# Vulnhub- DC2 Before starting the scan it was told to add a domain name into `/etc/hosts` file ## Rustscan ```bash rustscan -a -- -A -sC -sV .----. .-. .-. .----..---. .----. .---. .--. .-. .-. | {} }| { } |{ {__ {_ _}{ {__ / ___} / {} \ | `| | | .-. \| {_} |.-._} } | | .-._} }\ }/ /\ \| |\ | `-' `-'`-----'`----' `-' `----' `---' `-' `-'`-' `-' The Modern Day Port Scanner. ________________________________________ : https://discord.gg/GFrQsGy : : https://github.com/RustScan/RustScan : -------------------------------------- Open Open PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 64 Apache httpd 2.4.10 ((Debian)) | http-methods: |_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS |_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian) |_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://dc-2/ |_https-redirect: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug) 7744/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 64 OpenSSH 6.7p1 Debian 5+deb8u7 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 1024 52:51:7b:6e:70:a4:33:7a:d2:4b:e1:0b:5a:0f:9e:d7 (DSA) | ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAMT3xv0ReIK733JHqB5o5t1Knur7MHfTeYoqdn2fxpfdk79iDYAD46e/C1hLs6R0CH1fSWfpJ0x45g77ZaEn/nOaR2UXiod20R6kyrAPyL4UELizECoJ9M dHSULedr0+4QcXhtUZ+4b76umJhENpOhH+vZjrjMI5uZo+EMjlylxFAAAAFQDzg8StOWpV7J5ZjSfIdcddFgqB/QAAAIA84WMMKmOEkvzgQZLuW5lTTecIrk+UXJyWVZSZFxvFbnt5mUvEzPBMqP ZIo1h1dkzpEp1Xpk9Vb16LMrQcS6LgH8yhlo5402lUCfP6onxVNvGvP5uhLoQVjzPd65ZKJ7J1VSoz9xOmPkWr2HFuCf6XOBXy8WCxqZxWYTYERTuexgAAAIAI8DjfDmIjv0jUBAPZu0crpPoxvK 4ZvdEy6UbfjK+pZYzkd6qnVLdWrvP9evbWaA5VoDZjWp1301VjX8Y1pqHFVaRUu3OBY7DgidJXA3zLd1BSdPzYfRJSZ1/xN75Yo13wW6XIEsy1kvUNOwA0Nm6zmcQ+SN/aBITwGOIBGrp06w== | 2048 59:11:d8:af:38:51:8f:41:a7:44:b3:28:03:80:99:42 (RSA) | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDC92AIbO8wDuOXLMCrnJkTKDLxXzpwFY0EI4urz6cZpmOjGOZYbWz6Ele1sM3WXEWmOWkszLrMbVEFmuYan545oIHnylYX6ZY+eMPjJBRH/V DukRsNtAA8VRsvIkfCtcG5J9zAQTQDYYprEJljKPYavf4bIW3NZb0v57O01tGylLh23ZSfGpTmQXx+GsWet9vnbCr1+bzf/QeZ7PNK9BeBsLJsvWgLQmuaTdBYeW1b415xOaszWrutHQoaBdud/S PX1Uvy2PNFUfKIPjdbmAdRxTAvRHHaMTRdrvEhdJWz3wmefXr9e3S3YEu05USTqhMwi6OBxeqkjc+6mdR/PYR9 | 256 df:18:1d:74:26:ce:c1:4f:6f:2f:c1:26:54:31:51:91 (ECDSA) | ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBE329BkKjKxz7Y23cZSshQ76Ge3DFsJsTO89pgaInzX6w5G3h6hU3xDVMD8G8BsW3V0CwXWt1f TnT3bUc+JhdcE= | 256 d9:38:5f:99:7c:0d:64:7e:1d:46:f6:e9:7c:c6:37:17 (ED25519) |_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGyWHwWC3fLufEnM1R2zsvjMZ1TovPCp3mky/2s+wXTH MAC Address: 08:00:27:90:02:65 (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC) ``` ## PORT 80 (HTTP) We see a wordpress site , so to enumerate wordperss there is a tool called `wpscan` which makes your life easier We see a flag which hints about making a wordlist with `cewl` We found three users using wpscan So let's generate a wordlist using `cewl` Running wpscan again to brute force the three users's password And we get two users Logged in as jerry and we see second flag page But there wasn't anything I could on wordpress as jerry had only the editor role also `tom` was a regular user on the site but SSH was open on port 7744 maybe we can try credentials there Tried for jerry but failed But tom's credentials worked ! Commands were not being run , so I checked the PATH variable Doing `ls -la` Doing less on `flag3.txt` So we cannot run commands like `cd,cat,su,/bin/bash` as we are in a restricted shell, A restricted shell is a shell that block/restricts some of the commands like cd,ls,echo etc or"block" the environment variables like SHELL,PATH,USER. I tried using python,python3,vi,less,awk,find to escape restricted shell but wasn't able to The binaries we can only run are So to escape the restricted shell I tried everything but there was one trick which I haven't tried and that was to open `vi` then, : set shell =/bin/sh : shell Still we are in a restricted shell We can switch to jerry by using the password we found from cewl wordlist And jerry can run git as root So on visting GTFOBINS