Level = 36, Location = 138, Weather = Raining | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Skuntank at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 583, Level = 36, Location = 138, Weather = Icy }, // Vanillish at North Lake Miloch
new(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 36, Location = 138, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Drifblim at North Lake Miloch
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 130, Level = 56, Locations = new[] {138, 154}, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Gyarados in North Lake Miloch, Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 625, Level = 52, Location = 140, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Bisharp at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 143, Level = 36, Location = 140, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Snorlax at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 452, Level = 40, Location = 140, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Drapion at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 561, Level = 36, Location = 140, Weather = All }, // Sigilyph at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 534, Level = 55, Location = 140, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Snowing | Heavy_Fog }, // Conkeldurr at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 320, Level = 56, Location = 140, Weather = All }, // Wailmer at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 561, Level = 40, Location = 140, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Sigilyph at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 830, Level = 65, Location = 140, Weather = All }, // Eldegoss at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 036, Level = 36, Location = 140, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Clefable at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 743, Level = 40, Location = 140, Weather = Overcast | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Ribombee at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 112, Level = 55, Location = 140, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Rhydon at the Motostoke Riverbank
new(SWSH) { Species = 823, Level = 40, Location = 140, Weather = Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Corviknight at the Motostoke Riverbank
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 760, Level = 40, Locations = new[] {140, 142}, Weather = Thunderstorm | Sandstorm }, // Bewear in Bridge Field, Motostoke Riverbank
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 264, Level = 40, Locations = new[] {140, 142}, Form = 01, Weather = All }, // Linoone at the Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 569, Level = 40, Location = 142, Weather = All }, // Garbodor in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 46, Location = 142, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Pelipper in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 743, Level = 40, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Ribombee in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 475, Level = 60, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Gallade in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 606, Level = 42, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Beheeyem in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 715, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Snowstorm | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Noivern in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 46, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Seismitoad in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 768, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Stormy }, // Golisopod in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 760, Level = 42, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Bewear in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 820, Level = 42, Location = 142, Weather = All }, // Greedent in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 862, Level = 65, Location = 142, Weather = All }, // Obstagoon in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 36, Location = 142, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Seismitoad in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 614, Level = 60, Location = 142, Weather = Snowing }, // Beartic in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 461, Level = 60, Location = 142, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Weavile in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 518, Level = 60, Location = 142, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Musharna in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 42, Location = 142, Weather = Stormy }, // Bronzong in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 344, Level = 42, Location = 142, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Claydol in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 452, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Overcast }, // Drapion in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 164, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Snowing }, // Noctowl in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 760, Level = 46, Location = 142, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Bewear in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 675, Level = 42, Location = 142, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun }, // Pangoro in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 584, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Icy }, // Vanilluxe in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 112, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Rhydon in Bridge Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 778, Level = 50, Location = 142, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Mimikyu in Bridge Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 598, Level = 40, Locations = new[] {142, 144}, Weather = All }, // Ferrothorn in Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 344, Level = 42, Location = 144, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Claydol in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 42, Location = 144, Weather = Stormy | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Bronzong in Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 477, Level = 60, Location = 144, Weather = All }, // Dusknoir in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 623, Level = 43, Location = 144, Weather = All }, // Golurk in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 561, Level = 40, Location = 144, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Sigilyph in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 34, Location = 144, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Crustle in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 112, Level = 41, Location = 144, Weather = All }, // Rhydon in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 763, Level = 36, Location = 144, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Tsareena in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 861, Level = 65, Location = 144, Gender = 0, Weather = All }, // Grimmsnarl in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 521, Level = 40, Location = 144, Weather = Overcast }, // Unfezant in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 752, Level = 34, Location = 144, Weather = Raining }, // Araquanid in the Stony Wilderness
new(SWSH) { Species = 750, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Mudsdale in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 185, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Sudowoodo in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Bronzong in Dusty Bowl
new(SW ) { Species = 784, Level = 60, Location = 146, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Kommo-o in Dusty Bowl
new( SH) { Species = 248, Level = 60, Location = 146, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Tyranitar in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 213, Level = 34, Location = 146, Weather = All }, // Shuckle in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 330, Level = 51, Location = 146, Weather = Normal | Sandstorm }, // Flygon in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 526, Level = 51, Location = 146, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Gigalith in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 844, Level = 65, Location = 146, Weather = All }, // Sandaconda in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Stormy }, // Seismitoad in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 435, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Overcast }, // Skuntank in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 221, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Icy }, // Piloswine in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 356, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Dusclops in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 344, Level = 41, Location = 146, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Claydol in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 689, Level = 60, Location = 146, Weather = Overcast | Stormy }, // Barbaracle in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 561, Level = 51, Location = 146, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Sigilyph in Dusty Bowl
new(SWSH) { Species = 623, Level = 51, Location = 146, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Golurk in Dusty Bowl
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 423, Level = 56, Locations = new[] {146, 148}, Form = 01, Weather = All }, // Gastrodon in Dusty Bowl, Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 208, Level = 50, Location = 148, Weather = All }, // Steelix around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 068, Level = 60, Location = 148, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = All }, // Machamp around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 182, Level = 41, Location = 148, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Bellossom around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 521, Level = 41, Location = 148, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun }, // Unfezant around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 045, Level = 41, Location = 148, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Vileplume around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 863, Level = 65, Location = 148, Weather = All }, // Perrserker around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 60, Location = 148, Weather = Raining }, // Seismitoad around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 60, Location = 148, Weather = Snowing }, // Abomasnow around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 178, Level = 41, Location = 148, Weather = Raining | Icy | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Xatu around the Giants Mirror
new(SWSH) { Species = 701, Level = 36, Location = 150, Weather = All }, // Hawlucha on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 711, Level = 41, Location = 150, Weather = All }, // Gourgeist on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 879, Level = 65, Location = 150, Weather = All }, // Copperajah on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 600, Level = 46, Location = 150, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Snowing }, // Klang on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 823, Level = 38, Location = 150, Weather = All }, // Corviknight on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 045, Level = 41, Location = 150, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Vileplume on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 601, Level = 49, Location = 150, Weather = Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun | Snowstorm | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Klinklang on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 407, Level = 41, Location = 150, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Roserade on the Hammerlocke Hills
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 41, Location = 150, Weather = Icy}, // Abomasnow on the Hammerlocke Hills
//new(SWSH) { Species = 510, Level = 31, Location = -1, }, // Liepard
new(SWSH) { Species = 768, Level = 60, Location = 152, Weather = Raining }, // Golisopod near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 614, Level = 60, Location = 152, Weather = Snowing }, // Beartic near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 530, Level = 46, Location = 152, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Excadrill near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 46, Location = 152, Weather = Icy }, // Glalie near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 537, Level = 46, Location = 152, Weather = Raining }, // Seismitoad near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 681, Level = 58, Location = 152, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Aegislash near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 094, Level = 60, Location = 152, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun | Snowstorm | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Gengar near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 823, Level = 39, Location = 152, Weather = All }, // Corviknight near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 573, Level = 46, Location = 152, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Cinccino near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 826, Level = 41, Location = 152, Weather = All }, // Orbeetle near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 36, Location = 152, Weather = All }, // Drednaw near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 680, Level = 56, Location = 152, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Sandstorm }, // Doublade near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 839, Level = 65, Location = 152, Weather = All }, // Coalossal near the Giants Cap
new(SWSH) { Species = 853, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = All }, // Grapploct at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 282, Level = 60, Location = 154, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Gardevoir at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 470, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Normal }, // Leafeon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 119, Level = 46, Location = 154, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Seaking at Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 858, Level = 65, Location = 154, Gender = 1, Weather = All }, // Hatterene at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 112, Level = 60, Location = 154, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Rhydon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 609, Level = 60, Location = 154, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Chandelure at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 713, Level = 60, Location = 154, Weather = Icy }, // Avalugg at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 756, Level = 60, Location = 154, Weather = Overcast | Stormy }, // Shiinotic at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 134, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Raining }, // Vaporeon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 135, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Jolteon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 196, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Overcast }, // Espeon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 471, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Icy }, // Glaceon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 136, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Flareon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 197, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Umbreon at the Lake of Outrage
new(SWSH) { Species = 700, Level = 56, Location = 154, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Sylveon at the Lake of Outrage
#region R1 Static Encounters
new(SWSH) { Species = 079, Level = 12, Location = 016, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Form = 01, Shiny = Never }, // Slowpoke-1 at Wedgehurst Station
new(SWSH) { Species = 321, Level = 80, Location = 186, Weather = All_IoA }, // Wailord in the Workout Sea
Enforce weather legality for SWSH (#3221) * Add weather types by location Creates a dictionary of possible weather types for each SWSH location. Unlisted locations may only have Normal weather or do not have any encounter slots. * Prune unused weather from static encounters Some encounters were too permissive with weather, e.g. Sandstorm in Fields of Honor and Challenge Beach; Snowstorm at Dyna Tree Hill. A few crossover areas that would have limited the possible weathers were marked with a "(c)". An example is Nidorina from Giant's Bed crossing to Frostpoint Field, where Raining and Thunderstorm do not occur. This additionally organizes encounters by location. * Move location-weather dictionary to EncounterArea8 * Verify weather marks on encounterslot/static encounters * Adds some static encounters available through weather bleed Weathers aren't normally available, but these static encounters are close enough to the boundary that the weather in an adjacent area can be used to spawn them. - Frostpoint Field Snorlax with Raining/Thunderstorm from Giant's Bed - Snowslide Slope Amaura with Raining/Thunderstorm from Giant's Bed - Frigid Sea Carracosta with Intense_Sun from Three-Point Pass - Frigid Sea Magmortar with Intense_Sun from Three-Point Pass - Ballimere Lake Corviknight with Snowstorm from Giant's Bed - Ballimere Lake Cryogonal with Snowstorm from Giant's Bed - Ballimere Lake Tyrunt with all weather from Giant's Bed - Lakeside Cave Ferrothorn with all weather from Ballimere Lake - Tunnel to the Top Golbat with all weather from Path to the Peak * Defer weather marks if incompatible, enforce encounterslot weather This uses the area weather to check fishing slots and tentatively adds some tables for weather bleed encounterslots. * Warm-Up Tunnel gets weather bleed from Training Lowlands * Update for base PKHeX * Handle weather bleed for SWSH encounter slots Co-authored-by: Skadiv <> * Minor clean Having duplicate weather marks is illegal, so just auto-partial match them instead of checking the other marks. * Rearrange slot weather check logic * Claim reserved byte in SWSH pkl * No need for two variable names now * Valid weather marks on tree/fishing should return with main weather * Fix tree/fishing deferral and add another surf slot weather bleed * Disallow tree/fishing encounters from using bleed tables None are currently known at this time, and only hidden grass encounters have a weather bleed table * Condense bleed expression, combine tree/fish flag check * Move weather-bleed check into EncounterArea8 Makes the dictionaries private instead of internal. Co-authored-by: Skadiv <>
2021-07-26 16:28:05 -05:00
new(SWSH) { Species = 748, Level = 20, Location = 164, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Toxapex in the Fields of Honor
new(SWSH) { Species = 099, Level = 20, Location = 164, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Kingler in the Fields of Honor
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 20, Location = 164, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Drednaw in the Fields of Honor
new(SWSH) { Species = 764, Level = 15, Location = 164 }, // Comfey in the Fields of Honor
new(SWSH) { Species = 744, Level = 15, Location = 164, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Rockruff in the Fields of Honor
new(SWSH) { Species = 121, Level = 20, Location = 164, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Starmie in the Fields of Honor
new(SWSH) { Species = 428, Level = 22, Location = 164, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Lopunny in the Fields of Honor
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 687, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Malamar in the Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 404, Level = 20, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxio in the Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 570, Level = 15, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Zorua in the Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 040, Level = 27, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Wigglytuff in the Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 183, Level = 15, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Raining }, // Marill in the Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 662, Level = 20, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Fletchinder in the Fields of Honor, in the Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 064, Level = 20, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Kadabra in the Fields of Honor, in the Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 025, Level = 15, Locations = new[] {164, 166}, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Pikachu in the Fields of Honor, in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 20, Location = 166, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Sandstorm | Intense_Sun }, // Drednaw in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 764, Level = 15, Location = 166, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Comfey in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 744, Level = 15, Location = 166 }, // Rockruff in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 195, Level = 20, Location = 166, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Quagsire in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 626, Level = 20, Location = 166, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Bouffalant in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 242, Level = 22, Location = 166, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Blissey in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 452, Level = 22, Location = 166, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining }, // Drapion in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 463, Level = 27, Location = 166, Weather = Normal | Raining }, // Lickilicky in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 405, Level = 32, Location = 166, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxray in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 428, Level = 22, Location = 166 }, // Lopunny in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 186, Level = 32, Location = 166, Weather = Stormy }, // Politoed in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 061, Level = 20, Location = 166, Weather = Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Poliwhirl in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 549, Level = 22, Location = 166, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Lilligant in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SW ) { Species = 559, Level = 20, Location = 166, Weather = Overcast }, // Scraggy in the Soothing Wetlands
new( SH) { Species = 453, Level = 20, Location = 166, Weather = Overcast }, // Croagunk in the Soothing Wetlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 663, Level = 32, Location = 166, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Talonflame in the Soothing Wetlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 026, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {166, 168}, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Raichu in the Soothing Wetlands, in the Forest of Focus
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 184, Level = 21, Locations = new[] {166, 168}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Azumarill in the Soothing Wetlands, in the Forest of Focus
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 587, Level = 20, Locations = new[] {166, 168}, Weather = All_IoA }, // Emolga in the Soothing Wetlands (c), Forest of Focus
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 847, Level = 42, Locations = new[] {166, 170}, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Barraskewda in the Soothing Wetlands, Challenge Beach
//new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 21, Location = -1 }, // Drednaw
//new(SWSH) { Species = 768, Level = 26, Location = -1 }, // Golisopod
new(SWSH) { Species = 025, Level = 22, Location = 168, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy }, // Pikachu in the Forest of Focus
new(SW ) { Species = 766, Level = 26, Location = 168 }, // Passimian in the Forest of Focus
new( SH) { Species = 765, Level = 26, Location = 168 }, // Oranguru in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 342, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Overcast | Stormy }, // Crawdaunt in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 040, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Wigglytuff in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 028, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Sandslash in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 589, Level = 32, Location = 168, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Escavalier in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 104, Level = 20, Location = 168, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Cubone in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 545, Level = 32, Location = 168, Weather = Overcast }, // Scolipede in the Forest of Focus
new(SW ) { Species = 127, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Pinsir in the Forest of Focus
new( SH) { Species = 214, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Heracross in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 636, Level = 15, Location = 168, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Larvesta in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 465, Level = 36, Location = 168, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Tangrowth in the Forest of Focus
new(SW ) { Species = 616, Level = 20, Location = 168, Weather = Stormy }, // Shelmet in the Forest of Focus
new( SH) { Species = 704, Level = 20, Location = 168, Weather = Stormy }, // Goomy in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 172, Level = 20, Location = 168, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Pichu in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 845, Level = 20, Location = 168, Weather = Normal | Raining | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Cramorant in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 617, Level = 32, Location = 168, Weather = Raining }, // Accelgor in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 055, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Raining }, // Golduck in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 591, Level = 26, Location = 168, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun }, // Amoonguss in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 764, Level = 22, Location = 168, Weather = Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Comfey in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 570, Level = 22, Location = 168, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Zorua in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 039, Level = 20, Location = 168, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Jigglypuff in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 847, Level = 42, Location = 168, Weather = Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Barraskewda in the Forest of Focus
new(SWSH) { Species = 340, Level = 42, Location = 168, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Whiscash in the Forest of Focus
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 754, Level = 27, Locations = new[] {168, 170}, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Lurantis in the Forest of Focus, on Challenge Beach
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 282, Level = 36, Locations = new[] {168, 180}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Gardevoir in the Forest of Focus, Training Lowlands
//new(SWSH) { Species = 475, Level = 20, Location = -1 }, // Gallade
//new(SWSH) { Species = 625, Level = 20, Location = -1 }, // Bisharp
//new(SWSH) { Species = 082, Level = 27, Location = -1 }, // Magneton
//new(SWSH) { Species = 105, Level = 20, Location = -1 }, // Marowak
new(SWSH) { Species = 183, Level = 15, Location = 170 }, // Marill on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 462, Level = 36, Location = 170, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Magnezone on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 026, Level = 29, Location = 170, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Raichu on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 637, Level = 42, Location = 170, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Volcarona on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 687, Level = 29, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Malamar on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 428, Level = 27, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Lopunny on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 452, Level = 27, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Drapion on Challenge Beach
//new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 20, Location = -1 }, // Crustle
new(SWSH) { Species = 764, Level = 25, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Comfey on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 877, Level = 25, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy }, // Morpeko on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun }, // Drednaw on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 040, Level = 29, Location = 170, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Wigglytuff on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 528, Level = 27, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast }, // Swoobat on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = All_IoA }, // Pelipper on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 082, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Magneton on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Drifblim on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 768, Level = 36, Location = 170, Weather = Raining }, // Golisopod on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 662, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Fletchinder on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 342, Level = 27, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Crawdaunt on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 184, Level = 27, Location = 170, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Azumarill on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 549, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Lilligant on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 845, Level = 24, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Cramorant on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 055, Level = 27, Location = 170, Ability = OnlySecond, Weather = Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun }, // Golduck on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 702, Level = 25, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Stormy }, // Dedenne on Challenge Beach
//new(SWSH) { Species = 113, Level = 27, Location = -1 }, // Chansey
new(SWSH) { Species = 405, Level = 36, Location = 170, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxray on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 099, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Raining | Sandstorm | Intense_Sun }, // Kingler on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 121, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Starmie on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 748, Level = 26, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Toxapex on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 224, Level = 45, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Octillery on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 171, Level = 42, Location = 170, Weather = Thunderstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Lanturn on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 593, Level = 42, Location = 170, Weather = Overcast | Raining | Heavy_Fog }, // Jellicent on Challenge Beach
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 342, Level = 42, Locations = new[] {170, 180}, Weather = Overcast }, // Crawdaunt on Challenge Beach, Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 091, Level = 42, Location = 170, Weather = Raining | Heavy_Fog }, // Cloyster on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 130, Level = 50, Location = 170, Weather = Normal | Raining | Intense_Sun }, // Gyarados on Challenge Beach
new(SWSH) { Species = 130, Level = 50, Location = 178, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Gyarados in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 062, Level = 36, Location = 172 }, // Poliwrath in Brawlers Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 294, Level = 26, Location = 172 }, // Loudred in Brawlers Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 528, Level = 26, Location = 172 }, // Swoobat in Brawlers Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 621, Level = 36, Location = 172 }, // Druddigon in Brawlers Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 055, Level = 26, Location = 172 }, // Golduck in Brawlers Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 526, Level = 42, Location = 172 }, // Gigalith in Brawlers Cave
new EncounterStatic8S(SW ) { Species = 744, Level = 22, Locations = new[] {172, 174}, Weather = Normal | Overcast }, // Rockruff on Challenge Road, Brawlers' Cave (c)
new EncounterStatic8S( SH) { Species = 744, Level = 22, Locations = new[] {172, 174}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Rockruff on Challenge Road, Brawlers' Cave (c)
new EncounterStatic8S(SW ) { Species = 560, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {172, 174, 180}, Weather = Stormy }, // Scrafty on Challenge Road, Brawlers Cave (c), Training Lowlands
new EncounterStatic8S( SH) { Species = 454, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {172, 174, 180}, Weather = Stormy }, // Toxicroak on Challenge Road, Brawlers Cave (c), Training Lowlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 26, Locations = new[] {172, 174, 180}, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Crustle on Challenge Road, Brawlers Cave (c), Training Lowlands
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 340, Level = 42, Locations = new[] {172, 176} }, // Whiscash in Courageous Cavern, Brawlers' Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 620, Level = 28, Location = 174 }, // Mienshao on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 625, Level = 36, Location = 174, Weather = Overcast }, // Bisharp on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 758, Level = 28, Location = 174, Gender = 1, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Salazzle on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 475, Level = 32, Location = 174, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Gallade on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 745, Level = 32, Location = 174 }, // Lycanroc on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 745, Level = 32, Location = 174, Form = 01, Weather = Overcast }, // Lycanroc-1 on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 212, Level = 40, Location = 174, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Scizor on Challenge Road
new(SW ) { Species = 127, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Pinsir on Challenge Road
new( SH) { Species = 214, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Heracross on Challenge Road
new(SW ) { Species = 782, Level = 22, Location = 174, Weather = Intense_Sun | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Jangmo-o on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 227, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Normal | Raining | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Skarmory on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Drifblim on Challenge Road
new(SW ) { Species = 628, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Overcast }, // Braviary on Challenge Road
new( SH) { Species = 630, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Overcast }, // Mandibuzz on Challenge Road
new(SWSH) { Species = 082, Level = 26, Location = 174, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Magneton on Challenge Road
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 507, Level = 28, Locations = new[] {174, 180}, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Herdier on Challenge Road, Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 28, Location = 176 }, // Crustle in Courageous Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 768, Level = 32, Location = 176 }, // Golisopod in Courageous Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 528, Level = 28, Location = 176 }, // Swoobat in Courageous Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 28, Location = 176 }, // Drednaw in Courageous Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 621, Level = 42, Location = 176 }, // Druddigon in Courageous Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 847, Level = 42, Location = 176 }, // Barraskewda in the Courageous Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 073, Level = 42, Location = 176 }, // Tentacruel in Courageous Cavern
//new(SWSH) { Species = 526, Level = 42, Location = -1 }, // Gigalith
//new(SWSH) { Species = 113, Level = 30, Location = -1 }, // Chansey
//new(SWSH) { Species = 768, Level = 32, Location = -1 }, // Golisopod
//new(SWSH) { Species = 558, Level = 30, Location = -1 }, // Crustle
new(SWSH) { Species = 593, Level = 42, Location = 178, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Jellicent in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 687, Level = 32, Location = 178, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Malamar in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 040, Level = 32, Location = 178, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Wigglytuff in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 404, Level = 30, Location = 178, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxio in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 834, Level = 30, Location = 178, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Drednaw in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 871, Level = 22, Location = 178, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Pincurchin in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 748, Level = 26, Location = 178, Weather = Overcast | Raining | Heavy_Fog }, // Toxapex in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 853, Level = 32, Location = 178, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Grapploct in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 770, Level = 32, Location = 178, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Palossand in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 065, Level = 50, Location = 178, Weather = Normal | Raining }, // Alakazam in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 571, Level = 50, Location = 178, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Zoroark in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 462, Level = 50, Location = 178, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Magnezone in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 744, Level = 40, Location = 178 }, // Rockruff in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 636, Level = 40, Location = 178, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Larvesta in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 42, Location = 178, Weather = Raining }, // Pelipper in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 405, Level = 50, Location = 178, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxray in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 663, Level = 50, Location = 178, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Talonflame in Loop Lagoon
new(SWSH) { Species = 508, Level = 42, Location = 180 }, // Stoutland in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 625, Level = 36, Location = 180, Weather = Overcast }, // Bisharp in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 405, Level = 36, Location = 180, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxray in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 663, Level = 36, Location = 180, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Talonflame in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 040, Level = 30, Location = 180, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Wigglytuff in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 099, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Kingler in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 115, Level = 32, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Overcast }, // Kangaskhan in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 123, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Scyther in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 404, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Luxio in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 764, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Comfey in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 452, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Overcast | Intense_Sun }, // Drapion in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Raining }, // Pelipper in the Training Lowlands
new(SW ) { Species = 127, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Pinsir in the Training Lowlands
new( SH) { Species = 214, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Heracross in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 528, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Overcast }, // Swoobat in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 241, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun }, // Miltank in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 082, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Magneton in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 662, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Fletchinder in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 227, Level = 26, Location = 180, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Skarmory in the Training Lowlands
new(SW ) { Species = 782, Level = 22, Location = 180, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Jangmo-o in Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 128, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = All_IoA }, // Tauros in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 687, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Malamar in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 549, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Lilligant in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 426, Level = 28, Location = 180, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Drifblim in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 055, Level = 26, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Golduck in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 184, Level = 26, Location = 180, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Azumarill in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 617, Level = 36, Location = 180, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Accelgor in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 212, Level = 42, Location = 180, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Scizor in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 589, Level = 36, Location = 180, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Escavalier in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 616, Level = 26, Location = 180, Weather = Raining }, // Shelmet in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 588, Level = 26, Location = 180, Weather = Overcast }, // Karrablast in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 847, Level = 42, Location = 180, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Barraskewda in the Training Lowlands
new(SWSH) { Species = 553, Level = 50, Location = 184, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Krookodile in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 464, Level = 50, Location = 184, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Rhyperior in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 105, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Marowak in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 552, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Krokorok in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 112, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Sandstorm }, // Rhydon in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 324, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Torkoal in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 844, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Sandaconda in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 637, Level = 50, Location = 184, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Volcarona in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 028, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Sandstorm }, // Sandslash in the Potbottom Desert
new(SW ) { Species = 628, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Sandstorm | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Braviary in the Potbottom Desert
new( SH) { Species = 630, Level = 42, Location = 184, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Sandstorm | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Mandibuzz in the Potbottom Desert
new(SWSH) { Species = 479, Level = 50, Location = 186, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Rotom in the Workout Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 479, Level = 50, Location = 186, Moves = new[] {435,506,268}, Form = 01, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Rotom-1 in the Workout Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 479, Level = 50, Location = 186, Moves = new[] {435,506,268}, Form = 02, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Rotom-2 in the Workout Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 479, Level = 50, Location = 186, Moves = new[] {435,506,268}, Form = 03, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Rotom-3 in the Workout Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 479, Level = 50, Location = 186, Moves = new[] {435,506,268}, Form = 04, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Rotom-4 in the Workout Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 479, Level = 50, Location = 186, Moves = new[] {435,506,268}, Form = 05, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Rotom-5 in the Workout Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 132, Level = 50, Location = 186, FlawlessIVCount = 3 }, // Ditto in the Workout Sea
//new(SWSH) { Species = 242, Level = 50, Location = -1 }, // Blissey
new(SWSH) { Species = 103, Level = 50, Location = 190, Weather = Normal | Raining | Intense_Sun }, // Exeggutor in the Insular Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 571, Level = 50, Location = 190, Weather = Overcast }, // Zoroark in the Insular Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 462, Level = 50, Location = 190, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Magnezone in the Insular Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 637, Level = 50, Location = 190, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Volcarona in the Insular Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 279, Level = 45, Location = 190, Weather = Overcast | Stormy }, // Pelipper in the Insular Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 065, Level = 50, Location = 190, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Alakazam in the Insular Sea
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 764, Level = 50, Locations = new[] {190, 194}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Comfey in the Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 230, Level = 60, Location = 192, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Kingdra in the Honeycalm Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 117, Level = 45, Location = 192, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Heavy_Fog }, // Seadra in the Honeycalm Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 549, Level = 45, Location = 194, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Lilligant on Honeycalm Island
new(SWSH) { Species = 415, Level = 40, Location = 194, Weather = Overcast | Stormy }, // Combee on Honeycalm Island
#region R2 Static Encounters
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 144, Level = 70, Locations = new[] {208, 210, 212, 214}, Moves = new[] {821,542,427,375}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Form = 01, Weather = All_CT }, // Articuno-1 in the Crown Tundra
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 145, Level = 70, Locations = new[] {122, 124, 126, 128, 130}, Moves = new[] {823,065,179,116}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Form = 01, Weather = All }, // Zapdos-1 in a Wild Area
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 146, Level = 70, Locations = new[] {164, 166, 170, 178, 186, 188, 190, 192}, Moves = new[] {822,542,389,417}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Form = 01, Weather = All_IoA }, // Moltres-1 on the Isle of Armor
new(SWSH) { Species = 377, Level = 70, Location = 236, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {276,444,359,174}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Regirock
new(SWSH) { Species = 378, Level = 70, Location = 238, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {058,192,133,196}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Regice
new(SWSH) { Species = 379, Level = 70, Location = 240, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {484,430,334,451}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Registeel
new(SWSH) { Species = 894, Level = 70, Location = 242, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {819,527,245,393}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Regieleki
new(SWSH) { Species = 895, Level = 70, Location = 242, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {820,337,359,673}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Regidrago
new(SWSH) { Species = 486, Level =100, Location = 210, ScriptedNoMarks = true, Moves = new[] {416,428,359,462}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst, DynamaxLevel = 10 }, // Regigigas in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 638, Level = 70, Location = 226, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Cobalion at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 639, Level = 70, Location = 232, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = Overcast }, // Terrakion in Lakeside Cavern
new(SWSH) { Species = 640, Level = 70, Location = 210, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyFirst, Weather = All_CT }, // Virizion at Giant's Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 647, Level = 65, Location = 230, Moves = new[] {548,533,014,056}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, Form = 01, Fateful = true, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Keldeo-1 at Ballimere Lake
//new(SWSH) { Species = 896, Level = 75, Location = -1, Moves = new[] {556,037,419,023}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Glastrier
//new(SWSH) { Species = 897, Level = 75, Location = -1, Moves = new[] {247,037,506,024}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Spectrier
new(SWSH) { Species = 898, Level = 80, Location = 220, Moves = new[] {202,094,473,505}, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst, ScriptedNoMarks = true }, // Calyrex
new(SWSH) { Species = 442, Level = 72, Location = 230, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Ability = OnlyHidden, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Spiritomb at Ballimere Lake
// suspected unused or uncatchable
//new(SWSH) { Species = 803, Level = 60, Location = -1, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Poipole
//new(SWSH) { Species = 789, Level = 60, Location = -1, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Cosmog
//new(SWSH) { Species = 494, Level = 70, Location = -1, FlawlessIVCount = 3, Shiny = Never, Ability = OnlyFirst }, // Victini
new(SWSH) { Species = 473, Level = 65, Location = 204, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy }, // Mamoswine on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 65, Location = 204, Weather = Snowing }, // Abomasnow on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 698, Level = 60, Location = 204, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Icy }, // Amaura on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 333, Level = 60, Location = 204, Weather = Overcast | Snowing }, // Swablu on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 124, Level = 62, Location = 204, Weather = Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Jynx on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 857, Level = 62, Location = 204, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Hattrem on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 478, Level = 63, Location = 204, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Froslass on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 63, Location = 204, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Glalie on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 467, Level = 65, Location = 204, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmortar on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 143, Level = 65, Location = 204, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Snorlax on Slippery Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 872, Level = 60, Location = 204, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Snom on Slippery Slope
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 832, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {204, 208}, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Dubwool on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SW ) { Species = 576, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {204, 208}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Gothitelle on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field
new EncounterStatic8S( SH) { Species = 579, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {204, 208}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Reuniclus on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 461, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {204, 208}, Weather = Overcast }, // Weavile on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 531, Level = 62, Locations = new[] {204, 208}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Audino on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 615, Level = 62, Locations = new[] {204, 208, 210}, Weather = Icy }, // Cryogonal on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 778, Level = 62, Locations = new[] {204, 208, 210, 212}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Mimikyu on Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Giants Bed, Old Cemetery
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 126, Level = 62, Locations = new[] {204, 210}, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmar on Slippery Slope, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 861, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {204, 210}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Grimmsnarl on Slippery Slope, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 709, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {204, 210, 212}, Weather = Overcast }, // Trevenant on Slippery Slope, Giant's Bed, Old Cemetery
new(SWSH) { Species = 124, Level = 62, Location = 208, Weather = Snowing | Heavy_Fog }, // Jynx in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 460, Level = 65, Location = 208, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Snowing }, // Abomasnow in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 698, Level = 60, Location = 208, Weather = Normal | Icy }, // Amaura in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 133, Level = 60, Location = 208, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Eevee in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 029, Level = 60, Location = 208, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy }, // Nidoran♀ in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 032, Level = 60, Location = 208, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy }, // Nidoran♂ in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 359, Level = 62, Location = 208, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Absol in Frostpoint Field
new(SWSH) { Species = 143, Level = 65, Location = 208, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Overcast }, // Snorlax in Frostpoint Field
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 584, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {208, 210}, Weather = Icy }, // Vanilluxe in Frostpoint Field, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 333, Level = 60, Locations = new[] {208, 210}, Weather = Overcast }, // Swablu in Frostpoint Field, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 034, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {208, 210}, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Nidoking in Frostpoint Field, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 030, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {208, 210}, Weather = All_CT }, // Nidorina in Frostpoint Field (c), in the Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 858, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {208, 210}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Hatterene in Frostpoint Field, Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {208, 222}, Weather = Normal | Overcast }, // Bronzong in Frostpoint Field (c), Giants Foot
new(SWSH) { Species = 029, Level = 60, Location = 210, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Nidoran♀ in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 832, Level = 63, Location = 210 }, // Dubwool in the Giants Bed
new(SW ) { Species = 874, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = All_CT }, // Stonjourner in the Giants Bed
new( SH) { Species = 143, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = All_CT }, // Snorlax in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 142, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = All_CT }, // Aerodactyl in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 133, Level = 60, Location = 210 }, // Eevee in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 470, Level = 63, Location = 210 }, // Leafeon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 033, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = All_CT }, // Nidorino in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 534, Level = 65, Location = 210 }, // Conkeldurr in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 820, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Greedent in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 031, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Nidoqueen in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 862, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Obstagoon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 609, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = Overcast | Heavy_Fog }, // Chandelure in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 752, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = Stormy }, // Araquanid in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 134, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Raining }, // Vaporeon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 596, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Galvantula in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 466, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Electivire in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 135, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Jolteon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 125, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Electabuzz in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 467, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmortar in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 631, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Heatmor in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 632, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Durant in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 136, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Flareon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 197, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Overcast }, // Umbreon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 196, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Snowing }, // Espeon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 359, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Absol in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 471, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Glaceon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 700, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Sylveon in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 036, Level = 63, Location = 210, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Clefable in the Giants Bed
new(SWSH) { Species = 340, Level = 65, Location = 210, Weather = All_CT }, // Whiscash in the Giants Bed
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 855, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {210, 212}, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Snowstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Polteageist in the Giants Bed, Old Cemetery
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 887, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {210, 212}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Snowing }, // Dragapult in the Giants Bed, Old Cemetery
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 478, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {210, 212, 214}, Weather = Icy }, // Froslass in the Giants Bed, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 437, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {210, 214}, Weather = All_CT }, // Bronzong in the Giants Bed, Snowslide Slope (c)
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {210, 214}, Weather = Icy }, // Glalie in the Giants Bed, Snowslide Slope
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 334, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {210, 218, 222, 226, 230}, Weather = Overcast }, // Altaria in the Giants Bed, Path to the Peak, Giants Foot, Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 344, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {210, 222}, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Claydol in the Giants Bed, Giants Foot
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 531, Level = 62, Locations = new[] {210, 222, 230}, Weather = All_CT }, // Audino in the Giants Bed, Giants Foot
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 130, Level = 67, Locations = new[] {210, 230}, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Icy }, // Gyarados in the Giants Bed, Ballimere Lake
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 350, Level = 67, Locations = new[] {210, 230}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Milotic in the Giants Bed, Ballimere Lake
new( SH) { Species = 078, Level = 67, Location = 212, Form = 01, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Rapidash-1 in the Old Cemetery
new(SWSH) { Species = 872, Level = 62, Location = 214, Weather = Normal | Overcast }, // Snom on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 698, Level = 62, Location = 214, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Amaura on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 621, Level = 65, Location = 214, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Druddigon on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 832, Level = 65, Location = 214, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Dubwool on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 699, Level = 65, Location = 214, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Aurorus on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 376, Level = 68, Location = 214, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Metagross on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 461, Level = 65, Location = 214, Weather = Overcast }, // Weavile on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 709, Level = 65, Location = 214, Weather = Overcast }, // Trevenant on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 467, Level = 67, Location = 214, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmortar on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 362, Level = 67, Location = 214, Weather = Icy }, // Glalie on Snowslide Slope
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 375, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {214, 216 }, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Metang on Snowslide Slope, Tunnel to the Top (c)
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 615, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {214, 222}, Weather = Icy }, // Cryogonal on Snowslide Slope, Giants Foot
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 614, Level = 67, Locations = new[] {214, 226, 228}, Weather = Icy }, // Beartic on Snowslide Slope, Frigid Sea, Three-Point Pass
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 126, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {214, 230}, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmar on Snowslide Slope, Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 584, Level = 67, Location = 214, Weather = Icy }, // Vanilluxe on Snowslide Slope
new(SW ) { Species = 555, Level = 67, Location = 214, Form = 02, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Darmanitan-2 on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 861, Level = 67, Location = 214, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Grimmsnarl on Snowslide Slope
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 359, Level = 67, Locations = new[] {214, 218, 222}, Weather = Snowstorm }, // Absol on Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Giants Foot
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 778, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {214, 222, 230}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Mimikyu on Snowslide Slope, Giants Foot, Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 036, Level = 65, Location = 214, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Clefable on Snowslide Slope
new(SWSH) { Species = 036, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Clefable in the Tunnel to the Top
new(SWSH) { Species = 621, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Druddigon in the Tunnel to the Top
new(SWSH) { Species = 478, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Froslass in the Tunnel to the Top
new(SW ) { Species = 371, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Bagon in the Tunnel to the Top
new( SH) { Species = 443, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Gible in the Tunnel to the Top
new(SW ) { Species = 373, Level = 68, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Salamence in the Tunnel to the Top
new( SH) { Species = 445, Level = 68, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Garchomp in the Tunnel to the Top
new(SWSH) { Species = 703, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Overcast }, // Carbink in the Tunnel to the Top
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 041, Level = 63, Locations = new[] {216, 224}, Weather = Overcast }, // Zubat in the Tunnel to the Top, Roaring-Sea Caves
new(SWSH) { Species = 042, Level = 65, Location = 216, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Golbat in the Tunnel to the Top
new(SWSH) { Species = 873, Level = 65, Location = 218, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Frosmoth on the Path to the Peak
new(SW ) { Species = 373, Level = 68, Location = 218, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Salamence on the Path to the Peak
new( SH) { Species = 445, Level = 68, Location = 218, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Garchomp on the Path to the Peak
new(SWSH) { Species = 621, Level = 65, Location = 218 }, // Druddigon on the Path to the Peak
new(SWSH) { Species = 851, Level = 67, Location = 222, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Centiskorch at the Giants Foot
new(SWSH) { Species = 879, Level = 67, Location = 222, Weather = Overcast | Stormy | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Copperajah at the Giants Foot
new(SWSH) { Species = 534, Level = 67, Location = 222 }, // Conkeldurr at the Giants Foot
new(SW ) { Species = 138, Level = 63, Location = 222, Weather = All_CT }, // Omanyte at the Giants Foot
new( SH) { Species = 140, Level = 63, Location = 222, Weather = All_CT }, // Kabuto at the Giants Foot
new(SWSH) { Species = 566, Level = 63, Location = 222, Weather = All_CT }, // Archen at the Giants Foot
new(SWSH) { Species = 126, Level = 65, Location = 222, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmar at the Giants Foot
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 752, Level = 67, Locations = new[] {222, 230}, Weather = Raining }, // Araquanid at Ballimere Lake, Giants Foot
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 125, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {222, 230}, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Electabuzz at the Giants Foot, Ballimere Lake
//new(SWSH) { Species = 567, Level = 67, Location = -1 }, // Archeops
new(SW ) { Species = 635, Level = 68, Location = 224, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Hydreigon in Roaring-Sea Caves, weather from Frigid Sea
new( SH) { Species = 248, Level = 68, Location = 224, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Tyranitar in Roaring-Sea Caves, weather from Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 448, Level = 67, Location = 224, Weather = Overcast }, // Lucario in Roaring-Sea Caves
new(SWSH) { Species = 042, Level = 65, Location = 224, Weather = Overcast }, // Golbat in the Roaring-Sea Caves
new( SH) { Species = 141, Level = 68, Location = 224, Weather = Overcast }, // Kabutops in Roaring-Sea Caves
new(SW ) { Species = 139, Level = 68, Location = 224, Weather = Overcast }, // Omastar in Roaring-Sea Caves
new(SWSH) { Species = 363, Level = 63, Location = 226, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Spheal at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 364, Level = 65, Location = 226, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Sealeo at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 564, Level = 63, Location = 226, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Heavy_Fog }, // Tirtouga at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 713, Level = 65, Location = 226, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Avalugg at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 365, Level = 68, Location = 226, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Walrein at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 565, Level = 67, Location = 226, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Intense_Sun }, // Carracosta at the Frigid Sea
new(SWSH) { Species = 871, Level = 65, Location = 226, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Pincurchin at the Frigid Sea
new( SH) { Species = 875, Level = 65, Location = 226, Weather = No_Sun_Sand }, // Eiscue at the Frigid Sea
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 623, Level = 65, Locations = new[] {226, 228}, Weather = All_CT }, // Golurk at the Frigid Sea (c), Three-Point Pass
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 467, Level = 68, Locations = new[] {226, 230}, Weather = Intense_Sun }, // Magmortar at Frigid Sea (c), Ballimere Lake
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 466, Level = 68, Locations = new[] {226, 228, 230}, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Electivire at the Frigid Sea, Three-Point Pass, Ballimere Lake
new EncounterStatic8S(SWSH) { Species = 858, Level = 67, Locations = new[] {226, 230}, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Hatterene at the Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 887, Level = 68, Location = 228, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Raining | Intense_Sun | Icy | Heavy_Fog }, // Dragapult in Three-Point Pass
new(SWSH) { Species = 531, Level = 62, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Snowing }, // Audino at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 584, Level = 67, Location = 230, Weather = Snowing }, // Vanilluxe at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 823, Level = 68, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Icy }, // Corviknight at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 862, Level = 68, Location = 230, Weather = Overcast }, // Obstagoon at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 715, Level = 67, Location = 230, Weather = Overcast | Raining }, // Noivern at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 547, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Raining }, // Whimsicott at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 836, Level = 67, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Stormy | Snowing | Heavy_Fog }, // Boltund at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 830, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Raining | Intense_Sun }, // Eldegoss at Ballimere Lake
new(SW ) { Species = 876, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Indeedee at Ballimere Lake
new( SH) { Species = 876, Level = 65, Location = 230, Form = 01, Weather = Normal | Heavy_Fog }, // Indeedee-1 at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 696, Level = 63, Location = 230, Weather = All_CT }, // Tyrunt at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 213, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Intense_Sun }, // Shuckle at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 820, Level = 68, Location = 230, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Greedent at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 877, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Overcast | Thunderstorm }, // Morpeko at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 596, Level = 67, Location = 230, Weather = Thunderstorm }, // Galvantula at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 839, Level = 68, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Thunderstorm | Intense_Sun | Snowing | Heavy_Fog }, // Coalossal at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 697, Level = 69, Location = 230, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Tyrantrum at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 531, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Heavy_Fog }, // Audino at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 304, Level = 63, Location = 230, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Aron at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 149, Level = 70, Location = 230, Weather = Raining | Thunderstorm }, // Dragonite at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 348, Level = 67, Location = 230, Weather = Raining | Thunderstorm }, // Armaldo at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 347, Level = 63, Location = 230, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Anorith at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 369, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Normal | Overcast | Stormy | Intense_Sun | Snowing }, // Relicanth at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 147, Level = 63, Location = 230, Weather = Raining | Heavy_Fog }, // Dratini at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 148, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Thunderstorm | Heavy_Fog }, // Dragonair at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 615, Level = 65, Location = 230, Weather = Icy }, // Cryogonal at Ballimere Lake
new(SWSH) { Species = 715, Level = 67, Location = 232, Weather = Overcast }, // Noivern in Lakeside Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 306, Level = 68, Location = 232, Weather = Overcast }, // Aggron in Lakeside Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 598, Level = 67, Location = 232, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Ferrothorn in Lakeside Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 305, Level = 63, Location = 232, Weather = Overcast }, // Lairon in Lakeside Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 839, Level = 68, Location = 232, Weather = Overcast }, // Coalossal in Lakeside Cave
new(SWSH) { Species = 820, Level = 68, Location = 234, Weather = All_Ballimere }, // Greedent at Dyna Tree Hill
private const string tradeSWSH = "tradeswsh";
private static readonly string[][] TradeSWSH = Util.GetLanguageStrings10(tradeSWSH, "zh2");
private static readonly string[] TradeOT_R1 = { string.Empty, "チホコ", "Regina", "Régiona", "Regionalia", "Regine", string.Empty, "Tatiana", "지민", "易蒂", "易蒂" };
private static readonly int[] TradeIVs = {15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15};
2019-11-15 17:34:18 -08:00
private static readonly EncounterTrade8[] TradeGift_Regular =
new(SWSH, 052,18,08,000,04,5) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID7 = 263455, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Timid, Relearn = new[] {387,000,000,000} }, // Meowth
new(SWSH, 819,10,01,044,01,2) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID7 = 648753, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Mild }, // Skwovet
new(SWSH, 546,23,11,000,09,5) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID7 = 101154, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 1, Gender = 1, Nature = Nature.Modest }, // Cottonee
new(SWSH, 175,25,02,010,10,6) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID7 = 109591, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Timid, Relearn = new[] {791,000,000,000} }, // Togepi
new(SW , 856,30,09,859,08,3) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID7 = 101101, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 0, Gender = 1, Nature = Nature.Quiet }, // Hatenna
new( SH, 859,30,43,000,07,6) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID7 = 256081, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Brave, Relearn = new[] {252,000,000,000} }, // Impidimp
new(SWSH, 562,35,16,310,15,5) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID7 = 102534, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 2, OTGender = 1, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Bold, Relearn = new[] {261,000,000,000} }, // Yamask
new(SW , 538,37,17,129,20,7) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID7 = 768945, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 2, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Adamant }, // Throh
new( SH, 539,37,17,129,14,6) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID7 = 881426, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 2, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Adamant }, // Sawk
new(SWSH, 122,40,56,000,12,4) { Ability = OnlyFirst, TID7 = 891846, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 1, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Calm }, // Mr. Mime
new(SWSH, 884,50,15,038,06,2) { Ability = OnlySecond, TID7 = 101141, IVs = TradeIVs, DynamaxLevel = 3, OTGender = 0, Gender = 0, Nature = Nature.Adamant, Relearn = new[] {400,000,000,000} }, // Duraludon
private static readonly EncounterTrade8[] TradeGift_R1 =
new(SWSH, 052,15,01,033,04,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {387,000,000,000} }, // Meowth
new(SW , 083,15,01,013,10,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {098,000,000,000} }, // Farfetchd
new( SH, 222,15,01,069,12,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {457,000,000,000} }, // Corsola
new( SH, 077,15,01,047,06,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {234,000,000,000} }, // Ponyta
new(SWSH, 122,15,01,005,04,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {252,000,000,000} }, // Mr. Mime
new(SW , 554,15,01,040,12,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {326,000,000,000} }, // Darumaka
new(SWSH, 263,15,01,045,04,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {245,000,000,000} }, // Zigzagoon
new(SWSH, 618,15,01,050,05,2, Random) { Ability = OnlyHidden, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {281,000,000,000} }, // Stunfisk
new(SWSH, 110,15,01,040,12,2, Random) { Ability = Any12H, TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {220,000,000,000} }, // Weezing
new(SWSH, 103,15,01,038,06,2, Random) { TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {246,000,000,000}, Form = 1 }, // Exeggutor-1
new(SWSH, 105,15,01,038,06,2, Random) { TID7 = 101141, FlawlessIVCount = 3, DynamaxLevel = 5, OTGender = 1, IsNicknamed = false, Relearn = new[] {174,000,000,000}, Form = 1 }, // Marowak-1
internal static readonly EncounterTrade8[] TradeGift_SWSH = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll(TradeGift_Regular, TradeGift_R1);
Offload EncounterSlot loading logic to reduce complexity (#2980) * Rework gen1 slot loading Slot templates are precomputed from ROM data and just loaded straight in, with tight coupling to the encounter area (grouped by slot types). * Revise fuzzy met check for underleveled wild evos Example: Level 23 poliwhirl in RBY as a level 50 poliwhirl, will assume the chain is 25-50 for poliwhirl (as poliwag evolves at 25). Instead of revising the origin chain, just ignore the evo min level in the comparison. Previous commit fixed it for gen1. * Rework gen2-4 slot loading Gen4 not finished, Type Encounter data and some edge encounters not recognizing yet... * Add feebas slots for old/good encounters * Begin moving properties Great news! Gen5-7 need to be de-dumbed like Gen1-4. Then I can remove the bang (!) on the Area accessor and ensure that it's never null! * Split off XD pokespot slot encounter table type * Set area in constructor * Deduplicate g3 roaming encounters * Deduplicate xd encounter locations (rebattle) Only difference is met location; no need to create 500 extra encounter objects. A simple contains check is ok (rarely in gen3 format). * Make all slots have a readonly reference to their parent area * Minor clean * Remove "Safari" slot type flag Can be determined via other means (generation-location), allows us to reduce the size of SlotType member to a byte Output of slot binaries didn't preserve the Safari flag anyway. * Update SlotType.cs * Handle type encounters correctly * Merge safari area into regular xy area * Merge dexnav accessor logic * fix some logic so that tests pass again rearrange g5 dw init to be done outside of static constructor (initializer instead) PIDGenerator: friend safari slots now generate with required flawless IV count * Add cianwood tentacool gift encounter * Remove unnecessary abstractions Fake area just returned a slot; since Slots have a non-null reference to the area, we can just return the slot and use the API to grab a list of possible slots for the chain. Increase restrictiveness of location/type get-set operations * Minor tweaks, pass parameters DexNav observed state isn't necessary to use, only need to see if it's possible to dexnav. Now that we have metadata for slots, we can. * Remove unused legality tables
2020-08-30 10:23:22 -07:00
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticSW = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll<EncounterStatic>(Nest_Common, Nest_SW, Nest_SH, Dist_DLC2, Dist_DLC1, Dist_Base, GetEncounters(Crystal_SWSH, SW), DynAdv_SWSH, GetEncounters(Encounter_SWSH, SW));
internal static readonly EncounterStatic[] StaticSH = ArrayUtil.ConcatAll<EncounterStatic>(Nest_Common, Nest_SW, Nest_SH, Dist_DLC2, Dist_DLC1, Dist_Base, GetEncounters(Crystal_SWSH, SH), DynAdv_SWSH, GetEncounters(Encounter_SWSH, SH));