/* * This file is part of Checkpoint * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Bernardo Giordano * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "KeyboardManager.hpp" void KeyboardManager::hid(size_t& currentEntry) { static const size_t columns = 11; u64 kHeld = hidKeysHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); bool sleep = false; if (kHeld & KEY_LEFT) { switch (currentEntry) { case 0: // 1 case columns: // q case columns*2: // a case columns*3: // z case INDEX_CAPS: break; case INDEX_BACK: // back -> @ currentEntry = columns-1; break; case INDEX_RETURN: // return -> + currentEntry = columns*2-1; break; case INDEX_OK: // OK -> space currentEntry = INDEX_SPACE; break; case INDEX_SPACE: // space -> caps currentEntry = INDEX_CAPS; break; default: currentEntry--; } sleep = true; } else if (kHeld & KEY_RIGHT) { switch (currentEntry) { case 10: // @ -> back currentEntry = INDEX_BACK; break; case 21: // + -> return case 32: // : -> return currentEntry = INDEX_RETURN; break; case 43: // /-> OK case INDEX_SPACE: // space -> OK currentEntry = INDEX_OK; break; case INDEX_CAPS: // caps -> space currentEntry = INDEX_SPACE; break; case INDEX_BACK: case INDEX_RETURN: case INDEX_OK: break; default: currentEntry++; } sleep = true; } else if (kHeld & KEY_UP) { switch (currentEntry) { case 0 ... 10: // 1 to @ case INDEX_BACK: break; case INDEX_CAPS: // caps -> x currentEntry = 34; break; case INDEX_SPACE: // space -> . currentEntry = 41; break; case INDEX_RETURN: // return -> back currentEntry = INDEX_BACK; break; case INDEX_OK: // OK -> return currentEntry = INDEX_RETURN; break; default: currentEntry -= 11; } sleep = true; } else if (kHeld & KEY_DOWN) { switch (currentEntry) { case INDEX_CAPS: case INDEX_SPACE: case INDEX_OK: break; case 33 ... 35: // z x c -> caps currentEntry = INDEX_CAPS; break; case 36 ... 43: // v b n m , . - / -> space currentEntry = INDEX_SPACE; break; case INDEX_BACK: // back -> return currentEntry = INDEX_RETURN; break; case INDEX_RETURN: // return -> OK currentEntry = INDEX_OK; break; default: currentEntry += 11; } sleep = true; } if (sleep) { svcSleepThread(FASTSCROLL_WAIT); } } KeyboardManager::KeyboardManager(void) { buttons.clear(); // fill with the above characters for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 11; j++) { HbkbdButton* button = new HbkbdButton( marginlr + (buttonSpacing + normalWidth) * j, starty + (buttonSpacing + height) * i, normalWidth, height, COLOR_GREY_DARK, COLOR_WHITE, letters.substr(i*11+j, 1), true ); buttons.push_back(button); } } HbkbdButton* backspace = new HbkbdButton( marginlr + (buttonSpacing + normalWidth) * 11, starty, bigWidth, height, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK, "back", true ); buttons.push_back(backspace); HbkbdButton* returnb = new HbkbdButton( marginlr + (buttonSpacing + normalWidth) * 11, starty + height + 4, bigWidth, height * 2 + 4, COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM, COLOR_GREY_LIGHT, "return", true ); buttons.push_back(returnb); HbkbdButton* ok = new HbkbdButton( marginlr + (buttonSpacing + normalWidth) * 11, starty + height*3 + 4*3, bigWidth, height * 2 + 4, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, "OK", true ); buttons.push_back(ok); HbkbdButton* caps = new HbkbdButton( marginlr + buttonSpacing + normalWidth, starty + height*4 + 4*4, normalWidth, height, COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM, COLOR_WHITE, "caps", true ); buttons.push_back(caps); HbkbdButton* spacebar = new HbkbdButton( marginlr + (buttonSpacing + normalWidth) * 3, starty + height*4 + 4*4, normalWidth*8 + buttonSpacing*7, height, COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM, COLOR_WHITE, "space", true ); buttons.push_back(spacebar); // set first button as selected buttons.at(0)->selected(true); buttons.at(0)->invertColors(); prevSelectedButtonIndex = 0; } KeyboardManager::~KeyboardManager(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < buttons.size(); i++) { delete buttons[i]; } } bool KeyboardManager::logic(std::string& str, size_t i) { if (buttons.at(i)->text().compare("caps") == 0) { std::locale loc; bool islower = std::islower(buttons.at(11)->text()[0], loc); for (size_t t = 0; t < letters.length(); t++) { std::string l = islower ? std::string(1, std::toupper(letters[t], loc)) : std::string(1, std::tolower(letters[t], loc)); buttons.at(t)->text(l); } } else if (buttons.at(i)->text().compare("back") == 0) { if (!str.empty()) { str.erase(str.length() - 1); } } else if (buttons.at(i)->text().compare("space") == 0) { if (str.length() < CUSTOM_PATH_LEN) { str.append(" "); } } else if (buttons.at(i)->text().compare("return") == 0) { //str.append("\n"); } else if (buttons.at(i)->text().compare("OK") == 0) { return true; } else if (str.length() < CUSTOM_PATH_LEN) { str.append(buttons.at(i)->text()); } return false; } std::pair KeyboardManager::keyboard(const std::string& suggestion) { size_t index; std::string str; while (appletMainLoop() && !(hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_B)) { hidScanInput(); index = prevSelectedButtonIndex; // handle keys hid(index); if (index != prevSelectedButtonIndex) { buttons.at(prevSelectedButtonIndex)->selected(false); buttons.at(prevSelectedButtonIndex)->invertColors(); prevSelectedButtonIndex = index; buttons.at(index)->selected(true); buttons.at(prevSelectedButtonIndex)->invertColors(); } if (hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_A) { bool ret = logic(str, index); if (ret) { return str.empty() ? std::make_pair(true, suggestion) : std::make_pair(true, str); } } framebuf = gfxGetFramebuffer(&framebuf_width, NULL); memset(framebuf, 51, gfxGetFramebufferSize()); rectangle(marginlr, 140, 1280 - marginlr*2, 84, COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM); rectangle(0, starty - margintb, 1280, 356, COLOR_GREY_DARKER); u32 texth, counter_width; std::string counter = StringUtils::format("Custom name length: %d/%d", str.empty() ? suggestion.length() : str.length(), CUSTOM_PATH_LEN); GetTextDimensions(7, " ", NULL, &texth); GetTextDimensions(4, counter.c_str(), &counter_width, NULL); DrawText(4, 1280 - marginlr - counter_width, 236, COLOR_WHITE, counter.c_str()); if (str.empty()) { DrawText(7, marginlr*2, 140 + (84 - texth) / 2, COLOR_GREY_LIGHT, suggestion.c_str()); } else { DrawText(7, marginlr*2, 140 + (84 - texth) / 2, COLOR_WHITE, str.c_str()); } for (size_t i = 0, sz = buttons.size(); i < sz; i++) { if (buttons.at(i)->released()) { bool ret = logic(str, i); if (ret) { return str.empty() ? std::make_pair(true, suggestion) : std::make_pair(true, str); } } // selection logic if (buttons.at(i)->held() && i != prevSelectedButtonIndex) { buttons.at(prevSelectedButtonIndex)->selected(false); buttons.at(prevSelectedButtonIndex)->invertColors(); prevSelectedButtonIndex = i; buttons.at(i)->selected(true); buttons.at(i)->invertColors(); } buttons.at(i)->draw(); } gfxFlushBuffers(); gfxSwapBuffers(); gfxWaitForVsync(); } return std::make_pair(false, suggestion); }