2018-10-04 08:14:53 -07:00
using System ;
using System.Linq ;
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
using static PKHeX . Core . EncounterUtil ;
namespace PKHeX.Core
2017-10-23 23:12:58 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Generation 7 Encounters
/// </summary>
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
internal static class Encounters7
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
internal static readonly EncounterArea [ ] SlotsSN , SlotsMN , SlotsUS , SlotsUM ;
internal static readonly EncounterStatic [ ] StaticSN , StaticMN , StaticUS , StaticUM ;
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
static Encounters7 ( )
2017-07-30 12:31:17 -07:00
StaticSN = GetStaticEncounters ( Encounter_SM , GameVersion . SN ) ;
StaticMN = GetStaticEncounters ( Encounter_SM , GameVersion . MN ) ;
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
StaticUS = GetStaticEncounters ( Encounter_USUM , GameVersion . US ) ;
StaticUM = GetStaticEncounters ( Encounter_USUM , GameVersion . UM ) ;
2017-07-30 12:31:17 -07:00
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
var REG_SN = GetEncounterTables ( GameVersion . SN ) ;
var REG_MN = GetEncounterTables ( GameVersion . MN ) ;
var SOS_SN = GetEncounterTables ( "sm" , "sn_sos" ) ;
var SOS_MN = GetEncounterTables ( "sm" , "mn_sos" ) ;
MarkG7REGSlots ( ref REG_SN ) ;
MarkG7REGSlots ( ref REG_MN ) ;
MarkG7SMSlots ( ref SOS_SN ) ;
MarkG7SMSlots ( ref SOS_MN ) ;
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
InitializePelagoAreas ( ) ;
SlotsSN = AddExtraTableSlots ( REG_SN , SOS_SN , Encounter_Pelago_SN ) ;
SlotsMN = AddExtraTableSlots ( REG_MN , SOS_MN , Encounter_Pelago_MN ) ;
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
var REG_US = GetEncounterTables ( GameVersion . US ) ;
var REG_UM = GetEncounterTables ( GameVersion . UM ) ;
2017-11-08 15:07:04 -08:00
var SOS_US = GetEncounterTables ( "uu" , "us_sos" ) ;
var SOS_UM = GetEncounterTables ( "uu" , "um_sos" ) ;
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
MarkG7REGSlots ( ref REG_US ) ;
MarkG7REGSlots ( ref REG_UM ) ;
2017-11-09 16:18:26 -08:00
MarkG7SMSlots ( ref SOS_US ) ;
MarkG7SMSlots ( ref SOS_UM ) ;
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
SlotsUS = AddExtraTableSlots ( REG_US , SOS_US , Encounter_Pelago_US ) ;
SlotsUM = AddExtraTableSlots ( REG_UM , SOS_UM , Encounter_Pelago_UM ) ;
2017-12-23 11:48:10 -08:00
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
MarkEncounterAreaArray ( SOS_SN , SOS_MN , SOS_US , SOS_UM ,
Encounter_Pelago_SN , Encounter_Pelago_MN ,
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
Encounter_Pelago_US , Encounter_Pelago_UM ) ;
2017-12-18 16:17:21 -08:00
MarkEncountersGeneration ( 7 , SlotsSN , SlotsMN , SlotsUS , SlotsUM ) ;
MarkEncountersGeneration ( 7 , StaticSN , StaticMN , StaticUS , StaticUM , TradeGift_SM , TradeGift_USUM ) ;
2018-03-26 22:23:11 -07:00
MarkEncounterTradeStrings ( TradeGift_SM , TradeSM ) ;
MarkEncounterTradeStrings ( TradeGift_USUM , TradeUSUM ) ;
2018-03-30 21:38:57 -07:00
SlotsSN . SetVersion ( GameVersion . SN ) ;
SlotsMN . SetVersion ( GameVersion . MN ) ;
SlotsUS . SetVersion ( GameVersion . US ) ;
SlotsUM . SetVersion ( GameVersion . UM ) ;
Encounter_SM . SetVersion ( GameVersion . SM ) ;
Encounter_USUM . SetVersion ( GameVersion . USUM ) ;
TradeGift_SM . SetVersion ( GameVersion . SM ) ;
TradeGift_USUM . SetVersion ( GameVersion . USUM ) ;
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
private static void MarkG7REGSlots ( ref EncounterArea [ ] Areas )
ReduceAreasSize ( ref Areas ) ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
private static void MarkG7SMSlots ( ref EncounterArea [ ] Areas )
foreach ( EncounterSlot s in Areas . SelectMany ( area = > area . Slots ) )
s . Type = SlotType . SOS ;
ReduceAreasSize ( ref Areas ) ;
2017-08-30 21:30:07 -07:00
private static readonly EncounterStatic [ ] Encounter_SM = // @ a\1\5\5
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
// Gifts - 0.bin
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 722 , Level = 5 , Location = 24 , } , // Rowlet
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 725 , Level = 5 , Location = 24 , } , // Litten
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 728 , Level = 5 , Location = 24 , } , // Popplio
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 138 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Omanyte
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 140 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Kabuto
2017-11-28 19:10:56 -05:00
// new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 15, Location = 58, }, // Aerodactyl
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 345 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Lileep
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 347 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Anorith
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 408 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Cranidos
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 410 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Shieldon
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 564 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Tirtouga
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 566 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Archen
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 696 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Tyrunt
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 698 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Amaura
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 133 , Level = 1 , EggLocation = 60002 , } , // Eevee @ Nursery helpers
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 137 , Level = 30 , Location = 116 , } , // Porygon @ Route 15
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 772 , Level = 40 , Location = 188 , IV3 = true , } , // Type: Null
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 789 , Level = 5 , Location = 142 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 2 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . SN } , // Cosmog
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 789 , Level = 5 , Location = 144 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 2 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . MN } , // Cosmog
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 142 , Level = 40 , Location = 172 , } , // Aerodactyl @ Seafolk Village
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 0 , Level = 30 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 1 , Level = 30 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 2 , Level = 30 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 3 , Level = 30 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 0 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 1 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 2 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 3 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
new EncounterStatic // Magearna (Bottle Cap) 00 FF
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
Gift = true , Species = 801 , Level = 50 , Location = 40001 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , HeldItem = 795 , Ability = 2 ,
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
Fateful = true , RibbonWishing = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 705 , 430 , 381 , 270 } , Ball = 0x10 , // Cherish
} ,
// Static Encounters - 1.bin
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 791 , Level = 55 , Relearn = new [ ] { 713 , 322 , 242 , 428 } , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 176 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . SN } , // Solgaleo
new EncounterStatic { Species = 792 , Level = 55 , Relearn = new [ ] { 714 , 322 , 539 , 247 } , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 178 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . MN } , // Lunala
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 746 , Level = 17 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 86 , } , // Wishiwashi
new EncounterStatic { Species = 746 , Level = 18 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 86 , } , // Wishiwashi
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 793 , Level = 55 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 082 , IV3 = true , } , // Nihilego @ Wela Volcano Park
new EncounterStatic { Species = 793 , Level = 55 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 100 , IV3 = true , } , // Nihilego @ Diglett’ s Tunnel
new EncounterStatic { Species = 794 , Level = 65 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 040 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . SN } , // Buzzwole @ Melemele Meadow
new EncounterStatic { Species = 795 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 046 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . MN } , // Pheromosa @ Verdant Cavern (Trial Site)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 796 , Level = 65 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 090 , IV3 = true , } , // Xurkitree @ Lush Jungle
new EncounterStatic { Species = 796 , Level = 65 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 076 , IV3 = true , } , // Xurkitree @ Memorial Hill
new EncounterStatic { Species = 798 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 134 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . SN } , // Kartana @ Malie Garden
new EncounterStatic { Species = 798 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 120 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . SN } , // Kartana @ Route 17
new EncounterStatic { Species = 797 , Level = 65 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 124 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . MN } , // Celesteela @ Haina Desert
new EncounterStatic { Species = 797 , Level = 65 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 134 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . MN } , // Celesteela @ Malie Garden
new EncounterStatic { Species = 799 , Level = 70 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 182 , IV3 = true , } , // Guzzlord @ Resolution Cave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 800 , Level = 75 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 036 , IV3 = true , } , // Necrozma @ Ten Carat Hill (Farthest Hollow)
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
// QR Scan: Su/M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa
// Melemele Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 155 , Level = 12 , Relearn = new [ ] { 024 , 052 , 108 , 043 } , Location = 010 , } , // Cyndaquil @ Route 3
new EncounterStatic { Species = 158 , Level = 12 , Relearn = new [ ] { 232 , 099 , 055 , 043 } , Location = 042 , } , // Totodile @ Seaward Cave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 633 , Level = 13 , Relearn = new [ ] { 372 , 029 , 044 , 116 } , Location = 034 , } , // Deino @ Ten Carat Hill
new EncounterStatic { Species = 116 , Level = 18 , Relearn = new [ ] { 225 , 239 , 055 , 043 } , Location = 014 , } , // Horsea @ Kala'e Bay
new EncounterStatic { Species = 599 , Level = 08 , Relearn = new [ ] { 268 , 011 , 000 , 000 } , Location = 020 , } , // Klink @ Hau'oli City
new EncounterStatic { Species = 152 , Level = 10 , Relearn = new [ ] { 073 , 077 , 075 , 045 } , Location = 012 , } , // Chikorita @ Route 2
new EncounterStatic { Species = 607 , Level = 10 , Relearn = new [ ] { 051 , 109 , 083 , 123 } , Location = 038 , } , // Litwick @ Hau'oli Cemetery
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
// Akala Island
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 574 , Level = 17 , Relearn = new [ ] { 399 , 060 , 003 , 313 } , Location = 054 , } , // Gothita @ Route 6
new EncounterStatic { Species = 363 , Level = 19 , Relearn = new [ ] { 392 , 362 , 301 , 227 } , Location = 056 , } , // Spheal @ Route 7
new EncounterStatic { Species = 404 , Level = 20 , Relearn = new [ ] { 598 , 044 , 209 , 268 } , Location = 058 , } , // Luxio @ Route 8
new EncounterStatic { Species = 679 , Level = 23 , Relearn = new [ ] { 194 , 332 , 425 , 475 } , Location = 094 , } , // Honedge @ Akala Outskirts
new EncounterStatic { Species = 543 , Level = 14 , Relearn = new [ ] { 390 , 228 , 103 , 040 } , Location = 050 , } , // Venipede @ Route 4
new EncounterStatic { Species = 069 , Level = 16 , Relearn = new [ ] { 491 , 077 , 079 , 035 } , Location = 052 , } , // Bellsprout @ Route 5
new EncounterStatic { Species = 183 , Level = 17 , Relearn = new [ ] { 453 , 270 , 061 , 205 } , Location = 086 , } , // Marill @ Brooklet Hill
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
// Ula'ula Island
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 111 , Level = 30 , Relearn = new [ ] { 130 , 350 , 498 , 523 } , Location = 138 , } , // Rhyhorn @ Blush Mountain
new EncounterStatic { Species = 220 , Level = 31 , Relearn = new [ ] { 573 , 036 , 420 , 196 } , Location = 114 , } , // Swinub @ Tapu Village
new EncounterStatic { Species = 578 , Level = 33 , Relearn = new [ ] { 101 , 248 , 283 , 473 } , Location = 118 , } , // Duosion @ Route 16
new EncounterStatic { Species = 315 , Level = 34 , Relearn = new [ ] { 437 , 275 , 230 , 390 } , Location = 128 , } , // Roselia @ Ula'ula Meadow
new EncounterStatic { Species = 397 , Level = 27 , Relearn = new [ ] { 355 , 018 , 283 , 104 } , Location = 106 , } , // Staravia @ Route 10
new EncounterStatic { Species = 288 , Level = 27 , Relearn = new [ ] { 359 , 498 , 163 , 203 } , Location = 108 , } , // Vigoroth @ Route 11
new EncounterStatic { Species = 610 , Level = 28 , Relearn = new [ ] { 231 , 337 , 206 , 163 } , Location = 136 , } , // Axew @ Mount Hokulani
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
// Poni Island
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 604 , Level = 55 , Relearn = new [ ] { 435 , 051 , 029 , 306 } , Location = 164 , } , // Eelektross @ Poni Grove
new EncounterStatic { Species = 534 , Level = 57 , Relearn = new [ ] { 409 , 276 , 264 , 444 } , Location = 166 , } , // Conkeldurr @ Poni Plains
new EncounterStatic { Species = 468 , Level = 59 , Relearn = new [ ] { 248 , 403 , 396 , 245 } , Location = 170 , } , // Togekiss @ Poni Gauntlet
new EncounterStatic { Species = 542 , Level = 57 , Relearn = new [ ] { 382 , 437 , 014 , 494 } , Location = 156 , } , // Leavanny @ Poni Meadow
new EncounterStatic { Species = 497 , Level = 43 , Relearn = new [ ] { 137 , 489 , 348 , 021 } , Location = 184 , } , // Serperior @ Exeggutor Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 503 , Level = 43 , Relearn = new [ ] { 362 , 227 , 453 , 279 } , Location = 158 , } , // Samurott @ Poni Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 500 , Level = 43 , Relearn = new [ ] { 276 , 053 , 372 , 535 } , Location = 160 , } , // Emboar @ Ancient Poni Path
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 785 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 030 , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Koko
new EncounterStatic { Species = 786 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 092 , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Lele
new EncounterStatic { Species = 787 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 140 , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Bulu
new EncounterStatic { Species = 788 , Level = 60 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 1 , Location = 180 , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Fini
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
} ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
internal static readonly EncounterTrade [ ] TradeGift_SM = // @ a\1\5\5
// Trades - 4.bin
new EncounterTrade { Species = 066 , Form = 0 , Level = 09 , Ability = 2 , TID = 00410 , SID = 00000 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Brave , } , // Machop
new EncounterTrade { Species = 761 , Form = 0 , Level = 16 , Ability = 1 , TID = 20683 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Adamant , } , // Bounsweet
new EncounterTrade { Species = 061 , Form = 0 , Level = 22 , Ability = 2 , TID = 01092 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Naughty , } , // Poliwhirl
new EncounterTrade { Species = 440 , Form = 0 , Level = 27 , Ability = 2 , TID = 10913 , SID = 00000 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Calm , } , // Happiny
new EncounterTrade { Species = 075 , Form = 1 , Level = 32 , Ability = 1 , TID = 20778 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Impish , EvolveOnTrade = true } , // Graveler-1
new EncounterTrade { Species = 762 , Form = 0 , Level = 43 , Ability = 1 , TID = 20679 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Careful , } , // Steenee
new EncounterTrade { Species = 663 , Form = 0 , Level = 59 , Ability = 4 , TID = 56734 , SID = 00008 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Jolly , } , // Talonflame
} ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
private static readonly EncounterStatic [ ] Encounter_USUM =
2017-11-09 02:01:09 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 722 , Level = 05 , Location = 8 , } , // Rowlet
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 725 , Level = 05 , Location = 8 , } , // Litten
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 728 , Level = 05 , Location = 8 , } , // Popplio
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 138 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Omanyte
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 140 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Kabuto
2017-11-28 19:10:56 -05:00
// new EncounterStatic { Gift = true, Species = 142, Level = 15, Location = 58, }, // Aerodactyl
2017-11-09 02:01:09 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 345 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Lileep
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 347 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Anorith
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 408 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Cranidos
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 410 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Shieldon
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 564 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Tirtouga
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 566 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Archen
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 696 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Tyrunt
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 698 , Level = 15 , Location = 58 , } , // Amaura
2017-11-08 18:43:55 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 133 , Level = 01 , EggLocation = 60002 , } , // Eevee @ Nursery helpers
2017-11-12 22:29:21 +08:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 137 , Level = 30 , Location = 116 , } , // Porygon @ Route 15
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 772 , Level = 60 , Location = 188 , IV3 = true , } , // Type: Null @ Aether Paradise
2017-11-10 13:19:47 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 772 , Level = 60 , Location = 160 , IV3 = true , } , // Type: Null @ Ancient Poni Path
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 789 , Level = 05 , Location = 142 , IV3 = true , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 2 , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Cosmog @ Lake of the Sunne
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 789 , Level = 05 , Location = 144 , IV3 = true , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Ability = 2 , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Cosmog @ Lake of the Moone
2017-11-08 22:56:13 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 142 , Level = 40 , Location = 172 , } , // Aerodactyl @ Seafolk Village
2017-11-11 17:16:31 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 025 , Level = 40 , Location = 070 , IV3 = true , HeldItem = 796 , Relearn = new [ ] { 57 , 0 , 0 , 0 } } , // Pikachu @ Heahea City
2017-11-09 19:10:11 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 803 , Level = 40 , Location = 208 , IV3 = true , } , // Poipole @ Megalo Tower
2017-11-12 10:59:23 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 803 , Level = 40 , Location = 206 , IV3 = true , } , // Poipole @ Ultra Megalopolis
2017-11-09 02:01:09 -05:00
// Totem-Sized Gifts @ Heahea Beach
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 735 , Level = 20 , Ability = 4 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Gumshoos
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 020 , Level = 20 , Ability = 4 , Location = 202 , Form = 2 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Raticate
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 105 , Level = 25 , Ability = 4 , Location = 202 , Form = 2 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Marowak
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 752 , Level = 25 , Ability = 1 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Araquanid
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 754 , Level = 30 , Ability = 2 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Lurantis
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 758 , Level = 30 , Ability = 1 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Salazzle
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 738 , Level = 35 , Ability = 1 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Vikavolt
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 777 , Level = 35 , Ability = 4 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Togedemaru
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 778 , Level = 40 , Ability = 1 , Location = 202 , Form = 2 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , } , // Mimikyu
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 743 , Level = 50 , Ability = 4 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Ribombee
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 784 , Level = 50 , Ability = 4 , Location = 202 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Kommo-o
2017-11-09 02:01:09 -05:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Level = 63 , Ability = 1 , Location = 118 , Form = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde @ Route 16
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2017-11-12 10:59:23 -08:00
new EncounterStatic // Magearna (Bottle Cap)
2017-11-10 19:43:31 -08:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
Gift = true , Species = 801 , Level = 50 , Location = 40001 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , HeldItem = 795 , Ability = 2 ,
2017-11-12 10:59:23 -08:00
Fateful = true , RibbonWishing = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 705 , 430 , 381 , 270 } , Ball = 0x10 , // Cherish
2017-11-10 19:43:31 -08:00
} ,
2017-11-12 10:59:23 -08:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 0 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 1 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 2 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
new EncounterStatic { Gift = true , Species = 718 , Form = 3 , Level = 50 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Location = 118 , IV3 = true , } , // Zygarde
2017-11-12 21:56:08 -08:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 791 , Level = 60 , Location = 028 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 713 , 322 , 242 , 428 } , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Solgaleo @ Mahalo Trail (Plank Bridge)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 792 , Level = 60 , Location = 028 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 714 , 322 , 539 , 585 } , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Lunala @ Mahalo Trail (Plank Bridge)
2017-11-08 22:56:13 -05:00
// QR Scan: Su/M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sa
// Melemele Island
2017-11-09 07:17:36 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 004 , Level = 12 , Location = 010 , Relearn = new [ ] { 068 , 108 , 052 , 010 } , } , // Charmander @ Route 3
new EncounterStatic { Species = 007 , Level = 12 , Location = 042 , Relearn = new [ ] { 453 , 110 , 055 , 033 } , } , // Squirtle @ Seaward Cave
new EncounterStatic { Species = 095 , Level = 14 , Location = 034 , Relearn = new [ ] { 563 , 099 , 317 , 088 } , } , // Onix @ Ten Carat Hill
new EncounterStatic { Species = 116 , Level = 18 , Location = 014 , Relearn = new [ ] { 352 , 239 , 055 , 043 } , } , // Horsea @ Kala'e Bay
2017-11-28 19:29:22 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 664 , Level = 09 , Location = 020 , Relearn = new [ ] { 476 , 081 , 078 , 033 } , SkipFormCheck = true , } , // Scatterbug @ Hau'oli City
2017-11-09 07:17:36 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 001 , Level = 10 , Location = 012 , Relearn = new [ ] { 580 , 022 , 045 , 033 } , } , // Bulbasaur @ Route 2
new EncounterStatic { Species = 607 , Level = 09 , Location = 038 , Relearn = new [ ] { 203 , 052 , 083 , 123 } , } , // Litwick @ Hau'oli Cemetery
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2017-11-08 22:56:13 -05:00
// Akala Island
2017-11-09 07:17:36 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 280 , Level = 17 , Location = 054 , Relearn = new [ ] { 581 , 345 , 381 , 574 } , } , // Ralts @ Route 6
new EncounterStatic { Species = 363 , Level = 19 , Location = 056 , Relearn = new [ ] { 187 , 362 , 301 , 227 } , } , // Spheal @ Route 7
new EncounterStatic { Species = 256 , Level = 20 , Location = 058 , Relearn = new [ ] { 067 , 488 , 064 , 028 } , } , // Combusken @ Route 8
new EncounterStatic { Species = 679 , Level = 24 , Location = 094 , Relearn = new [ ] { 469 , 332 , 425 , 475 } , } , // Honedge @ Akala Outskirts
new EncounterStatic { Species = 015 , Level = 14 , Location = 050 , Relearn = new [ ] { 099 , 031 , 041 , 000 } , } , // Beedrill @ Route 4
new EncounterStatic { Species = 253 , Level = 16 , Location = 052 , Relearn = new [ ] { 580 , 072 , 098 , 071 } , } , // Grovyle @ Route 5
new EncounterStatic { Species = 259 , Level = 17 , Location = 086 , Relearn = new [ ] { 068 , 193 , 189 , 055 } , } , // Marshtomp @ Brooklet Hill
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2017-11-08 22:56:13 -05:00
// Ula'ula Island
2017-11-09 07:17:36 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 111 , Level = 32 , Location = 138 , Relearn = new [ ] { 470 , 350 , 498 , 523 } , } , // Rhyhorn @ Blush Mountain
new EncounterStatic { Species = 220 , Level = 33 , Location = 114 , Relearn = new [ ] { 333 , 036 , 420 , 196 } , } , // Swinub @ Tapu Village
new EncounterStatic { Species = 394 , Level = 35 , Location = 118 , Relearn = new [ ] { 681 , 362 , 031 , 117 } , } , // Prinplup @ Route 16
new EncounterStatic { Species = 388 , Level = 36 , Location = 128 , Relearn = new [ ] { 484 , 073 , 072 , 044 } , } , // Grotle @ Ula'ula Meadow
new EncounterStatic { Species = 018 , Level = 29 , Location = 106 , Relearn = new [ ] { 211 , 297 , 239 , 098 } , } , // Pidgeot @ Route 10
new EncounterStatic { Species = 391 , Level = 29 , Location = 108 , Relearn = new [ ] { 612 , 172 , 154 , 259 } , } , // Monferno @ Route 11
new EncounterStatic { Species = 610 , Level = 30 , Location = 136 , Relearn = new [ ] { 068 , 337 , 206 , 163 } , } , // Axew @ Mount Hokulani
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2017-11-08 22:56:13 -05:00
// Poni Island
2017-11-09 07:17:36 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 604 , Level = 55 , Location = 164 , Relearn = new [ ] { 242 , 435 , 029 , 306 } , } , // Eelektross @ Poni Grove
new EncounterStatic { Species = 306 , Level = 57 , Location = 166 , Relearn = new [ ] { 179 , 484 , 038 , 334 } , } , // Aggron @ Poni Plains
new EncounterStatic { Species = 479 , Level = 61 , Location = 170 , Relearn = new [ ] { 268 , 506 , 486 , 164 } , } , // Rotom @ Poni Gauntlet
new EncounterStatic { Species = 542 , Level = 57 , Location = 156 , Relearn = new [ ] { 580 , 437 , 014 , 494 } , } , // Leavanny @ Poni Meadow
new EncounterStatic { Species = 652 , Level = 45 , Location = 184 , Relearn = new [ ] { 191 , 341 , 402 , 596 } , } , // Chesnaught @ Exeggutor Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 658 , Level = 44 , Location = 158 , Relearn = new [ ] { 516 , 164 , 185 , 594 } , } , // Greninja @ Poni Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 655 , Level = 44 , Location = 160 , Relearn = new [ ] { 273 , 473 , 113 , 595 } , } , // Delphox @ Ancient Poni Path
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 785 , Level = 60 , Location = 030 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Koko @ Ruins of Conflict
new EncounterStatic { Species = 786 , Level = 60 , Location = 092 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Lele @ Ruins of Life
new EncounterStatic { Species = 787 , Level = 60 , Location = 140 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Bulu @ Ruins of Abundance
new EncounterStatic { Species = 788 , Level = 60 , Location = 180 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , } , // Tapu Fini @ Ruins of Hope
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
2017-11-09 07:22:34 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 023 , Level = 10 , Location = 012 , Ability = 1 , } , // Ekans @ Route 2
2017-11-08 18:43:55 -08:00
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 127 , Level = 42 , Location = 184 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , } , // Pinsir @ Exeggutor Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 127 , Level = 43 , Location = 184 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , } , // Pinsir @ Exeggutor Island
new EncounterStatic { Species = 800 , Level = 65 , Location = 146 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 722 , 334 , 408 , 400 } , HeldItem = 923 , } , // Necrozma @ Mount Lanakila
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
// Legendaries @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-10 13:16:43 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 144 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 246 , 573 , 115 , 258 } , } , // Articuno
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 145 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 246 , 435 , 365 , 240 } , } , // Zapdos
new EncounterStatic { Species = 146 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 246 , 053 , 403 , 241 } , } , // Moltres
2017-11-10 13:16:43 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 150 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 094 , 105 , 129 , 427 } , } , // Mewtwo
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 243 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Raikou
new EncounterStatic { Species = 244 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 023 , 044 , 207 , 436 } , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Entei
new EncounterStatic { Species = 245 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 061 , 062 , 054 , 240 } , } , // Suicune
new EncounterStatic { Species = 249 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 285 , 177 , 326 , 246 } , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Lugia
new EncounterStatic { Species = 250 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 682 , 221 , 326 , 246 } , HeldItem = 044 , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Ho-Oh
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 377 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Regirock
new EncounterStatic { Species = 378 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Regice
new EncounterStatic { Species = 379 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Registeel
2017-11-10 13:16:43 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 380 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 296 , 406 , 375 , 273 } , Gender = 1 , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Latias
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 381 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 295 , 406 , 375 , 225 } , Gender = 0 , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Latios
new EncounterStatic { Species = 382 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 058 , 618 , 347 , 330 } , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Kyogre
2017-11-10 13:16:43 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 383 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 089 , 619 , 339 , 076 } , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Groudon
new EncounterStatic { Species = 384 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Rayquaza
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 480 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 326 , 281 , 133 , 129 } , } , // Uxie
new EncounterStatic { Species = 481 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 326 , 204 , 248 , 129 } , } , // Mesprit
new EncounterStatic { Species = 482 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 326 , 417 , 253 , 129 } , } , // Azelf
new EncounterStatic { Species = 483 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Dialga
new EncounterStatic { Species = 484 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Palkia
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 485 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Heatran
new EncounterStatic { Species = 486 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 428 , 279 , 146 , 109 } , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Regigigas
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 487 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 467 , 396 , 414 , 337 } , } , // Giratina
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 488 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Gender = 1 , } , // Cresselia
new EncounterStatic { Species = 638 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 533 , 014 , 098 , 442 } , } , // Cobalion
new EncounterStatic { Species = 639 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 533 , 014 , 157 , 444 } , } , // Terrakion
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 640 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 533 , 014 , 202 , 348 } , } , // Virizion
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 641 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Gender = 0 , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Tornadus
new EncounterStatic { Species = 642 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Gender = 0 , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Thundurus
new EncounterStatic { Species = 643 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Reshiram
new EncounterStatic { Species = 644 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Zekrom
new EncounterStatic { Species = 645 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Gender = 0 , } , // Landorus
2017-11-10 13:16:43 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 646 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Kyurem
2018-05-12 08:13:39 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 716 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 601 , 532 , 400 , 585 } , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Xerneas
2017-11-10 13:16:43 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 717 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 613 , 399 , 566 , 094 } , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Yveltal
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
2017-11-10 17:29:20 +08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 334 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Altaria @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 469 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Yanmega @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 561 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Sigilyph @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-09 20:27:14 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 581 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Swanna @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-10 17:29:20 +08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 277 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Swellow @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-09 20:27:14 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 452 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Drapion @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 531 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Audino @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-10 17:29:20 +08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 695 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Heliolisk @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 274 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Nuzleaf @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 326 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Grumpig @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 460 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Abomasnow @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-09 20:27:14 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 308 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Medicham @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-10 17:29:20 +08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 450 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Hippowdon @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 558 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Crustle @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-09 20:27:14 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 219 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Magcargo @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-10 17:29:20 +08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 689 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Barbaracle @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 271 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Lombre @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 618 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Stunfisk @ Ultra Space Wilds
new EncounterStatic { Species = 419 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Floatzel @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-09 20:27:14 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 195 , Level = 60 , Location = 222 , IV3 = true , } , // Quagsire @ Ultra Space Wilds
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 793 , Level = 60 , Location = 190 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 408 , 491 , 446 , 243 } , } , // Nihilego @ Ultra Deep Sea
2017-11-12 12:08:48 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 794 , Level = 60 , Location = 218 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Buzzwole @ Ultra Jungle
new EncounterStatic { Species = 795 , Level = 60 , Location = 214 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Pheromosa @ Ultra Desert
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 796 , Level = 60 , Location = 210 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Xurkitree @ Ultra Plant
2017-11-12 12:08:48 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 797 , Level = 60 , Location = 212 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Celesteela @ Ultra Crater
2017-11-10 19:43:31 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 798 , Level = 60 , Location = 216 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Kartana @ Ultra Forest
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 799 , Level = 60 , Location = 220 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , } , // Guzzlord @ Ultra Ruin
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 760 , Level = 28 , Location = 020 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , } , // Bewear @ Hau’ oli City (Shopping District)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 097 , Level = 29 , Location = 020 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Relearn = new [ ] { 095 , 171 , 139 , 029 } , } , // Hypno @ Hau'oli City Police Station
new EncounterStatic { Species = 097 , Level = 29 , Location = 020 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Relearn = new [ ] { 417 , 060 , 050 , 139 } , } , // Hypno @ Hau'oli City Police Station
new EncounterStatic { Species = 097 , Level = 29 , Location = 020 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Relearn = new [ ] { 093 , 050 , 001 , 096 } , } , // Hypno @ Hau'oli City Police Station
new EncounterStatic { Species = 092 , Level = 19 , Location = 230 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Relearn = new [ ] { 174 , 109 , 122 , 101 } , } , // Gastly @ Route 1 (Trainers’ School)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 425 , Level = 19 , Location = 230 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Relearn = new [ ] { 310 , 132 , 016 , 371 } , } , // Drifloon @ Route 1 (Trainers’ School)
new EncounterStatic { Species = 769 , Level = 30 , Location = 116 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Relearn = new [ ] { 310 , 523 , 072 , 328 } , Version = GameVersion . UM , } , // Sandygast @ Route 15
new EncounterStatic { Species = 592 , Level = 34 , Location = 126 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , Gender = 1 , } , // Frillish @ Route 14
2018-03-12 19:34:54 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 132 , Level = 29 , Location = 060 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , 31 , 00 , 30 , - 1 } , Nature = Nature . Bold } , // Ditto @ Route 9
new EncounterStatic { Species = 132 , Level = 29 , Location = 072 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , 30 , 31 , 30 , - 1 } , Nature = Nature . Jolly } , // Ditto @ Konikoni City
new EncounterStatic { Species = 132 , Level = 29 , Location = 072 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , 31 , 30 , 30 , - 1 , - 1 } , Nature = Nature . Adamant } , // Ditto @ Konikoni City
new EncounterStatic { Species = 132 , Level = 29 , Location = 072 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , 00 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 , 30 } , Nature = Nature . Modest } , // Ditto @ Konikoni City
new EncounterStatic { Species = 132 , Level = 29 , Location = 072 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , 30 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 , 30 } , Nature = Nature . Timid } , // Ditto @ Konikoni City
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 718 , Level = 60 , Location = 182 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , IV3 = true , Relearn = new [ ] { 616 , 137 , 219 , 225 } , } , // Zygarde @ Resolution Cave
2017-11-10 13:08:36 -05:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 805 , Level = 60 , Location = 164 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . UM } , // Stakataka @ Poni Grove
new EncounterStatic { Species = 806 , Level = 60 , Location = 164 , Ability = 1 , IV3 = true , Version = GameVersion . US } , // Blacephalon @ Poni Grove
2018-03-16 19:35:55 -07:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 101 , Level = 60 , Location = 224 , Ability = 1 , Shiny = Shiny . Never , } , // Electrode @ Team Rocket's Castle
2018-02-09 21:26:28 -08:00
// Crabrawler in Berry Piles
new EncounterStatic { Species = 739 , Level = 25 , Location = 106 , } , // Route 10
new EncounterStatic { Species = 739 , Level = 28 , Location = 110 , } , // Ula'ula Beach
2018-02-10 15:29:22 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 739 , Level = 31 , Location = 118 , } , // Route 16
2018-02-09 21:26:28 -08:00
new EncounterStatic { Species = 739 , Level = 32 , Location = 120 , } , // Route 17
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
} ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
internal static readonly EncounterTrade [ ] TradeGift_USUM =
2017-11-08 15:07:04 -08:00
// Trades - 4.bin
new EncounterTrade { Species = 701 , Form = 0 , Level = 08 , Ability = 2 , TID = 00410 , SID = 00000 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Brave , } , // Hawlucha
2017-11-15 08:23:45 -08:00
new EncounterTrade { Species = 714 , Form = 0 , Level = 19 , Ability = 1 , TID = 20683 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Modest , } , // Noibat
2017-11-08 15:07:04 -08:00
new EncounterTrade { Species = 339 , Form = 0 , Level = 21 , Ability = 2 , TID = 01092 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Naughty , } , // Barboach
new EncounterTrade { Species = 024 , Form = 0 , Level = 22 , Ability = 1 , TID = 10913 , SID = 00000 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Impish , } , // Arbok
new EncounterTrade { Species = 708 , Form = 0 , Level = 33 , Ability = 1 , TID = 20778 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Calm , EvolveOnTrade = true } , // Phantump
new EncounterTrade { Species = 422 , Form = 0 , Level = 44 , Ability = 2 , TID = 20679 , SID = 00009 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 1 , Gender = 1 , Nature = Nature . Quiet , } , // Shellos
new EncounterTrade { Species = 128 , Form = 0 , Level = 59 , Ability = 1 , TID = 56734 , SID = 00008 , IVs = new [ ] { - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 31 , - 1 , - 1 } , OTGender = 0 , Gender = 0 , Nature = Nature . Jolly , } , // Tauros
2017-08-31 22:37:28 -07:00
} ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2018-10-27 13:37:03 -07:00
private static readonly string [ ] [ ] TradeSM =
2017-10-28 23:04:02 -07:00
2018-10-04 08:14:53 -07:00
Array . Empty < string > ( ) , // 0 - None
2017-10-28 23:04:02 -07:00
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "ja" ) , // 1
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "en" ) , // 2
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "fr" ) , // 3
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "it" ) , // 4
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "de" ) , // 5
2018-10-04 08:14:53 -07:00
Array . Empty < string > ( ) , // 6 - None
2017-10-28 23:04:02 -07:00
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "es" ) , // 7
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "ko" ) , // 8
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "zh" ) , // 9
Util . GetStringList ( "tradesm" , "zh" ) , // 10
} ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2018-10-27 13:37:03 -07:00
private static readonly string [ ] [ ] TradeUSUM =
2017-10-28 23:04:02 -07:00
2018-10-04 08:14:53 -07:00
Array . Empty < string > ( ) , // 0 - None
2017-11-08 15:07:04 -08:00
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "ja" ) , // 1
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "en" ) , // 2
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "fr" ) , // 3
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "it" ) , // 4
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "de" ) , // 5
2018-10-04 08:14:53 -07:00
Array . Empty < string > ( ) , // 6 - None
2017-11-08 15:07:04 -08:00
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "es" ) , // 7
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "ko" ) , // 8
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "zh" ) , // 9
Util . GetStringList ( "tradeusum" , "zh" ) , // 10
2017-10-28 23:04:02 -07:00
} ;
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
private static EncounterArea [ ] Encounter_Pelago_SN , Encounter_Pelago_MN , Encounter_Pelago_US , Encounter_Pelago_UM ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
private static void InitializePelagoAreas ( )
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
int [ ] minLevels = { 1 , 11 , 21 , 37 , 49 } ;
int [ ] [ ] speciesSM =
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00
2018-02-12 17:38:31 -08:00
new [ ] { 627 /*SN*/ , 021 , 041 , 090 , 278 , 731 } , // 1-7
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
new [ ] { 064 , 081 , 092 , 198 , 426 , 703 } , // 11-17
new [ ] { 060 , 120 , 127 , 661 , 709 , 771 } , // 21-27
new [ ] { 227 , 375 , 707 } , // 37-43
new [ ] { 123 , 131 , 429 , 587 } , // 49-55
} ;
Encounter_Pelago_SN = GetPelagoArea ( speciesSM , minLevels ) ;
speciesSM [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 629 ; // Rufflet -> Vullaby
Encounter_Pelago_MN = GetPelagoArea ( speciesSM , minLevels ) ;
int [ ] [ ] speciesUU =
new [ ] { 731 , 278 , 041 , 742 , 086 } , // 1-7
new [ ] { 079 , 120 , 222 , 122 , 180 , 124 } , // 11-17
new [ ] { 127 , 177 , 764 , 163 , 771 , 701 } , // 21-27
new [ ] { 131 , 354 , 200 , /* US */ 228 } , // 37-43
new [ ] { 209 , 667 , 357 , 430 } , // 49-55
} ;
Encounter_Pelago_US = GetPelagoArea ( speciesUU , minLevels ) ;
speciesUU [ 3 ] [ 3 ] = 309 ; // Houndour -> Electrike
Encounter_Pelago_UM = GetPelagoArea ( speciesUU , minLevels ) ;
2018-08-02 20:11:42 -07:00
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
private static EncounterArea [ ] GetPelagoArea ( int [ ] [ ] species , int [ ] min )
2017-11-18 13:53:51 -08:00
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
// Species that appear at a lower level than the current table show up too.
var area = new EncounterArea
2017-11-18 13:53:51 -08:00
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
Location = 30016 ,
2018-05-12 12:28:48 -07:00
Slots = species . SelectMany ( ( _ , i ) = >
2018-02-02 20:52:44 -08:00
species . Take ( 1 + i ) . SelectMany ( z = > // grab current row & above
z . Select ( s = > new EncounterSlot // get slot data for each species
Species = s ,
LevelMin = min [ i ] ,
LevelMax = min [ i ] + 6
) ) ) . ToArray ( ) ,
} ;
return new [ ] { area } ;
2017-07-25 00:28:43 -07:00