# TryHackMe-Wonderland ## NMAP ``` Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.16s latency). Not shown: 65533 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 2048 8e:ee:fb:96:ce:ad:70:dd:05:a9:3b:0d:b0:71:b8:63 (RSA) | 256 7a:92:79:44:16:4f:20:43:50:a9:a8:47:e2:c2:be:84 (ECDSA) |_ 256 00:0b:80:44:e6:3d:4b:69:47:92:2c:55:14:7e:2a:c9 (ED25519) 80/tcp open http Golang net/http server (Go-IPFS json-rpc or InfluxDB API) |_http-title: Follow the white rabbit. Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel ``` ## PORT 80 Okay so I didn't find anything through looking at the source and at the web page so we have to use directory brute force using `gobuster` ## Directory Brute Force ``` gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt ``` Didn't find on the `poem` page either but that `/r` page is interesting So it's telling us to keep going , and as we remeber from the first page we saw there was heading `Follow the Rabbit` so let's give it a shot by actually typing rabbit with each letter as a sperate page. Now by looking at the source we can find a username and password So the only two services that are ruuning are http and ssh , there isn't any login page we found so this may be the credentials for ssh `alice:HowDothTheLittleCrocodileImproveHisShiningTail` And we are logged in awesome! I couldn't find anything expect for walrus something .py which has list of poems in it , I'll get back to it but first let's transfer `linpeas` so we can automate our enumartion and it does for it So throguh linpeas I found that perl has capabilites meaning that it could run as root with any user like having a SUID but only problem is that only user `root` and `hatter` can execute it But now we know what we would need to get root but as for now in order to get to `rabbit` user we have to use `/home/alice/walrus_and_the_carpenter.py` and do something in it Now this python file is using `random.py` so what we can do is a create a file with the name of `random.py` having this in it In `rabbit`'s directory we see a `teaparty` binary When running it It will give us an error so we have to transfer it to our local machine and analyze it maybe with `ghidra` By analyzing it we can see that whole thing is statically printed but we see something intersting about two functions ``` setuid(0x3eb); setgid(0x3eb); ``` Set User ID and Set Group ID functions which is taking `0x3eb` as parameter which is in hex and we convert this into decimal it will be `1003` which is the uid and gid of user `hatter` We can also see that it's using `date` command which is a binary so what we can do is create `date` binary ``` #!/bin/bash /bin/bash ``` give it permission to execute and then add path to this in $PATH variable We find a passowrd in `hatter`'s home directory We can now execute perl as we were not able to execute it as we were not in `hatter`'s group Now as I already figured the way to get root so ## Privilege Escalation Now that we are root we can grab the user and root flag !!!