/* * Copyright (C) 2020 ndeadly * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gamestick_controller.hpp" #include #include namespace ams::controller { namespace { const constexpr float stick_scale_factor = float(UINT12_MAX) / UINT8_MAX; } void GamestickController::UpdateControllerState(const bluetooth::HidReport *report) { auto gamestick_report = reinterpret_cast(&report->data); switch(gamestick_report->id) { case 0x01: this->HandleInputReport0x01(gamestick_report); break; case 0x03: this->HandleInputReport0x03(gamestick_report); break; default: break; } } void GamestickController::HandleInputReport0x01(const GamestickReportData *src) { m_buttons.minus = src->input0x01.buttons.back; m_buttons.home = src->input0x01.buttons.home; } void GamestickController::HandleInputReport0x03(const GamestickReportData *src) { this->PackStickData(&m_left_stick, static_cast(stick_scale_factor * src->input0x03.left_stick.x) & 0xfff, static_cast(stick_scale_factor * (UINT8_MAX - src->input0x03.left_stick.y)) & 0xfff ); this->PackStickData(&m_right_stick, static_cast(stick_scale_factor * src->input0x03.right_stick.x) & 0xfff, static_cast(stick_scale_factor * (UINT8_MAX - src->input0x03.right_stick.y)) & 0xfff ); m_buttons.dpad_down = (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_S) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_SE) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_SW); m_buttons.dpad_up = (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_N) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_NE) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_NW); m_buttons.dpad_right = (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_E) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_NE) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_SE); m_buttons.dpad_left = (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_W) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_NW) || (src->input0x03.dpad == GamestickDPad_SW); m_buttons.A = src->input0x03.buttons.B; m_buttons.B = src->input0x03.buttons.A; m_buttons.X = src->input0x03.buttons.Y; m_buttons.Y = src->input0x03.buttons.X; m_buttons.L = src->input0x03.buttons.L; m_buttons.R = src->input0x03.buttons.R; // Combos for ZL/ZR if (m_buttons.dpad_down) { m_buttons.ZL = src->input0x03.buttons.L; m_buttons.ZR = src->input0x03.buttons.R; m_buttons.dpad_down = !(m_buttons.ZL || m_buttons.ZR); m_buttons.L = !m_buttons.ZL; m_buttons.R = !m_buttons.ZR; } m_buttons.plus = src->input0x03.buttons.start; m_buttons.lstick_press = src->input0x03.buttons.lstick_press; m_buttons.rstick_press = src->input0x03.buttons.rstick_press; } }