mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 14:22:29 +00:00
206 lines
6.9 KiB
206 lines
6.9 KiB
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from .schema import Link, ArchiveResult
from .config import ANSI, OUTPUT_DIR
class RuntimeStats:
"""mutable stats counter for logging archiving timing info to CLI output"""
skipped: int = 0
succeeded: int = 0
failed: int = 0
parse_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None
parse_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None
index_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None
index_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None
archiving_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None
archiving_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None
# globals are bad, mmkay
_LAST_RUN_STATS = RuntimeStats()
def pretty_path(path: str) -> str:
"""convert paths like .../ArchiveBox/archivebox/../output/abc into output/abc"""
pwd = os.path.abspath('.')
# parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pwd, os.path.pardir))
return path.replace(pwd + '/', './')
### Parsing Stage
def log_parsing_started(source_file: str):
start_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.parse_start_ts = start_ts
print('{green}[*] [{}] Parsing new links from output/sources/{}...{reset}'.format(
start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
source_file.rsplit('/', 1)[-1],
def log_parsing_finished(num_parsed: int, num_new_links: int, parser_name: str):
end_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.parse_end_ts = end_ts
print(' > Parsed {} links as {} ({} new links added)'.format(num_parsed, parser_name, num_new_links))
### Indexing Stage
def log_indexing_process_started():
start_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.index_start_ts = start_ts
print('{green}[*] [{}] Saving main index files...{reset}'.format(
start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
def log_indexing_started(out_dir: str, out_file: str):
sys.stdout.write(' > {}/{}'.format(pretty_path(out_dir), out_file))
def log_indexing_finished(out_dir: str, out_file: str):
end_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.index_end_ts = end_ts
print('\r √ {}/{}'.format(pretty_path(out_dir), out_file))
### Archiving Stage
def log_archiving_started(num_links: int, resume: Optional[float]):
start_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts = start_ts
if resume:
print('{green}[▶] [{}] Resuming archive updating for {} pages starting from {}...{reset}'.format(
start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
print('{green}[▶] [{}] Updating content for {} pages in archive...{reset}'.format(
start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
def log_archiving_paused(num_links: int, idx: int, timestamp: str):
end_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_end_ts = end_ts
print('\n{lightyellow}[X] [{now}] Downloading paused on link {timestamp} ({idx}/{total}){reset}'.format(
now=end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
print(' To view your archive, open:')
print(' {}/index.html'.format(OUTPUT_DIR))
print(' Continue archiving where you left off by running:')
print(' archivebox {}'.format(timestamp))
def log_archiving_finished(num_links: int):
end_ts = datetime.now()
_LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_end_ts = end_ts
assert _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts is not None
seconds = end_ts.timestamp() - _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts.timestamp()
if seconds > 60:
duration = '{0:.2f} min'.format(seconds / 60, 2)
duration = '{0:.2f} sec'.format(seconds, 2)
print('{}[√] [{}] Update of {} pages complete ({}){}'.format(
end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
print(' - {} links skipped'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.skipped))
print(' - {} links updated'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.succeeded))
print(' - {} links had errors'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.failed))
print(' To view your archive, open:')
print(' {}/index.html'.format(OUTPUT_DIR))
def log_link_archiving_started(link: Link, link_dir: str, is_new: bool):
# [*] [2019-03-22 13:46:45] "Log Structured Merge Trees - ben stopford"
# http://www.benstopford.com/2015/02/14/log-structured-merge-trees/
# > output/archive/1478739709
print('\n[{symbol_color}{symbol}{reset}] [{symbol_color}{now}{reset}] "{title}"'.format(
symbol_color=ANSI['green' if is_new else 'black'],
symbol='+' if is_new else '√',
now=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
title=link.title or link.base_url,
print(' {blue}{url}{reset}'.format(url=link.url, **ANSI))
print(' {} {}'.format(
'>' if is_new else '√',
def log_link_archiving_finished(link: Link, link_dir: str, is_new: bool, stats: dict):
total = sum(stats.values())
if stats['failed'] > 0 :
_LAST_RUN_STATS.failed += 1
elif stats['skipped'] == total:
_LAST_RUN_STATS.skipped += 1
_LAST_RUN_STATS.succeeded += 1
def log_archive_method_started(method: str):
print(' > {}'.format(method))
def log_archive_method_finished(result: ArchiveResult):
"""quote the argument with whitespace in a command so the user can
copy-paste the outputted string directly to run the cmd
# Prettify CMD string and make it safe to copy-paste by quoting arguments
quoted_cmd = ' '.join(
'"{}"'.format(arg) if ' ' in arg else arg
for arg in result.cmd
if result.status == 'failed':
# Prettify error output hints string and limit to five lines
hints = getattr(result.output, 'hints', None) or ()
if hints:
hints = hints if isinstance(hints, (list, tuple)) else hints.split('\n')
hints = (
' {}{}{}'.format(ANSI['lightyellow'], line.strip(), ANSI['reset'])
for line in hints[:5] if line.strip()
# Collect and prefix output lines with indentation
output_lines = [
' {reset}{} {red}{}{reset}'.format(
result.output.__class__.__name__.replace('ArchiveError', ''),
'{}Run to see full output:{}'.format(ANSI['lightred'], ANSI['reset']),
*([' cd {};'.format(result.pwd)] if result.pwd else []),
' {}'.format(quoted_cmd),
' {}'.format(line)
for line in output_lines
if line