/* * This file is part of Checkpoint * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Bernardo Giordano * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "main.hpp" u128 g_currentUId = 0; u8 g_currentUserIndex = 0; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Result res = servicesInit(); if (R_FAILED(res)) { servicesExit(); return res; } loadTitles(); int selectionTimer = 0; while(appletMainLoop() && !(hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_PLUS)) { // get the user IDs std::vector userIds = Account::ids(); // set g_currentUId to a default user in case we loaded at least one user if (g_currentUId == 0 && !userIds.empty()) g_currentUId = userIds.at(0); hidScanInput(); u32 kdown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); u32 kheld = hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); if (kdown & KEY_ZL) { ++g_currentUserIndex %= userIds.size(); g_currentUId = userIds.at(g_currentUserIndex); Gui::index(TITLES, 0); Gui::index(CELLS, 0); Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(false); } if (kdown & KEY_ZR) { g_currentUserIndex = g_currentUserIndex - 1 < 0 ? userIds.size() - 1 : g_currentUserIndex - 1; g_currentUId = userIds.at(g_currentUserIndex); Gui::index(TITLES, 0); Gui::index(CELLS, 0); Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(false); } // handle PKSM bridge if (Configuration::getInstance().isPKSMBridgeEnabled()) { Title title; getTitle(title, g_currentUId, Gui::index(TITLES)); if (!Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { if ((kheld & KEY_L) && (kheld & KEY_R) && isPKSMBridgeTitle(title.id())) { Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(true); Gui::updateButtons(); } } } // handle touchscreen touchPosition touch; hidTouchRead(&touch, 0); for (u8 i = 0; i < userIds.size(); i++) { if (!Gui::backupScroll() && hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_TOUCH && touch.px >= u32(1280 - (USER_ICON_SIZE + 4) * (i+1)) && touch.px <= u32(1280 - (USER_ICON_SIZE + 4) * i) && touch.py >= 32 && touch.py <= 32 + USER_ICON_SIZE) { g_currentUserIndex = i; g_currentUId = userIds.at(g_currentUserIndex); Gui::index(TITLES, 0); Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(false); } } // Handle touching the backup list if ((hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_TOUCH && (int)touch.px > 540 && (int)touch.px < 1046 && (int)touch.py > 462 && (int)touch.py < 692)) { // Activate backup list only if multiple selections are enabled if (!Gui::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { Gui::backupScroll(true); Gui::updateButtons(); Gui::entryType(CELLS); } } // Handle pressing A // Backup list active: Backup/Restore // Backup list inactive: Activate backup list only if multiple // selections are enabled if (kdown & KEY_A) { // If backup list is active... if (Gui::backupScroll()) { // If the "New..." entry is selected... if (0 == Gui::index(CELLS)) { if (!Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { io::backup(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } } else { if (Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { recvFromPKSMBridge(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } else { io::restore(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } } } else { // Activate backup list only if multiple selections are not enabled if (!Gui::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { Gui::backupScroll(true); Gui::updateButtons(); Gui::entryType(CELLS); } } } // Handle pressing B if (kdown & KEY_B || (hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_TOUCH && (int)touch.px > 0 && (int)touch.px < 532 && (int)touch.py > 28 && (int)touch.py < 692)) { Gui::index(CELLS, 0); Gui::backupScroll(false); Gui::entryType(TITLES); Gui::clearSelectedEntries(); Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(false); Gui::updateButtons(); // Do this last } // Handle pressing X if (kdown & KEY_X) { if (Gui::backupScroll()) { size_t index = Gui::index(CELLS); if (index > 0 && Gui::askForConfirmation("Delete selected backup?")) { Title title; getTitle(title, g_currentUId, Gui::index(TITLES)); std::string path = title.fullPath(index); io::deleteFolderRecursively((path + "/").c_str()); refreshDirectories(title.id()); Gui::index(CELLS, index - 1); } } } // Handle pressing Y // Backup list active: Deactivate backup list, select title, and // enable backup button // Backup list inactive: Select title and enable backup button if (kdown & KEY_Y) { if (Gui::backupScroll()) { Gui::index(CELLS, 0); Gui::backupScroll(false); } Gui::entryType(TITLES); Gui::addSelectedEntry(Gui::index(TITLES)); Gui::setPKSMBridgeFlag(false); Gui::updateButtons(); // Do this last } // Handle holding Y if (hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_Y && !(Gui::backupScroll())) { selectionTimer++; } else { selectionTimer = 0; } if (selectionTimer > 45) { Gui::clearSelectedEntries(); for (size_t i = 0, sz = getTitleCount(g_currentUId); i < sz; i++) { Gui::addSelectedEntry(i); } selectionTimer = 0; } // Handle pressing/touching L if (Gui::isBackupReleased() || (kdown & KEY_L)) { if (Gui::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { Gui::resetIndex(CELLS); std::vector list = Gui::selectedEntries(); for (size_t i = 0, sz = list.size(); i < sz; i++) { io::backup(list.at(i), g_currentUId); } Gui::clearSelectedEntries(); Gui::updateButtons(); } else if (Gui::backupScroll()) { if (Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { sendToPKSMBrigde(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } else { io::backup(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } } } // Handle pressing/touching R if (Gui::isRestoreReleased() || (kdown & KEY_R)) { if (Gui::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { Gui::clearSelectedEntries(); Gui::updateButtons(); } else if (Gui::backupScroll()) { if (Gui::getPKSMBridgeFlag()) { recvFromPKSMBridge(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } else { io::restore(Gui::index(TITLES), g_currentUId); } } } Gui::updateSelector(); Gui::draw(g_currentUId); } servicesExit(); return 0; }