/* * This file is part of Checkpoint * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Bernardo Giordano, FlagBrew * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additional Terms 7.b and 7.c of GPLv3 apply to this file: * * Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or * author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal * Notices displayed by works containing it. * * Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, * or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. */ #include "io.hpp" bool io::fileExists(const std::string& path) { struct stat buffer; return (stat(path.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); } void io::copyFile(const std::string& srcPath, const std::string& dstPath) { FILE* src = fopen(srcPath.c_str(), "rb"); if (src == NULL) { return; } FILE* dst = fopen(dstPath.c_str(), "wb"); if (dst == NULL) { fclose(src); return; } fseek(src, 0, SEEK_END); u64 sz = ftell(src); rewind(src); u8* buf = new u8[BUFFER_SIZE]; u64 offset = 0; size_t slashpos = srcPath.rfind("/"); std::string name = srcPath.substr(slashpos + 1, srcPath.length() - slashpos - 1); while (offset < sz) { u32 count = fread((char*)buf, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, src); fwrite((char*)buf, 1, count, dst); offset += count; Gui::drawCopy(name, offset, sz); } delete[] buf; fclose(src); fclose(dst); // commit each file to the save if (dstPath.rfind("save:/", 0) == 0) { fsdevCommitDevice("save"); } } Result io::copyDirectory(const std::string& srcPath, const std::string& dstPath) { Result res = 0; bool quit = false; Directory items(srcPath); if (!items.good()) { return items.error(); } for (size_t i = 0, sz = items.size(); i < sz && !quit; i++) { std::string newsrc = srcPath + items.entry(i); std::string newdst = dstPath + items.entry(i); if (items.folder(i)) { res = io::createDirectory(newdst); if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { newsrc += "/"; newdst += "/"; res = io::copyDirectory(newsrc, newdst); } else { quit = true; } } else { io::copyFile(newsrc, newdst); } } return 0; } Result io::createDirectory(const std::string& path) { mkdir(path.c_str(), 777); return 0; } bool io::directoryExists(const std::string& path) { struct stat sb; return (stat(path.c_str(), &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)); } Result io::deleteFolderRecursively(const std::string& path) { Directory dir(path); if (!dir.good()) { return dir.error(); } for (size_t i = 0, sz = dir.size(); i < sz; i++) { if (dir.folder(i)) { std::string newpath = path + "/" + dir.entry(i) + "/"; deleteFolderRecursively(newpath); newpath = path + dir.entry(i); rmdir(newpath.c_str()); } else { std::string newpath = path + dir.entry(i); std::remove(newpath.c_str()); } } rmdir(path.c_str()); return 0; } void io::backup(size_t index, u128 uid) { // check if multiple selection is enabled and don't ask for confirmation if that's the case if (!MS::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { if (!Gui::askForConfirmation("Backup selected save?")) { return; } } const size_t cellIndex = Gui::index(CELLS); const bool isNewFolder = cellIndex == 0; Result res = 0; Title title; getTitle(title, uid, index); FsFileSystem fileSystem; res = FileSystem::mount(&fileSystem, title.id(), title.userId()); if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { int ret = FileSystem::mount(fileSystem); if (ret == -1) { FileSystem::unmount(); Gui::showError(-2, "Failed to mount save."); return; } } else { Gui::showError(res, "Failed to mount save."); return; } std::string suggestion = DateTime::dateTimeStr() + " " + (StringUtils::containsInvalidChar(Account::username(title.userId())) ? "" : StringUtils::removeNotAscii(StringUtils::removeAccents(Account::username(title.userId())))); std::string customPath; if (MS::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { customPath = isNewFolder ? suggestion : ""; } else { if (isNewFolder) { std::pair keyboardResponse = KeyboardManager::get().keyboard(suggestion); if (keyboardResponse.first) { customPath = StringUtils::removeForbiddenCharacters(keyboardResponse.second); } else { FileSystem::unmount(); return; } } else { customPath = ""; } } std::string dstPath; if (!isNewFolder) { // we're overriding an existing folder dstPath = title.fullPath(cellIndex); } else { dstPath = title.path() + "/" + customPath; } if (!isNewFolder || io::directoryExists(dstPath)) { int ret = io::deleteFolderRecursively((dstPath + "/").c_str()); if (ret != 0) { FileSystem::unmount(); Gui::showError((Result)ret, "Failed to delete the existing backup\ndirectory recursively."); return; } } io::createDirectory(dstPath); res = io::copyDirectory("save:/", dstPath + "/"); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FileSystem::unmount(); io::deleteFolderRecursively((dstPath + "/").c_str()); Gui::showError(res, "Failed to backup save."); return; } refreshDirectories(title.id()); FileSystem::unmount(); if (!MS::multipleSelectionEnabled()) { blinkLed(4); Gui::showInfo("Progress correctly saved to disk."); } auto systemKeyboardAvailable = KeyboardManager::get().isSystemKeyboardAvailable(); if (!systemKeyboardAvailable.first) { Gui::showError(systemKeyboardAvailable.second, "System keyboard applet not accessible.\nThe suggested destination folder was used\ninstead."); } } void io::restore(size_t index, u128 uid) { const size_t cellIndex = Gui::index(CELLS); if (cellIndex == 0 || !Gui::askForConfirmation("Restore selected save?")) { return; } Result res = 0; Title title; getTitle(title, uid, index); FsFileSystem fileSystem; res = title.systemSave() ? FileSystem::mount(&fileSystem, title.id()) : FileSystem::mount(&fileSystem, title.id(), title.userId()); if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) { int ret = FileSystem::mount(fileSystem); if (ret == -1) { FileSystem::unmount(); Gui::showError(-2, "Failed to mount save."); return; } } else { Gui::showError(res, "Failed to mount save."); return; } std::string srcPath = title.fullPath(cellIndex) + "/"; std::string dstPath = "save:/"; res = io::deleteFolderRecursively(dstPath.c_str()); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FileSystem::unmount(); Gui::showError(res, "Failed to delete save."); return; } res = io::copyDirectory(srcPath, dstPath); if (R_FAILED(res)) { FileSystem::unmount(); Gui::showError(res, "Failed to restore save."); return; } res = fsdevCommitDevice("save"); if (R_FAILED(res)) { Gui::showError(res, "Failed to commit to save device."); } else { blinkLed(4); Gui::showInfo(Gui::nameFromCell(cellIndex) + "\nhas been restored successfully."); } FileSystem::unmount(); }