/* This file is part of Checkpoint > Copyright (C) 2017 Bernardo Giordano > > This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify > it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by > the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or > (at your option) any later version. > > This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, > but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of > MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the > GNU General Public License for more details. > > You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License > along with this program. If not, see . > See LICENSE for information. */ #include "fsstream.h" FSStream::FSStream(FS_Archive archive, std::u16string path, u32 flags) { loaded = false; size = 0; res = FSUSER_OpenFile(&handle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()), flags, 0); if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { FSFILE_GetSize(handle, &size); loaded = true; } } FSStream::FSStream(FS_Archive archive, std::u16string path, u32 flags, u64 _size) { loaded = false; size = _size; res = FSUSER_OpenFile(&handle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()), flags, 0); if (R_FAILED(res)) { res = FSUSER_CreateFile(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()), flags, size); if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = FSUSER_OpenFile(&handle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()), flags, 0); if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { loaded = true; } } } } Result FSStream::close(void) { res = FSFILE_Close(handle); return res; } bool FSStream::getLoaded(void) { return loaded; } Result FSStream::getResult(void) { return res; } u32 FSStream::getSize(void) { return size; } Result FSStream::read(void *buf) { return FSFILE_Read(handle, NULL, 0, buf, size); } Result FSStream::write(void *buf) { return FSFILE_Write(handle, NULL, 0, buf, size, FS_WRITE_FLUSH); } bool fileExist(FS_Archive archive, std::u16string path) { FSStream stream(archive, path, FS_OPEN_READ); bool exist = stream.getLoaded(); stream.close(); return exist; } void copyFile(FS_Archive srcArch, FS_Archive dstArch, std::u16string srcPath, std::u16string dstPath) { u64 size = 0; FSStream input(srcArch, srcPath, FS_OPEN_READ); if (input.getLoaded()) { size = input.getSize(); } FSStream output(dstArch, dstPath, FS_OPEN_WRITE, size); if (output.getLoaded()) { u8* buf = new u8[input.getSize()]; input.read(buf); output.write(buf); delete[] buf; } input.close(); output.close(); } Result copyDirectory(FS_Archive srcArch, FS_Archive dstArch, std::u16string srcPath, std::u16string dstPath) { Result res = 0; bool quit = false; Directory items(srcArch, srcPath); if (!items.getLoaded()) { return items.getError(); } for (size_t i = 0, sz = items.getCount(); i < sz && !quit; i++) { std::u16string newsrc = srcPath + items.getItem(i); std::u16string newdst = dstPath + items.getItem(i); if (items.isFolder(i)) { res = createDirectory(dstArch, newdst); if (R_FAILED(res)) { quit = true; } else { newsrc += u8tou16("/"); newdst += u8tou16("/"); res = copyDirectory(srcArch, dstArch, newsrc, newdst); } } else { copyFile(srcArch, dstArch, newsrc, newdst); } } return res; } Result createDirectory(FS_Archive archive, std::u16string path) { return FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data()), 0); } bool directoryExist(FS_Archive archive, std::u16string path) { Handle handle; if (R_FAILED(FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&handle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, path.data())))) { return false; } if (R_FAILED(FSDIR_Close(handle))) { return false; } return true; } void backup(size_t index) { const Mode_t mode = getMode(); const size_t cellIndex = getScrollableIndex(); const bool isNewFolder = cellIndex == 0; Result res = 0; Title title; getTitle(title, index); FS_Archive archive; if (mode == MODE_SAVE) { res = getArchiveSave(&archive, title.getMediaType(), title.getLowId(), title.getHighId()); } else if (mode == MODE_EXTDATA) { res = getArchiveExtdata(&archive, title.getExtdataId()); } if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { std::u16string customPath = isNewFolder ? getPath() : u8tou16(getPathFromCell(cellIndex).c_str()); if (!customPath.compare(u8tou16(" "))) { FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); return; } std::u16string dstPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.getBackupPath() : title.getExtdataPath(); dstPath += u8tou16("/") + customPath; if (!isNewFolder || directoryExist(getArchiveSDMC(), dstPath)) { res = FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(getArchiveSDMC(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data())); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); createError(res, "Failed to delete the existing backup directory recursively."); return; } } res = createDirectory(getArchiveSDMC(), dstPath); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); createError(res, "Failed to create destination directory."); return; } std::u16string copyPath = dstPath + u8tou16("/"); res = copyDirectory(archive, getArchiveSDMC(), u8tou16("/"), copyPath.data()); if (R_FAILED(res)) { std::string message = mode == MODE_SAVE ? "Failed to backup save." : "Failed to backup extdata."; FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); createError(res, message); FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(getArchiveSDMC(), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data())); return; } refreshDirectories(index); createInfo("Success!", "Progress saved to disk in " + u16tou8(customPath) + " correctly."); } else { createError(res, "Failed to open save archive."); } FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); } void restore(size_t index) { const Mode_t mode = getMode(); const size_t cellIndex = getScrollableIndex(); if (cellIndex == 0) { return; } Result res = 0; Title title; getTitle(title, index); FS_Archive archive; if (mode == MODE_SAVE) { res = getArchiveSave(&archive, title.getMediaType(), title.getLowId(), title.getHighId()); } else if (mode == MODE_EXTDATA) { res = getArchiveExtdata(&archive, title.getExtdataId()); } if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { std::u16string srcPath = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.getBackupPath() : title.getExtdataPath(); srcPath += u8tou16("/") + u8tou16(getPathFromCell(cellIndex).c_str()) + u8tou16("/"); std::u16string dstPath = u8tou16("/"); res = FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, dstPath.data())); res = copyDirectory(getArchiveSDMC(), archive, srcPath, dstPath); if (R_FAILED(res)) { std::string message = mode == MODE_SAVE ? "Failed to restore save." : "Failed to restore extdata."; FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); createError(res, message); return; } if (mode == MODE_SAVE) { res = FSUSER_ControlArchive(archive, ARCHIVE_ACTION_COMMIT_SAVE_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); createError(res, "Failed to commit save data."); return; } u8 out; u64 secureValue = ((u64)SECUREVALUE_SLOT_SD << 32) | (title.getUniqueId() << 8); res = FSUSER_ControlSecureSave(SECURESAVE_ACTION_DELETE, &secureValue, 8, &out, 1); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); createError(res, "Failed to fix secure value."); return; } } createInfo("Success!", getPathFromCell(cellIndex) + " has been restored successfully."); } else { createError(res, "Failed to open save archive."); } FSUSER_CloseArchive(archive); }