/* * This file is part of Checkpoint * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Bernardo Giordano * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "gui.hpp" static Info* info; static Clickable* buttonBackup; static Clickable* buttonRestore; static MessageBox* messageBox; static MessageBox* copyList; static Scrollable* backupList; static const size_t rowlen = 5; static const size_t collen = 4; static const size_t cols = 6; static bool backupScrollEnabled; static HidHorizontal* hid; static entryType_t type; static float currentTime = 0; static int selectorX(size_t i); static int selectorY(size_t i); static char ver[8]; static bool PKSMBridge = false; void Gui::entryType(entryType_t type_) { type = type_; } void Gui::createInfo(const std::string& title, const std::string& message) { info->init(title, message, 300, TYPE_INFO); } void Gui::createError(Result res, const std::string& message) { info->init(res, message, 300, TYPE_ERROR); } size_t Gui::count(entryType_t type) { return type == TITLES ? getTitleCount(g_currentUId) : backupList->size(); } std::string Gui::nameFromCell(size_t index) { return backupList->cellName(index); } void Gui::resetIndex(entryType_t type) { if (type == TITLES) { hid->reset(); } else { backupList->resetIndex(); } } size_t Gui::index(entryType_t type) { return type == TITLES ? hid->fullIndex() : backupList->index(); } void Gui::index(entryType_t type, size_t i) { if (type == TITLES) { hid->page(i / hid->maxVisibleEntries()); hid->index(i - hid->page() * hid->maxVisibleEntries()); } else { backupList->setIndex(i); } } /// Multi selection static std::vector selEnt; std::vector Gui::selectedEntries(void) { return selEnt; } bool Gui::multipleSelectionEnabled(void) { return !selEnt.empty(); } void Gui::clearSelectedEntries(void) { selEnt.clear(); } void Gui::addSelectedEntry(size_t idx) { int existing = -1; for (size_t i = 0, sz = selEnt.size(); i < sz && existing == -1; i++) { if (selEnt.at(i) == idx) { existing = (int)i; } } if (existing == -1) { selEnt.push_back(idx); } else { selEnt.erase(selEnt.begin() + existing); } } /// Gui implementation static void drawOutline(u32 x, u32 y, u16 w, u16 h, u8 size, SDL_Color color) { SDLH_DrawRect(x - size, y - size, w + 2*size, size, color); // top SDLH_DrawRect(x - size, y, size, h, color); // left SDLH_DrawRect(x + w, y, size, h, color); // right SDLH_DrawRect(x - size, y + h, w + 2*size, size, color); // bottom } static void drawBackground(void) { const u8 bar_height = 28; const u8 image_dim = 32; u32 ver_w, ver_h, checkpoint_w; SDLH_GetTextDimensions(23, ver, &ver_w, &ver_h); SDLH_GetTextDimensions(30, "checkpoint", &checkpoint_w, NULL); u32 h = (bar_height - ver_h) / 2 + 1; SDLH_ClearScreen(theme().c1); SDLH_DrawRect(0, 0, 1280, bar_height, theme().c3); SDLH_DrawRect(0, 720 - bar_height, 1280, bar_height, theme().c3); SDLH_DrawText(23, 8, h + 3, theme().c5, DateTime::timeStr().c_str()); SDLH_DrawText(30, 1280 - 10 - ver_w - image_dim - 12 - checkpoint_w, h - 2, theme().c6, "checkpoint"); SDLH_DrawText(23, 1280 - 10 - ver_w, h + 3, theme().c5, ver); // shadow SDLH_DrawRect(0, bar_height, 1280, 2, theme().c2); // patch the p SDLH_DrawRect(1080, bar_height + 2, 8, 8, theme().c1); if (Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { SDLH_DrawIcon("pokeball", 1280 - 20 - ver_w - image_dim, -5); } else { SDLH_DrawIcon("flag", 1280 - 10 - ver_w - image_dim - 6, -2); } } void Gui::drawCopy(const std::string& src, u64 offset, u64 size) { copyList->clear(); copyList->push_message("Copying " + src); drawBackground(); copyList->draw(); static const int barHeight = 40; static const int progressBarHeight = 50; static const int spacingFromSides = 200; static const int spacingFromBars = 220 + (720 - barHeight * 2 - progressBarHeight) / 2; static const int width = 1280 - spacingFromSides * 2; SDLH_DrawRect(spacingFromSides - 2, barHeight + spacingFromBars - 2, width + 4, progressBarHeight + 4, theme().c5); SDLH_DrawRect(spacingFromSides, barHeight + spacingFromBars, width, progressBarHeight, theme().c6); SDLH_DrawRect(spacingFromSides, barHeight + spacingFromBars, (float)offset / (float)size * width, progressBarHeight, FC_MakeColor(116, 222, 126, 255)); std::string sizeString = StringUtils::sizeString(offset) + " of " + StringUtils::sizeString(size); u32 textw, texth; SDLH_GetTextDimensions(30, sizeString.c_str(), &textw, &texth); SDLH_DrawText(30, ceilf((1280 - textw)/2), spacingFromBars + barHeight + (progressBarHeight - texth) / 2, theme().c0, sizeString.c_str()); SDLH_Render(); } bool Gui::askForConfirmation(const std::string& text) { bool ret = false; Clickable* buttonYes = new Clickable(293, 540, 200, 80, theme().c6, theme().c0, "Yes \ue000", true); Clickable* buttonNo = new Clickable(786, 540, 200, 80, theme().c6, theme().c0, "No \ue001", true); MessageBox* message = new MessageBox(theme().c3, theme().c6); message->push_message(text); while(appletMainLoop() && !(buttonNo->released() || hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_B)) { hidScanInput(); if (buttonYes->released() || hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_A) { ret = true; break; } drawBackground(); message->draw(); drawOutline(293, 540, 200, 80, 4, theme().c5); drawOutline(786, 540, 200, 80, 4, theme().c5); buttonYes->draw(); buttonNo->draw(); SDLH_Render(); } delete message; delete buttonYes; delete buttonNo; return ret; } bool Gui::init(void) { if (!SDLH_Init()) { return false; } sprintf(ver, "v%d.%d.%d", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_MICRO); backupScrollEnabled = false; info = new Info(); info->init("", "", 0, TYPE_INFO); hid = new HidHorizontal(rowlen * collen, collen); backupList = new Scrollable(540, 462, 506, 222, cols); buttonBackup = new Clickable(1050, 462, 220, 109, theme().c6, theme().c5, "Backup \ue004", true); buttonRestore = new Clickable(1050, 575, 220, 109, theme().c6, theme().c5, "Restore \ue005", true); copyList = new MessageBox(theme().c3, theme().c6); messageBox = new MessageBox(theme().c3, theme().c6); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue000 to enter target"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue001 to exit target or deselect all titles"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue004 to backup target"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue005 to restore target"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue002 to delete a backup"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue003 to multiselect a title"); messageBox->push_message("Hold \ue003 to multiselect all titles"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue041 to move between titles"); messageBox->push_message("Press \ue085/\ue086 to switch user"); if (Configuration::getInstance().isPKSMBridgeEnabled()) { messageBox->push_message("Hold \ue004 + \ue005 to enable PKSM-Bridge"); } return true; } void Gui::exit(void) { delete info; delete hid; delete backupList; delete copyList; delete buttonBackup; delete buttonRestore; delete messageBox; SDLH_Exit(); } void Gui::draw(u128 uid) { const u8 bar_height = 28; const u8 spacing = 4; const size_t entries = hid->maxVisibleEntries(); const size_t max = hid->maxEntries(getTitleCount(g_currentUId)) + 1; // draw drawBackground(); SDLH_DrawRect(0, bar_height + 2, 532, 720 - 2*bar_height - 2, FC_MakeColor(theme().c1.r + 5, theme().c1.g + 5, theme().c1.b + 5, 255)); // user icons std::vector userIds = Account::ids(); for (size_t i = 0; i < userIds.size(); i++) { const u32 x = 1280 - (spacing + USER_ICON_SIZE) * (i + 1); const u32 y = bar_height + spacing; if (i == g_currentUserIndex) { float highlight_multiplier = fmax(0.0, fabs(fmod(currentTime, 1.0) - 0.5) / 0.5); SDL_Color color = COLOR_GREEN; color = FC_MakeColor(color.r + (255 - color.r) * highlight_multiplier, color.g + (255 - color.g) * highlight_multiplier, color.b + (255 - color.b) * highlight_multiplier, 255); drawOutline(x, y, USER_ICON_SIZE, USER_ICON_SIZE, 4, color); } if (Account::icon(userIds.at(i)) != NULL) { SDLH_DrawImageScale(Account::icon(userIds.at(i)), x, y, USER_ICON_SIZE, USER_ICON_SIZE); } else { SDLH_DrawRect(x, y, USER_ICON_SIZE, USER_ICON_SIZE, theme().c0); } } // title icons for (size_t k = hid->page()*entries; k < hid->page()*entries + max; k++) { int selectorx = selectorX(k); int selectory = selectorY(k); if (smallIcon(g_currentUId, k) != NULL) { SDLH_DrawImageScale(smallIcon(g_currentUId, k), selectorx, selectory, 128, 128); } else { SDLH_DrawRect(selectorx, selectory, 128, 128, theme().c0); } if (!selEnt.empty() && std::find(selEnt.begin(), selEnt.end(), k) != selEnt.end()) { SDLH_DrawIcon("checkbox", selectorx + 86, selectory + 86); } if (favorite(g_currentUId, k)) { SDLH_DrawRect(selectorx + 94, selectory + 8, 24, 24, COLOR_GOLD); SDLH_DrawIcon("star", selectorx + 86, selectory); } } // title selector if (getTitleCount(g_currentUId) > 0) { const int x = selectorX(hid->index()) + spacing/2; const int y = selectorY(hid->index()) + spacing/2; float highlight_multiplier = fmax(0.0, fabs(fmod(currentTime, 1.0) - 0.5) / 0.5); SDL_Color color = COLOR_BLUE; color = FC_MakeColor(color.r + (255 - color.r) * highlight_multiplier, color.g + (255 - color.g) * highlight_multiplier, color.b + (255 - color.b) * highlight_multiplier, 255); drawOutline(x, y, 124, 124, spacing, color); SDLH_DrawRect(x, y, 124, 124, FC_MakeColor(255, 255, 255, 80)); } if (getTitleCount(g_currentUId) > 0) { Title title; getTitle(title, g_currentUId, hid->fullIndex()); backupList->flush(); std::vector dirs = title.saves(); for (size_t i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) { backupList->push_back(theme().c6, backupScrollEnabled ? COLOR_BLUE : theme().c5, dirs.at(i)); if (i == backupList->index()) { backupList->invertCellColors(i); } } if (title.icon() != NULL) { drawOutline(1016, 157, 256, 256, 4, theme().c0); SDLH_DrawImage(title.icon(), 1016, 157); } // draw infos u32 info_w, info_h, title_w, h, titleid_w, producer_w, user_w; SDLH_GetTextDimensions(36, "Title Information", &info_w, &info_h); SDLH_GetTextDimensions(23, "Title: ", &title_w, &h); SDLH_GetTextDimensions(23, "Title ID: ", &titleid_w, NULL); SDLH_GetTextDimensions(23, "Author: ", &producer_w, NULL); SDLH_GetTextDimensions(23, "User: ", &user_w, NULL); h += 12; u32 offset = 159 + 16 + info_h + h/2; SDLH_DrawRect(536, 159, 468, 16 + info_h, theme().c3); SDLH_DrawRect(536, offset - h/2, 468, h*4 + h/2, theme().c2); SDLH_DrawText(36, 540 - 12 + 468 - info_w, 169, theme().c5, "Title Information"); SDLH_DrawText(23, 540, offset, theme().c5, "Title: "); SDLH_DrawText(23, 540, offset + h, theme().c5, "Title ID: "); SDLH_DrawText(23, 540, offset + h*2, theme().c5, "Author: "); SDLH_DrawText(23, 540, offset + h*3, theme().c5, "User: "); SDLH_DrawTextBox(23, 540 + title_w, offset, theme().c6, 1012 - 540 - title_w - 4*2, StringUtils::removeAccents(title.name()).c_str()); SDLH_DrawTextBox(23, 540 + titleid_w, offset + h, theme().c6, 1012 - 540 - titleid_w - 4*2, StringUtils::format("0x%016llX", title.id()).c_str()); SDLH_DrawTextBox(23, 540 + producer_w, offset + h*2, theme().c6, 1012 - 540 - producer_w - 4*2, title.author().c_str()); SDLH_DrawTextBox(23, 540 + user_w, offset + h*3, theme().c6, 1012 - 540 - user_w - 4*2, title.userName().c_str()); drawOutline(540, 462, 730, 222, 4, theme().c5); SDLH_DrawRect(1046, 462, 4, 222, theme().c5); SDLH_DrawRect(1048, 571, 222, 4, theme().c5); backupList->draw(); buttonBackup->draw(); buttonRestore->draw(); } info->draw(); if (hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_MINUS) { messageBox->draw(); } u32 ins_w, ins_h; const char* instructions = "Hold \ue046 to see commands. Press \ue045 to exit."; SDLH_GetTextDimensions(23, instructions, &ins_w, &ins_h); SDLH_DrawText(23, ceil((1280 - ins_w) / 2), 720 - bar_height + (bar_height - ins_h) / 2 + 2, theme().c6, instructions); // increase currentTime currentTime = SDL_GetTicks() / 1000.f; SDLH_Render(); } bool Gui::isBackupReleased(void) { return buttonBackup->released(); } bool Gui::isRestoreReleased(void) { return buttonRestore->released(); } bool Gui::backupScroll(void) { return backupScrollEnabled; } void Gui::backupScroll(bool enable) { backupScrollEnabled = enable; } void Gui::updateButtonsColor(void) { if (Gui::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { buttonBackup->setColors(theme().c6, theme().c0); buttonRestore->setColors(theme().c6, theme().c5); } else if (backupScrollEnabled) { if (getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { buttonBackup->text("Send \ue004"); buttonRestore->text("Receive \ue005"); } else { buttonBackup->text("Backup \ue004"); buttonRestore->text("Restore \ue005"); } buttonBackup->setColors(theme().c6, theme().c0); buttonRestore->setColors(theme().c6, theme().c0); } else { if (getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { buttonBackup->text("Send \ue004"); buttonRestore->text("Receive \ue005"); } else { buttonBackup->text("Backup \ue004"); buttonRestore->text("Restore \ue005"); } buttonBackup->setColors(theme().c6, theme().c5); buttonRestore->setColors(theme().c6, theme().c5); } } void Gui::updateSelector(void) { if (!backupScrollEnabled) { size_t oldindex = hid->index(); hid->update(getTitleCount(g_currentUId)); // loop through every rendered title touchPosition touch; hidTouchRead(&touch, 0); for (u8 row = 0; row < rowlen; row++) { for (u8 col = 0; col < collen; col++) { u8 index = row * collen + col; if (index > hid->maxEntries(getTitleCount(g_currentUId))) break; u32 x = selectorX(index); u32 y = selectorY(index); if (hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_TOUCH && touch.px >= x && touch.px <= x + 128 && touch.py >= y && touch.py <= y + 128) { hid->index(index); } } } backupList->resetIndex(); if (hid->index() != oldindex) { Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(false); } } else { backupList->updateSelection(); } } static int selectorX(size_t i) { return 128*((i % (rowlen*collen)) % collen) + 4 * (((i % (rowlen*collen)) % collen) + 1); } static int selectorY(size_t i) { return 28 + 128*((i % (rowlen*collen)) / collen) + 4 * (((i % (rowlen*collen)) / collen) + 1); } bool Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag(void) { return Configuration::getInstance().isPKSMBridgeEnabled() ? PKSMBridge : false; } void Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(bool f) { PKSMBridge = f; theme(f ? THEME_PKSM : THEME_DEFAULT); }