#include #include #include "ui/MainApplication.hpp" #include "ui/mainPage.hpp" #include "ui/netInstPage.hpp" #include "util/util.hpp" #include "util/config.hpp" #include "util/curl.hpp" #include "netInstall.hpp" #define COLOR(hex) pu::ui::Color::FromHex(hex) namespace inst::ui { extern MainApplication *mainApp; std::string lastUrl = "https://"; std::string lastFileID = ""; std::string sourceString = ""; netInstPage::netInstPage() : Layout::Layout() { this->SetBackgroundColor(COLOR("#670000FF")); if (std::filesystem::exists(inst::config::appDir + "/background.png")) this->SetBackgroundImage(inst::config::appDir + "/background.png"); else this->SetBackgroundImage("romfs:/images/background.jpg"); this->topRect = Rectangle::New(0, 0, 1280, 94, COLOR("#170909FF")); this->infoRect = Rectangle::New(0, 95, 1280, 60, COLOR("#17090980")); this->botRect = Rectangle::New(0, 660, 1280, 60, COLOR("#17090980")); this->titleImage = Image::New(0, 0, "romfs:/images/logo.png"); this->appVersionText = TextBlock::New(480, 49, "v" + inst::config::appVersion, 22); this->appVersionText->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->pageInfoText = TextBlock::New(10, 109, "", 30); this->pageInfoText->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->butText = TextBlock::New(10, 678, "", 24); this->butText->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->menu = pu::ui::elm::Menu::New(0, 156, 1280, COLOR("#FFFFFF00"), 84, (506 / 84)); this->menu->SetOnFocusColor(COLOR("#00000033")); this->menu->SetScrollbarColor(COLOR("#17090980")); this->infoImage = Image::New(453, 292, "romfs:/images/icons/lan-connection-waiting.png"); this->Add(this->topRect); this->Add(this->infoRect); this->Add(this->botRect); this->Add(this->titleImage); this->Add(this->appVersionText); this->Add(this->butText); this->Add(this->pageInfoText); this->Add(this->menu); this->Add(this->infoImage); } void netInstPage::drawMenuItems(bool clearItems) { if (clearItems) this->selectedUrls = {}; if (clearItems) this->alternativeNames = {}; this->menu->ClearItems(); for (auto& url: this->ourUrls) { pu::String itm = inst::util::shortenString(inst::util::formatUrlString(url), 56, true); auto ourEntry = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New(itm); ourEntry->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); ourEntry->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/checkbox-blank-outline.png"); for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < this->selectedUrls.size(); i++) { if (this->selectedUrls[i] == url) { ourEntry->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/check-box-outline.png"); } } this->menu->AddItem(ourEntry); } } void netInstPage::selectTitle(int selectedIndex) { if (this->menu->GetItems()[selectedIndex]->GetIcon() == "romfs:/images/icons/check-box-outline.png") { for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < this->selectedUrls.size(); i++) { if (this->selectedUrls[i] == this->ourUrls[selectedIndex]) this->selectedUrls.erase(this->selectedUrls.begin() + i); } } else this->selectedUrls.push_back(this->ourUrls[selectedIndex]); this->drawMenuItems(false); } void netInstPage::startNetwork() { this->butText->SetText("\ue0e3 Install Over Internet \ue0e2 Help \ue0e1 Cancel "); this->menu->SetVisible(false); this->menu->ClearItems(); this->infoImage->SetVisible(true); mainApp->LoadLayout(mainApp->netinstPage); this->ourUrls = netInstStuff::OnSelected(); if (!this->ourUrls.size()) { mainApp->LoadLayout(mainApp->mainPage); return; } else if (this->ourUrls[0] == "supplyUrl") { std::string keyboardResult; switch (mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Where do you want to install from?", "Press B to cancel", {"URL", "Google Drive"}, false)) { case 0: keyboardResult = inst::util::softwareKeyboard("Enter the Internet address of a file", lastUrl, 500); if (keyboardResult.size() > 0) { lastUrl = keyboardResult; if (inst::util::formatUrlString(keyboardResult) == "" || keyboardResult == "https://" || keyboardResult == "http://") { mainApp->CreateShowDialog("The URL specified is invalid!", "", {"OK"}, false); break; } sourceString = " from URL"; this->selectedUrls = {keyboardResult}; this->startInstall(true); return; } break; case 1: keyboardResult = inst::util::softwareKeyboard("Enter the file ID of a public Google Drive file", lastFileID, 50); if (keyboardResult.size() > 0) { lastFileID = keyboardResult; std::string fileName = inst::util::getDriveFileName(keyboardResult); if (fileName.size() > 0) this->alternativeNames = {fileName}; else this->alternativeNames = {"Google Drive File"}; sourceString = " from Google Drive"; this->selectedUrls = {"https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/" + keyboardResult + "?key=" + inst::config::gAuthKey + "&alt=media"}; this->startInstall(true); return; } break; } this->startNetwork(); return; } else { mainApp->CallForRender(); // If we re-render a few times during this process the main screen won't flicker sourceString = " over local network"; this->pageInfoText->SetText("Select what files you want to install from the server, then press the Plus button!"); this->butText->SetText("\ue0e0 Select File \ue0e3 Select All \ue0ef Install File(s) \ue0e1 Cancel "); this->drawMenuItems(true); this->menu->SetSelectedIndex(0); mainApp->CallForRender(); this->infoImage->SetVisible(false); this->menu->SetVisible(true); } return; } void netInstPage::startInstall(bool urlMode) { int dialogResult = -1; if (this->selectedUrls.size() == 1) { std::string ourUrlString; if (this->alternativeNames.size() > 0) ourUrlString = inst::util::shortenString(this->alternativeNames[0], 32, true); else ourUrlString = inst::util::shortenString(inst::util::formatUrlString(this->selectedUrls[0]), 32, true); dialogResult = mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Where should " + ourUrlString + " be installed to?", "Press B to cancel", {"SD Card", "Internal Storage"}, false); } else dialogResult = mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Where should the selected " + std::to_string(this->selectedUrls.size()) + " files be installed to?", "Press B to cancel", {"SD Card", "Internal Storage"}, false); if (dialogResult == -1 && !urlMode) return; else if (dialogResult == -1 && urlMode) { this->startNetwork(); return; } netInstStuff::installTitleNet(this->selectedUrls, dialogResult, this->alternativeNames, sourceString); return; } void netInstPage::onInput(u64 Down, u64 Up, u64 Held, pu::ui::Touch Pos) { if (Down & KEY_B) { mainApp->LoadLayout(mainApp->mainPage); } if ((Down & KEY_A) || (Up & KEY_TOUCH)) { this->selectTitle(this->menu->GetSelectedIndex()); if (this->menu->GetItems().size() == 1 && this->selectedUrls.size() == 1) { this->startInstall(false); } } if ((Down & KEY_Y)) { if (this->selectedUrls.size() == this->menu->GetItems().size()) this->drawMenuItems(true); else { for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < this->menu->GetItems().size(); i++) { if (this->menu->GetItems()[i]->GetIcon() == "romfs:/images/icons/check-box-outline.png") continue; else this->selectTitle(i); } this->drawMenuItems(false); } } if (Down & KEY_PLUS) { if (this->selectedUrls.size() == 0) { this->selectTitle(this->menu->GetSelectedIndex()); this->startInstall(false); return; } this->startInstall(false); } } }