On the first start up the bot loads a given number of posts into his database and calculates the Markov Chain out of it.
After this he only updates the database with new posts. The upgrading is threaded so the bot itself isn't interrupted while the new markov chain is calulated.
`mi.py` is still under development and a lot of things change there quickly so please be aware that there could be chances that something changed, that I haven't implemented in the bot at the moment.
to install `mi.py`please use the following command.
|min_notes|`interger`|How many posts should be read at the initial start. Please state a number in 100 increments. Higher number means more variety but also more load when loading those and a bigger database and json file. 5000 notes resulted in ~3 MB disk space used. Default `5000`|
|max_notes|`interger`|How many posts should be stored in the database. Everything over this number will be deleted during an update cycle Default `5000`|
|includeReplies|`boolean`|Should replies included into the markov chain? Default `True`|
|includeMyRenotes|`boolean`|Should the notes you renoted be included? So your bot will make sentences you didn't wrote. Default `false`|
|excludeNsfw|`boolean`|Should be Notes included that are behind a CW Tag? Default `False` (Use with caution! The bot not CW any post he makes!)|
|test_output|`boolean`|Should be the created sentence be tested against the following statements? Default `true` (Highly recomended, otherwise sentences could repeat itself, could be very short or very long.)|
|tries|`integer`|How many times the bot tries to make a sentence that meets the given criteria|
|max_overlap_ratio|`float`|How many percent of the created sentence is allowed to be the same as the source text. Lower value means more gibberish, higher value to more exact copies of source material. Can be between `0`and `1`. Default `0.6`|
- When the bot is started, it could happen that he runs in a timeout in the first 600 seconds. To prevent that, just mention the bot and he will stay in a loop.