/* This file is part of Checkpoint
> Copyright (C) 2017 Bernardo Giordano
> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> (at your option) any later version.
> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> GNU General Public License for more details.
> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> along with this program. If not, see .
> See LICENSE for information.
#include "gui.h"
static Info info;
static Clickable* buttonBackup;
static Clickable* buttonRestore;
static MessageBox* messageBox;
static MessageBox* copyList;
static Scrollable* directoryList;
/// Multi selection
static std::vector selectedEntries;
std::vector getSelectedEntries(void)
return selectedEntries;
bool multipleSelectionEnabled(void)
return !selectedEntries.empty();
void clearSelectedEntries(void)
void addSelectedEntry(size_t index)
int existing = -1;
for (size_t i = 0, sz = selectedEntries.size(); i < sz && existing == -1; i++)
if (selectedEntries.at(i) == index)
existing = (int)i;
if (existing == -1)
selectedEntries.erase(selectedEntries.begin() + existing);
void drawCopy(std::u16string src)
copyList->push_message("Copying " + u16tou8(src));
pp2d_begin_draw(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT);
pp2d_draw_on(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT);
/// Gui implementation
void resetDirectoryListIndex(void)
size_t getScrollableIndex(void)
return directoryList->getIndex();
index = 0;
page = 0;
bottomScrollEnabled = false;
info.init("", "", 0, TYPE_INFO);
buttonBackup = new Clickable(204, 102, 110, 54, WHITE, bottomScrollEnabled ? BLACK : GREYISH, "Backup \uE008", true);
buttonRestore = new Clickable(204, 158, 110, 54, WHITE, bottomScrollEnabled ? BLACK : GREYISH, "Restore \uE007", true);
messageBox = new MessageBox(COLOR_BARS, WHITE, GFX_TOP);
copyList = new MessageBox(COLOR_BARS, WHITE, GFX_TOP);
directoryList = new Scrollable(6, 102, 196, 110, 5);
messageBox->push_message("Press \uE000 to enter target.");
messageBox->push_message("Press \uE001 to exit target or deselect all titles.");
messageBox->push_message("Press \uE003 to multiselect a title.");
messageBox->push_message("Hold \uE003 to multiselect all titles.");
messageBox->push_message("Press \uE006 to move between titles.");
messageBox->push_message("Press \uE004\uE005 to switch page.");
messageBox->push_message("Hold \uE001 to refresh titles.");
void Gui::createInfo(std::string title, std::string message)
info.init(title, message, 500, TYPE_INFO);
void Gui::createError(Result res, std::string message)
info.init(res, message, 500, TYPE_ERROR);
bool Gui::getBottomScroll(void)
return bottomScrollEnabled;
size_t Gui::getNormalizedIndex(void)
return index + page*rowlen*collen;
void Gui::setBottomScroll(bool enable)
bottomScrollEnabled = enable;
void Gui::updateButtonsColor(void)
if (bottomScrollEnabled)
buttonBackup->setColors(WHITE, BLACK);
buttonRestore->setColors(WHITE, BLACK);
buttonBackup->setColors(WHITE, GREYISH);
buttonRestore->setColors(WHITE, GREYISH);
void Gui::updateSelector(void)
if (!getBottomScroll())
const size_t entries = rowlen * collen;
const size_t maxentries = (getTitlesCount() - page*entries) > entries ? entries : getTitlesCount() - page*entries;
const size_t maxpages = getTitlesCount() / entries + 1;
calculateIndex(index, page, maxpages, maxentries, entries, collen);
void Gui::drawSelector(void)
static const int w = 2;
const int x = getSelectorX(index);
const int y = getSelectorY(index);
pp2d_draw_rectangle( x, y, 50, 50, RGBA8(255, 255, 255, 200));
pp2d_draw_rectangle( x, y, 50, w + 1, RED); //top
pp2d_draw_rectangle( x, y + w, w, 50 - 2*w, RED); //left
pp2d_draw_rectangle(x + 50 - w, y + w, w, 50 - 2*w, RED); //right
pp2d_draw_rectangle( x, y + 50 - w, 50, w, RED); //bottom
int Gui::getSelectorX(size_t index)
return 50*((index % (rowlen*collen)) % collen);
int Gui::getSelectorY(size_t index)
return 20 + 50*((index % (rowlen*collen)) / collen);
void Gui::draw(void)
const size_t entries = rowlen * collen;
const size_t max = (getTitlesCount() - page*entries) > entries ? entries : getTitlesCount() - page*entries;
char version[10];
sprintf(version, "v%d.%d.%d", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_MICRO);
float versionLen = pp2d_get_text_width(version, 0.45f, 0.45f);
float smLen = pp2d_get_text_width("checkpoint", 0.50f, 0.50f);
const Mode_t mode = getMode();
pp2d_begin_draw(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 19, COLOR_BARS);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(0, 221, 400, 19, COLOR_BARS);
pp2d_draw_text(4, 3, 0.45f, 0.45f, GREYISH, getTime().c_str());
pp2d_draw_text(TOP_WIDTH - 4 - versionLen, 3, 0.45f, 0.45f, GREYISH, version);
pp2d_draw_texture(TEXTURE_CHECKPOINT, TOP_WIDTH - 5 - versionLen - 19, 0);
pp2d_draw_text(TOP_WIDTH - 6 - versionLen - smLen - 19, 2, 0.50f, 0.50f, WHITE, "checkpoint");
for (size_t k = page*entries; k < page*entries + max; k++)
pp2d_draw_texture(getTextureId(k), getSelectorX(k) + 1, getSelectorY(k) + 1);
if (!selectedEntries.empty() && std::find(selectedEntries.begin(), selectedEntries.end(), k) != selectedEntries.end())
pp2d_draw_rectangle(getSelectorX(k) + 31, getSelectorY(k) + 31, 16, 16, WHITE);
pp2d_draw_texture_blend(TEXTURE_CHECKBOX, getSelectorX(k) + 27, getSelectorY(k) + 27, RGBA8(51, 51, 51, 255));
if (getTitlesCount() > 0)
static const float p1width = pp2d_get_text_width("Hold SELECT to see commands. Press \uE002 for ", 0.47f, 0.47f);
static const float p2width = pp2d_get_text_width("extdata", 0.47f, 0.47f);
static const float p3width = pp2d_get_text_width(".", 0.47f, 0.47f);
static const float border = (TOP_WIDTH - p1width - p2width - p3width) / 2;
pp2d_draw_text(border, 224, 0.47f, 0.47f, WHITE, "Hold SELECT to see commands. Press \uE002 for ");
pp2d_draw_text(border + p1width, 224, 0.47f, 0.47f, getMode() == MODE_SAVE ? WHITE : RED, "extdata");
pp2d_draw_text(border + p1width + p2width, 224, 0.47f, 0.47f, WHITE, ".");
if (hidKeysHeld() & KEY_SELECT)
pp2d_draw_on(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(0, 0, 320, 19, COLOR_BARS);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(0, 221, 320, 19, COLOR_BARS);
if (getTitlesCount() > 0)
Title title;
getTitle(title, index + page*entries);
std::vector dirs = mode == MODE_SAVE ? title.getDirectories() : title.getExtdatas();
std::wstring_convert,char16_t> convert;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++)
directoryList->addCell(WHITE, bottomScrollEnabled ? BLUE : GREYISH, convert.to_bytes(dirs.at(i)));
if (i == directoryList->getIndex())
pp2d_draw_text(4, 1, 0.6f, 0.6f, WHITE, title.getShortDescription().c_str());
pp2d_draw_text_wrap(4, 27, 0.55f, 0.55f, GREYISH, 240, title.getLongDescription().c_str());
float longDescrHeight = pp2d_get_text_height_wrap(title.getLongDescription().c_str(), 0.55f, 0.55f, 240);
pp2d_draw_text(4, 31 + longDescrHeight, 0.5f, 0.5f, GREYISH, "ID:");
char lowid[9];
snprintf(lowid, 9, "%08X", (int)title.getLowId());
pp2d_draw_text(25, 31 + longDescrHeight, 0.5f, 0.5f, WHITE, lowid);
pp2d_draw_textf(30 + pp2d_get_text_width(lowid, 0.5f, 0.5f), 32 + longDescrHeight, 0.42f, 0.42f, GREYISH, "(%s)", title.productCode);
pp2d_draw_text(4, 47 + longDescrHeight, 0.5f, 0.5f, GREYISH, "Mediatype:");
pp2d_draw_textf(75, 47 + longDescrHeight, 0.5f, 0.5f, WHITE, "%s", title.getMediatypeString().c_str());
pp2d_draw_rectangle(260, 27, 52, 52, BLACK);
pp2d_draw_texture(title.getTextureId(), 262, 29);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(4, 100, 312, 114, GREYISH);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(6, 102, 308, 110, COLOR_BARS);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(202, 102, 2, 110, GREYISH);
pp2d_draw_rectangle(204, 156, 110, 2, GREYISH);
pp2d_draw_text_center(GFX_BOTTOM, 224, 0.46f, 0.46f, WHITE, "Press \uE073 to exit.");
bool Gui::isBackupReleased(void)
return buttonBackup->isReleased() && bottomScrollEnabled;
bool Gui::isRestoreReleased(void)
return buttonRestore->isReleased() && bottomScrollEnabled;
void Gui::resetIndex(void)
index = 0;
page = 0;