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synced 2025-03-01 13:27:11 +00:00
And other reliability improvements. Mostly in BGMPlayThrough and the classes that use it. Trying to catch C++ exceptions as early as possible in the Objective-C++ code and, if necessary, convert them to NSErrors. More errors are logged in release builds now, which will hopefully help with debugging issues the developers can't reproduce themselves.
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// This file is part of Background Music.
// Background Music is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Background Music is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Background Music. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// BGMXPCHelperService.m
// BGMXPCHelper
// Copyright © 2016 Kyle Neideck
// Self Include
#import "BGMXPCHelperService.h"
// Local Includes
#import "BGMXPCListenerDelegate.h"
// PublicUtility Includes
#undef CoreAudio_ThreadStampMessages
#define CoreAudio_ThreadStampMessages 0 // Requires C++
#include "CADebugMacros.h"
#pragma clang assume_nonnull begin
static NSXPCListenerEndpoint* __nullable sBGMAppEndpoint = nil;
static NSXPCConnection* __nullable sBGMAppConnection = nil;
@implementation BGMXPCHelperService {
NSXPCConnection* connection;
- (id) initWithConnection:_connection {
if ((self = [super init])) {
connection = _connection;
return self;
+ (NSError*) errorWithCode:(NSInteger)code description:(NSString*)description {
return [NSError errorWithDomain:kBGMXPCHelperMachServiceName
userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description }];
+ (NSError*) errorWithCode:(NSInteger)code description:(NSString*)description underlyingError:(NSError*)underlyingError {
return [NSError errorWithDomain:kBGMXPCHelperMachServiceName
userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description,
NSUnderlyingErrorKey: underlyingError }];
+ (void) withBGMAppRemoteProxy:(void (^)(id))block errorHandler:(void (^)(NSError* error))errorHandler {
// Retry by default
return [BGMXPCHelperService withBGMAppRemoteProxy:block errorHandler:errorHandler retryOnError:YES];
+ (void) withBGMAppRemoteProxy:(void (^)(id))block errorHandler:(void (^)(NSError* error))errorHandler retryOnError:(BOOL)retry {
// Wraps some error handling around a block that calls BGMApp remotely, and runs it.
if (!sBGMAppConnection && sBGMAppEndpoint) {
// Create a new connection to BGMApp from the endpoint
@synchronized(self) {
sBGMAppConnection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithListenerEndpoint:(NSXPCListenerEndpoint* __nonnull)sBGMAppEndpoint];
NSAssert(sBGMAppConnection, @"NSXPCConnection::initWithListenerEndpoint returned nil");
[sBGMAppConnection setRemoteObjectInterface:[NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(BGMAppXPCProtocol)]];
sBGMAppConnection.invalidationHandler = ^{
sBGMAppConnection = nil;
[sBGMAppConnection resume];
if (sBGMAppConnection) {
id proxy = [sBGMAppConnection remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:^(NSError* error) {
if (retry) {
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::withBGMAppRemoteProxy: %s error=<%lu, %s>",
"Error sending message to BGMApp. Creating new connection and retrying.",
[error code],
[[error localizedDescription] UTF8String]);
// Clear the stored connection so a new one will be created when we retry. (The connection might still be
// valid, but it's simpler to just make a new one every time.)
@synchronized(self) {
sBGMAppConnection = nil;
// Retry the message.
[BGMXPCHelperService withBGMAppRemoteProxy:block errorHandler:errorHandler retryOnError:NO];
} else {
NSLog(@"BGMXPCHelperService::withBGMAppRemoteProxy: Error sending message to BGMApp: %@", error);
} else {
errorHandler([BGMXPCHelperService errorWithCode:kBGMXPC_MessageFailure description:@"No connection to BGMApp"]);
#pragma mark Exported Methods
- (void) registerAsBGMAppWithListenerEndpoint:(NSXPCListenerEndpoint*)endpoint reply:(void (^)(void))reply {
[self debugWarnIfCalledByBGMDriver];
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::registerAsBGMAppWithListenerEndpoint: Received BGMApp listener endpoint");
// Store the connection (which we now know is from BGMApp) and endpoint so all instances of this class can use them.
@synchronized([self class]) {
sBGMAppEndpoint = endpoint;
sBGMAppConnection = connection;
[sBGMAppConnection setRemoteObjectInterface:[NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(BGMAppXPCProtocol)]];
// Set the stored connection back to nil when BGMApp closes, dies or invalidates the connection.
void(^cleanUp)(void) = ^{
@synchronized([self class]) {
sBGMAppConnection = nil;
sBGMAppConnection.interruptionHandler = cleanUp;
sBGMAppConnection.invalidationHandler = cleanUp;
- (void) unregisterAsBGMApp {
[self debugWarnIfCalledByBGMDriver];
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::unregisterAsBGMApp: Destroying connection to BGMApp");
// TODO: We don't want to assume only one instance of BGMApp will be running, in case multiple users are running it.
@synchronized([self class]) {
if (sBGMAppConnection) {
[sBGMAppConnection invalidate];
sBGMAppConnection = nil;
sBGMAppEndpoint = nil;
- (void) waitForBGMAppToStartOutputDeviceWithReply:(void (^)(NSError*))reply {
[self debugWarnIfCalledByBGMApp];
// If this reply string isn't set before the end of this method, it's a bug
__block NSError* replyToBGMDriver = [BGMXPCHelperService errorWithCode:kBGMXPC_InternalError
description:@"Reply not set in waitForBGMAppToStartOutputDeviceWithReply"];
// I couldn't find the Obj-C equivalent of xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync so just wait on this
// semaphore until we get a reply from BGMApp (or timeout)
dispatch_semaphore_t bgmAppReplySemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::waitForBGMAppToStartOutputDeviceWithReply: Waiting for BGMApp to start IO on the output device");
// Send the message to BGMApp
[BGMXPCHelperService withBGMAppRemoteProxy:^(id remoteObjectProxy) {
[remoteObjectProxy waitForOutputDeviceToStartWithReply:^(NSError* bgmAppReply) {
replyToBGMDriver = bgmAppReply;
} errorHandler:^(NSError* error) {
replyToBGMDriver = [BGMXPCHelperService errorWithCode:kBGMXPC_MessageFailure
description:[error localizedDescription]
// Wait for BGMApp's reply
long err = dispatch_semaphore_wait(bgmAppReplySemaphore, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, kStartIOTimeoutNsec));
if (err != 0) {
replyToBGMDriver = [BGMXPCHelperService errorWithCode:kBGMXPC_Timeout
description:@"Timed out waiting for BGMApp"];
// Return the reply to BGMDriver
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::waitForBGMAppToStartOutputDeviceWithReply: Reply to BGMDriver: %s",
[[replyToBGMDriver localizedDescription] UTF8String]);
#pragma mark Debug Utils
- (void) debugWarnIfCalledByBGMApp {
if ([connection effectiveUserIdentifier] != [BGMXPCListenerDelegate _coreaudiodUID]) {
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::debugWarnIfCalledByBGMDriver: A method intended for BGMDriver only was (probably) called "
"by BGMApp. Or it could have just been the tests.");
NSLog(@"%@", [NSThread callStackSymbols]);
- (void) debugWarnIfCalledByBGMDriver {
if ([connection effectiveUserIdentifier] == [BGMXPCListenerDelegate _coreaudiodUID]) {
DebugMsg("BGMXPCHelperService::debugWarnIfCalledByBGMDriver: A method intended for BGMApp only was (probably) called by BGMDriver");
NSLog(@"%@", [NSThread callStackSymbols]);
#pragma clang assume_nonnull end