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743 lines
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743 lines
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* This file is part of Checkpoint
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Bernardo Giordano
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file:
* * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
* author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
* Notices displayed by works containing it.
* * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
* or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
#include "title.hpp"
static bool validId(u64 id);
static C2D_Image loadTextureIcon(smdh_s *smdh);
static std::vector<Title> titleSaves;
static std::vector<Title> titleExtdatas;
static void exportTitleListCache(std::vector<Title> list, const std::u16string path);
static void importTitleListCache(void);
void Title::load(void)
mCard = CARD_CTR;
memset(productCode, 0, 16);
mShortDescription = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(" ");
mLongDescription = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(" ");
mSavePath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(" ");
mExtdataPath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(" ");
mIcon = Gui::noIcon();
mAccessibleSave = false;
mAccessibleExtdata = false;
bool Title::load(u64 _id, FS_MediaType _media, FS_CardType _card)
bool loadTitle = false;
mId = _id;
mMedia = _media;
mCard = _card;
if (mCard == CARD_CTR)
smdh_s *smdh = loadSMDH(lowId(), highId(), mMedia);
if (smdh == NULL)
return false;
char unique[12] = {0};
sprintf(unique, "0x%05X ", (unsigned int)uniqueId());
mShortDescription = StringUtils::removeForbiddenCharacters((char16_t*)smdh->applicationTitles[1].shortDescription);
mLongDescription = (char16_t*)smdh->applicationTitles[1].longDescription;
mSavePath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/saves/") + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(unique) + mShortDescription;
mExtdataPath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/extdata/") + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(unique) + mShortDescription;
AM_GetTitleProductCode(mMedia, mId, productCode);
mAccessibleSave = Archive::accessible(mediaType(), lowId(), highId());
mAccessibleExtdata = Archive::accessible(extdataId());
if (mAccessibleSave)
loadTitle = true;
if (!io::directoryExists(Archive::sdmc(), mSavePath))
Result res = io::createDirectory(Archive::sdmc(), mSavePath);
if (R_FAILED(res))
Gui::createError(res, "Failed to create backup directory.");
if (mAccessibleExtdata)
loadTitle = true;
if (!io::directoryExists(Archive::sdmc(), mExtdataPath))
Result res = io::createDirectory(Archive::sdmc(), mExtdataPath);
if (R_FAILED(res))
Gui::createError(res, "Failed to create backup directory.");
if (loadTitle)
mIcon = loadTextureIcon(smdh);
delete smdh;
u8* headerData = new u8[0x3B4];
Result res = FSUSER_GetLegacyRomHeader(mMedia, 0LL, headerData);
if (R_FAILED(res))
delete[] headerData;
return false;
char _cardTitle[14] = {0};
char _gameCode[6] = {0};
std::copy(headerData, headerData + 12, _cardTitle);
std::copy(headerData + 12, headerData + 16, _gameCode);
_cardTitle[13] = '\0';
_gameCode[5] = '\0';
res = SPIGetCardType(&mCardType, (_gameCode[0] == 'I') ? 1 : 0);
if (R_FAILED(res))
delete[] headerData;
return false;
delete[] headerData;
mShortDescription = StringUtils::removeForbiddenCharacters(StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(_cardTitle));
mLongDescription = mShortDescription;
mSavePath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/saves/") + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(_gameCode) + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16(" ") + mShortDescription;
mExtdataPath = mSavePath;
memset(productCode, 0, 16);
mAccessibleSave = true;
mAccessibleExtdata = false;
loadTitle = true;
if (!io::directoryExists(Archive::sdmc(), mSavePath))
Result res = io::createDirectory(Archive::sdmc(), mSavePath);
if (R_FAILED(res))
Gui::createError(res, "Failed to create backup directory.");
mIcon = Gui::TWLIcon();
return loadTitle;
bool Title::accessibleSave(void)
return mAccessibleSave;
bool Title::accessibleExtdata(void)
return mAccessibleExtdata;
std::string Title::mediaTypeString(void)
case MEDIATYPE_SD: return "SD Card";
case MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD: return "Cartridge";
case MEDIATYPE_NAND: return "NAND";
default: return " ";
return " ";
std::string Title::shortDescription(void)
return StringUtils::UTF16toUTF8(mShortDescription);
std::string Title::longDescription(void)
return StringUtils::UTF16toUTF8(mLongDescription);
std::u16string Title::savePath(void)
return mSavePath;
std::u16string Title::extdataPath(void)
return mExtdataPath;
std::u16string Title::fullSavePath(size_t index)
return mFullSavePaths.at(index);
std::u16string Title::fullExtdataPath(size_t index)
return mFullExtdataPaths.at(index);
std::vector<std::u16string> Title::saves(void)
return mSaves;
std::vector<std::u16string> Title::extdata(void)
return mExtdata;
void Title::refreshDirectories(void)
if (accessibleSave())
// standard save backups
Directory savelist(Archive::sdmc(), mSavePath);
if (savelist.good())
for (size_t i = 0, sz = savelist.size(); i < sz; i++)
if (savelist.folder(i))
mFullSavePaths.push_back(mSavePath + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + savelist.entry(i));
std::sort(mSaves.rbegin(), mSaves.rend());
mSaves.insert(mSaves.begin(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("New..."));
mFullSavePaths.insert(mFullSavePaths.begin(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("New..."));
Gui::createError(savelist.error(), "Couldn't retrieve the directory list for the title " + shortDescription());
// save backups from configuration
std::vector<std::u16string> additionalFolders = Configuration::getInstance().additionalSaveFolders(mId);
for (std::vector<std::u16string>::const_iterator it = additionalFolders.begin(); it != additionalFolders.end(); it++)
// we have other folders to parse
Directory list(Archive::sdmc(), *it);
if (list.good())
for (size_t i = 0, sz = list.size(); i < sz; i++)
if (list.folder(i))
mFullSavePaths.push_back(mSavePath + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + list.entry(i));
if (accessibleExtdata())
// extdata backups
Directory extlist(Archive::sdmc(), mExtdataPath);
if (extlist.good())
for (size_t i = 0, sz = extlist.size(); i < sz; i++)
if (extlist.folder(i))
mFullExtdataPaths.push_back(mExtdataPath + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + extlist.entry(i));
std::sort(mExtdata.begin(), mExtdata.end());
mExtdata.insert(mExtdata.begin(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("New..."));
mFullExtdataPaths.insert(mFullExtdataPaths.begin(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("New..."));
Gui::createError(extlist.error(), "Couldn't retrieve the extdata list for the title " + shortDescription());
// extdata backups from configuration
std::vector<std::u16string> additionalFolders = Configuration::getInstance().additionalExtdataFolders(mId);
for (std::vector<std::u16string>::const_iterator it = additionalFolders.begin(); it != additionalFolders.end(); it++)
// we have other folders to parse
Directory list(Archive::sdmc(), *it);
if (list.good())
for (size_t i = 0, sz = list.size(); i < sz; i++)
if (list.folder(i))
mFullExtdataPaths.push_back(mExtdataPath + StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/") + list.entry(i));
u32 Title::highId(void)
return (u32)(mId >> 32);
u32 Title::lowId(void)
return (u32)mId;
u32 Title::uniqueId(void)
return (lowId() >> 8);
u64 Title::id(void)
return mId;
u32 Title::extdataId(void)
u32 low = lowId();
case 0x00055E00: return 0x055D; // Pokémon Y
case 0x0011C400: return 0x11C5; // Pokémon Omega Ruby
case 0x00175E00: return 0x1648; // Pokémon Moon
case 0x00179600:
case 0x00179800: return 0x1794; // Fire Emblem Conquest SE NA
case 0x00179700:
case 0x0017A800: return 0x1795; // Fire Emblem Conquest SE EU
case 0x0012DD00:
case 0x0012DE00: return 0x12DC; // Fire Emblem If JP
case 0x001B5100: return 0x1B50; // Pokémon Ultramoon
return low >> 8;
FS_MediaType Title::mediaType(void)
return mMedia;
FS_CardType Title::cardType(void)
return mCard;
CardType Title::SPICardType(void)
return mCardType;
C2D_Image Title::icon(void)
return mIcon;
static bool validId(u64 id)
// check for invalid titles
switch ((u32)id)
// Instruction Manual
case 0x00008602:
case 0x00009202:
case 0x00009B02:
case 0x0000A402:
case 0x0000AC02:
case 0x0000B402:
// Internet Browser
case 0x00008802:
case 0x00009402:
case 0x00009D02:
case 0x0000A602:
case 0x0000AE02:
case 0x0000B602:
case 0x20008802:
case 0x20009402:
case 0x20009D02:
case 0x2000AE02:
return false;
// check for updates
u32 high = id >> 32;
if (high == 0x0004000E)
return false;
return !Configuration::getInstance().filter(id);
void loadTitles(bool forceRefresh)
std::u16string savecachePath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/savecache");
std::u16string extdatacachePath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/extdatacache");
// on refreshing
bool optimizedLoad = false;
u8 hash[SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE];
std::u16string titlesHashPath = StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/titles.sha");
if (!io::fileExists(Archive::sdmc(), titlesHashPath) || !io::fileExists(Archive::sdmc(), savecachePath) || !io::fileExists(Archive::sdmc(), extdatacachePath))
// create title list sha256 hash file if it doesn't exist in the working directory
FSStream output(Archive::sdmc(), titlesHashPath, FS_OPEN_WRITE, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
output.write(hash, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
// compare current hash with the previous hash
FSStream input(Archive::sdmc(), titlesHashPath, FS_OPEN_READ);
if (input.good() && input.size() == SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE)
u8* buf = new u8[input.size()];
input.read(buf, input.size());
if (memcmp(hash, buf, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0)
// hash matches
optimizedLoad = true;
FSUSER_DeleteFile(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, titlesHashPath.data()));
FSStream output(Archive::sdmc(), titlesHashPath, FS_OPEN_WRITE, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
output.write(hash, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
delete[] buf;
if (optimizedLoad && !forceRefresh)
// deserialize data
u32 count = 0;
if (Configuration::getInstance().nandSaves())
AM_GetTitleCount(MEDIATYPE_NAND, &count);
u64 ids_nand[count];
AM_GetTitleList(NULL, MEDIATYPE_NAND, count, ids_nand);
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (validId(ids_nand[i]))
Title title;
if (title.load(ids_nand[i], MEDIATYPE_NAND, CARD_CTR))
if (title.accessibleSave())
// TODO: extdata?
count = 0;
AM_GetTitleCount(MEDIATYPE_SD, &count);
u64 ids[count];
AM_GetTitleList(NULL, MEDIATYPE_SD, count, ids);
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (validId(ids[i]))
Title title;
if (title.load(ids[i], MEDIATYPE_SD, CARD_CTR))
if (title.accessibleSave())
if (title.accessibleExtdata())
std::sort(titleSaves.begin(), titleSaves.end(), [](Title& l, Title& r) {
return l.shortDescription() < r.shortDescription();
std::sort(titleExtdatas.begin(), titleExtdatas.end(), [](Title& l, Title& r) {
return l.shortDescription() < r.shortDescription();
FS_CardType cardType;
Result res = FSUSER_GetCardType(&cardType);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res))
if (cardType == CARD_CTR)
AM_GetTitleCount(MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, &count);
if (count > 0)
AM_GetTitleList(NULL, MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, count, ids);
if (validId(ids[0]))
Title title;
if (title.load(ids[0], MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, cardType))
if (title.accessibleSave())
titleSaves.insert(titleSaves.begin(), title);
if (title.accessibleExtdata())
titleExtdatas.insert(titleExtdatas.begin(), title);
Title title;
if (title.load(0, MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, cardType))
titleSaves.insert(titleSaves.begin(), title);
// serialize data
exportTitleListCache(titleSaves, savecachePath);
exportTitleListCache(titleExtdatas, extdatacachePath);
void getTitle(Title &dst, int i)
const Mode_t mode = Archive::mode();
if (i < getTitleCount())
dst = mode == MODE_SAVE ? titleSaves.at(i) : titleExtdatas.at(i);
int getTitleCount(void)
const Mode_t mode = Archive::mode();
return mode == MODE_SAVE ? titleSaves.size() : titleExtdatas.size();
C2D_Image icon(int i)
const Mode_t mode = Archive::mode();
return mode == MODE_SAVE ? titleSaves.at(i).icon() : titleExtdatas.at(i).icon();
static C2D_Image loadTextureIcon(smdh_s *smdh)
C3D_Tex* tex = (C3D_Tex*)malloc(sizeof(C3D_Tex));
static const Tex3DS_SubTexture subt3x = { 48, 48, 0.0f, 48/64.0f, 48/64.0f, 0.0f };
C2D_Image image = (C2D_Image){ tex, &subt3x };
C3D_TexInit(image.tex, 64, 64, GPU_RGB565);
u16* dest = (u16*)image.tex->data + (64-48)*64;
u16* src = (u16*)smdh->bigIconData;
for (int j = 0; j < 48; j += 8)
memcpy(dest, src, 48*8*sizeof(u16));
src += 48*8;
dest += 64*8;
return image;
void refreshDirectories(u64 id)
const Mode_t mode = Archive::mode();
if (mode == MODE_SAVE)
for (size_t i = 0; i < titleSaves.size(); i++)
if (titleSaves.at(i).id() == id)
for (size_t i = 0; i < titleExtdatas.size(); i++)
if (titleExtdatas.at(i).id() == id)
static void exportTitleListCache(std::vector<Title> list, const std::u16string path)
u8* cache = new u8[list.size() * 10];
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
u64 id = list.at(i).id();
FS_MediaType media = list.at(i).mediaType();
FS_CardType card = list.at(i).cardType();
memcpy(cache + i*10 + 0, &id, sizeof(u64));
memcpy(cache + i*10 + 8, &media, sizeof(u8));
memcpy(cache + i*10 + 9, &card, sizeof(u8));
FSUSER_DeleteFile(Archive::sdmc(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()));
FSStream output(Archive::sdmc(), path, FS_OPEN_WRITE, list.size() * 10);
output.write(cache, list.size() * 10);
delete[] cache;
static void importTitleListCache(void)
FSStream inputsaves(Archive::sdmc(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/savecache"), FS_OPEN_READ);
u32 sizesaves = inputsaves.size() / 10;
u8* cachesaves = new u8[inputsaves.size()];
inputsaves.read(cachesaves, inputsaves.size());
FSStream inputextdatas(Archive::sdmc(), StringUtils::UTF8toUTF16("/3ds/Checkpoint/extdatacache"), FS_OPEN_READ);
u32 sizeextdatas = inputextdatas.size() / 10;
u8* cacheextdatas = new u8[inputextdatas.size()];
inputextdatas.read(cacheextdatas, inputextdatas.size());
// fill the lists with blank titles firsts
for (size_t i = 0, sz = std::max(sizesaves, sizeextdatas); i < sz; i++)
Title title;
if (i < sizesaves)
if (i < sizeextdatas)
// store already loaded ids
std::vector<u64> alreadystored;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizesaves; i++)
u64 id;
FS_MediaType media;
FS_CardType card;
memcpy(&id, cachesaves + i*10, sizeof(u64));
memcpy(&media, cachesaves + i*10 + 8, sizeof(u8));
memcpy(&card, cachesaves + i*10 + 9, sizeof(u8));
Title title;
title.load(id, media, card);
titleSaves.at(i) = title;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeextdatas; i++)
u64 id;
memcpy(&id, cacheextdatas + i*10, sizeof(u64));
std::vector<u64>::iterator it = find(alreadystored.begin(), alreadystored.end(), id);
if (it == alreadystored.end())
FS_MediaType media;
FS_CardType card;
memcpy(&media, cacheextdatas + i*10 + 8, sizeof(u8));
memcpy(&card, cacheextdatas + i*10 + 9, sizeof(u8));
Title title;
title.load(id, media, card);
titleExtdatas.at(i) = title;
auto pos = it - alreadystored.begin();
// avoid to copy a cartridge title into the extdata list twice
if (i != 0 && pos == 0)
auto newpos = find(alreadystored.rbegin(), alreadystored.rend(), id);
titleExtdatas.at(i) = titleSaves.at(alreadystored.rend() - newpos);
titleExtdatas.at(i) = titleSaves.at(pos);
delete[] cachesaves;
delete[] cacheextdatas;
} |