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synced 2025-03-13 21:36:56 +00:00
Updated README.md
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 11 additions and 10 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Cryptographic operations in CyberChef should not be relied upon to provide secur
There are four main areas in CyberChef:
1. The **input** box in the top right, where you can paste, type or drag the data you want to operate on.
1. The **input** box in the top right, where you can paste, type or drag the text or file you want to operate on.
2. The **output** box in the bottom right, where the outcome of your processing will be displayed.
3. The **operations** list on the far left, where you can find all the operations that CyberChef is capable of in categorised lists, or by searching.
4. The **recipe** area in the middle, where you can drag the operations that you want to use and specify arguments and options.
@ -42,32 +42,32 @@ You can use as many operations as you like in simple or complex ways. Some examp
- [Display multiple timestamps as full dates][7]
- [Carry out different operations on data of different types][8]
- [Use parts of the input as arguments to operations][9]
- [Perform AES decryption, extracting the IV from the beginning of the cipher stream][10]
## Features
- Drag and drop
- Operations can be dragged in and out of the recipe list, or reorganised.
- Files can be dragged over the input box to load them directly.
- Files can be dragged over the input box to load them directly into the browser.
- Auto Bake
- Whenever you modify the input or the recipe, CyberChef will automatically “bake” for you and produce the output immediately.
- Whenever you modify the input or the recipe, CyberChef will automatically "bake" for you and produce the output immediately.
- This can be turned off and operated manually if it is affecting performance (if the input is very large, for instance).
- If any bake takes longer than 200 milliseconds, auto bake will be switched off automatically to prevent further performance issues.
- Breakpoints
- You can set breakpoints on any operation in your recipe to pause execution before running it.
- You can also step through the recipe one operation at a time to see what the data looks like at each stage.
- Save and load recipes
- If you come up with an awesome recipe that you know you’ll want to use again, just click save and add it to your local storage. It'll be waiting for you next time you visit CyberChef.
- You can also copy a URL which includes your recipe and input which can be shared with others.
- If you come up with an awesome recipe that you know you’ll want to use again, just click "Save recipe" and add it to your local storage. It'll be waiting for you next time you visit CyberChef.
- You can also copy the URL, which includes your recipe and input, to easily share it with others.
- Search
- If you know the name of the operation you want or a word associated with it, start typing it into the search field and any matching operations will immediately be shown.
- Highlighting
- When you highlight text in the input or output, the offset and length values will be displayed and, if possible, the corresponding data will be highlighted in the output or input respectively (example: [highlight the word 'question' in the input to see where it appears in the output][10]).
- When you highlight text in the input or output, the offset and length values will be displayed and, if possible, the corresponding data will be highlighted in the output or input respectively (example: [highlight the word 'question' in the input to see where it appears in the output][11]).
- Save to file and load from file
- You can save the output to a file at any time or load a file by dragging and dropping it into the input field. Files up to around 500MB are supported (depending on your browser), however some operations may take a very long time to run over this much data.
- CyberChef is entirely client-side
- It should be noted that none of your recipe configuration or input (either text or files) is ever sent to the CyberChef web server - all processing is carried out within your browser, on your own computer.
- Due to this feature, CyberChef can be compiled into a single HTML file. You can download this file and drop it into a virtual machine, share it with other people, or use it independently on your desktop.
- Due to this feature, CyberChef can be compiled into a single HTML file. You can download this file and drop it into a virtual machine, share it with other people, or use it independently on your local machine.
## Browser support
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ CyberChef is released under the [Apache 2.0 Licence](https://www.apache.org/lice
[6]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=RC4(%7B'option':'UTF8','string':'secret'%7D,'Hex','Hex')Disassemble_x86('64','Full%20x86%20architecture',16,0,true,true)&input=MjFkZGQyNTQwMTYwZWU2NWZlMDc3NzEwM2YyYTM5ZmJlNWJjYjZhYTBhYWJkNDE0ZjkwYzZjYWY1MzEyNzU0YWY3NzRiNzZiM2JiY2QxOTNjYjNkZGZkYmM1YTI2NTMzYTY4NmI1OWI4ZmVkNGQzODBkNDc0NDIwMWFlYzIwNDA1MDcxMzhlMmZlMmIzOTUwNDQ2ZGIzMWQyYmM2MjliZTRkM2YyZWIwMDQzYzI5M2Q3YTVkMjk2MmMwMGZlNmRhMzAwNzJkOGM1YTZiNGZlN2Q4NTlhMDQwZWVhZjI5OTczMzYzMDJmNWEwZWMxOQ
[7]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Fork('%5C%5Cn','%5C%5Cn',false)From_UNIX_Timestamp('Seconds%20(s)')&input=OTc4MzQ2ODAwCjEwMTI2NTEyMDAKMTA0NjY5NjQwMAoxMDgxMDg3MjAwCjExMTUzMDUyMDAKMTE0OTYwOTYwMA
[8]: https://gchq.github.ioeCyberChef/#recipe=Fork('%5C%5Cn','%5C%5Cn',false)Conditional_Jump('1',false,'base64',10)To_Hex('Space')Return()Label('base64')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')&input=U29tZSBkYXRhIHdpdGggYSAxIGluIGl0ClNvbWUgZGF0YSB3aXRoIGEgMiBpbiBpdA
[8]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Fork('%5C%5Cn','%5C%5Cn',false)Conditional_Jump('1',false,'base64',10)To_Hex('Space')Return()Label('base64')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')&input=U29tZSBkYXRhIHdpdGggYSAxIGluIGl0ClNvbWUgZGF0YSB3aXRoIGEgMiBpbiBpdA
[9]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Register('key%3D(%5B%5C%5Cda-f%5D*)',true,false)Find_/_Replace(%7B'option':'Regex','string':'.*data%3D(.*)'%7D,'$1',true,false,true)RC4(%7B'option':'Hex','string':'$R0'%7D,'Hex','Latin1')&input=aHR0cDovL21hbHdhcmV6LmJpei9iZWFjb24ucGhwP2tleT0wZTkzMmE1YyZkYXRhPThkYjdkNWViZTM4NjYzYTU0ZWNiYjMzNGUzZGIxMQ
[10]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=XOR(%7B'option':'Hex','string':'3a'%7D,'',false)To_Hexdump(16,false,false)&input=VGhlIGFuc3dlciB0byB0aGUgdWx0aW1hdGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gb2YgbGlmZSwgdGhlIFVuaXZlcnNlLCBhbmQgZXZlcnl0aGluZyBpcyA0Mi4
[10]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Register('(.%7B32%7D)',true,false)Drop_bytes(0,32,false)AES_Decrypt(%7B'option':'Hex','string':'1748e7179bd56570d51fa4ba287cc3e5'%7D,%7B'option':'Hex','string':'$R0'%7D,'CTR','Hex','Raw',%7B'option':'Hex','string':''%7D)&input=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
[11]: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=XOR(%7B'option':'Hex','string':'3a'%7D,'',false)To_Hexdump(16,false,false)&input=VGhlIGFuc3dlciB0byB0aGUgdWx0aW1hdGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gb2YgbGlmZSwgdGhlIFVuaXZlcnNlLCBhbmQgZXZlcnl0aGluZyBpcyA0Mi4
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