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from typing import ClassVar, Type, Iterable
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from statemachine.mixins import MachineMixin
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.functional import classproperty
from statemachine import registry, StateMachine, State
from django.core import checks
class DefaultStatusChoices(models.TextChoices):
QUEUED = 'queued', 'Queued'
STARTED = 'started', 'Started'
SEALED = 'sealed', 'Sealed'
default_status_field: models.CharField = models.CharField(choices=DefaultStatusChoices.choices, max_length=15, default=DefaultStatusChoices.QUEUED, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True)
default_retry_at_field: models.DateTimeField = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now, null=True, blank=True, db_index=True)
ObjectState = State | str
ObjectStateList = Iterable[ObjectState]
class BaseModelWithStateMachine(models.Model, MachineMixin):
id: models.UUIDField
StatusChoices: ClassVar[Type[models.TextChoices]]
# status: models.CharField
# retry_at: models.DateTimeField
state_machine_name: ClassVar[str]
state_field_name: ClassVar[str]
state_machine_attr: ClassVar[str] = 'sm'
bind_events_as_methods: ClassVar[bool] = True
active_state: ClassVar[ObjectState]
retry_at_field_name: ClassVar[str]
class Meta:
abstract = True
def check(cls, sender=None, **kwargs):
errors = super().check(**kwargs)
found_id_field = False
found_status_field = False
found_retry_at_field = False
for field in cls._meta.get_fields():
if getattr(field, '_is_state_field', False):
if cls.state_field_name == field.name:
found_status_field = True
if getattr(field, 'choices', None) != cls.StatusChoices.choices:
f'{cls.__name__}.{field.name} must have choices set to {cls.__name__}.StatusChoices.choices',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.{field.name}.choices = {getattr(field, "choices", None)!r}',
if getattr(field, '_is_retry_at_field', False):
if cls.retry_at_field_name == field.name:
found_retry_at_field = True
if field.name == 'id' and getattr(field, 'primary_key', False):
found_id_field = True
if not found_status_field:
f'{cls.__name__}.state_field_name must be defined and point to a StatusField()',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.state_field_name = {cls.state_field_name!r} but {cls.__name__}.{cls.state_field_name!r} was not found or does not refer to StatusField',
if not found_retry_at_field:
f'{cls.__name__}.retry_at_field_name must be defined and point to a RetryAtField()',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.retry_at_field_name = {cls.retry_at_field_name!r} but {cls.__name__}.{cls.retry_at_field_name!r} was not found or does not refer to RetryAtField',
if not found_id_field:
f'{cls.__name__} must have an id field that is a primary key',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.id = {cls.id!r}',
if not isinstance(cls.state_machine_name, str):
f'{cls.__name__}.state_machine_name must be a dotted-import path to a StateMachine class',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.state_machine_name = {cls.state_machine_name!r}',
except Exception as err:
f'{cls.__name__}.state_machine_name must point to a valid StateMachine class, but got {type(err).__name__} {err} when trying to access {cls.__name__}.StateMachineClass',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.state_machine_name = {cls.state_machine_name!r}',
if cls.INITIAL_STATE not in cls.StatusChoices.values:
f'{cls.__name__}.StateMachineClass.initial_state must be present within {cls.__name__}.StatusChoices',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.StateMachineClass.initial_state = {cls.StateMachineClass.initial_state!r}',
if cls.ACTIVE_STATE not in cls.StatusChoices.values:
f'{cls.__name__}.active_state must be set to a valid State present within {cls.__name__}.StatusChoices',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.active_state = {cls.active_state!r}',
for state in cls.FINAL_STATES:
if state not in cls.StatusChoices.values:
f'{cls.__name__}.StateMachineClass.final_states must all be present within {cls.__name__}.StatusChoices',
hint=f'{cls.__name__}.StateMachineClass.final_states = {cls.StateMachineClass.final_states!r}',
return errors
def _state_to_str(state: ObjectState) -> str:
"""Convert a statemachine.State, models.TextChoices.choices value, or Enum value to a str"""
return str(state.value) if isinstance(state, State) else str(state)
def RETRY_AT(self) -> datetime:
return getattr(self, self.retry_at_field_name)
def RETRY_AT(self, value: datetime):
setattr(self, self.retry_at_field_name, value)
def STATE(self) -> str:
return getattr(self, self.state_field_name)
def STATE(self, value: str):
setattr(self, self.state_field_name, value)
def bump_retry_at(self, seconds: int = 10):
self.RETRY_AT = timezone.now() + timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def ACTIVE_STATE(cls) -> str:
return cls._state_to_str(cls.active_state)
def INITIAL_STATE(cls) -> str:
return cls._state_to_str(cls.StateMachineClass.initial_state)
def FINAL_STATES(cls) -> list[str]:
return [cls._state_to_str(state) for state in cls.StateMachineClass.final_states]
def FINAL_OR_ACTIVE_STATES(cls) -> list[str]:
return [*cls.FINAL_STATES, cls.ACTIVE_STATE]
def extend_choices(cls, base_choices: Type[models.TextChoices]):
Decorator to extend the base choices with extra choices, e.g.:
class MyModel(ModelWithStateMachine):
class StatusChoices(models.TextChoices):
SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded'
FAILED = 'failed'
SKIPPED = 'skipped'
assert issubclass(base_choices, models.TextChoices), f'@extend_choices(base_choices) must be a TextChoices class, not {base_choices.__name__}'
def wrapper(extra_choices: Type[models.TextChoices]) -> Type[models.TextChoices]:
joined = {}
for item in base_choices.choices:
joined[item[0]] = item[1]
for item in extra_choices.choices:
joined[item[0]] = item[1]
return models.TextChoices('StatusChoices', joined)
return wrapper
def StatusField(cls, **kwargs) -> models.CharField:
Used on subclasses to extend/modify the status field with updated kwargs. e.g.:
class MyModel(ModelWithStateMachine):
class StatusChoices(ModelWithStateMachine.StatusChoices):
QUEUED = 'queued', 'Queued'
STARTED = 'started', 'Started'
SEALED = 'sealed', 'Sealed'
BACKOFF = 'backoff', 'Backoff'
FAILED = 'failed', 'Failed'
SKIPPED = 'skipped', 'Skipped'
status = ModelWithStateMachine.StatusField(choices=StatusChoices.choices, default=StatusChoices.QUEUED)
default_kwargs = default_status_field.deconstruct()[3]
updated_kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}
field = models.CharField(**updated_kwargs)
field._is_state_field = True # type: ignore
return field
def RetryAtField(cls, **kwargs) -> models.DateTimeField:
Used on subclasses to extend/modify the retry_at field with updated kwargs. e.g.:
class MyModel(ModelWithStateMachine):
retry_at = ModelWithStateMachine.RetryAtField(editable=False)
default_kwargs = default_retry_at_field.deconstruct()[3]
updated_kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}
field = models.DateTimeField(**updated_kwargs)
field._is_retry_at_field = True # type: ignore
return field
def StateMachineClass(cls) -> Type[StateMachine]:
"""Get the StateMachine class for the given django Model that inherits from MachineMixin"""
model_state_machine_name = getattr(cls, 'state_machine_name', None)
if model_state_machine_name:
StateMachineCls = registry.get_machine_cls(model_state_machine_name)
assert issubclass(StateMachineCls, StateMachine)
return StateMachineCls
raise NotImplementedError(f'ActorType[{cls.__name__}] must define .state_machine_name: str that points to a valid StateMachine')
# @classproperty
# def final_q(cls) -> Q:
# """Get the filter for objects that are in a final state"""
# return Q(**{f'{cls.state_field_name}__in': cls.final_states})
# @classproperty
# def active_q(cls) -> Q:
# """Get the filter for objects that are actively processing right now"""
# return Q(**{cls.state_field_name: cls._state_to_str(cls.active_state)}) # e.g. Q(status='started')
# @classproperty
# def stalled_q(cls) -> Q:
# """Get the filter for objects that are marked active but have timed out"""
# return cls.active_q & Q(retry_at__lte=timezone.now()) # e.g. Q(status='started') AND Q(<retry_at is in the past>)
# @classproperty
# def future_q(cls) -> Q:
# """Get the filter for objects that have a retry_at in the future"""
# return Q(retry_at__gt=timezone.now())
# @classproperty
# def pending_q(cls) -> Q:
# """Get the filter for objects that are ready for processing."""
# return ~(cls.active_q) & ~(cls.final_q) & ~(cls.future_q)
# @classmethod
# def get_queue(cls) -> QuerySet:
# """
# Get the sorted and filtered QuerySet of objects that are ready for processing.
# e.g. qs.exclude(status__in=('sealed', 'started'), retry_at__gt=timezone.now()).order_by('retry_at')
# """
# return cls.objects.filter(cls.pending_q)
class ModelWithStateMachine(BaseModelWithStateMachine):
StatusChoices: ClassVar[Type[DefaultStatusChoices]] = DefaultStatusChoices
status: models.CharField = BaseModelWithStateMachine.StatusField()
retry_at: models.DateTimeField = BaseModelWithStateMachine.RetryAtField()
state_machine_name: ClassVar[str] # e.g. 'core.statemachines.ArchiveResultMachine'
state_field_name: ClassVar[str] = 'status'
state_machine_attr: ClassVar[str] = 'sm'
bind_events_as_methods: ClassVar[bool] = True
active_state: ClassVar[str] = StatusChoices.STARTED
retry_at_field_name: ClassVar[str] = 'retry_at'
class Meta:
abstract = True