mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 01:49:12 +00:00
216 lines
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216 lines
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__package__ = 'archivebox.config'
import os
import sys
import shutil
from typing import Dict, Optional
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from pydantic import Field, field_validator, model_validator, computed_field
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
from abx.archivebox.base_configset import BaseConfigSet
from .constants import CONSTANTS, PACKAGE_DIR
###################### Config ##########################
class ShellConfig(BaseConfigSet):
DEBUG: bool = Field(default=lambda: '--debug' in sys.argv)
IS_TTY: bool = Field(default=sys.stdout.isatty())
USE_COLOR: bool = Field(default=lambda c: c.IS_TTY)
SHOW_PROGRESS: bool = Field(default=lambda c: c.IS_TTY)
IN_DOCKER: bool = Field(default=False)
IN_QEMU: bool = Field(default=False)
USER: str = Field(default=Path('~').expanduser().resolve().name)
PUID: int = Field(default=os.getuid())
PGID: int = Field(default=os.getgid())
PYTHON_ENCODING: str = Field(default=(sys.__stdout__ or sys.stdout or sys.__stderr__ or sys.stderr).encoding.upper().replace('UTF8', 'UTF-8'))
VERSIONS_AVAILABLE: bool = False # .check_for_update.get_versions_available_on_github(c)},
CAN_UPGRADE: bool = False # .check_for_update.can_upgrade(c)},
def TERM_WIDTH(self) -> int:
if not self.IS_TTY:
return 200
return shutil.get_terminal_size((140, 10)).columns
def COMMIT_HASH(self) -> Optional[str]:
git_dir = PACKAGE_DIR / '../.git'
ref = (git_dir / 'HEAD').read_text().strip().split(' ')[-1]
commit_hash = git_dir.joinpath(ref).read_text().strip()
return commit_hash
except Exception:
return list((PACKAGE_DIR / '../.git/refs/heads/').glob('*'))[0].read_text().strip()
except Exception:
return None
def BUILD_TIME(self) -> str:
if self.IN_DOCKER:
docker_build_end_time = Path('/VERSION.txt').read_text().rsplit('BUILD_END_TIME=')[-1].split('\n', 1)[0]
return docker_build_end_time
src_last_modified_unix_timestamp = (PACKAGE_DIR / 'package.json').stat().st_mtime
return datetime.fromtimestamp(src_last_modified_unix_timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %s')
def validate_not_running_as_root(self):
attempted_command = ' '.join(sys.argv[:3])
if self.PUID == 0 and attempted_command not in ('setup', 'install'):
# stderr('[!] ArchiveBox should never be run as root!', color='red')
# stderr(' For more information, see the security overview documentation:')
# stderr(' https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Security-Overview#do-not-run-as-root')
print('[red][!] ArchiveBox should never be run as root![/red]', file=sys.stderr)
print(' For more information, see the security overview documentation:', file=sys.stderr)
print(' https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Security-Overview#do-not-run-as-root', file=sys.stderr)
if self.IN_DOCKER:
print('[red][!] When using Docker, you must run commands with [green]docker run[/green] instead of [yellow3]docker exec[/yellow3], e.g.:', file=sys.stderr)
print(' docker compose run archivebox {attempted_command}', file=sys.stderr)
print(f' docker run -it -v $PWD/data:/data archivebox/archivebox {attempted_command}', file=sys.stderr)
print(' or:', file=sys.stderr)
print(f' docker compose exec --user=archivebox archivebox /bin/bash -c "archivebox {attempted_command}"', file=sys.stderr)
print(f' docker exec -it --user=archivebox <container id> /bin/bash -c "archivebox {attempted_command}"', file=sys.stderr)
raise SystemExit(2)
# check python locale
if self.PYTHON_ENCODING != 'UTF-8':
print(f'[red][X] Your system is running python3 scripts with a bad locale setting: {self.PYTHON_ENCODING} (it should be UTF-8).[/red]', file=sys.stderr)
print(' To fix it, add the line "export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8" to your ~/.bashrc file (without quotes)', file=sys.stderr)
print(' Or if you\'re using ubuntu/debian, run "dpkg-reconfigure locales"', file=sys.stderr)
print(' Confirm that it\'s fixed by opening a new shell and running:', file=sys.stderr)
print(' python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdout.encoding)" # should output UTF-8', file=sys.stderr)
raise SystemExit(2)
return self
SHELL_CONFIG = ShellConfig()
class StorageConfig(BaseConfigSet):
OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS: str = Field(default='644')
RESTRICT_FILE_NAMES: str = Field(default='windows')
ENFORCE_ATOMIC_WRITES: bool = Field(default=True)
# not supposed to be user settable:
DIR_OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS: str = Field(default=lambda c: c['OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS'].replace('6', '7').replace('4', '5'))
STORAGE_CONFIG = StorageConfig()
class GeneralConfig(BaseConfigSet):
TAG_SEPARATOR_PATTERN: str = Field(default=r'[,]')
GENERAL_CONFIG = GeneralConfig()
class ServerConfig(BaseConfigSet):
SECRET_KEY: str = Field(default=lambda: get_random_string(50, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'))
BIND_ADDR: str = Field(default=lambda: ['', ''][SHELL_CONFIG.IN_DOCKER])
ALLOWED_HOSTS: str = Field(default='*')
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS: str = Field(default=lambda c: 'http://localhost:8000,,,http://{}'.format(c.BIND_ADDR))
SNAPSHOTS_PER_PAGE: int = Field(default=40)
FOOTER_INFO: str = Field(default='Content is hosted for personal archiving purposes only. Contact server owner for any takedown requests.')
# CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR: Path = Field(default=None) # this is now a constant
PUBLIC_INDEX: bool = Field(default=True)
PUBLIC_SNAPSHOTS: bool = Field(default=True)
PUBLIC_ADD_VIEW: bool = Field(default=False)
ADMIN_USERNAME: str = Field(default=None)
ADMIN_PASSWORD: str = Field(default=None)
REVERSE_PROXY_USER_HEADER: str = Field(default='Remote-User')
REVERSE_PROXY_WHITELIST: str = Field(default='')
LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL: str = Field(default='/')
PREVIEW_ORIGINALS: bool = Field(default=True)
SERVER_CONFIG = ServerConfig()
class ArchivingConfig(BaseConfigSet):
ONLY_NEW: bool = Field(default=True)
TIMEOUT: int = Field(default=60)
MEDIA_TIMEOUT: int = Field(default=3600)
MEDIA_MAX_SIZE: str = Field(default='750m')
RESOLUTION: str = Field(default='1440,2000')
CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY: bool = Field(default=True)
USER_AGENT: str = Field(default='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ArchiveBox/{VERSION} (+https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/)')
COOKIES_FILE: Path | None = Field(default=None)
URL_DENYLIST: str = Field(default=r'\.(css|js|otf|ttf|woff|woff2|gstatic\.com|googleapis\.com/css)(\?.*)?$', alias='URL_BLACKLIST')
URL_ALLOWLIST: str | None = Field(default=None, alias='URL_WHITELIST')
# GIT_DOMAINS: str = Field(default='github.com,bitbucket.org,gitlab.com,gist.github.com,codeberg.org,gitea.com,git.sr.ht')
# WGET_USER_AGENT: str = Field(default=lambda c: c['USER_AGENT'] + ' wget/{WGET_VERSION}')
# CURL_USER_AGENT: str = Field(default=lambda c: c['USER_AGENT'] + ' curl/{CURL_VERSION}')
# CHROME_USER_AGENT: str = Field(default=lambda c: c['USER_AGENT'])
# CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR: str | None = Field(default=None)
# CHROME_TIMEOUT: int = Field(default=0)
# CHROME_HEADLESS: bool = Field(default=True)
# CHROME_SANDBOX: bool = Field(default=lambda: not SHELL_CONFIG.IN_DOCKER)
@field_validator('TIMEOUT', mode='after')
def validate_timeout(cls, v):
print(f'[red][!] Warning: TIMEOUT is set too low! (currently set to TIMEOUT={v} seconds)[/red]', file=sys.stderr)
print(' You must allow *at least* 5 seconds for indexing and archive methods to run succesfully.', file=sys.stderr)
print(' (Setting it to somewhere between 30 and 3000 seconds is recommended)', file=sys.stderr)
print(' If you want to make ArchiveBox run faster, disable specific archive methods instead:', file=sys.stderr)
print(' https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration#archive-method-toggles', file=sys.stderr)
return v
@field_validator('CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY', mode='after')
def validate_check_ssl_validity(cls, v):
"""SIDE EFFECT: disable "you really shouldnt disable ssl" warnings emitted by requests"""
if not v:
import requests
import urllib3
return v
ARCHIVING_CONFIG = ArchivingConfig()
class SearchBackendConfig(BaseConfigSet):
USE_INDEXING_BACKEND: bool = Field(default=True)
USE_SEARCHING_BACKEND: bool = Field(default=True)
SEARCH_BACKEND_ENGINE: str = Field(default='ripgrep')
SEARCH_PROCESS_HTML: bool = Field(default=True)
SEARCH_BACKEND_TIMEOUT: int = Field(default=10)
SEARCH_BACKEND_CONFIG = SearchBackendConfig()