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synced 2025-03-05 14:57:19 +00:00
507 lines
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507 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018 Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <switch.h>
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <algorithm>
#include <strings.h>
#include "debug.hpp"
#include "fsmitm_utils.hpp"
#include "ini.h"
#include "sha256.h"
static FsFileSystem g_sd_filesystem = {0};
static std::vector<u64> g_mitm_flagged_tids;
static std::vector<u64> g_disable_mitm_flagged_tids;
static std::atomic_bool g_has_initialized = false;
static std::atomic_bool g_has_hid_session = false;
static u64 g_override_key_combination = KEY_R;
static u64 g_override_hbl_tid = 0x010000000000100DULL;
static bool g_override_by_default = true;
/* Static buffer for loader.ini contents at runtime. */
static char g_config_ini_data[0x800];
/* Backup file for CAL0 partition. */
static constexpr size_t ProdinfoSize = 0x8000;
static FsFile g_cal0_file;
static u8 g_cal0_backup[ProdinfoSize];
static bool IsHexadecimal(const char *str) {
while (*str) {
if (isxdigit(*str)) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
void Utils::InitializeSdThreadFunc(void *args) {
/* Get required services. */
Handle tmp_hnd = 0;
static const char * const required_active_services[] = {"pcv", "gpio", "pinmux", "psc:c"};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(required_active_services) / sizeof(required_active_services[0]); i++) {
if (R_FAILED(smGetServiceOriginal(&tmp_hnd, smEncodeName(required_active_services[i])))) {
/* TODO: Panic */
} else {
/* Mount SD. */
while (R_FAILED(fsMountSdcard(&g_sd_filesystem))) {
/* Back up CAL0, if it's not backed up already. */
fsFsCreateDirectory(&g_sd_filesystem, "/atmosphere/automatic_backups");
FsStorage cal0_storage;
char serial_number[0x40] = {0};
if (R_SUCCEEDED(setsysInitialize())) {
char prodinfo_backup_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (strlen(serial_number) > 0) {
snprintf(prodinfo_backup_path, sizeof(prodinfo_backup_path) - 1, "/atmosphere/automatic_backups/%s_PRODINFO.bin", serial_number);
} else {
snprintf(prodinfo_backup_path, sizeof(prodinfo_backup_path) - 1, "/atmosphere/automatic_backups/PRODINFO.bin");
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, prodinfo_backup_path, FS_OPEN_READ | FS_OPEN_WRITE, &g_cal0_file))) {
bool has_auto_backup = false;
size_t read = 0;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFileRead(&g_cal0_file, 0, g_cal0_backup, sizeof(g_cal0_backup), &read)) && read == sizeof(g_cal0_backup)) {
bool is_cal0_valid = true;
is_cal0_valid &= memcmp(g_cal0_backup, "CAL0", 4) == 0;
is_cal0_valid &= memcmp(g_cal0_backup + 0x250, serial_number, 0x18) == 0;
u32 cal0_size = ((u32 *)g_cal0_backup)[2];
is_cal0_valid &= cal0_size + 0x40 <= ProdinfoSize;
if (is_cal0_valid) {
struct sha256_state sha_ctx;
u8 calc_hash[0x20];
sha256_update(&sha_ctx, g_cal0_backup + 0x40, cal0_size);
sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, calc_hash);
is_cal0_valid &= memcmp(calc_hash, g_cal0_backup + 0x20, sizeof(calc_hash)) == 0;
has_auto_backup = is_cal0_valid;
if (!has_auto_backup && R_SUCCEEDED(fsOpenBisStorage(&cal0_storage, BisStorageId_Prodinfo))) {
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsStorageRead(&cal0_storage, 0, g_cal0_backup, ProdinfoSize)) ) {
fsFileSetSize(&g_cal0_file, ProdinfoSize);
fsFileWrite(&g_cal0_file, 0, g_cal0_backup, ProdinfoSize);
/* NOTE: g_cal0_file is intentionally not closed here. This prevents any other process from opening it. */
/* Check for MitM flags. */
FsDir titles_dir;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsOpenDirectory(&g_sd_filesystem, "/atmosphere/titles", FS_DIROPEN_DIRECTORY, &titles_dir))) {
FsDirectoryEntry dir_entry;
FsFile f;
u64 read_entries;
while (R_SUCCEEDED((fsDirRead(&titles_dir, 0, &read_entries, 1, &dir_entry))) && read_entries == 1) {
if (strlen(dir_entry.name) == 0x10 && IsHexadecimal(dir_entry.name)) {
u64 title_id = strtoul(dir_entry.name, NULL, 16);
char title_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
strcpy(title_path, "/atmosphere/titles/");
strcat(title_path, dir_entry.name);
strcat(title_path, "/flags/fsmitm.flag");
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, title_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f))) {
} else {
/* TODO: Deprecate. */
memset(title_path, 0, sizeof(title_path));
strcpy(title_path, "/atmosphere/titles/");
strcat(title_path, dir_entry.name);
strcat(title_path, "/fsmitm.flag");
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, title_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f))) {
memset(title_path, 0, sizeof(title_path));
strcpy(title_path, "/atmosphere/titles/");
strcat(title_path, dir_entry.name);
strcat(title_path, "/flags/fsmitm_disable.flag");
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, title_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f))) {
} else {
/* TODO: Deprecate. */
memset(title_path, 0, sizeof(title_path));
strcpy(title_path, "/atmosphere/titles/");
strcat(title_path, dir_entry.name);
strcat(title_path, "/fsmitm_disable.flag");
if (R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, title_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f))) {
g_has_initialized = true;
void Utils::InitializeHidThreadFunc(void *args) {
while (R_FAILED(hidInitialize())) {
g_has_hid_session = true;
bool Utils::IsSdInitialized() {
return g_has_initialized;
bool Utils::IsHidInitialized() {
return g_has_hid_session;
Result Utils::OpenSdFile(const char *fn, int flags, FsFile *out) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
return fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, fn, flags, out);
Result Utils::OpenSdFileForAtmosphere(u64 title_id, const char *fn, int flags, FsFile *out) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
char path[FS_MAX_PATH];
if (*fn == '/') {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx%s", title_id, fn);
} else {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/%s", title_id, fn);
return fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, path, flags, out);
Result Utils::OpenRomFSSdFile(u64 title_id, const char *fn, int flags, FsFile *out) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
return OpenRomFSFile(&g_sd_filesystem, title_id, fn, flags, out);
Result Utils::OpenSdDir(const char *path, FsDir *out) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
return fsFsOpenDirectory(&g_sd_filesystem, path, FS_DIROPEN_DIRECTORY | FS_DIROPEN_FILE, out);
Result Utils::OpenSdDirForAtmosphere(u64 title_id, const char *path, FsDir *out) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
char safe_path[FS_MAX_PATH];
if (*path == '/') {
snprintf(safe_path, sizeof(safe_path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx%s", title_id, path);
} else {
snprintf(safe_path, sizeof(safe_path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/%s", title_id, path);
return fsFsOpenDirectory(&g_sd_filesystem, safe_path, FS_DIROPEN_DIRECTORY | FS_DIROPEN_FILE, out);
Result Utils::OpenRomFSSdDir(u64 title_id, const char *path, FsDir *out) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
return OpenRomFSDir(&g_sd_filesystem, title_id, path, out);
Result Utils::OpenRomFSFile(FsFileSystem *fs, u64 title_id, const char *fn, int flags, FsFile *out) {
char path[FS_MAX_PATH];
if (*fn == '/') {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/romfs%s", title_id, fn);
} else {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/romfs/%s", title_id, fn);
return fsFsOpenFile(fs, path, flags, out);
Result Utils::OpenRomFSDir(FsFileSystem *fs, u64 title_id, const char *path, FsDir *out) {
char safe_path[FS_MAX_PATH];
if (*path == '/') {
snprintf(safe_path, sizeof(safe_path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/romfs%s", title_id, path);
} else {
snprintf(safe_path, sizeof(safe_path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/romfs/%s", title_id, path);
return fsFsOpenDirectory(fs, safe_path, FS_DIROPEN_DIRECTORY | FS_DIROPEN_FILE, out);
bool Utils::HasSdRomfsContent(u64 title_id) {
/* Check for romfs.bin. */
FsFile data_file;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(Utils::OpenSdFileForAtmosphere(title_id, "romfs.bin", FS_OPEN_READ, &data_file))) {
return true;
/* Check for romfs folder with non-zero content. */
FsDir dir;
if (R_FAILED(Utils::OpenRomFSSdDir(title_id, "", &dir))) {
return false;
FsDirectoryEntry dir_entry;
u64 read_entries;
return R_SUCCEEDED(fsDirRead(&dir, 0, &read_entries, 1, &dir_entry)) && read_entries == 1;
Result Utils::SaveSdFileForAtmosphere(u64 title_id, const char *fn, void *data, size_t size) {
if (!IsSdInitialized()) {
return 0xFA202;
Result rc = 0;
char path[FS_MAX_PATH];
if (*fn == '/') {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx%s", title_id, fn);
} else {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/%s", title_id, fn);
/* Unconditionally create. */
FsFile f;
fsFsCreateFile(&g_sd_filesystem, path, size, 0);
/* Try to open. */
rc = fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, path, FS_OPEN_READ | FS_OPEN_WRITE, &f);
if (R_FAILED(rc)) {
return rc;
/* Always close, if we opened. */
/* Try to make it big enough. */
rc = fsFileSetSize(&f, size);
if (R_FAILED(rc)) {
return rc;
/* Try to write the data. */
rc = fsFileWrite(&f, 0, data, size);
return rc;
bool Utils::HasFlag(u64 tid, const char *flag) {
if (IsSdInitialized()) {
FsFile f;
char flag_path[FS_MAX_PATH];
memset(flag_path, 0, sizeof(flag_path));
snprintf(flag_path, sizeof(flag_path) - 1, "flags/%s.flag", flag);
if (OpenSdFileForAtmosphere(tid, flag_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f)) {
return true;
/* TODO: Deprecate. */
snprintf(flag_path, sizeof(flag_path) - 1, "%s.flag", flag);
if (OpenSdFileForAtmosphere(tid, flag_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f)) {
return true;
return false;
bool Utils::HasGlobalFlag(const char *flag) {
if (IsSdInitialized()) {
FsFile f;
char flag_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
snprintf(flag_path, sizeof(flag_path), "/atmosphere/flags/%s.flag", flag);
if (fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, flag_path, FS_OPEN_READ, &f)) {
return true;
return false;
bool Utils::HasSdMitMFlag(u64 tid) {
if (tid == g_override_hbl_tid) {
return true;
if (IsSdInitialized()) {
return std::find(g_mitm_flagged_tids.begin(), g_mitm_flagged_tids.end(), tid) != g_mitm_flagged_tids.end();
return false;
bool Utils::HasSdDisableMitMFlag(u64 tid) {
if (IsSdInitialized()) {
return std::find(g_disable_mitm_flagged_tids.begin(), g_disable_mitm_flagged_tids.end(), tid) != g_disable_mitm_flagged_tids.end();
return false;
Result Utils::GetKeysDown(u64 *keys) {
if (!Utils::IsHidInitialized()) {
return MAKERESULT(Module_Libnx, LibnxError_InitFail_HID);
*keys = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
return 0x0;
bool Utils::HasOverrideButton(u64 tid) {
if (tid < 0x0100000000010000ULL || !IsSdInitialized()) {
/* Disable button override disable for non-applications. */
return true;
/* Unconditionally refresh loader.ini contents. */
u64 kDown = 0;
bool keys_triggered = (R_SUCCEEDED(GetKeysDown(&kDown)) && ((kDown & g_override_key_combination) != 0));
return IsSdInitialized() && (g_override_by_default ^ keys_triggered);
static int FsMitMIniHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) {
/* Taken and modified, with love, from Rajkosto's implementation. */
if (strcasecmp(section, "config") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(name, "hbl_tid") == 0) {
u64 override_tid = strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
if (override_tid != 0) {
g_override_hbl_tid = override_tid;
} else if (strcasecmp(name, "override_key") == 0) {
if (value[0] == '!') {
g_override_by_default = true;
} else {
g_override_by_default = false;
if (strcasecmp(value, "A") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_A;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "B") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_B;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "X") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_X;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "Y") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_Y;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "LS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_LSTICK;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "RS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_RSTICK;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "L") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_L;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "R") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_R;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "ZL") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_ZL;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "ZR") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_ZR;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "PLUS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_PLUS;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "MINUS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_MINUS;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DLEFT") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DLEFT;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DUP") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DUP;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DRIGHT") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DRIGHT;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DDOWN") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DDOWN;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "SL") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_SL;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "SR") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_SR;
} else {
g_override_key_combination = 0;
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
void Utils::RefreshConfiguration() {
FsFile config_file;
if (R_FAILED(fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, "/atmosphere/loader.ini", FS_OPEN_READ, &config_file))) {
u64 size;
if (R_FAILED(fsFileGetSize(&config_file, &size))) {
size = std::min(size, (decltype(size))0x7FF);
/* Read in string. */
std::fill(g_config_ini_data, g_config_ini_data + 0x800, 0);
size_t r_s;
fsFileRead(&config_file, 0, g_config_ini_data, size, &r_s);
ini_parse_string(g_config_ini_data, FsMitMIniHandler, NULL);
} |