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synced 2024-11-10 14:14:21 +00:00
140 lines
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140 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable file
#include "install/install_nsp.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <machine/endian.h>
#include "nx/ncm.hpp"
#include "util/file_util.hpp"
#include "util/title_util.hpp"
#include "util/debug.h"
#include "util/error.hpp"
#include "nspInstall.hpp"
namespace tin::install::nsp
NSPInstallTask::NSPInstallTask(tin::install::nsp::SimpleFileSystem& simpleFileSystem, FsStorageId destStorageId, bool ignoreReqFirmVersion) :
Install(destStorageId, ignoreReqFirmVersion), m_simpleFileSystem(&simpleFileSystem)
std::tuple<nx::ncm::ContentMeta, NcmContentInfo> NSPInstallTask::ReadCNMT()
NcmContentInfo cnmtRecord = tin::util::CreateNSPCNMTContentRecord(this->m_simpleFileSystem->m_absoluteRootPath.substr(0, this->m_simpleFileSystem->m_absoluteRootPath.size() - 1));
nx::ncm::ContentStorage contentStorage(m_destStorageId);
std::string cnmtNCAFullPath = contentStorage.GetPath(cnmtRecord.content_id);
return { tin::util::GetContentMetaFromNCA(cnmtNCAFullPath), cnmtRecord };
void NSPInstallTask::InstallTicketCert()
// Read the tik file and put it into a buffer
auto tikName = m_simpleFileSystem->GetFileNameFromExtension("", "tik");
printf("> Getting tik size\n");
auto tikFile = m_simpleFileSystem->OpenFile(tikName);
u64 tikSize = tikFile.GetSize();
auto tikBuf = std::make_unique<u8[]>(tikSize);
printf("> Reading tik\n");
tikFile.Read(0x0, tikBuf.get(), tikSize);
// Read the cert file and put it into a buffer
auto certName = m_simpleFileSystem->GetFileNameFromExtension("", "cert");
printf("> Getting cert size\n");
auto certFile = m_simpleFileSystem->OpenFile(certName);
u64 certSize = certFile.GetSize();
auto certBuf = std::make_unique<u8[]>(certSize);
printf("> Reading cert\n");
certFile.Read(0x0, certBuf.get(), certSize);
// Finally, let's actually import the ticket
ASSERT_OK(esImportTicket(tikBuf.get(), tikSize, certBuf.get(), certSize), "Failed to import ticket");
void NSPInstallTask::InstallNCA(const NcmContentId &ncaId)
std::string ncaName = tin::util::GetNcaIdString(ncaId);
if (m_simpleFileSystem->HasFile(ncaName + ".nca"))
ncaName += ".nca";
else if (m_simpleFileSystem->HasFile(ncaName + ".cnmt.nca"))
ncaName += ".cnmt.nca";
throw std::runtime_error(("Failed to find NCA file " + ncaName + ".nca/.cnmt.nca").c_str());
printf("NcaId: %s\n", ncaName.c_str());
printf("Dest storage Id: %u\n", m_destStorageId);
nx::ncm::ContentStorage contentStorage(m_destStorageId);
// Attempt to delete any leftover placeholders
catch (...) {}
auto ncaFile = m_simpleFileSystem->OpenFile(ncaName);
size_t ncaSize = ncaFile.GetSize();
u64 fileOff = 0;
size_t readSize = 0x400000; // 4MB buff
auto readBuffer = std::make_unique<u8[]>(readSize);
if (readBuffer == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(("Failed to allocate read buffer for " + ncaName).c_str());
printf("Size: 0x%lx\n", ncaSize);
contentStorage.CreatePlaceholder(ncaId, ncaId, ncaSize);
float progress;
while (fileOff < ncaSize)
// Clear the buffer before we read anything, just to be sure
progress = (float)fileOff / (float)ncaSize;
if (fileOff % (0x400000 * 3) == 0) {
printf("> Progress: %lu/%lu MB (%d%s)\r", (fileOff / 1000000), (ncaSize / 1000000), (int)(progress * 100.0), "%");
inst::ui::setInstInfoText("Installing " + ncaName + "...");
inst::ui::setInstBarPerc((double)(progress * 100.0));
if (fileOff + readSize >= ncaSize) readSize = ncaSize - fileOff;
ncaFile.Read(fileOff, readBuffer.get(), readSize);
contentStorage.WritePlaceholder(ncaId, fileOff, readBuffer.get(), readSize);
fileOff += readSize;
// Clean up the line for whatever comes next
printf(" \r");
printf("Registering placeholder...\n");
contentStorage.Register(ncaId, ncaId);
catch (...)
printf(("Failed to register " + ncaName + ". It may already exist.\n").c_str());
catch (...) {}