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synced 2025-02-18 00:08:24 +00:00
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* This file is part of Checkpoint
* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Bernardo Giordano, FlagBrew
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file:
* * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
* author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
* Notices displayed by works containing it.
* * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
* or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
#include "io.hpp"
bool io::fileExists(const std::string& path)
struct stat buffer;
return (stat(path.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
bool io::fileExists(FS_Archive archive, const std::u16string& path)
FSStream stream(archive, path, FS_OPEN_READ);
bool exist = stream.good();
return exist;
void io::copyFile(FS_Archive srcArch, FS_Archive dstArch, const std::u16string& srcPath, const std::u16string& dstPath)
u32 size = 0;
FSStream input(srcArch, srcPath, FS_OPEN_READ);
if (input.good()) {
size = input.size() > BUFFER_SIZE ? BUFFER_SIZE : input.size();
else {
FSStream output(dstArch, dstPath, FS_OPEN_WRITE, input.size());
if (output.good()) {
u32 rd;
u8* buf = new u8[size];
do {
rd = input.read(buf, size);
output.write(buf, rd);
} while (!input.eof());
delete[] buf;
Result io::copyDirectory(FS_Archive srcArch, FS_Archive dstArch, const std::u16string& srcPath, const std::u16string& dstPath)
Result res = 0;
bool quit = false;
Directory items(srcArch, srcPath);
if (!items.good()) {
return items.error();
for (size_t i = 0, sz = items.size(); i < sz && !quit; i++) {
std::u16string newsrc = srcPath + items.entry(i);
std::u16string newdst = dstPath + items.entry(i);
if (items.folder(i)) {
res = io::createDirectory(dstArch, newdst);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res) || (u32)res == 0xC82044B9) {
newsrc += StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/");
newdst += StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/");
res = io::copyDirectory(srcArch, dstArch, newsrc, newdst);
else {
quit = true;
else {
io::copyFile(srcArch, dstArch, newsrc, newdst);
return res;
Result io::createDirectory(FS_Archive archive, const std::u16string& path)
return FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()), 0);
bool io::directoryExists(FS_Archive archive, const std::u16string& path)
Handle handle;
if (R_FAILED(FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&handle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data())))) {
return false;
if (R_FAILED(FSDIR_Close(handle))) {
return false;
return true;
Result io::deleteFolderRecursively(FS_Archive arch, const std::u16string& path)
Directory dir(arch, path);
if (!dir.good()) {
return dir.error();
for (size_t i = 0, sz = dir.size(); i < sz; i++) {
if (dir.folder(i)) {
std::u16string newpath = path + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + dir.entry(i) + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/");
deleteFolderRecursively(arch, newpath);
newpath = path + dir.entry(i);
FSUSER_DeleteDirectory(arch, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, newpath.data()));
else {
std::u16string newpath = path + dir.entry(i);
FSUSER_DeleteFile(arch, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, newpath.data()));
FSUSER_DeleteDirectory(arch, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()));
return 0;
std::tuple<bool, Result, std::string> io::backup(size_t index, size_t cellIndex)
const Mode_t mode = Archive::mode();
const bool isNewFolder = cellIndex == 0;
Result res = 0;
Title title;
getTitle(title, index);
if (title.cardType() == CARD_CTR) {
FS_Archive archive;
if (mode == MODE_SAVE) {
res = Archive::save(&archive, title.mediaType(), title.lowId(), title.highId());
else if (mode == MODE_EXTDATA) {
res = Archive::extdata(&archive, title.extdataId());
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
std::string suggestion = DateTime::dateTimeStr();
std::u16string customPath;
if (MS::multipleSelectionEnabled()) {
customPath = isNewFolder ? StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(suggestion.c_str()) : StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("");
else {
customPath =
isNewFolder ? StringUtils::removeForbiddenCharacters(KeyboardManager::get().keyboard(suggestion)) : StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("");
std::u16string dstPath;
if (!isNewFolder) {
// we're overriding an existing folder
dstPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.fullSavePath(cellIndex) : title.fullExtdataPath(cellIndex);
else {
dstPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.savePath() : title.extdataPath();
dstPath += StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + customPath;
if (!isNewFolder || io::directoryExists(Archive::sdmc(), dstPath)) {
res = FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data()));
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to delete the existing backup\ndirectory recursively.");
res = io::createDirectory(Archive::sdmc(), dstPath);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to create destination directory.");
std::u16string copyPath = dstPath + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/");
res = io::copyDirectory(archive, Archive::sdmc(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/"), copyPath);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
std::string message = mode == MODE_SAVE ? "Failed to backup save." : "Failed to backup extdata.";
FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data()));
return std::make_tuple(false, res, message);
else {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to open save archive.");
else {
CardType cardType = title.SPICardType();
u32 saveSize = SPIGetCapacity(cardType);
u32 sectorSize = (saveSize < 0x10000) ? saveSize : 0x10000;
std::string suggestion = DateTime::dateTimeStr();
std::u16string customPath;
if (MS::multipleSelectionEnabled()) {
customPath = isNewFolder ? StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(suggestion.c_str()) : StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("");
else {
customPath = isNewFolder ? KeyboardManager::get().keyboard(suggestion) : StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("");
std::u16string dstPath;
if (!isNewFolder) {
// we're overriding an existing folder
dstPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.fullSavePath(cellIndex) : title.fullExtdataPath(cellIndex);
else {
dstPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.savePath() : title.extdataPath();
dstPath += StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + customPath;
if (!isNewFolder || io::directoryExists(Archive::sdmc(), dstPath)) {
res = FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data()));
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to delete the existing\nbackup directory recursively.");
res = io::createDirectory(Archive::sdmc(), dstPath);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to create destination directory.");
std::u16string copyPath =
dstPath + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(title.shortDescription().c_str()) + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(".sav");
u8* saveFile = new u8[saveSize];
for (u32 i = 0; i < saveSize / sectorSize; ++i) {
res = SPIReadSaveData(cardType, sectorSize * i, saveFile + sectorSize * i, sectorSize);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
delete[] saveFile;
FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data()));
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to backup save.");
FSStream stream(Archive::sdmc(), copyPath, FS_OPEN_WRITE, saveSize);
if (stream.good()) {
stream.write(saveFile, saveSize);
else {
delete[] saveFile;
FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data()));
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to backup save.");
delete[] saveFile;
return std::make_tuple(true, 0, "Progress correctly saved to disk.");
std::tuple<bool, Result, std::string> io::restore(size_t index, size_t cellIndex, const std::string& nameFromCell)
const Mode_t mode = Archive::mode();
Result res = 0;
Title title;
getTitle(title, index);
if (title.cardType() == CARD_CTR) {
FS_Archive archive;
if (mode == MODE_SAVE) {
res = Archive::save(&archive, title.mediaType(), title.lowId(), title.highId());
else if (mode == MODE_EXTDATA) {
res = Archive::extdata(&archive, title.extdataId());
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
std::u16string srcPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.fullSavePath(cellIndex) : title.fullExtdataPath(cellIndex);
srcPath += StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/");
std::u16string dstPath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/");
if (mode != MODE_EXTDATA) {
FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data()));
else {
deleteFolderRecursively(archive, dstPath);
res = io::copyDirectory(Archive::sdmc(), archive, srcPath, dstPath);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
std::string message = mode == MODE_SAVE ? "Failed to restore save." : "Failed to restore extdata.";
return std::make_tuple(false, res, message);
if (mode == MODE_SAVE) {
res = FSUSER_ControlArchive(archive, ARCHIVE_ACTION_COMMIT_SAVE_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to commit save data.");
u8 out;
u64 secureValue = ((u64)SECUREVALUE_SLOT_SD << 32) | (title.uniqueId() << 8);
res = FSUSER_ControlSecureSave(SECURESAVE_ACTION_DELETE, &secureValue, 8, &out, 1);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to fix secure value.");
else {
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to open save archive.");
else {
CardType cardType = title.SPICardType();
u32 saveSize = SPIGetCapacity(cardType);
u32 pageSize = SPIGetPageSize(cardType);
std::u16string srcPath = title.fullSavePath(cellIndex);
srcPath += StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(title.shortDescription().c_str()) + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(".sav");
u8* saveFile = new u8[saveSize];
FSStream stream(Archive::sdmc(), srcPath, FS_OPEN_READ);
if (stream.good()) {
stream.read(saveFile, saveSize);
res = stream.result();
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
delete[] saveFile;
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to read save file backup.");
for (u32 i = 0; i < saveSize / pageSize; ++i) {
res = SPIWriteSaveData(cardType, pageSize * i, saveFile + pageSize * i, pageSize);
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
delete[] saveFile;
return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to restore save.");
delete[] saveFile;
return std::make_tuple(true, 0, nameFromCell + "\nhas been restored successfully.");
void io::deleteBackupFolder(const std::u16string& path)
Result res = FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()));
if (R_FAILED(res)) {
// TODO: log this
// return std::make_tuple(false, res, "Failed to delete backup folder.");
} |