language: objective-c matrix: include: - os: osx osx_image: xcode11.2 xcode_sdk: macosx10.14 sudo: required env: DEPLOY=true - os: osx osx_image: xcode10.1 xcode_sdk: macosx10.14 sudo: required - os: osx osx_image: xcode10 xcode_sdk: macosx10.14 sudo: required - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.4 xcode_sdk: macosx10.13 sudo: required - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.3 xcode_sdk: macosx10.13 sudo: required - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.2 xcode_sdk: macosx10.13 sudo: required # Fails to compile in 8.3, but it isn't clear from the logs why it fails. # - os: osx # osx_image: xcode8.3 # xcode_sdk: macosx10.12 # sudo: required - os: osx osx_image: xcode7.3 xcode_sdk: macosx10.11 sudo: required env: PACKAGE=false # branches: # only: # - master install: # Install Apple's NullAudio device. Travis' VMs don't have any audio devices installed. - sudo xcodebuild -project BGMApp/BGMAppTests/NullAudio/AudioDriverExamples.xcodeproj -target NullAudio DSTROOT="/" install - sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/ || sudo killall coreaudiod script: # Build in a case-sensitive disk image to catch failures that only happen on case-sensitive filesystems. - hdiutil create -type SPARSEBUNDLE -fs 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+' -volname bgmbuild -nospotlight -verbose -attach -size 100m bgmbuild.dmg - sudo cp -r . /Volumes/bgmbuild - cd /Volumes/bgmbuild # Install Background Music. - yes | ./ # Print the log file, but put it in a fold because it's so long. - echo -en 'build_and_install.log\ntravis_fold:start:build.log\\r' - cat build_and_install.log - echo -en 'travis_fold:end:build.log\\r' - find */build/Release/*/ -type f -exec md5 {} \; # Log the installed audio devices... - system_profiler SPAudioDataType # ...and their IDs. - say -a '?' # Check the BGM dirs and files were installed. (These fail if the dir/file isn't found.) - ls -la "/Applications/Background" - ls -la "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Background Music Device.driver" - ls -la "/usr/local/libexec/BGMXPCHelper.xpc" || ls -la "/Library/Application Support/Background Music/BGMXPCHelper.xpc" - ls -la "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bearisdriving.BGM.XPCHelper.plist" # Close BGMApp (which the install script opened). # # The killall fallback command is necessary because the AppleScript gets "user canceled" on Travis' # Xcode 9 images for some reason. - osascript -e 'tell application "Background Music" to quit' || killall "Background Music" # Skip the UI tests until Travis has support for them. - BGMApp/BGMAppTests/UITests/ # Run the tests. # The echo commands put the output into a fold in the Travis logs. - echo -en 'Unit Tests\ntravis_fold:start:tests\\r' - xcodebuild -workspace BGM.xcworkspace -scheme 'Background Music Device' test - xcodebuild -workspace BGM.xcworkspace -scheme 'Background Music' test - xcodebuild -workspace BGM.xcworkspace -scheme 'BGMXPCHelper' test - echo -en 'travis_fold:end:tests\\r' # Uninstall Background Music. - yes | ./ # Check the BGM dirs and files were removed. - if ls -la "/Applications/Background"; then false; fi - if ls -la "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Background Music Device.driver"; then false; fi - if ls -la "/usr/local/libexec/BGMXPCHelper.xpc"; then false; fi - if ls -la "/Library/Application Support/Background Music/BGMXPCHelper.xpc"; then false; fi - if ls -la "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bearisdriving.BGM.XPCHelper.plist"; then false; fi # Return early if we're not testing packaging on this OS X version. - if [[ "$PACKAGE" == "false" ]]; then exit 0; fi # Build the .pkg installer. Print the build logs if it fails. If this build is for a tag with # "DEBUG" in its name, build a debug package. (More detailed logging, no optimization, etc.) - if [[ "$TRAVIS_TAG" =~ .*DEBUG.* ]]; then ./ -d || (cat build_and_install.log && travis_terminate 1); else ./ || (cat build_and_install.log && travis_terminate 1); fi # Install the .pkg. - sudo installer -pkg Background-Music-*/BackgroundMusic-*.pkg -target / -verbose -dumplog # Check the BGM dirs and files were installed again. - ls -la "/Applications/Background" - ls -la "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Background Music Device.driver" - ls -la "/usr/local/libexec/BGMXPCHelper.xpc" || ls -la "/Library/Application Support/Background Music/BGMXPCHelper.xpc" - ls -la "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bearisdriving.BGM.XPCHelper.plist" # Post on IRC when Travis builds finish. notifications: irc: "" # Upload the .pkg and dSYM zip to GitHub. deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: j5GdMTkJI/9lfGMcAW4dnBnfNSW0EUGSuaKSXw49FfjfcshLL2RFxIbQkyA7QqjoJm6ohstU3tOCo7c9FrqIWjE/+5itGJpq7NXDRxFtd2qzcli1u+1IRvQUZJ4VYC9982pSS0IUynK9/f0rhbdkWsCuXWIjoClYPBRscc8soDBJvkDbfilPFfFgkc8TuSmtGDCdu9coGVi6b9HuTLNQU0g5DZkjmv71Vj3SwJ2CmvOk3GFfV1SjvG2SRgBDwyP1g9MRGRiNYkmK9lJRgsq2KLluzb04lt22x8RIcZ+kZYOQVmgDlCeWlOcXi0iz1wU/QzdoYFEAnJdG4q0hqKeqIi+p8Tc31nHPuc1ZlYpifzMQ6KuOoOP19eceJwriAT133t2RSB3Rl3nxh9bymNPNyQ2dJwGNFtO68f3aZsuE5L92lVgW/ipZ6e5Sw1ovXldR04mxNtyY4WvFXFlkn/776tKV0vgAubsHfceGM/aRoBj+E2gDvqkFqIR8wrZAZEeSM2reMHPMx5ICFppIZ8dCIVjF5bsxZQsbojY+LXV8BUU5kLAou0yD7Q+lHi9r3HYdN90+cC02HKGFYzsIiMAyf4IAngnLhwmmrLOwr3wWdACjYTJhznAZGNJh4lCeB4dx85iyj3EexJ6J/DL1k2+ZNKyMN3+i/215t+AvSsXuw5U= file_glob: true file: Background-Music-*/* skip_cleanup: true name: $TRAVIS_TAG prerelease: true draft: true on: repo: kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic tags: true # TODO: Use "condition" to build master and tags? condition: $DEPLOY = true