# TryHackMe-Ninja Skills >Abdullah Rizwan | 05:36 PM First of all copied all the files mentioned into `/tmp` folder by finding them with `find / -name "file_name" ` ``` 8V2L /etc/8V2L bny0 can't find c4ZX /mnt/c4ZX D8B3 /mnt/D8B3 FHl1 /var/FHl1 oiMO /opt/oiMO PFbD /opt/PFbD rmfX /media/rmfX SRSq /etc/ssh/SRSq uqyw /var/log/uqyw v2Vb /home/v2Vb X1Uy /X1Uy ``` 1. Which of the above files are owned by the best-group group(enter the answer separated by spaces in alphabetical order) `find / -group best-group` `v2Vb D8B3` 2. Which of these files contain an IP address? `oiMO` 3. Which file has the SHA1 hash of 9d54da7584015647ba052173b84d45e8007eba94 When you have copied the files in one place you can run ``` ls | xargs sha1sum ``` To check hash of files `c4ZX` 4. Which file contains 230 lines? I check every file's and so far they were `209` so only left was `bny0` so I submitted it `bny0` 5. Which file's owner has an ID of 502? ``` find / -user newer-user -name "*" 2>/dev/null ``` `X1Uy` 6. Which file is executable by everyone? ``` ls -la ``` `8V2L`