2021-01-16 17:31:05 -08:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
namespace PKHeX.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Logic for converting a <see cref="string"/> for Generation 1 & 2 games.
/// </summary>
public static class StringConverter12
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
public static bool GetIsG1Japanese(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) => AllCharsInDictionary(str, U2RBY_J);
public static bool GetIsG1English(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) => AllCharsInDictionary(str, U2RBY_U);
public static bool GetIsG1Japanese(ReadOnlySpan<byte> raw) => AllCharsInDictionary(raw, RBY2U_J);
public static bool GetIsG1English(ReadOnlySpan<byte> raw) => AllCharsInDictionary(raw, RBY2U_U);
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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private static bool AllCharsInDictionary(ReadOnlySpan<char> c, IReadOnlyDictionary<char, byte> d)
foreach (var x in c)
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2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
if (!d.ContainsKey(x))
return false;
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return true;
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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private static bool AllCharsInDictionary(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, IReadOnlyDictionary<byte, char> d)
foreach (var c in data)
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
if (c == 0)
if (!d.ContainsKey(c))
return false;
2020-10-02 18:08:40 -07:00
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return true;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
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public const byte G1TerminatorCode = 0x50;
public const char G1Terminator = '\0';
public const byte G1TradeOTCode = 0x5D;
public const char G1TradeOT = '*';
public const string G1TradeOTStr = "*";
public const byte G1SpaceCode = 0x7F;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
public static readonly IReadOnlyList<string> G1TradeOTName = new []
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the input byte array is definitely of German origin (any ÄÖÜäöü)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Raw string bytes</param>
/// <returns>Indication if the data is from a definitely-german string</returns>
public static bool IsG12German(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
foreach (var b in data)
2021-06-29 20:58:06 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
if (b is >= 0xC0 and <= 0xC6)
return true;
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return false;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the input byte array is definitely of German origin (any ÄÖÜäöü)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Input string</param>
/// <returns>Indication if the data is from a definitely-german string</returns>
public static bool IsG12German(ReadOnlySpan<char> value)
var table = U2RBY_U;
foreach (var c in value)
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
if (!table.TryGetValue(c, out var b))
if (b is >= 0xC0 and <= 0xC6)
return true;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
return false;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
/// <summary>
/// Converts Generation 1 encoded data into a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Encoded data.</param>
/// <param name="jp">Data source is Japanese.</param>
/// <returns>Decoded string.</returns>
public static string GetString(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, bool jp)
Span<char> result = stackalloc char[data.Length];
int length = LoadString(data, result, jp);
return new string(result[..length].ToArray());
private static int LoadString(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, Span<char> result, bool jp)
if (data[0] == G1TradeOTCode)
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-07 20:52:26 -08:00
result[0] = G1TradeOT;
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
return 1;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
var dict = jp ? RBY2U_J : RBY2U_U;
int i = 0;
for (; i < data.Length; i++)
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
var value = data[i];
if (!dict.TryGetValue(value, out var c)) // Take valid values
if (c == G1Terminator) // Stop if Terminator
result[i] = c;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
return i;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
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/// <summary>
/// Converts a string to Generation 1 encoded data.
/// </summary>
2022-01-08 09:54:32 -08:00
/// <param name="destBuffer">Span of bytes to write encoded string data</param>
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
/// <param name="value">Decoded string.</param>
/// <param name="maxLength">Maximum length of the input <see cref="value"/></param>
/// <param name="jp">Data destination is Japanese.</param>
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/// <param name="option">Buffer pre-formatting option</param>
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
/// <returns>Encoded data.</returns>
public static int SetString(Span<byte> destBuffer, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, int maxLength, bool jp,
StringConverterOption option = StringConverterOption.Clear50)
if (option is StringConverterOption.ClearZero)
else if (option is StringConverterOption.Clear50)
else if (option is StringConverterOption.Clear7F)
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
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if (value.Length != 0 && value[0] == G1TradeOT) // Handle "[TRAINER]"
2020-12-21 17:17:56 -08:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
destBuffer[0] = G1TradeOTCode;
destBuffer[1] = G1TerminatorCode;
return 2;
if (value.Length > maxLength)
value = value[..maxLength]; // Hard cap
var dict = jp ? U2RBY_J : U2RBY_U;
int i = 0;
for (; i < value.Length; i++)
2020-12-21 17:17:56 -08:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
char c = value[i];
if (!dict.TryGetValue(c, out byte val))
destBuffer[i] = val;
int count = i;
if (count == destBuffer.Length)
return count;
2022-01-07 20:52:26 -08:00
destBuffer[count] = G1TerminatorCode;
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
return count + 1;
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00
2022-01-02 21:35:59 -08:00
/// <summary>
/// Converts Generation 1 encoded character to string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">Encoded character.</param>
/// <param name="jp">Data source is Japanese.</param>
/// <returns>Decoded string.</returns>
public static char GetG1Char(byte key, bool jp)
var dict = jp ? RBY2U_J : RBY2U_U;
if (dict.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
return value;
return G1Terminator;
#region Gen 1/2 Character Tables
internal static readonly Dictionary<byte, char> RBY2U_U = new()
{0x50, G1Terminator},
{0x5D, G1TradeOT},
{0x7F, ' '},
{0x80, 'A'},
{0x81, 'B'},
{0x82, 'C'},
{0x83, 'D'},
{0x84, 'E'},
{0x85, 'F'},
{0x86, 'G'},
{0x87, 'H'},
{0x88, 'I'},
{0x89, 'J'},
{0x8A, 'K'},
{0x8B, 'L'},
{0x8C, 'M'},
{0x8D, 'N'},
{0x8E, 'O'},
{0x8F, 'P'},
{0x90, 'Q'},
{0x91, 'R'},
{0x92, 'S'},
{0x93, 'T'},
{0x94, 'U'},
{0x95, 'V'},
{0x96, 'W'},
{0x97, 'X'},
{0x98, 'Y'},
{0x99, 'Z'},
{0x9A, '('},
{0x9B, ')'},
{0x9C, ':'},
{0x9D, ';'},
{0x9E, '['},
{0x9F, ']'},
{0xA0, 'a'},
{0xA1, 'b'},
{0xA2, 'c'},
{0xA3, 'd'},
{0xA4, 'e'},
{0xA5, 'f'},
{0xA6, 'g'},
{0xA7, 'h'},
{0xA8, 'i'},
{0xA9, 'j'},
{0xAA, 'k'},
{0xAB, 'l'},
{0xAC, 'm'},
{0xAD, 'n'},
{0xAE, 'o'},
{0xAF, 'p'},
{0xB0, 'q'},
{0xB1, 'r'},
{0xB2, 's'},
{0xB3, 't'},
{0xB4, 'u'},
{0xB5, 'v'},
{0xB6, 'w'},
{0xB7, 'x'},
{0xB8, 'y'},
{0xB9, 'z'},
// unused characters
{0xBA, 'à'},
{0xBB, 'è'},
{0xBC, 'é'},
{0xBD, 'ù'},
{0xBE, 'À'},
{0xBF, 'Á'}, // Used in Spanish FALCÁN in-game trade, inaccessible from keyboard
{0xC0, 'Ä'},
{0xC1, 'Ö'},
{0xC2, 'Ü'},
{0xC3, 'ä'},
{0xC4, 'ö'},
{0xC5, 'ü'},
// unused characters
{0xC6, 'È'},
{0xC7, 'É'},
{0xC8, 'Ì'},
{0xC9, 'Í'}, // Used in Spanish MANÍA in-game trade, inaccessible from keyboard
{0xCA, 'Ñ'},
{0xCB, 'Ò'},
{0xCC, 'Ó'},
{0xCD, 'Ù'},
{0xCE, 'Ú'},
{0xCF, 'á'},
{0xD0, 'ì'},
{0xD1, 'í'},
{0xD2, 'ñ'},
{0xD3, 'ò'},
{0xD4, 'ó'},
{0xD5, 'ú'},
{0xE0, '’'},
{0xE1, '{'}, /* Pk */
{0xE2, '}'}, /* Mn */
{0xE3, '-'},
{0xE6, '?'},
{0xE7, '!'},
{0xE8, '.'}, // Alias decimal point to .
{0xEF, '♂'},
{0xF1, '×'},
{0xF2, '.'},
{0xF3, '/'},
{0xF4, ','},
{0xF5, '♀'},
{0xF6, '0'},
{0xF7, '1'},
{0xF8, '2'},
{0xF9, '3'},
{0xFA, '4'},
{0xFB, '5'},
{0xFC, '6'},
{0xFD, '7'},
{0xFE, '8'},
{0xFF, '9'},
private static readonly Dictionary<byte, char> RBY2U_J = new()
{0x05, 'ガ'},
{0x06, 'ギ'},
{0x07, 'グ'},
{0x08, 'ゲ'},
{0x09, 'ゴ'},
{0x0A, 'ザ'},
{0x0B, 'ジ'},
{0x0C, 'ズ'},
{0x0D, 'ゼ'},
{0x0E, 'ゾ'},
{0x0F, 'ダ'},
{0x10, 'ヂ'},
{0x11, 'ヅ'},
{0x12, 'デ'},
{0x13, 'ド'},
{0x19, 'バ'},
{0x1A, 'ビ'},
{0x1B, 'ブ'},
{0x1C, 'ボ'},
{0x26, 'が'},
{0x27, 'ぎ'},
{0x28, 'ぐ'},
{0x29, 'げ'},
{0x2A, 'ご'},
{0x2B, 'ざ'},
{0x2C, 'じ'},
{0x2D, 'ず'},
{0x2E, 'ぜ'},
{0x2F, 'ぞ'},
{0x30, 'だ'},
{0x31, 'ぢ'},
{0x32, 'づ'},
{0x33, 'で'},
{0x34, 'ど'},
{0x3A, 'ば'},
{0x3B, 'び'},
{0x3C, 'ぶ'},
{0x3D, 'ベ'},
{0x3E, 'ぼ'},
{0x40, 'パ'},
{0x41, 'ピ'},
{0x42, 'プ'},
{0x43, 'ポ'},
{0x44, 'ぱ'},
{0x45, 'ぴ'},
{0x46, 'ぷ'},
{0x47, 'ペ'},
{0x48, 'ぽ'},
{0x50, G1Terminator},
{0x5D, G1TradeOT},
{0x7F, ' '},
{0x80, 'ア'},
{0x81, 'イ'},
{0x82, 'ウ'},
{0x83, 'エ'},
{0x84, 'オ'},
{0x85, 'カ'},
{0x86, 'キ'},
{0x87, 'ク'},
{0x88, 'ケ'},
{0x89, 'コ'},
{0x8A, 'サ'},
{0x8B, 'シ'},
{0x8C, 'ス'},
{0x8D, 'セ'},
{0x8E, 'ソ'},
{0x8F, 'タ'},
{0x90, 'チ'},
{0x91, 'ツ'},
{0x92, 'テ'},
{0x93, 'ト'},
{0x94, 'ナ'},
{0x95, 'ニ'},
{0x96, 'ヌ'},
{0x97, 'ネ'},
{0x98, 'ノ'},
{0x99, 'ハ'},
{0x9A, 'ヒ'},
{0x9B, 'フ'},
{0x9C, 'ホ'},
{0x9D, 'マ'},
{0x9E, 'ミ'},
{0x9F, 'ム'},
{0xA0, 'メ'},
{0xA1, 'モ'},
{0xA2, 'ヤ'},
{0xA3, 'ユ'},
{0xA4, 'ヨ'},
{0xA5, 'ラ'},
{0xA6, 'ル'},
{0xA7, 'レ'},
{0xA8, 'ロ'},
{0xA9, 'ワ'},
{0xAA, 'ヲ'},
{0xAB, 'ン'},
{0xAC, 'ッ'},
{0xAD, 'ャ'},
{0xAE, 'ュ'},
{0xAF, 'ョ'},
{0xB0, 'ィ'},
{0xB1, 'あ'},
{0xB2, 'い'},
{0xB3, 'う'},
{0xB4, 'え'},
{0xB5, 'お'},
{0xB6, 'か'},
{0xB7, 'き'},
{0xB8, 'く'},
{0xB9, 'け'},
{0xBA, 'こ'},
{0xBB, 'さ'},
{0xBC, 'し'},
{0xBD, 'す'},
{0xBE, 'せ'},
{0xBF, 'そ'},
{0xC0, 'た'},
{0xC1, 'ち'},
{0xC2, 'つ'},
{0xC3, 'て'},
{0xC4, 'と'},
{0xC5, 'な'},
{0xC6, 'に'},
{0xC7, 'ぬ'},
{0xC8, 'ね'},
{0xC9, 'の'},
{0xCA, 'は'},
{0xCB, 'ひ'},
{0xCC, 'ふ'},
{0xCD, 'へ'},
{0xCE, 'ほ'},
{0xCF, 'ま'},
{0xD0, 'み'},
{0xD1, 'む'},
{0xD2, 'め'},
{0xD3, 'も'},
{0xD4, 'や'},
{0xD5, 'ゆ'},
{0xD6, 'よ'},
{0xD7, 'ら'},
{0xD8, 'リ'},
{0xD9, 'る'},
{0xDA, 'れ'},
{0xDB, 'ろ'},
{0xDC, 'わ'},
{0xDD, 'を'},
{0xDE, 'ん'},
{0xDF, 'っ'},
{0xE0, 'ゃ'},
{0xE1, 'ゅ'},
{0xE2, 'ょ'},
{0xE3, 'ー'},
{0xE6, '?'},
{0xE7, '!'},
{0xE9, 'ァ'},
{0xEA, 'ゥ'},
{0xEB, 'ェ'},
{0xEF, '♂'},
{0xF4, 'ォ'},
{0xF5, '♀'},
{0xF6, '0'},
{0xF7, '1'},
{0xF8, '2'},
{0xF9, '3'},
{0xFA, '4'},
{0xFB, '5'},
{0xFC, '6'},
{0xFD, '7'},
{0xFE, '8'},
{0xFF, '9'},
internal static readonly Dictionary<char, byte> U2RBY_U = new()
{G1Terminator, 0x50},
{G1TradeOT, 0x5D}, // TRAINER (Localized per ROM)
{' ', 0x7F},
{'A', 0x80},
{'B', 0x81},
{'C', 0x82},
{'D', 0x83},
{'E', 0x84},
{'F', 0x85},
{'G', 0x86},
{'H', 0x87},
{'I', 0x88},
{'J', 0x89},
{'K', 0x8A},
{'L', 0x8B},
{'M', 0x8C},
{'N', 0x8D},
{'O', 0x8E},
{'P', 0x8F},
{'Q', 0x90},
{'R', 0x91},
{'S', 0x92},
{'T', 0x93},
{'U', 0x94},
{'V', 0x95},
{'W', 0x96},
{'X', 0x97},
{'Y', 0x98},
{'Z', 0x99},
{'(', 0x9A},
{')', 0x9B},
{':', 0x9C},
{';', 0x9D},
{'[', 0x9E},
{']', 0x9F},
{'a', 0xA0},
{'b', 0xA1},
{'c', 0xA2},
{'d', 0xA3},
{'e', 0xA4},
{'f', 0xA5},
{'g', 0xA6},
{'h', 0xA7},
{'i', 0xA8},
{'j', 0xA9},
{'k', 0xAA},
{'l', 0xAB},
{'m', 0xAC},
{'n', 0xAD},
{'o', 0xAE},
{'p', 0xAF},
{'q', 0xB0},
{'r', 0xB1},
{'s', 0xB2},
{'t', 0xB3},
{'u', 0xB4},
{'v', 0xB5},
{'w', 0xB6},
{'x', 0xB7},
{'y', 0xB8},
{'z', 0xB9},
// unused characters
{'à', 0xBA},
{'è', 0xBB},
{'é', 0xBC},
{'ù', 0xBD},
{'À', 0xBE},
{'Á', 0xBF}, // Used in Spanish FALCÁN in-game trade, inaccessible from keyboard
{'Ä', 0xC0},
{'Ö', 0xC1},
{'Ü', 0xC2},
{'ä', 0xC3},
{'ö', 0xC4},
{'ü', 0xC5},
// unused characters
{'È', 0xC6},
{'É', 0xC7},
{'Ì', 0xC8},
{'Í', 0xC9}, // Used in Spanish MANÍA in-game trade, inaccessible from keyboard
{'Ñ', 0xCA},
{'Ò', 0xCB},
{'Ó', 0xCC},
{'Ù', 0xCD},
{'Ú', 0xCE},
{'á', 0xCF},
{'ì', 0xD0},
{'í', 0xD1},
{'ñ', 0xD2},
{'ò', 0xD3},
{'ó', 0xD4},
{'ú', 0xD5},
{'\'', 0xE0}, // Alias ' to ’ for Farfetch’d
{'’', 0xE0},
{'{', 0xE1}, /* Pk */
{'}', 0xE2}, /* Mn */
{'-', 0xE3},
{'?', 0xE6},
{'!', 0xE7},
{'♂', 0xEF},
{'×', 0xF1},
{'.', 0xF2},
{'/', 0xF3},
{',', 0xF4},
{'♀', 0xF5},
{'0', 0xF6},
{'1', 0xF7},
{'2', 0xF8},
{'3', 0xF9},
{'4', 0xFA},
{'5', 0xFB},
{'6', 0xFC},
{'7', 0xFD},
{'8', 0xFE},
{'9', 0xFF},
private static readonly Dictionary<char, byte> U2RBY_J = new()
{'ガ', 0x05},
{'ギ', 0x06},
{'グ', 0x07},
{'ゲ', 0x08},
{'ゴ', 0x09},
{'ザ', 0x0A},
{'ジ', 0x0B},
{'ズ', 0x0C},
{'ゼ', 0x0D},
{'ゾ', 0x0E},
{'ダ', 0x0F},
{'ヂ', 0x10},
{'ヅ', 0x11},
{'デ', 0x12},
{'ド', 0x13},
{'バ', 0x19},
{'ビ', 0x1A},
{'ブ', 0x1B},
{'ボ', 0x1C},
{'が', 0x26},
{'ぎ', 0x27},
{'ぐ', 0x28},
{'げ', 0x29},
{'ご', 0x2A},
{'ざ', 0x2B},
{'じ', 0x2C},
{'ず', 0x2D},
{'ぜ', 0x2E},
{'ぞ', 0x2F},
{'だ', 0x30},
{'ぢ', 0x31},
{'づ', 0x32},
{'で', 0x33},
{'ど', 0x34},
{'ば', 0x3A},
{'び', 0x3B},
{'ぶ', 0x3C},
{'ベ', 0x3D},
{'べ', 0x3D},
{'ぼ', 0x3E},
{'パ', 0x40},
{'ピ', 0x41},
{'プ', 0x42},
{'ポ', 0x43},
{'ぱ', 0x44},
{'ぴ', 0x45},
{'ぷ', 0x46},
{'ぺ', 0x47},
{'ペ', 0x47},
{'ぽ', 0x48},
{G1Terminator, 0x50},
{G1TradeOT, 0x5D}, // トレーナー, (Localized per ROM)
{' ', 0x7F},
{'ア', 0x80},
{'イ', 0x81},
{'ウ', 0x82},
{'エ', 0x83},
{'オ', 0x84},
{'カ', 0x85},
{'キ', 0x86},
{'ク', 0x87},
{'ケ', 0x88},
{'コ', 0x89},
{'サ', 0x8A},
{'シ', 0x8B},
{'ス', 0x8C},
{'セ', 0x8D},
{'ソ', 0x8E},
{'タ', 0x8F},
{'チ', 0x90},
{'ツ', 0x91},
{'テ', 0x92},
{'ト', 0x93},
{'ナ', 0x94},
{'ニ', 0x95},
{'ヌ', 0x96},
{'ネ', 0x97},
{'ノ', 0x98},
{'ハ', 0x99},
{'ヒ', 0x9A},
{'フ', 0x9B},
{'ホ', 0x9C},
{'マ', 0x9D},
{'ミ', 0x9E},
{'ム', 0x9F},
{'メ', 0xA0},
{'モ', 0xA1},
{'ヤ', 0xA2},
{'ユ', 0xA3},
{'ヨ', 0xA4},
{'ラ', 0xA5},
{'ル', 0xA6},
{'レ', 0xA7},
{'ロ', 0xA8},
{'ワ', 0xA9},
{'ヲ', 0xAA},
{'ン', 0xAB},
{'ッ', 0xAC},
{'ャ', 0xAD},
{'ュ', 0xAE},
{'ョ', 0xAF},
{'ィ', 0xB0},
{'あ', 0xB1},
{'い', 0xB2},
{'う', 0xB3},
{'え', 0xB4},
{'お', 0xB5},
{'か', 0xB6},
{'き', 0xB7},
{'く', 0xB8},
{'け', 0xB9},
{'こ', 0xBA},
{'さ', 0xBB},
{'し', 0xBC},
{'す', 0xBD},
{'せ', 0xBE},
{'そ', 0xBF},
{'た', 0xC0},
{'ち', 0xC1},
{'つ', 0xC2},
{'て', 0xC3},
{'と', 0xC4},
{'な', 0xC5},
{'に', 0xC6},
{'ぬ', 0xC7},
{'ね', 0xC8},
{'の', 0xC9},
{'は', 0xCA},
{'ひ', 0xCB},
{'ふ', 0xCC},
{'へ', 0xCD},
{'ヘ', 0xCD}, // Katakana ヘ => Hiragana へ
{'ほ', 0xCE},
{'ま', 0xCF},
{'み', 0xD0},
{'む', 0xD1},
{'め', 0xD2},
{'も', 0xD3},
{'や', 0xD4},
{'ゆ', 0xD5},
{'よ', 0xD6},
{'ら', 0xD7},
{'リ', 0xD8},
{'り', 0xD8},
{'る', 0xD9},
{'れ', 0xDA},
{'ろ', 0xDB},
{'わ', 0xDC},
{'を', 0xDD},
{'ん', 0xDE},
{'っ', 0xDF},
{'ゃ', 0xE0},
{'ゅ', 0xE1},
{'ょ', 0xE2},
{'ー', 0xE3},
{'?', 0xE6},
{'!', 0xE7},
{'ァ', 0xE9},
{'ゥ', 0xEA},
{'ェ', 0xEB},
{'♂', 0xEF},
{'ォ', 0xF4},
{'♀', 0xF5},
{'0', 0xF6},
{'1', 0xF7},
{'2', 0xF8},
{'3', 0xF9},
{'4', 0xFA},
{'5', 0xFB},
{'6', 0xFC},
{'7', 0xFD},
{'8', 0xFE},
{'9', 0xFF},
2019-03-20 21:50:44 -07:00