/* This file is part of Checkpoint > Copyright (C) 2017 Bernardo Giordano > > This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify > it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by > the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or > (at your option) any later version. > > This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, > but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of > MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the > GNU General Public License for more details. > > You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License > along with this program. If not, see . > See LICENSE for information. */ #include "title.h" static bool checkHigh(u64 id); static void loadTextureIcon(smdh_s *smdh, size_t i); static std::vector titleSaves; static std::vector<Title> titleExtdatas; bool Title::load(u64 _id, FS_MediaType _media, FS_CardType _card) { bool loadTitle = false; static size_t index = TEXTURE_FIRST_FREE_INDEX; id = _id; media = _media; card = _card; if (card == CARD_CTR) { smdh_s *smdh = loadSMDH(getLowId(), getHighId(), media); if (smdh == NULL) { return false; } char unique[12] = {0}; sprintf(unique, "0x%05X ", (unsigned int)getUniqueId()); shortDescription = removeForbiddenCharacters((char16_t*)smdh->applicationTitles[1].shortDescription); longDescription = (char16_t*)smdh->applicationTitles[1].longDescription; backupPath = u8tou16("/3ds/Checkpoint/saves/") + u8tou16(unique) + shortDescription; extdataPath = u8tou16("/3ds/Checkpoint/extdata/") + u8tou16(unique) + shortDescription; AM_GetTitleProductCode(media, id, productCode); accessibleSave = isSaveAccessible(getMediaType(), getLowId(), getHighId()); accessibleExtdata = isExtdataAccessible(getExtdataId()); if (accessibleSave) { loadTitle = true; if (!directoryExist(getArchiveSDMC(), backupPath)) { Result res = createDirectory(getArchiveSDMC(), backupPath); if (R_FAILED(res)) { createError(res, "Failed to create backup directory."); } } } if (accessibleExtdata) { loadTitle = true; if (!directoryExist(getArchiveSDMC(), extdataPath)) { Result res = createDirectory(getArchiveSDMC(), extdataPath); if (R_FAILED(res)) { createError(res, "Failed to create backup directory."); } } } if (loadTitle) { loadTextureIcon(smdh, index); textureId = index; index++; } delete smdh; } else { u8* headerData = new u8[0x3B4]; Result res = FSUSER_GetLegacyRomHeader(media, 0LL, headerData); if (R_FAILED(res)) { delete[] headerData; return false; } char _cardTitle[14] = {0}; char _gameCode[6] = {0}; std::copy(headerData, headerData + 12, _cardTitle); std::copy(headerData + 12, headerData + 16, _gameCode); _cardTitle[13] = '\0'; _gameCode[5] = '\0'; res = SPIGetCardType(&cardType, (_gameCode[0] == 'I') ? 1 : 0); if (R_FAILED(res)) { delete[] headerData; return false; } delete[] headerData; shortDescription = removeForbiddenCharacters(u8tou16(_cardTitle)); longDescription = shortDescription; backupPath = u8tou16("/3ds/Checkpoint/saves/") + u8tou16(_gameCode) + u8tou16(" ") + shortDescription; extdataPath = backupPath; memset(productCode, 0, 16); accessibleSave = true; accessibleExtdata = false; loadTitle = true; if (!directoryExist(getArchiveSDMC(), backupPath)) { Result res = createDirectory(getArchiveSDMC(), backupPath); if (R_FAILED(res)) { createError(res, "Failed to create backup directory."); } } textureId = TEXTURE_TWLCARD; } refreshDirectories(); return loadTitle; } bool Title::getAccessibleSave(void) { return accessibleSave; } bool Title::getAccessibleExtdata(void) { return accessibleExtdata; } std::string Title::getMediatypeString(void) { switch(media) { case MEDIATYPE_SD: return "SD Card"; case MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD: return "Cartridge"; case MEDIATYPE_NAND: return "NAND"; default: return " "; } return " "; } std::string Title::getShortDescription(void) { return u16tou8(shortDescription); } std::string Title::getLongDescription(void) { return u16tou8(longDescription); } std::u16string Title::getBackupPath(void) { return backupPath; } std::u16string Title::getExtdataPath(void) { return extdataPath; } std::vector<std::u16string> Title::getDirectories(void) { return directories; } std::vector<std::u16string> Title::getExtdatas(void) { return extdatas; } void Title::refreshDirectories(void) { directories.clear(); extdatas.clear(); if (getAccessibleSave()) { // save backups Directory savelist(getArchiveSDMC(), backupPath); if (savelist.getLoaded()) { for (size_t i = 0, sz = savelist.getCount(); i < sz; i++) { if (savelist.isFolder(i)) { directories.push_back(savelist.getItem(i)); } } std::sort(directories.begin(), directories.end()); directories.insert(directories.begin(), u8tou16("New...")); } else { createError(savelist.getError(), "Couldn't retrieve the directory list for the title " + getShortDescription()); } } if (getAccessibleExtdata()) { // extdata backups Directory extlist(getArchiveSDMC(), extdataPath); if (extlist.getLoaded()) { for (size_t i = 0, sz = extlist.getCount(); i < sz; i++) { if (extlist.isFolder(i)) { extdatas.push_back(extlist.getItem(i)); } } std::sort(extdatas.begin(), extdatas.end()); extdatas.insert(extdatas.begin(), u8tou16("New...")); } else { createError(extlist.getError(), "Couldn't retrieve the extdata list for the title " + getShortDescription()); } } } u32 Title::getHighId(void) { return (u32)(id >> 32); } u32 Title::getLowId(void) { return (u32)id; } u32 Title::getUniqueId(void) { return (getLowId() >> 8); } u64 Title::getId(void) { return id; } u32 Title::getExtdataId(void) { u32 low = getLowId(); switch(low) { case 0x00055E00: return 0x0000055D; // Pokémon Y case 0x0011C400: return 0x000011C5; // Pokémon Omega Ruby case 0x00175E00: return 0x00001648; // Pokémon Moon case 0x00179600: case 0x00179800: return 0x00001794; // Fire Emblem Conquest SE NA case 0x00179700: case 0x0017A800: return 0x00001795; // Fire Emblem Conquest SE EU case 0x0012DD00: case 0x0012DE00: return 0x000012DC; // Fire Emblem If JP case 0x001B5100: return 0x001B5000; // Pokémon Ultramoon } return low >> 8; } FS_MediaType Title::getMediaType(void) { return media; } FS_CardType Title::getCardType(void) { return card; } CardType Title::getSPICardType(void) { return cardType; } size_t Title::getTextureId(void) { return textureId; } static bool checkHigh(u64 id) { u32 high = id >> 32; return (high == 0x00040000 || high == 0x00040002); } void loadTitles(void) { // on refreshing titleSaves.clear(); titleExtdatas.clear(); u32 count = 0; AM_GetTitleCount(MEDIATYPE_SD, &count); titleSaves.reserve(count + 1); titleExtdatas.reserve(count + 1); u64 ids[count]; AM_GetTitleList(NULL, MEDIATYPE_SD, count, ids); for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (checkHigh(ids[i])) { Title title; if (title.load(ids[i], MEDIATYPE_SD, CARD_CTR)) { if (title.getAccessibleSave()) { titleSaves.push_back(title); } if (title.getAccessibleExtdata()) { titleExtdatas.push_back(title); } } } } std::sort(titleSaves.begin(), titleSaves.end(), [](Title l, Title r) { return l.getShortDescription() < r.getShortDescription(); }); std::sort(titleExtdatas.begin(), titleExtdatas.end(), [](Title l, Title r) { return l.getShortDescription() < r.getShortDescription(); }); FS_CardType cardType; Result res = FSUSER_GetCardType(&cardType); if (R_FAILED(res)) { return; } if (cardType == CARD_CTR) { AM_GetTitleCount(MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, &count); if (count > 0) { AM_GetTitleList(NULL, MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, count, ids); if (checkHigh(ids[0])) { Title title; if (title.load(ids[0], MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, cardType)) { if (title.getAccessibleSave()) { titleSaves.insert(titleSaves.begin(), title); } if (title.getAccessibleExtdata()) { titleExtdatas.insert(titleExtdatas.begin(), title); } } } } } else { Title title; if (title.load(0, MEDIATYPE_GAME_CARD, cardType)) { titleSaves.insert(titleSaves.begin(), title); } } } void getTitle(Title &dst, int i) { const Mode_t mode = getMode(); if (i < getTitlesCount()) { dst = mode == MODE_SAVE ? titleSaves.at(i) : titleExtdatas.at(i); } } int getTitlesCount(void) { const Mode_t mode = getMode(); return mode == MODE_SAVE ? titleSaves.size() : titleExtdatas.size(); } size_t getTextureId(int i) { const Mode_t mode = getMode(); return mode == MODE_SAVE ? titleSaves.at(i).getTextureId() : titleExtdatas.at(i).getTextureId(); } static void loadTextureIcon(smdh_s *smdh, size_t i) { static const u32 width = 48, height = 48; u32 *image = (u32*)malloc(width*height*sizeof(u32)); for (u32 x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (u32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { unsigned int dest_pixel = (x + y*width); unsigned int source_pixel = (((y >> 3) * (width >> 3) + (x >> 3)) << 6) + ((x & 1) | ((y & 1) << 1) | ((x & 2) << 1) | ((y & 2) << 2) | ((x & 4) << 2) | ((y & 4) << 3)); u8 r = ((smdh->bigIconData[source_pixel] >> 11) & 0b11111) << 3; u8 g = ((smdh->bigIconData[source_pixel] >> 5) & 0b111111) << 2; u8 b = (smdh->bigIconData[source_pixel] & 0b11111) << 3; u8 a = 0xFF; image[dest_pixel] = (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a; } } pp2d_load_texture_memory(i, (u8*)image, (u32)width, (u32)height); free(image); } void refreshDirectories(size_t i) { const Mode_t mode = getMode(); if (mode == MODE_SAVE) { titleSaves.at(i).refreshDirectories(); } else { titleExtdatas.at(i).refreshDirectories(); } }