# Portswigger SQLi-Lab 6 ## SQL injection attack, querying the database type and version on MySQL and Microsoft This lab is similar to the lab#5 which invloved query version of oracle database , so this also involves the GET parameter `category` vulnerable to sqli Here the blind sqli didn't work although I have it right but it's just not working so I launched burpsuite and intercepted the request and send it to burp repeater Now on your keyboard press `CTRL+R` this will send the request to brup repeater Our blind sqli works with burp don't know why but let's roll with it and identify the number of columns Notice that I used `--` , well in mysql both `#` and `--` works for comments but -- works if we supply a space afterwards that's why I included `+` which tells it's a space in url encoding So second column exists as well , let's try for the third column Here only 2 columns exists so now we can use union based sqli to know the version of mysql database With this we completed this lab In the end I noticed that all we wanted to do was to url encode our sqli payload ```sql Accessories'+union+select+@@version,null+--+ ```