/* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Adubbz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/network_util.hpp" #include "install/install_nsp_remote.hpp" #include "install/http_nsp.hpp" #include "install/install.hpp" #include "util/error.hpp" #include "ui/MainApplication.hpp" #include "netInstall.hpp" #include "nspInstall.hpp" #include "util/config.hpp" #include "util/util.hpp" const unsigned int MAX_URL_SIZE = 1024; const unsigned int MAX_URLS = 256; const int REMOTE_INSTALL_PORT = 2000; static int m_serverSocket = 0; static int m_clientSocket = 0; namespace inst::ui { extern MainApplication *mainApp; void setNetInfoText(std::string ourText){ mainApp->netinstPage->pageInfoText->SetText(ourText); mainApp->CallForRender(); } } namespace netInstStuff{ void InitializeServerSocket() try { // Create a socket m_serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (m_serverSocket < -1) { THROW_FORMAT("Failed to create a server socket. Error code: %u\n", errno); } struct sockaddr_in server; server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(REMOTE_INSTALL_PORT); server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(m_serverSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) { THROW_FORMAT("Failed to bind server socket. Error code: %u\n", errno); } // Set as non-blocking fcntl(m_serverSocket, F_SETFL, fcntl(m_serverSocket, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); if (listen(m_serverSocket, 5) < 0) { THROW_FORMAT("Failed to listen on server socket. Error code: %u\n", errno); } } catch (std::exception& e) { printf("Failed to initialize server socket!\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s", e.what()); if (m_serverSocket != 0) { close(m_serverSocket); m_serverSocket = 0; } inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Failed to initialize server socket!", (std::string)e.what(), {"OK"}, true); } void OnUnwound() { printf("unwinding view\n"); if (m_clientSocket != 0) { close(m_clientSocket); m_clientSocket = 0; } curl_global_cleanup(); } void installNspLan(std::vector ourUrlList, int ourStorage) { inst::util::initInstallServices(); appletLockExit(); inst::ui::loadInstallScreen(); bool nspInstalled = true; FsStorageId m_destStorageId = FsStorageId_SdCard; if (ourStorage) m_destStorageId = FsStorageId_NandUser; try { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ourUrlList.size(); i++) { inst::ui::setTopInstInfoText("Installing " + inst::util::shortenString(inst::util::formatUrlString(ourUrlList[i]), 48, true)); tin::install::nsp::HTTPNSP httpNSP(ourUrlList[i]); printf("%s %s\n", "Install request from", ourUrlList[i].c_str()); tin::install::nsp::RemoteNSPInstall install(m_destStorageId, inst::config::ignoreReqVers, &httpNSP); printf("%s\n", "Preparing installation"); inst::ui::setInstInfoText("Preparing installation..."); install.Prepare(); install.Begin(); } } catch (std::exception& e) { printf("Failed to install"); printf("%s", e.what()); fprintf(stdout, "%s", e.what()); inst::ui::setInstInfoText("Failed to install"); inst::ui::setInstBarPerc(0); inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Failed to install!", "Partially installed contents can be removed from the System Settings applet.\n\n" + (std::string)e.what(), {"OK"}, true); nspInstalled = false; } printf("%s\n", "Telling the server we're done installing"); // Send 1 byte ack to close the server u8 ack = 0; tin::network::WaitSendNetworkData(m_clientSocket, &ack, sizeof(u8)); if(nspInstalled) { inst::ui::setInstInfoText("Install complete"); inst::ui::setInstBarPerc(100); if (ourUrlList.size() > 1) inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Selected files installed!", nspInstStuff::finishedMessage(), {"OK"}, true); else inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog(inst::util::shortenString(inst::util::formatUrlString(ourUrlList[0]), 48, true) + " installed!", nspInstStuff::finishedMessage(), {"OK"}, true); } printf("Done"); appletUnlockExit(); inst::ui::loadMainMenu(); inst::util::deinitInstallServices(); return; } std::vector OnSelected() { OnUnwound(); try { ASSERT_OK(curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL), "Curl failed to initialized"); // Initialize the server socket if it hasn't already been if (m_serverSocket == 0) { InitializeServerSocket(); if (m_serverSocket <= 0) { THROW_FORMAT("Server socket failed to initialize.\n"); } } struct in_addr addr = {(in_addr_t) gethostid()}; std::string ourIPAddr(inet_ntoa(addr)); // If our IP is, cancel because we aren't connected to a network if (ourIPAddr == "") { inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Network connection not available", "Check that airplane mode is disabled and you're connected to a local network.", {"OK"}, true); return {}; } inst::ui::setNetInfoText("Waiting for a connection... Your Switch's IP Address is: " + ourIPAddr); printf("%s %s\n", "Switch IP is ", inet_ntoa(addr)); printf("%s\n", "Waiting for network"); printf("%s\n", "B to cancel"); std::vector urls; while (true) { // Break on input pressed hidScanInput(); u64 kDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); if (kDown & KEY_B) { break; } if (kDown & KEY_Y) { return {"supplyUrl"}; } if (kDown & KEY_X) { inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Help", "NSP and NSZ files can be installed remotely from your other devices\nusing tools such as ns-usbloader or Fluffy. To send these files to your\nSwitch, simply open one of the pieces of software recomended above on\nyour PC or mobile device, input your Switch's IP address\n(listed on-screen), select your NSP and NSZ files, then upload to your\nconsole! If the software you're using won't let you select NSZ files,\ntry renaming the extension from NSZ to NSP.\n\nIf you can't figure it out, just copy the NSP or NSZ file to your SD\ncard and try the \"Install NSP from SD Card\" option on the main menu!", {"OK"}, true); } struct sockaddr_in client; socklen_t clientLen = sizeof(client); m_clientSocket = accept(m_serverSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &clientLen); if (m_clientSocket >= 0) { printf("%s\n", "Server accepted"); u32 size = 0; tin::network::WaitReceiveNetworkData(m_clientSocket, &size, sizeof(u32)); size = ntohl(size); printf("Received url buf size: 0x%x\n", size); if (size > MAX_URL_SIZE * MAX_URLS) { THROW_FORMAT("URL size %x is too large!\n", size); } // Make sure the last string is null terminated auto urlBuf = std::make_unique(size+1); memset(urlBuf.get(), 0, size+1); tin::network::WaitReceiveNetworkData(m_clientSocket, urlBuf.get(), size); // Split the string up into individual URLs std::stringstream urlStream(urlBuf.get()); std::string segment; std::string nspExt = ".nsp"; std::string nszExt = ".nsz"; while (std::getline(urlStream, segment, '\n')) { if (segment.compare(segment.size() - nspExt.size(), nspExt.size(), nspExt) == 0) urls.push_back(segment); else if (segment.compare(segment.size() - nszExt.size(), nszExt.size(), nszExt) == 0) urls.push_back(segment); } break; } else if (errno != EAGAIN) { THROW_FORMAT("Failed to open client socket with code %u\n", errno); } } return urls; } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { printf("Failed to perform remote install!\n"); printf("%s", e.what()); fprintf(stdout, "%s", e.what()); inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Failed to perform remote install!", (std::string)e.what(), {"OK"}, true); return {}; } } }