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1198 lines
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1198 lines
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Executable file
/* globals CryptoJS, moment */
* Utility functions for use in operations, the core framework and the stage.
* @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
* @namespace
var Utils = {
* Translates an ordinal into a character.
* @param {number} o
* @returns {char}
* @example
* // returns 'a'
* Utils.chr(97);
chr: function(o) {
return String.fromCharCode(o);
* Translates a character into an ordinal.
* @param {char} c
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // returns 97
* Utils.ord('a');
ord: function(c) {
return c.charCodeAt(0);
* Adds leading zeros to strings
* @param {string} str - String to add leading characters to.
* @param {number} max - Maximum width of the string.
* @param {char} [chr='0'] - The character to pad with.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "0a"
* Utils.padLeft("a", 2);
* // returns "000a"
* Utils.padLeft("a", 4);
* // returns "xxxa"
* Utils.padLeft("a", 4, "x");
* // returns "bcabchello"
* Utils.padLeft("hello", 10, "abc");
padLeft: function(str, max, chr) {
chr = chr || "0";
var startIndex = chr.length - (max - str.length);
startIndex = startIndex < 0 ? 0 : startIndex;
return str.length < max ?
Utils.padLeft(chr.slice(startIndex, chr.length) + str, max, chr) : str;
* Adds trailing spaces to strings.
* @param {string} str - String to add trailing characters to.
* @param {number} max - Maximum width of the string.
* @param {char} [chr='0'] - The character to pad with.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "a "
* Utils.padRight("a", 4);
* // returns "axxx"
* Utils.padRight("a", 4, "x");
padRight: function(str, max, chr) {
chr = chr || " ";
return str.length < max ?
Utils.padRight(str + chr.slice(0, max-str.length), max, chr) : str;
* @alias Utils.padLeft
pad: function(str, max, chr) {
return Utils.padLeft(str, max, chr);
* Truncates a long string to max length and adds suffix.
* @param {string} str - String to truncate
* @param {number} max - Maximum length of the final string
* @param {string} [suffix='...'] - The string to add to the end of the final string
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "A long..."
* Utils.truncate("A long string", 9);
* // returns "A long s-"
* Utils.truncate("A long string", 9, "-");
truncate: function(str, max, suffix) {
suffix = suffix || "...";
if (str.length > max) {
str = str.slice(0, max - suffix.length) + suffix;
return str;
* Converts a character or number to its hex representation.
* @param {char|number} c
* @param {number} [length=2] - The width of the resulting hex number.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "6e"
* Utils.hex("n");
* // returns "6e"
* Utils.hex(110);
hex: function(c, length) {
c = typeof c == "string" ? Utils.ord(c) : c;
length = length || 2;
return Utils.pad(c.toString(16), length);
* Converts a character or number to its binary representation.
* @param {char|number} c
* @param {number} [length=8] - The width of the resulting binary number.
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "01101110"
* Utils.bin("n");
* // returns "01101110"
* Utils.bin(110);
bin: function(c, length) {
c = typeof c == "string" ? Utils.ord(c) : c;
length = length || 8;
return Utils.pad(c.toString(2), length);
* Returns a string with all non-printable chars as dots, optionally preserving whitespace.
* @param {string} str - The input string to display.
* @param {boolean} [preserveWs=false] - Whether or not to print whitespace.
* @returns {string}
printable: function(str, preserveWs) {
if (window && window.app && !window.app.options.treatAsUtf8) {
str = Utils.byteArrayToChars(Utils.strToByteArray(str));
var re = /[\0-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x9F\xAD\u0378\u0379\u037F-\u0383\u038B\u038D\u03A2\u0528-\u0530\u0557\u0558\u0560\u0588\u058B-\u058E\u0590\u05C8-\u05CF\u05EB-\u05EF\u05F5-\u0605\u061C\u061D\u06DD\u070E\u070F\u074B\u074C\u07B2-\u07BF\u07FB-\u07FF\u082E\u082F\u083F\u085C\u085D\u085F-\u089F\u08A1\u08AD-\u08E3\u08FF\u0978\u0980\u0984\u098D\u098E\u0991\u0992\u09A9\u09B1\u09B3-\u09B5\u09BA\u09BB\u09C5\u09C6\u09C9\u09CA\u09CF-\u09D6\u09D8-\u09DB\u09DE\u09E4\u09E5\u09FC-\u0A00\u0A04\u0A0B-\u0A0E\u0A11\u0A12\u0A29\u0A31\u0A34\u0A37\u0A3A\u0A3B\u0A3D\u0A43-\u0A46\u0A49\u0A4A\u0A4E-\u0A50\u0A52-\u0A58\u0A5D\u0A5F-\u0A65\u0A76-\u0A80\u0A84\u0A8E\u0A92\u0AA9\u0AB1\u0AB4\u0ABA\u0ABB\u0AC6\u0ACA\u0ACE\u0ACF\u0AD1-\u0ADF\u0AE4\u0AE5\u0AF2-\u0B00\u0B04\u0B0D\u0B0E\u0B11\u0B12\u0B29\u0B31\u0B34\u0B3A\u0B3B\u0B45\u0B46\u0B49\u0B4A\u0B4E-\u0B55\u0B58-\u0B5B\u0B5E\u0B64\u0B65\u0B78-\u0B81\u0B84\u0B8B-\u0B8D\u0B91\u0B96-\u0B98\u0B9B\u0B9D\u0BA0-\u0BA2\u0BA5-\u0BA7\u0BAB-\u0BAD\u0BBA-\u0BBD\u0BC3-\u0BC5\u0BC9\u0BCE\u0BCF\u0BD1-\u0BD6\u0BD8-\u0BE5\u0BFB-\u0C00\u0C04\u0C0D\u0C11\u0C29\u0C34\u0C3A-\u0C3C\u0C45\u0C49\u0C4E-\u0C54\u0C57\u0C5A-\u0C5F\u0C64\u0C65\u0C70-\u0C77\u0C80\u0C81\u0C84\u0C8D\u0C91\u0CA9\u0CB4\u0CBA\u0CBB\u0CC5\u0CC9\u0CCE-\u0CD4\u0CD7-\u0CDD\u0CDF\u0CE4\u0CE5\u0CF0\u0CF3-\u0D01\u0D04\u0D0D\u0D11\u0D3B\u0D3C\u0D45\u0D49\u0D4F-\u0D56\u0D58-\u0D5F\u0D64\u0D65\u0D76-\u0D78\u0D80\u0D81\u0D84\u0D97-\u0D99\u0DB2\u0DBC\u0DBE\u0DBF\u0DC7-\u0DC9\u0DCB-\u0DCE\u0DD5\u0DD7\u0DE0-\u0DF1\u0DF5-\u0E00\u0E3B-\u0E3E\u0E5C-\u0E80\u0E83\u0E85\u0E86\u0E89\u0E8B\u0E8C\u0E8E-\u0E93\u0E98\u0EA0\u0EA4\u0EA6\u0EA8\u0EA9\u0EAC\u0EBA\u0EBE\u0EBF\u0EC5\u0EC7\u0ECE\u0ECF\u0EDA\u0EDB\u0EE0-\u0EFF\u0F48\u0F6D-\u0F70\u0F98\u0FBD\u0FCD\u0FDB-\u0FFF\u10C6\u10C8-\u10CC\u10CE\u10CF\u1249\u124E\u124F\u1257\u1259\u125E\u125F\u1289\u128E\u128F\u12B1\u12B6\u12B7\u12BF\u12C1\u12C6\u12C7\u12D7\u1311\u1316\u1317\u135B\u135C\u137D-\u137F\u139A-\u139F\u13F5-\u13FF\u169D-\u169F\u16F1-\u16FF\u170D\u1715-\u171F\u1737-\u173F\u1754-\u175F\u176D\u1771\u1774-\u177F\u17DE\u17DF\u17EA-\u17EF\u17FA-\u17FF\u180F\u181A-\u181F\u1878-\u187F\u18AB-\u18AF\u18F6-\u18FF\u191D-\u191F\u192C-\u192F\u193C-\u193F\u1941-\u1943\u196E\u196F\u1975-\u197F\u19AC-\u19AF\u19CA-\u19CF\u19DB-\u19DD\u1A1C\u1A1D\u1A5F\u1A7D\u1A7E\u1A8A-\u1A8F\u1A9A-\u1A9F\u1AAE-\u1AFF\u1B4C-\u1B4F\u1B7D-\u1B7F\u1BF4-\u1BFB\u1C38-\u1C3A\u1C4A-\u1C4C\u1C80-\u1CBF\u1CC8-\u1CCF\u1CF7-\u1CFF\u1DE7-\u1DFB\u1F16\u1F17\u1F1E\u1F1F\u1F46\u1F47\u1F4E\u1F4F\u1F58\u1F5A\u1F5C\u1F5E\u1F7E\u1F7F\u1FB5\u1FC5\u1FD4\u1FD5\u1FDC\u1FF0\u1FF1\u1FF5\u1FFF\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u206F\u2072\u2073\u208F\u209D-\u209F\u20BB-\u20CF\u20F1-\u20FF\u218A-\u218F\u23F4-\u23FF\u2427-\u243F\u244B-\u245F\u2700\u2B4D-\u2B4F\u2B5A-\u2BFF\u2C2F\u2C5F\u2CF4-\u2CF8\u2D26\u2D28-\u2D2C\u2D2E\u2D2F\u2D68-\u2D6E\u2D71-\u2D7E\u2D97-\u2D9F\u2DA7\u2DAF\u2DB7\u2DBF\u2DC7\u2DCF\u2DD7\u2DDF\u2E3C-\u2E7F\u2E9A\u2EF4-\u2EFF\u2FD6-\u2FEF\u2FFC-\u2FFF\u3040\u3097\u3098\u3100-\u3104\u312E-\u3130\u318F\u31BB-\u31BF\u31E4-\u31EF\u321F\u32FF\u4DB6-\u4DBF\u9FCD-\u9FFF\uA48D-\uA48F\uA4C7-\uA4CF\uA62C-\uA63F\uA698-\uA69E\uA6F8-\uA6FF\uA78F\uA794-\uA79F\uA7AB-\uA7F7\uA82C-\uA82F\uA83A-\uA83F\uA878-\uA87F\uA8C5-\uA8CD\uA8DA-\uA8DF\uA8FC-\uA8FF\uA954-\uA95E\uA97D-\uA97F\uA9CE\uA9DA-\uA9DD\uA9E0-\uA9FF\uAA37-\uAA3F\uAA4E\uAA4F\uAA5A\uAA5B\uAA7C-\uAA7F\uAAC3-\uAADA\uAAF7-\uAB00\uAB07\uAB08\uAB0F\uAB10\uAB17-\uAB1F\uAB27\uAB2F-\uABBF\uABEE\uABEF\uABFA-\uABFF\uD7A4-\uD7AF\uD7C7-\uD7CA\uD7FC-\uF8FF\uFA6E\uFA6F\uFADA-\uFAFF\uFB07-\uFB12\uFB18-\uFB1C\uFB37\uFB3D\uFB3F\uFB42\uFB45\uFBC2-\uFBD2\uFD40-\uFD4F\uFD90\uFD91\uFDC8-\uFDEF\uFDFE\uFDFF\uFE1A-\uFE1F\uFE27-\uFE2F\uFE53\uFE67\uFE6C-\uFE6F\uFE75\uFEFD-\uFF00\uFFBF-\uFFC1\uFFC8\uFFC9\uFFD0\uFFD1\uFFD8\uFFD9\uFFDD-\uFFDF\uFFE7\uFFEF-\uFFFB\uFFFE\uFFFF]/g;
var wsRe = /[\x09-\x10\x0D\u2028\u2029]/g;
str = str.replace(re, ".");
if (!preserveWs) str = str.replace(wsRe, ".");
return str;
* Parse a string entered by a user and replace escaped chars with the bytes they represent.
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "\x00"
* Utils.parseEscapedChars("\\x00");
* // returns "\n"
* Utils.parseEscapedChars("\\n");
parseEscapedChars: function(str) {
return str.replace(/(\\)?\\([nrtbf]|x[\da-f]{2})/g, function(m, a, b) {
if (a === "\\") return "\\"+b;
switch (b[0]) {
case "n":
return "\n";
case "r":
return "\r";
case "t":
return "\t";
case "b":
return "\b";
case "f":
return "\f";
case "x":
return Utils.chr(parseInt(b.substr(1), 16));
* Expand an alphabet range string into a list of the characters in that range.
* @param {string} alphStr
* @returns {char[]}
* @example
* // returns ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
* Utils.expandAlphRange("0-9");
* // returns ["a", "b", "c", "d", "0", "1", "2", "3", "+", "/"]
* Utils.expandAlphRange("a-d0-3+/");
* // returns ["a", "b", "c", "d", "0", "-", "3"]
* Utils.expandAlphRange("a-d0\\-3")
expandAlphRange: function(alphStr) {
var alphArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < alphStr.length; i++) {
if (i < alphStr.length - 2 &&
alphStr[i+1] === "-" &&
alphStr[i] !== "\\") {
var start = Utils.ord(alphStr[i]),
end = Utils.ord(alphStr[i+2]);
for (var j = start; j <= end; j++) {
i += 2;
} else if (i < alphStr.length - 2 &&
alphStr[i] === "\\" &&
alphStr[i+1] === "-") {
} else {
return alphArr;
* Translates a hex string into an array of bytes.
* @param {string} hexStr
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns [0xfe, 0x09, 0xa7]
* Utils.hexToByteArray("fe09a7");
hexToByteArray: function(hexStr) {
// TODO: Handle errors i.e. input string is not hex
if (!hexStr) return [];
hexStr = hexStr.replace(/\s+/g, "");
var byteArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < hexStr.length; i += 2) {
byteArray.push(parseInt(hexStr.substr(i, 2), 16));
return byteArray;
* Translates an array of bytes to a hex string.
* @param {byteArray} byteArray
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "fe09a7"
* Utils.byteArrayToHex([0xfe, 0x09, 0xa7]);
byteArrayToHex: function(byteArray) {
if (!byteArray) return "";
var hexStr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) {
hexStr += Utils.hex(byteArray[i]) + " ";
return hexStr.slice(0, hexStr.length-1);
* Converts a string to a byte array.
* Treats the string as UTF-8 if any values are over 255.
* @param {string} str
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns [72,101,108,108,111]
* Utils.strToByteArray("Hello");
* // returns [228,189,160,229,165,189]
* Utils.strToByteArray("你好");
strToByteArray: function(str) {
var byteArray = new Array(str.length);
var i = str.length, b;
while (i--) {
b = str.charCodeAt(i);
byteArray[i] = b;
// If any of the bytes are over 255, read as UTF-8
if (b > 255) return Utils.strToUtf8ByteArray(str);
return byteArray;
* Converts a string to a UTF-8 byte array.
* @param {string} str
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns [72,101,108,108,111]
* Utils.strToUtf8ByteArray("Hello");
* // returns [228,189,160,229,165,189]
* Utils.strToUtf8ByteArray("你好");
strToUtf8ByteArray: function(str) {
var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(str),
byteArray = Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(wordArray);
if (str.length !== wordArray.sigBytes)
window.app.options.attemptHighlight = false;
return byteArray;
* Converts a string to a charcode array
* @param {string} str
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns [72,101,108,108,111]
* Utils.strToCharcode("Hello");
* // returns [20320,22909]
* Utils.strToCharcode("你好");
strToCharcode: function(str) {
var byteArray = new Array(str.length);
var i = str.length;
while (i--) {
byteArray[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return byteArray;
* Attempts to convert a byte array to a UTF-8 string.
* @param {byteArray} byteArray
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "Hello"
* Utils.byteArrayToUtf8([72,101,108,108,111]);
* // returns "你好"
* Utils.byteArrayToUtf8([228,189,160,229,165,189]);
byteArrayToUtf8: function(byteArray) {
try {
// Try to output data as UTF-8 string
var words = [];
for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) {
words[i >>> 2] |= byteArray[i] << (24 - (i % 4) * 8);
var wordArray = new CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.init(words, byteArray.length),
str = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(wordArray);
if (str.length !== wordArray.sigBytes)
window.app.options.attemptHighlight = false;
return str;
} catch (err) {
// If it fails, treat it as ANSI
return Utils.byteArrayToChars(byteArray);
* Converts a charcode array to a string.
* @param {byteArray} byteArray
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "Hello"
* Utils.byteArrayToChars([72,101,108,108,111]);
* // returns "你好"
* Utils.byteArrayToChars([20320,22909]);
byteArrayToChars: function(byteArray) {
if (!byteArray) return "";
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.length;) {
str += String.fromCharCode(byteArray[i++]);
return str;
* Converts a CryptoJS.lib.WordArray to a byteArray.
* @param {CryptoJS.lib.WordArray} wordArray
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns [84, 101, 115, 116]
* Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("54657374"));
wordArrayToByteArray: function(wordArray) {
if (wordArray.sigBytes <= 0) return [];
var words = wordArray.words,
byteArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < wordArray.sigBytes; i++) {
byteArray.push((words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);
return byteArray;
* Mapping of Unicode code points to Windows-1251
* @private
* @constant
0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10, 11: 11, 12: 12, 13: 13,
14: 14, 15: 15, 16: 16, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: 19, 20: 20, 21: 21, 22: 22, 23: 23, 24: 24,
25: 25, 26: 26, 27: 27, 28: 28, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: 32, 33: 33, 34: 34, 35: 35,
36: 36, 37: 37, 38: 38, 39: 39, 40: 40, 41: 41, 42: 42, 43: 43, 44: 44, 45: 45, 46: 46,
47: 47, 48: 48, 49: 49, 50: 50, 51: 51, 52: 52, 53: 53, 54: 54, 55: 55, 56: 56, 57: 57,
58: 58, 59: 59, 60: 60, 61: 61, 62: 62, 63: 63, 64: 64, 65: 65, 66: 66, 67: 67, 68: 68,
69: 69, 70: 70, 71: 71, 72: 72, 73: 73, 74: 74, 75: 75, 76: 76, 77: 77, 78: 78, 79: 79,
80: 80, 81: 81, 82: 82, 83: 83, 84: 84, 85: 85, 86: 86, 87: 87, 88: 88, 89: 89, 90: 90,
91: 91, 92: 92, 93: 93, 94: 94, 95: 95, 96: 96, 97: 97, 98: 98, 99: 99, 100: 100, 101: 101,
102: 102, 103: 103, 104: 104, 105: 105, 106: 106, 107: 107, 108: 108, 109: 109, 110: 110,
111: 111, 112: 112, 113: 113, 114: 114, 115: 115, 116: 116, 117: 117, 118: 118, 119: 119,
120: 120, 121: 121, 122: 122, 123: 123, 124: 124, 125: 125, 126: 126, 127: 127, 1027: 129,
8225: 135, 1046: 198, 8222: 132, 1047: 199, 1168: 165, 1048: 200, 1113: 154, 1049: 201,
1045: 197, 1050: 202, 1028: 170, 160: 160, 1040: 192, 1051: 203, 164: 164, 166: 166,
167: 167, 169: 169, 171: 171, 172: 172, 173: 173, 174: 174, 1053: 205, 176: 176, 177: 177,
1114: 156, 181: 181, 182: 182, 183: 183, 8221: 148, 187: 187, 1029: 189, 1056: 208,
1057: 209, 1058: 210, 8364: 136, 1112: 188, 1115: 158, 1059: 211, 1060: 212, 1030: 178,
1061: 213, 1062: 214, 1063: 215, 1116: 157, 1064: 216, 1065: 217, 1031: 175, 1066: 218,
1067: 219, 1068: 220, 1069: 221, 1070: 222, 1032: 163, 8226: 149, 1071: 223, 1072: 224,
8482: 153, 1073: 225, 8240: 137, 1118: 162, 1074: 226, 1110: 179, 8230: 133, 1075: 227,
1033: 138, 1076: 228, 1077: 229, 8211: 150, 1078: 230, 1119: 159, 1079: 231, 1042: 194,
1080: 232, 1034: 140, 1025: 168, 1081: 233, 1082: 234, 8212: 151, 1083: 235, 1169: 180,
1084: 236, 1052: 204, 1085: 237, 1035: 142, 1086: 238, 1087: 239, 1088: 240, 1089: 241,
1090: 242, 1036: 141, 1041: 193, 1091: 243, 1092: 244, 8224: 134, 1093: 245, 8470: 185,
1094: 246, 1054: 206, 1095: 247, 1096: 248, 8249: 139, 1097: 249, 1098: 250, 1044: 196,
1099: 251, 1111: 191, 1055: 207, 1100: 252, 1038: 161, 8220: 147, 1101: 253, 8250: 155,
1102: 254, 8216: 145, 1103: 255, 1043: 195, 1105: 184, 1039: 143, 1026: 128, 1106: 144,
8218: 130, 1107: 131, 8217: 146, 1108: 186, 1109: 190
* Mapping of Windows-1251 code points to Unicode
* @private
* @constant
0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10, 11: 11, 12: 12, 13: 13,
14: 14, 15: 15, 16: 16, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: 19, 20: 20, 21: 21, 22: 22, 23: 23, 24: 24,
25: 25, 26: 26, 27: 27, 28: 28, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: 32, 33: 33, 34: 34, 35: 35,
36: 36, 37: 37, 38: 38, 39: 39, 40: 40, 41: 41, 42: 42, 43: 43, 44: 44, 45: 45, 46: 46,
47: 47, 48: 48, 49: 49, 50: 50, 51: 51, 52: 52, 53: 53, 54: 54, 55: 55, 56: 56, 57: 57,
58: 58, 59: 59, 60: 60, 61: 61, 62: 62, 63: 63, 64: 64, 65: 65, 66: 66, 67: 67, 68: 68,
69: 69, 70: 70, 71: 71, 72: 72, 73: 73, 74: 74, 75: 75, 76: 76, 77: 77, 78: 78, 79: 79,
80: 80, 81: 81, 82: 82, 83: 83, 84: 84, 85: 85, 86: 86, 87: 87, 88: 88, 89: 89, 90: 90,
91: 91, 92: 92, 93: 93, 94: 94, 95: 95, 96: 96, 97: 97, 98: 98, 99: 99, 100: 100, 101: 101,
102: 102, 103: 103, 104: 104, 105: 105, 106: 106, 107: 107, 108: 108, 109: 109, 110: 110,
111: 111, 112: 112, 113: 113, 114: 114, 115: 115, 116: 116, 117: 117, 118: 118, 119: 119,
120: 120, 121: 121, 122: 122, 123: 123, 124: 124, 125: 125, 126: 126, 127: 127, 160: 160,
164: 164, 166: 166, 167: 167, 169: 169, 171: 171, 172: 172, 173: 173, 174: 174, 176: 176,
177: 177, 181: 181, 182: 182, 183: 183, 187: 187, 168: 1025, 128: 1026, 129: 1027,
170: 1028, 189: 1029, 178: 1030, 175: 1031, 163: 1032, 138: 1033, 140: 1034, 142: 1035,
141: 1036, 161: 1038, 143: 1039, 192: 1040, 193: 1041, 194: 1042, 195: 1043, 196: 1044,
197: 1045, 198: 1046, 199: 1047, 200: 1048, 201: 1049, 202: 1050, 203: 1051, 204: 1052,
205: 1053, 206: 1054, 207: 1055, 208: 1056, 209: 1057, 210: 1058, 211: 1059, 212: 1060,
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221: 1069, 222: 1070, 223: 1071, 224: 1072, 225: 1073, 226: 1074, 227: 1075, 228: 1076,
229: 1077, 230: 1078, 231: 1079, 232: 1080, 233: 1081, 234: 1082, 235: 1083, 236: 1084,
237: 1085, 238: 1086, 239: 1087, 240: 1088, 241: 1089, 242: 1090, 243: 1091, 244: 1092,
245: 1093, 246: 1094, 247: 1095, 248: 1096, 249: 1097, 250: 1098, 251: 1099, 252: 1100,
253: 1101, 254: 1102, 255: 1103, 184: 1105, 144: 1106, 131: 1107, 186: 1108, 190: 1109,
179: 1110, 191: 1111, 188: 1112, 154: 1113, 156: 1114, 158: 1115, 157: 1116, 162: 1118,
159: 1119, 165: 1168, 180: 1169, 150: 8211, 151: 8212, 145: 8216, 146: 8217, 130: 8218,
147: 8220, 148: 8221, 132: 8222, 134: 8224, 135: 8225, 149: 8226, 133: 8230, 137: 8240,
139: 8249, 155: 8250, 136: 8364, 185: 8470, 153: 8482
* Converts a Unicode string to Windows-1251 encoding
* @param {string} unicStr
* @returns {string} String encoded in Windows-1251
* @example
* // returns "îáíîâëåííàÿ òåõíè÷êà ïî Áîèíãó. îðèãèíàë ó ìåíÿ. çàáåðåòå êîãäà áóäåòå â ÊÈ"
* Utils.unicodeToWin1251("обновленная техничка по Боингу. оригинал у меня. заберете когда будете в КИ");
unicodeToWin1251: function(unicStr) {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < unicStr.length; i++) {
var ord = unicStr.charCodeAt(i);
if (!(ord in Utils.UNIC_WIN1251_MAP))
throw "Character '" + unicStr.charAt(i) + "' isn't supported by Windows-1251";
return res.join("");
* Converts a Windows-1251 string to Unicode encoding
* @param {string} win1251Str
* @returns {string} String encoded in Unicode
* @example
* // returns "обновленная техничка по Боингу. оригинал у меня. заберете когда будете в КИ"
* Utils.unicodeToWin1251("îáíîâëåííàÿ òåõíè÷êà ïî Áîèíãó. îðèãèíàë ó ìåíÿ. çàáåðåòå êîãäà áóäåòå â ÊÈ");
win1251ToUnicode: function(win1251Str) {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < win1251Str.length; i++) {
var ord = win1251Str.charCodeAt(i);
if (!(ord in Utils.WIN1251_UNIC_MAP))
throw "Character '" + win1251Str.charAt(i) + "' isn't supported by Windows-1251";
return res.join("");
* Base64's the input byte array using the given alphabet, returning a string.
* @param {byteArray|string} data
* @param {string} [alphabet]
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "SGVsbG8="
* Utils.toBase64([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]);
* // returns "SGVsbG8="
* Utils.toBase64("Hello");
toBase64: function(data, alphabet) {
if (!data) return "";
if (typeof data == "string") {
data = Utils.strToByteArray(data);
alphabet = alphabet ?
Utils.expandAlphRange(alphabet).join("") :
var output = "",
chr1, chr2, chr3,
enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4,
i = 0;
while (i < data.length) {
chr1 = data[i++];
chr2 = data[i++];
chr3 = data[i++];
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output += alphabet.charAt(enc1) + alphabet.charAt(enc2) +
alphabet.charAt(enc3) + alphabet.charAt(enc4);
return output;
* UnBase64's the input string using the given alphabet, returning a byte array.
* @param {byteArray} data
* @param {string} [alphabet]
* @param {string} [returnType="string"] - Either "string" or "byteArray"
* @param {boolean} [removeNonAlphChars=true]
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns "Hello"
* Utils.fromBase64("SGVsbG8=");
* // returns [72, 101, 108, 108, 111]
* Utils.fromBase64("SGVsbG8=", null, "byteArray");
fromBase64: function(data, alphabet, returnType, removeNonAlphChars) {
returnType = returnType || "string";
if (!data) {
return returnType === "string" ? "" : [];
alphabet = alphabet ?
Utils.expandAlphRange(alphabet).join("") :
if (removeNonAlphChars === undefined)
removeNonAlphChars = true;
var output = [],
chr1, chr2, chr3,
enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4,
i = 0;
if (removeNonAlphChars) {
var re = new RegExp("[^" + alphabet.replace(/[\[\]\\\-^$]/g, "\\$&") + "]", "g");
data = data.replace(re, "");
while (i < data.length) {
enc1 = alphabet.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
enc2 = alphabet.indexOf(data.charAt(i++) || "=");
enc3 = alphabet.indexOf(data.charAt(i++) || "=");
enc4 = alphabet.indexOf(data.charAt(i++) || "=");
enc2 = enc2 === -1 ? 64 : enc2;
enc3 = enc3 === -1 ? 64 : enc3;
enc4 = enc4 === -1 ? 64 : enc4;
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
if (enc3 !== 64) {
if (enc4 !== 64) {
return returnType === "string" ? Utils.byteArrayToUtf8(output) : output;
* Convert a byte array into a hex string.
* @param {byteArray} data
* @param {string} [delim=" "]
* @param {number} [padding=2]
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "0a 14 1e"
* Utils.toHex([10,20,30]);
* // returns "0a:14:1e"
* Utils.toHex([10,20,30], ":");
toHex: function(data, delim, padding) {
if (!data) return "";
delim = typeof delim == "string" ? delim : " ";
padding = padding || 2;
var output = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
output += Utils.pad(data[i].toString(16), padding) + delim;
// Add \x or 0x to beginning
if (delim === "0x") output = "0x" + output;
if (delim === "\\x") output = "\\x" + output;
if (delim.length)
return output.slice(0, -delim.length);
return output;
* Convert a byte array into a hex string as efficiently as possible with no options.
* @param {byteArray} data
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "0a141e"
* Utils.toHex([10,20,30]);
toHexFast: function(data) {
if (!data) return "";
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
output.push((data[i] >>> 4).toString(16));
output.push((data[i] & 0x0f).toString(16));
return output.join("");
* Convert a hex string into a byte array.
* @param {string} data
* @param {string} [delim]
* @param {number} [byteLen=2]
* @returns {byteArray}
* @example
* // returns [10,20,30]
* Utils.fromHex("0a 14 1e");
* // returns [10,20,30]
* Utils.fromHex("0a:14:1e", "Colon");
fromHex: function(data, delim, byteLen) {
delim = delim || (data.indexOf(" ") >= 0 ? "Space" : "None");
byteLen = byteLen || 2;
if (delim !== "None") {
var delimRegex = Utils.regexRep[delim];
data = data.replace(delimRegex, "");
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += byteLen) {
output.push(parseInt(data.substr(i, byteLen), 16));
return output;
* Parses CSV data and returns it as a two dimensional array or strings.
* @param {string} data
* @returns {string[][]}
* @example
* // returns [["head1", "head2"], ["data1", "data2"]]
* Utils.parseCSV("head1,head2\ndata1,data2");
parseCSV: function(data) {
var b,
ignoreNext = false,
inString = false,
cell = "",
line = [],
lines = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
b = data[i];
if (ignoreNext) {
cell += b;
ignoreNext = false;
} else if (b === "\\") {
cell += b;
ignoreNext = true;
} else if (b === "\"" && !inString) {
inString = true;
} else if (b === "\"" && inString) {
inString = false;
} else if (b === "," && !inString) {
cell = "";
} else if ((b === "\n" || b === "\r") && !inString) {
cell = "";
line = [];
} else {
cell += b;
if (line.length) {
return lines;
* Removes all HTML (or XML) tags from the input string.
* @param {string} htmlStr
* @param {boolean} removeScriptAndStyle - Flag to specify whether to remove entire script or style blocks
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "Test"
* Utils.stripHtmlTags("<div>Test</div>");
stripHtmlTags: function(htmlStr, removeScriptAndStyle) {
if (removeScriptAndStyle) {
htmlStr = htmlStr.replace(/<(script|style)[^>]*>.*<\/(script|style)>/gmi, "");
return htmlStr.replace(/<[^>\n]+>/g, "");
* Escapes HTML tags in a string to stop them being rendered
* @param {string} str
* @returns string
* @example
* // return "A <script> tag"
* Utils.escapeHtml("A <script> tag");
escapeHtml: function(str) {
return str.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/"/g, """)
.replace(/&/g, "&");
* Expresses a number of milliseconds in a human readable format.
* Range | Sample Output
* -----------------------------|-------------------------------
* 0 to 45 seconds | a few seconds ago
* 45 to 90 seconds | a minute ago
* 90 seconds to 45 minutes | 2 minutes ago ... 45 minutes ago
* 45 to 90 minutes | an hour ago
* 90 minutes to 22 hours | 2 hours ago ... 22 hours ago
* 22 to 36 hours | a day ago
* 36 hours to 25 days | 2 days ago ... 25 days ago
* 25 to 45 days | a month ago
* 45 to 345 days | 2 months ago ... 11 months ago
* 345 to 545 days (1.5 years) | a year ago
* 546 days+ | 2 years ago ... 20 years ago
* @param {number} ms
* @returns {string}
* @example
* // returns "3 minutes"
* Utils.fuzzyTime(152435);
* // returns "5 days"
* Utils.fuzzyTime(456851321);
fuzzyTime: function(ms) {
return moment.duration(ms, "milliseconds").humanize();
* Adds the properties of one Object to another.
* @param {Object} a
* @param {Object} b
* @returns {Object}
extend: function(a, b){
for(var key in b)
a[key] = b[key];
return a;
* Actual modulo function, since % is actually the remainder function in JS.
* @author Matt C [matt@artemisbot.pw]
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @returns {number}
mod: function (x, y) {
return ((x % y) + y) % y;
* Finds the greatest common divisor of two numbers.
* @author Matt C [matt@artemisbot.pw]
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @returns {number}
gcd: function(x, y) {
if (!y) {
return x;
return Utils.gcd(y, x % y);
* Finds the modular inverse of two values.
* @author Matt C [matt@artemisbot.pw]
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @returns {number}
modInv: function(x, y) {
x %= y;
for (var i = 1; i < y; i++) {
if ((x * i) % 26 === 1) {
return i;
* A mapping of names of delimiter characters to their symbols.
* @constant
charRep: {
"Space": " ",
"Comma": ",",
"Semi-colon": ";",
"Colon": ":",
"Line feed": "\n",
"CRLF": "\r\n",
"Forward slash": "/",
"Backslash": "\\",
"0x": "0x",
"\\x": "\\x",
"Nothing (separate chars)": "",
"None": "",
* A mapping of names of delimiter characters to regular expressions which can select them.
* @constant
regexRep: {
"Space": /\s+/g,
"Comma": /,/g,
"Semi-colon": /;/g,
"Colon": /:/g,
"Line feed": /\n/g,
"CRLF": /\r\n/g,
"Forward slash": /\//g,
"Backslash": /\\/g,
"0x": /0x/g,
"\\x": /\\x/g
* A mapping of string formats to their classes in the CryptoJS library.
* @constant
format: {
"Hex": CryptoJS.enc.Hex,
"Base64": CryptoJS.enc.Base64,
"UTF8": CryptoJS.enc.Utf8,
"UTF16": CryptoJS.enc.Utf16,
"UTF16LE": CryptoJS.enc.Utf16LE,
"UTF16BE": CryptoJS.enc.Utf16BE,
"Latin1": CryptoJS.enc.Latin1,
* A jQuery function to select a range of text.
* @param {number} start
* @param {number} end
* @example
* // Highlights the 4th, 5th and 6th characters in the element #input-text.
* $("#input-text").selectRange(3,5);
* // Places the cursor at the beginning of the element #input-text.
* $("#input-text").selectRange(0);
$.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) {
if (!end) end = start;
return this.each(function() {
if (this.setSelectionRange) {
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} else if (this.createTextRange) {
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd("character", end);
range.moveStart("character", start);
* Removes all duplicates from an array.
* @returns {Array}
* @example
* // returns [3,6,4,8,2]
* [3,6,4,8,4,2,3].unique();
* // returns ["One", "Two", "Three"]
* ["One", "Two", "Three", "One"].unique();
Array.prototype.unique = function() {
var u = {}, a = [];
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
if (u.hasOwnProperty(this[i])) {
u[this[i]] = 1;
return a;
* Returns the largest value in the array.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // returns 7
* [4,2,5,3,7].max();
Array.prototype.max = function() {
return Math.max.apply(null, this);
* Returns the smallest value in the array.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // returns 2
* [4,2,5,3,7].min();
Array.prototype.min = function() {
return Math.min.apply(null, this);
* Sums all the values in an array.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // returns 21
* [4,2,5,3,7].sum();
Array.prototype.sum = function() {
return this.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
* Determine whether two arrays are equal or not.
* @param {Object[]} other
* @returns {boolean}
* @example
* // returns true
* [1,2,3].equals([1,2,3]);
* // returns false
* [1,2,3].equals([3,2,1]);
Array.prototype.equals = function(other) {
if (!other) return false;
var i = this.length;
if (i !== other.length) return false;
while (i--) {
if (this[i] !== other[i]) return false;
return true;
* Counts the number of times a char appears in a string.
* @param {char} chr
* @returns {number}
* @example
* // returns 2
* "Hello".count("l");
String.prototype.count = function(chr) {
return this.split(chr).length - 1;
// Library overrides ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Override for the CryptoJS Hex encoding parser to remove whitespace before attempting to parse
* the hex string.
* @param {string} hexStr
* @returns {CryptoJS.lib.WordArray}
CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse = function (hexStr) {
// Remove whitespace
hexStr = hexStr.replace(/\s/g, "");
// Shortcut
var hexStrLength = hexStr.length;
// Convert
var words = [];
for (var i = 0; i < hexStrLength; i += 2) {
words[i >>> 3] |= parseInt(hexStr.substr(i, 2), 16) << (24 - (i % 8) * 4);
return new CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.init(words, hexStrLength / 2);