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using System;
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using static PKHeX.Core.LegalityCheckStrings;
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namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the <see cref="PKM.EncryptionConstant"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PIDVerifier : Verifier
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protected override CheckIdentifier Identifier => CheckIdentifier.PID;
public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
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var pk = data.Entity;
if (pk.Format >= 6)
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var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
if (enc.Species == (int)Species.Wurmple)
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else if (enc.Species is (int)Species.Tandemaus or (int)Species.Dunsparce)
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if (pk.PID == 0)
data.AddLine(Get(LPIDZero, Severity.Fishy));
if (pk.Nature >= 25) // out of range
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private void VerifyShiny(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
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switch (data.EncounterMatch)
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case EncounterStatic s:
if (!s.Shiny.IsValid(pk))
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEncStaticPIDShiny, CheckIdentifier.Shiny));
// Underground Raids are originally anti-shiny on encounter.
// When selecting a prize at the end, the game rolls and force-shiny is applied to be XOR=1.
if (s is EncounterStatic8U {Shiny: Shiny.Random})
if (pk.ShinyXor is <= 15 and not 1)
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data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEncStaticPIDShiny, CheckIdentifier.Shiny));
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if (s.Generation != 5)
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// Generation 5 has a correlation for wild captures.
// Certain static encounter types are just generated straightforwardly.
if (s.Location == 75) // Entree Forest
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// Not wild / forced ability
if (s.Gift || s.Ability == AbilityPermission.OnlyHidden)
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// Forced PID or generated without an encounter
// Crustle has 0x80 for its StartWildBattle flag; dunno what it does, but sometimes it doesn't align with the expected PID xor.
if (s is EncounterStatic5 { IsWildCorrelationPID: true })
case EncounterSlot5 {IsHiddenGrotto: true}:
if (pk.IsShiny)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LG5PIDShinyGrotto, CheckIdentifier.Shiny));
case EncounterSlot5:
case PCD d: // fixed PID
if (d.IsFixedPID() && pk.EncryptionConstant != d.Gift.PK.PID)
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEncGiftPIDMismatch, CheckIdentifier.Shiny));
case WC7 wc7 when wc7.IsAshGreninjaWC7(pk) && pk.IsShiny:
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LEncGiftShinyMismatch, CheckIdentifier.Shiny));
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private void VerifyG5PID_IDCorrelation(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
var pid = pk.EncryptionConstant;
var result = (pid & 1) ^ (pid >> 31) ^ (pk.TID & 1) ^ (pk.SID & 1);
if (result != 0)
private static void VerifyECPIDWurmple(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
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if (pk.Species == (int)Species.Wurmple)
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// Indicate what it will evolve into
uint evoVal = WurmpleUtil.GetWurmpleEvoVal(pk.EncryptionConstant);
var evolvesTo = evoVal == 0 ? (int)Species.Beautifly : (int)Species.Dustox;
var species = ParseSettings.SpeciesStrings[evolvesTo];
var msg = string.Format(L_XWurmpleEvo_0, species);
data.AddLine(GetValid(msg, CheckIdentifier.EC));
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else if (!WurmpleUtil.IsWurmpleEvoValid(pk))
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data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LPIDEncryptWurmple, CheckIdentifier.EC));
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private static void VerifyEC100(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
if (pk.Species == enc.Species)
uint evoVal = pk.EncryptionConstant % 100;
bool rare = evoVal == 0;
var (species, form) = enc.Species switch
(int)Species.Tandemaus => ((ushort)Species.Maushold, rare ? 0 : 1),
(int)Species.Dunsparce => ((ushort)Species.Dudunsparce, rare ? 1 : 0),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(enc.Species)),
var str = GameInfo.Strings;
var forms = FormConverter.GetFormList(species, str.Types, str.forms, GameInfo.GenderSymbolASCII, EntityContext.Gen9);
var msg = string.Format(L_XRareFormEvo_0_1, forms[form], rare);
data.AddLine(GetValid(msg, CheckIdentifier.EC));
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private static void VerifyEC(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
var Info = data.Info;
if (pk.EncryptionConstant == 0)
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if (Info.EncounterMatch is WC8 {IsHOMEGift: true})
return; // HOME Gifts
data.AddLine(Get(LPIDEncryptZero, Severity.Fishy, CheckIdentifier.EC));
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// Gen3-5 => Gen6 have PID==EC with an edge case exception.
if (Info.Generation is 3 or 4 or 5)
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// Gen1-2, Gen6+ should have PID != EC
if (pk.PID == pk.EncryptionConstant)
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// Check for edge cases
var enc = Info.EncounterMatch;
if (enc is WA8 {IsEquivalentFixedECPID: true})
if (enc is WB8 {IsEquivalentFixedECPID: true})
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(LPIDEqualsEC, CheckIdentifier.EC)); // better to flag than 1:2^32 odds since RNG is not feasible to yield match
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// Check for Gen3-5 => Gen6 edge case being incorrectly applied here.
if ((pk.PID ^ 0x80000000) == pk.EncryptionConstant)
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int xor = pk.TSV ^ pk.PSV;
if (xor >> 3 == 1) // 8 <= x <= 15
data.AddLine(Get(LTransferPIDECXor, Severity.Fishy, CheckIdentifier.EC));
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/// <summary>
/// Returns the expected <see cref="PKM.EncryptionConstant"/> for a Gen3-5 transfer to Gen6.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pk">Entity to check</param>
/// <param name="ec">Encryption constant result</param>
/// <returns>True if the <see cref="ec"/> is appropriate to use.</returns>
public static bool GetTransferEC(PKM pk, out uint ec)
var ver = pk.Version;
if (ver is 0 or >= (int)GameVersion.X) // Gen6+ ignored
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ec = 0;
return false;
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uint pid = pk.PID;
uint LID = pid & 0xFFFF;
uint HID = pid >> 16;
uint XOR = (uint)(pk.TID ^ LID ^ pk.SID ^ HID);
// Ensure we don't have a shiny.
if (XOR >> 3 == 1) // Illegal, fix. (not 16<XOR>=8)
ec = pid ^ 0x80000000; // Keep as shiny, so we have to mod the EC
else if ((XOR ^ 0x8000) >> 3 == 1 && pid != pk.EncryptionConstant)
ec = pid ^ 0x80000000; // Already anti-shiny, ensure the anti-shiny relationship is present.
ec = pid; // Ensure the copy correlation is present.
return true;
private static void VerifyTransferEC(LegalityAnalysis data)
var pk = data.Entity;
// When transferred to Generation 6, the Encryption Constant is copied from the PID.
// The PID is then checked to see if it becomes shiny with the new Shiny rules (>>4 instead of >>3)
// If the PID is nonshiny->shiny, the top bit is flipped.
// Check to see if the PID and EC are properly configured.
var bitFlipProc = GetExpectedTransferPID(pk, out var expect);
bool valid = pk.PID == expect;
if (valid)
var msg = bitFlipProc ? LTransferPIDECBitFlip : LTransferPIDECEquals;
data.AddLine(GetInvalid(msg, CheckIdentifier.EC));
private static bool GetExpectedTransferPID(PKM pk, out uint expect)
var ec = pk.EncryptionConstant; // should be original PID
bool xorPID = ((pk.TID ^ pk.SID ^ (int) (ec & 0xFFFF) ^ (int) (ec >> 16)) & ~0x7) == 8;
expect = (xorPID ? (ec ^ 0x80000000) : ec);
return xorPID;
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