/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 ndeadly * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "switch_analog_stick.hpp" #include "../bluetooth_mitm/bluetooth/bluetooth_types.hpp" #include "../bluetooth_mitm/bluetooth/bluetooth_hid_report.hpp" namespace ams::controller { constexpr auto BATTERY_MAX = 8; enum SwitchPlayerNumber : uint8_t { SwitchPlayerNumber_One, SwitchPlayerNumber_Two, SwitchPlayerNumber_Three, SwitchPlayerNumber_Four, SwitchPlayerNumber_Five, SwitchPlayerNumber_Six, SwitchPlayerNumber_Seven, SwitchPlayerNumber_Eight, SwitchPlayerNumber_Unknown = 0xf }; struct HardwareID { uint16_t vid; uint16_t pid; }; struct RGBColour { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct ProControllerColours { RGBColour body; RGBColour buttons; RGBColour left_grip; RGBColour right_grip; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchButtonData { uint8_t Y : 1; uint8_t X : 1; uint8_t B : 1; uint8_t A : 1; uint8_t : 2; // SR, SL (Right Joy) uint8_t R : 1; uint8_t ZR : 1; uint8_t minus : 1; uint8_t plus : 1; uint8_t rstick_press : 1; uint8_t lstick_press : 1; uint8_t home : 1; uint8_t capture : 1; uint8_t : 0; uint8_t dpad_down : 1; uint8_t dpad_up : 1; uint8_t dpad_right : 1; uint8_t dpad_left : 1; uint8_t : 2; // SR, SL (Left Joy) uint8_t L : 1; uint8_t ZL : 1; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct Switch6AxisData { uint16_t accel_x; uint16_t accel_y; uint16_t accel_z; uint16_t gyro_1; uint16_t gyro_2; uint16_t gyro_3; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchRumbleData { float high_band_freq; float high_band_amp; float low_band_freq; float low_band_amp; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); enum SubCmdType : uint8_t { SubCmd_GetControllerState = 0x00, SubCmd_ManualPair = 0x01, SubCmd_RequestDeviceInfo = 0x02, SubCmd_SetInputReportMode = 0x03, SubCmd_TriggersElapsedTime = 0x04, SubCmd_GetPageListState = 0x05, SubCmd_SetHciState = 0x06, SubCmd_ResetPairingInfo = 0x07, SubCmd_SetShipPowerState = 0x08, SubCmd_SpiFlashRead = 0x10, SubCmd_SpiFlashWrite = 0x11, SubCmd_SpiSectorErase = 0x12, SubCmd_ResetMcu = 0x20, SubCmd_SetMcuConfig = 0x21, SubCmd_SetMcuState = 0x22, SubCmd_SetPlayerLeds = 0x30, SubCmd_GetPlayerLeds = 0x31, SubCmd_SetHomeLed = 0x38, SubCmd_EnableImu = 0x40, SubCmd_SetImuSensitivity = 0x41, SubCmd_WriteImuRegisters = 0x42, SubCmd_ReadImuRegisters = 0x43, SubCmd_EnableVibration = 0x48, SubCmd_GetRegulatedVoltage = 0x50, SubCmd_SetGpioPinValue = 0x51, SubCmd_GetGpioPinValue = 0x52, }; struct SwitchSubcommand { uint8_t id; union { uint8_t data[0x26]; struct { uint32_t address; uint8_t size; } spi_flash_read; }; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchSubcommandResponse { uint8_t ack; uint8_t id; union { uint8_t data[0x23]; struct { struct { uint8_t major; uint8_t minor; } fw_ver; uint8_t type; uint8_t _unk0; // Always 0x02 bluetooth::Address address; uint8_t _unk1; // Always 0x01 uint8_t _unk2; // If 01, colors in SPI are used. Otherwise default ones } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) device_info; struct { bool enabled; } set_ship_power_state; struct { uint32_t address; uint8_t size; uint8_t data[]; } spi_flash_read; struct { uint8_t status; } spi_flash_write; struct { uint8_t status; } spi_sector_erase; }; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchOutputReport0x01 { uint8_t counter; uint8_t rumble_data[8]; SwitchSubcommand subcmd; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchOutputReport0x03; struct SwitchOutputReport0x10 { uint8_t timer; uint8_t left_motor[4]; uint8_t right_motor[4]; }__attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchOutputReport0x11; struct SwitchOutputReport0x12; struct SwitchInputReport0x21 { uint8_t timer; uint8_t conn_info : 4; uint8_t battery : 4; SwitchButtonData buttons; SwitchAnalogStick left_stick; SwitchAnalogStick right_stick; uint8_t vibrator; SwitchSubcommandResponse response; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchInputReport0x23; struct SwitchInputReport0x30 { uint8_t timer; uint8_t conn_info : 4; uint8_t battery : 4; SwitchButtonData buttons; SwitchAnalogStick left_stick; SwitchAnalogStick right_stick; uint8_t vibrator; // IMU samples at 0, 5 and 10ms Switch6AxisData motion[3]; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); struct SwitchInputReport0x31; struct SwitchInputReport0x32; struct SwitchInputReport0x33; struct SwitchInputReport0x3f; struct SwitchReportData { uint8_t id; union { SwitchOutputReport0x01 output0x01; //SwitchOutputReport0x03 output0x03; SwitchOutputReport0x10 output0x10; //SwitchOutputReport0x11 output0x11; //SwitchOutputReport0x12 output0x12; SwitchInputReport0x21 input0x21; SwitchInputReport0x30 input0x30; //SwitchInputReport0x31 input0x31; //SwitchInputReport0x32 input0x32; //SwitchInputReport0x33 input0x33; //SwitchInputReport0x3f input0x3f; }; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); Result LedsMaskToPlayerNumber(uint8_t led_mask, uint8_t *player_number); class SwitchController { public: static constexpr const HardwareID hardware_ids[] = { {0x057e, 0x2006}, // Official Joycon(L) Controller {0x057e, 0x2007}, // Official Joycon(R) Controller/NES Online Controller {0x057e, 0x2009}, // Official Switch Pro Controller {0x057e, 0x2017} // Official SNES Online Controller }; SwitchController(const bluetooth::Address *address) : m_address(*address) { }; const bluetooth::Address& Address(void) const { return m_address; }; virtual bool IsOfficialController(void) { return true; }; virtual Result Initialize(void) { return ams::ResultSuccess(); }; virtual Result HandleIncomingReport(const bluetooth::HidReport *report); virtual Result HandleOutgoingReport(const bluetooth::HidReport *report); protected: virtual void ApplyButtonCombos(SwitchButtonData *buttons); bluetooth::Address m_address; static bluetooth::HidReport s_input_report; static bluetooth::HidReport s_output_report; }; }