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synced 2025-02-16 13:28:29 +00:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
__package__ = 'archivebox.cli'
__command__ = 'archivebox add'
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import rich_click as click
from django.utils import timezone
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from archivebox.misc.util import enforce_types, docstring
from archivebox import CONSTANTS
from archivebox.config.common import ARCHIVING_CONFIG
from archivebox.config.django import setup_django
from archivebox.config.permissions import USER, HOSTNAME
from archivebox.misc.checks import check_data_folder
from archivebox.parsers import PARSERS
from core.models import Snapshot
def add(urls: str | list[str],
depth: int | str=0,
tag: str='',
parser: str="auto",
extract: str="",
persona: str='Default',
overwrite: bool=False,
index_only: bool=False,
bg: bool=False,
created_by_id: int | None=None) -> QuerySet['Snapshot']:
"""Add a new URL or list of URLs to your archive"""
depth = int(depth)
assert depth in (0, 1), 'Depth must be 0 or 1 (depth >1 is not supported yet)'
# 0. setup abx, django, check_data_folder
# then import models once django is set up
from crawls.models import Seed, Crawl
from workers.orchestrator import Orchestrator
from archivebox.base_models.models import get_or_create_system_user_pk
created_by_id = created_by_id or get_or_create_system_user_pk()
# 1. save the provided urls to sources/2024-11-05__23-59-59__cli_add.txt
sources_file = CONSTANTS.SOURCES_DIR / f'{timezone.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d__%H-%M-%S")}__cli_add.txt'
sources_file.write_text(urls if isinstance(urls, str) else '\n'.join(urls))
# 2. create a new Seed pointing to the sources/2024-11-05__23-59-59__cli_add.txt
cli_args = [*sys.argv]
if cli_args[0].lower().endswith('archivebox'):
cli_args[0] = 'archivebox' # full path to archivebox bin to just archivebox e.g. /Volumes/NVME/Users/squash/archivebox/.venv/bin/archivebox -> archivebox
cmd_str = ' '.join(cli_args)
seed = Seed.from_file(sources_file, label=f'{USER}@{HOSTNAME} $ {cmd_str}', parser=parser, tag=tag, created_by=created_by_id, config={
'ONLY_NEW': not update,
'INDEX_ONLY': index_only,
'OVERWRITE': overwrite,
'EXTRACTORS': extract,
'DEFAULT_PERSONA': persona or 'Default',
# 3. create a new Crawl pointing to the Seed
crawl = Crawl.from_seed(seed, max_depth=depth)
# 4. start the Orchestrator & wait until it completes
# ... orchestrator will create the root Snapshot, which creates pending ArchiveResults, which gets run by the ArchiveResultActors ...
# from crawls.actors import CrawlActor
# from core.actors import SnapshotActor, ArchiveResultActor
if not bg:
orchestrator = Orchestrator(exit_on_idle=True, max_concurrent_actors=4)
# 5. return the list of new Snapshots created
return crawl.snapshot_set.all()
@click.option('--depth', '-d', type=click.Choice(('0', '1')), default='0', help='Recursively archive linked pages up to N hops away')
@click.option('--tag', '-t', default='', help='Comma-separated list of tags to add to each snapshot e.g. tag1,tag2,tag3')
@click.option('--parser', type=click.Choice(['auto', *PARSERS.keys()]), default='auto', help='Parser for reading input URLs')
@click.option('--extract', '-e', default='', help='Comma-separated list of extractors to use e.g. title,favicon,screenshot,singlefile,...')
@click.option('--persona', default='Default', help='Authentication profile to use when archiving')
@click.option('--overwrite', '-F', is_flag=True, help='Overwrite existing data if URLs have been archived previously')
@click.option('--update', is_flag=True, default=ARCHIVING_CONFIG.ONLY_NEW, help='Retry any previously skipped/failed URLs when re-adding them')
@click.option('--index-only', is_flag=True, help='Just add the URLs to the index without archiving them now')
# @click.option('--update-all', is_flag=True, help='Update ALL links in index when finished adding new ones')
@click.option('--bg', is_flag=True, help='Run crawl in background worker instead of immediately')
@click.argument('urls', nargs=-1, type=click.Path())
def main(**kwargs):
"""Add a new URL or list of URLs to your archive"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
# def add(urls: Union[str, List[str]],
# tag: str='',
# depth: int=0,
# update: bool=not ARCHIVING_CONFIG.ONLY_NEW,
# update_all: bool=False,
# index_only: bool=False,
# overwrite: bool=False,
# # duplicate: bool=False, # TODO: reuse the logic from admin.py resnapshot to allow adding multiple snapshots by appending timestamp automatically
# init: bool=False,
# extractors: str="",
# parser: str="auto",
# created_by_id: int | None=None,
# out_dir: Path=DATA_DIR) -> List[Link]:
# """Add a new URL or list of URLs to your archive"""
# from core.models import Snapshot, Tag
# # from workers.supervisord_util import start_cli_workers, tail_worker_logs
# # from workers.tasks import bg_archive_link
# assert depth in (0, 1), 'Depth must be 0 or 1 (depth >1 is not supported yet)'
# extractors = extractors.split(",") if extractors else []
# if init:
# run_subcommand('init', stdin=None, pwd=out_dir)
# # Load list of links from the existing index
# check_data_folder()
# # worker = start_cli_workers()
# new_links: List[Link] = []
# all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir)
# log_importing_started(urls=urls, depth=depth, index_only=index_only)
# if isinstance(urls, str):
# # save verbatim stdin to sources
# write_ahead_log = save_text_as_source(urls, filename='{ts}-import.txt', out_dir=out_dir)
# elif isinstance(urls, list):
# # save verbatim args to sources
# write_ahead_log = save_text_as_source('\n'.join(urls), filename='{ts}-import.txt', out_dir=out_dir)
# new_links += parse_links_from_source(write_ahead_log, root_url=None, parser=parser)
# # If we're going one level deeper, download each link and look for more links
# new_links_depth = []
# if new_links and depth == 1:
# log_crawl_started(new_links)
# for new_link in new_links:
# try:
# downloaded_file = save_file_as_source(new_link.url, filename=f'{new_link.timestamp}-crawl-{new_link.domain}.txt', out_dir=out_dir)
# new_links_depth += parse_links_from_source(downloaded_file, root_url=new_link.url)
# except Exception as err:
# stderr('[!] Failed to get contents of URL {new_link.url}', err, color='red')
# imported_links = list({link.url: link for link in (new_links + new_links_depth)}.values())
# new_links = dedupe_links(all_links, imported_links)
# write_main_index(links=new_links, out_dir=out_dir, created_by_id=created_by_id)
# all_links = load_main_index(out_dir=out_dir)
# tags = [
# Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=name.strip(), defaults={'created_by_id': created_by_id})[0]
# for name in tag.split(',')
# if name.strip()
# ]
# if tags:
# for link in imported_links:
# snapshot = Snapshot.objects.get(url=link.url)
# snapshot.tags.add(*tags)
# snapshot.tags_str(nocache=True)
# snapshot.save()
# # print(f' √ Tagged {len(imported_links)} Snapshots with {len(tags)} tags {tags_str}')
# if index_only:
# # mock archive all the links using the fake index_only extractor method in order to update their state
# if overwrite:
# archive_links(imported_links, overwrite=overwrite, methods=['index_only'], out_dir=out_dir, created_by_id=created_by_id)
# else:
# archive_links(new_links, overwrite=False, methods=['index_only'], out_dir=out_dir, created_by_id=created_by_id)
# else:
# # fully run the archive extractor methods for each link
# archive_kwargs = {
# "out_dir": out_dir,
# "created_by_id": created_by_id,
# }
# if extractors:
# archive_kwargs["methods"] = extractors
# stderr()
# ts = datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# if update:
# stderr(f'[*] [{ts}] Archiving + updating {len(imported_links)}/{len(all_links)}', len(imported_links), 'URLs from added set...', color='green')
# archive_links(imported_links, overwrite=overwrite, **archive_kwargs)
# elif update_all:
# stderr(f'[*] [{ts}] Archiving + updating {len(all_links)}/{len(all_links)}', len(all_links), 'URLs from entire library...', color='green')
# archive_links(all_links, overwrite=overwrite, **archive_kwargs)
# elif overwrite:
# stderr(f'[*] [{ts}] Archiving + overwriting {len(imported_links)}/{len(all_links)}', len(imported_links), 'URLs from added set...', color='green')
# archive_links(imported_links, overwrite=True, **archive_kwargs)
# elif new_links:
# stderr(f'[*] [{ts}] Archiving {len(new_links)}/{len(all_links)} URLs from added set...', color='green')
# archive_links(new_links, overwrite=False, **archive_kwargs)
# # tail_worker_logs(worker['stdout_logfile'])
# # hint(f"There's a new version of ArchiveBox available! Your current version is {VERSION}. You can upgrade to {VERSIONS_AVAILABLE['recommended_version']['tag_name']} ({VERSIONS_AVAILABLE['recommended_version']['html_url']}). For more on how to upgrade: https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Upgrading-or-Merging-Archives\n")
# return new_links