# Portswigger SQLi-Lab 8
## SQL injection attack, listing the database contents on Oracle
This labs is similar to lab#7 in which we listed the tables in postgresql database but now we are presented with oracle database on web application in which `category` a GET paramter is vulnerable to sqli
Knowing the database is orcale we can first try blind sqli
It works , now we need to identifiy the number of columns
Here we get an error which means there are only 2 columns in the table, so now let's identify the version for that we need to supply a table name and for query the version we specify `v$version` table which is a builtin table having information for version of oracle database
Gifts' union select banner,null from v$version --
Perfect now let's try leak table names
`all_tables` is similar to `information.schema.tables` which we have seen in postgresql which holds inforamtion all tables in database
Gifts' union select table_name,null from all_tables--
Now we need to retrieve the column names for the table `USERS_BDRDAO`
Gifts' union select column_name,null from all_tab_columns where table_name = 'USERS_BDRDAO' --
And we got the credentials now we just need to login with the adminstartor account and we'll complete this lab